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Which do you hate the most?  

287 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you hate the most?

    • Macross 7 - Basara and clown-faced valks with boobs
    • Macross II - no Kawamori = not Macross
    • Neither - I'm a consumer whore and will buy anything Macross

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Posted (edited)

I wonder how many people who hate either show have really EVER watched them... I used to say Macross 7 was crap... but I saw it entirely (including 1 of the OVAS and the Encore). I must say that, while I still like the other Macross shows more, it is not as bad as I thought... In fact, I've come to accept this series over the years and like the mecha (the VF-19, VF-22, The Quaedlunn Ouilqua and the Varauta Mecha above all) and some of the characters a lot (Exsedol Folmo and Max mostly, hehe)... "Fleet of The Strongest Women" was kewl and funny too, hehe... ^_^

I saw the Macross II Movie. I liked the designs and the animated film since the first time I saw it. I'm kind of surprised it wasn't included in the continuity by Studio Nue (anything is possible if u want to, hehe)... I'm a fan of Shoji Kawamori's work, but the designs by Ohata Koichi hit the spot right for me at least, hehe... :lol:

Edited by Kronnang Dunn

Even I don't hate II as much as I used to, but by no means see it as something that should be included in the main story canon.

  aerocombatpilot said:
I AM SORRY, BUT A STORY ABOUT THE WAR BETWEEN HUMANS AND PROTODEVILINS TOLD FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF FIREBOMBER IS LIKE TELLING ABOUT THE CLONE WARS FROM THE VIEW POINT OF THE MOS EISLEY CANTINA BAND! I realize that Mr. Kawamori wanted to every Macross story different from the others, and with Macross 7 I think he succeded. Macross 7 is very different from the original Macross and I don't think that was a "good" thing. ^_^

Given the analogous relationships between Mac 7 and the Star Wars Prequels to SDF and the Original Trilogy, please don't give George Lucas any more ideas. :ph34r:


I've watched all of Macross 7 (TV series, OVA, and movie), as well as the Macross II Movie which I still have somewhere on VHS... I strongly dislike Macross II and have disliked it since I first watched it. I did like some of Mikimoto's character designs, and I loved the music. But the story and mecha design was ick. :p

Macross 7 has enough of its own problems on the other hand. I still overall liked it, even if I cringed a lot.

  Gubaba said:
Of course you can! That's what this place is for, of course. ^_^

But, pretty much, it all comes down to two points:

1) Macross II is a thinly veiled rehash of DYRL with substandard characters and boring plot. But man, that VF-2 looks great!

*Sigh--Rummages through his storage trunk and pulls out his old mace and shield for the sake of the newbs*

Ah, the same tired old weak statement from the M7 camp....

One statement- "Prove it!"

  Gubaba said:
2) Macross 7...Valks with faces, too much Fire Bomber, space monsters, goofiness..BLEH!

True. If you throw away the first season, it's actually palatable.

  Gubaba said:
Submitted for your approval...we try to come up with NEW reasons for disliking each series, something which Macrossworld has never seen before.


For Macross II:

a) Macross II was way too long.

On the contrary, too short. Way too many threads left dangling.

  Gubaba said:
b) Wendy Ryder was such an interesting character, yet they barely used her.

See above

  Gubaba said:
c) Why didn't the destroy the Macross's bridge? I want to see the WHOLE THING go up in flames!

Can't explain that except the heros had to live.

  Gubaba said:
d) The BGM sounds too much like Evangelion. (True, BTW... :lol: )

Exception sir, Mac II predates Evangelion by 3 years, thus the Evangelion OST sounds too much like the Mac II soundtrack. :rolleyes:

  Gubaba said:
e) WTF??? Flying, transforming robots? Music? A F^%$IN' LOVE TRIANGLE??? This isn't what I watch Macross for!

I hope you are being facetious...

  Gubaba said:
For Macross 7:

a) An episode without Planet Dance is an episode wasted.

What was that a episode WITH Planet Dance is wasted?

  Gubaba said:
b) Basara is tough, rugged, and manly to the point that the whole story becomes unbelievable.

c) TOO MUCH MAX AND MILLIA! Instead of having so much about them, the series should've had more scenes of Michael's comedic bumbling.

d) The Protodeviln are too scary. I have to hide behind the sofa during their scenes!

e) A gaint robot show told from the persepctive of a rock band? *yawn* That's a TOTAL rip-off of Gundam 0083!

Just because we are opinionated doesn't mean we have to be boring about it! C'mon! Strut yer stuff!

OK, now I KNOW you are being facetious... :p

Posted (edited)
  Kronnang Dunn said:
I saw the Macross II Movie. I liked the designs and the animated film since the first time I saw it. I'm kind of surprised it wasn't included in the continuity by Studio Nue (anything is possible if u want to, hehe)... I'm a fan of Shoji Kawamori's work, but the designs by Ohata Koichi hit the spot right for me at least, hehe... :lol:

The story and setting of MacII would have to be changed for it to be included. It is too limiting for the universe to have the Earth remain so sparsly populated after 60 years and technical advancements to be so few. The diversion of the MacII fighter designs from the Nue continuity designs would have to be explained as well.

For it to be a remote colony world cut off from the Galaxy Network of the UNG and UNS, would be a reasonable start. The era it takes place in would have to be substantially reeled in since the VF-2 designs are a hybrid of the VF-1 and the VF-4 and nothing that came after them, with an exception in similarity to the VF-3000. Which also ties into the notion that after 60 years they were only able to come up with 5 main fighter designs (VF-1, VF-4, VF-2SS, VF-2JA & MS)? Unlikely.

Edited by Zinjo
Posted (edited)

I'm such a filthy, filthy dirty whore who needs to be punished. :unsure:

I hate niether.

Edited by SkullLeaderVF-X
  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
I hate niether.

I'm in the same boat. MacII is probably my least favorite Macross series overall, but I think most of that is due to high expectations when it was released. When I watched it again recently, I decided that, while it was far from great, it certainly wasn't out-and-out bad.

Macross 7 definitely wasn't bad either.

BUT (in keeeping with my earlier pledge for NEW reasons to dislike them), my main problem with both of them is that Minmay's little cousin Yotchan is not the star of either series.

We need a series about Yotchan, dammit!

Posted (edited)
  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
I hate niether.

  Gubaba said:
I'm in the same boat. MacII is probably my least favorite Macross series overall, but I think most of that is due to high expectations when it was released. When I watched it again recently, I decided that, while it was far from great, it certainly wasn't out-and-out bad.

The thread title/question is leading and leaves no room for people who actually do like both II and 7 despite both being considered the bottom rung of Macross shows.

Perhaps it would have been better if the thread was a discussion of both shows in light of both being considered the inferior shows, however I fear such a thread would eventually be filled up with haters and flamers alike.

Edited by d3v
  d3v said:
The thread title/question is leading and leaves no room for people who actually do like both II and 7 despite both being considered the bottom rung of Macross shows.

Perhaps it would have been better if the thread was a discussion of both shows in light of both being considered the inferior shows, however I fear such a thread would eventually be filled up with haters and flamers alike.

Both show has pro and cons, although I must admit that I'm very annoyed with Basara singing in M7, I like how the story develop around him. For M2, well, Wendy Ryder and Metal Siren ftw ^_^

  d3v said:
The thread title/question is leading and leaves no room for people who actually do like both II and 7 despite both being considered the bottom rung of Macross shows.

Perhaps it would have been better if the thread was a discussion of both shows in light of both being considered the inferior shows, however I fear such a thread would eventually be filled up with haters and flamers alike.

I tried to look at it as a question of "Which do you like more?" rather than "Which do you hate most?"

And I have to admit...Macross II threads tend to get pretty positive responses, and keeping any thread about Macross 7 on topic became a LOT easier after Agent ONE got banned...


Okay, rephrasing it. I like Macross 7 better than Macross II.

I like some character designs in MII, the music was awesome... And, uh that's it for me.

I like most of the character designs in M7, the music was fantastic (though Planet Dance got monotonously repetitive), had enough story to keep me interested in seeing what would happen next, loved some of the mecha, and mmmmmmmm Emiria... :D It was interesting to see more Max and Miria, despite how Miria often times made me cringe. And M& brought us the VF-17, VF-14, VF-19P, VF-22, and VF-5000 valkyries. :)

Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
I tried to look at it as a question of "Which do you like more?" rather than "Which do you hate most?"

And I have to admit...Macross II threads tend to get pretty positive responses, and keeping any thread about Macross 7 on topic became a LOT easier after Agent ONE got banned...

Wow I didn't even know Agent one was banned.Man I'v been gone for a looong time.

I like Mac II as a standalone series. I know it's not canon or anything, but hell I still like it, and Ishtar puts the "F" in "FINE".

M7 I went in with a opened mind ( I just barly found out that Macross and Robotech were different entities after seeing M+), so it was a deculture shock to see that there was alot more Macross the what HG had. After M7 and M+ I found this site like a lost little sheep separated from the heard, only to find my flock. I then soon found out about the whole copyright debacle, and took a side as a Macross fan rather then a Robotech or Robotech and Macross fan. That is not to say I don't hold a place in my heart for robotech, with out I would probably never have become a Macross fan, or it could have taking me a lot longer to find out about it. The place in my for Robotech is only there for nostalgic reasons, unfortunately nostalgia always seems to make things seem better then what they actually were. Plus, thanks to the M7 movie I got to witness the beauty of Emillia.

Edited by SkullLeaderVF-X

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