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Save me digging thru a bunch of websites and fill me in on these questions please:

1) WTF are the angels? Why do they always go straight for Nerv HQ?

2) WTF are the Evas, clones of Adam or Eve or something? Is Eva01 Shinji's mom?

3) WTF is Rei, clones of some orginal kid floating in goo somewhere?

4) WTF is second impact?

I'm sure someone here know the generally accepted answers to these so spill it.


I started Eva but couldn't stand it so I never finished so I have another question to add to these:

If these things are so Fukin evil why did they name them "Angels?"

Posted (edited)
  glane21 said:
Save me digging thru a bunch of websites and fill me in on these questions please:

1) WTF are the angels?  Why do they always go straight for Nerv HQ?

2) WTF are the Evas, clones of Adam or Eve or something?  Is Eva01 Shinji's mom?

3) WTF is Rei, clones of some orginal kid floating in goo somewhere?

4) WTF is second impact?

I'm sure someone here know the generally accepted answers to these so spill it.

OK, here goes...

The Angels are just that. They are big monsters sent to Earth to destory NERV HQ to bring about the second impact. EDIT - The reason that destroying NERV headquarters will bring about the end of the world is that NERV is built within a giant subterranean cavity in the earth that turns out to be the egg of Lilith, which is the big angel they have on ice down there with the Lance of Longinus keeping her from escaping.

To jump ahead, Second Impact is the end of the world. NERV is trying to stop this from happening, however, Gendo (Shinji's father) is working secretly with SEELE trying to MAKE it happen.

The EVA's are basically embued with the living spirits of the mothers of the children who pilot them. That is why EVA01 moves by itself in the first episode to protect Shinji, and why Asuka is so tied to her EVA. It basically is what allows the children to bond with, and control the EVA's so well. Hence, the 1st child 2nd child etc. There were only a few female scientists who gave their lives and allowed themselves to become the EVA's, and as such, only a few children can pilot said EVA's.

Rei is a clone of Shinji's mother, and Gendo's dead wife. That is why he is so attached to her, and protects her so much. He cloned her because he could not bear to live without her, and the reason he is trying to bring about Second Impact is so he can be one with her in the Implementation project, that is, the big sea of goo and consciousness where all things are one.

I think that about covers it.

Check this link for more info, this dude pretty much has the series down pat...


Edited by Mechamaniac

We really don't neeed another EVA thread. You can search google and get 1001 sites that tell you the same answers. <_< Not really hard in looking. No digging required even.

Anyway to refine mechamaniac's answers:


The Angels are just that. They are big monsters sent to Earth to destory NERV HQ to bring about the second impact. EDIT - The reason that destroying NERV headquarters will bring about the end of the world is that NERV is built within a giant subterranean cavity in the earth that turns out to be the egg of Lilith, which is the big angel they have on ice down there with the Lance of Longinus keeping her from escaping.

Angels are beings which need to return to their source which is Adam (human's source is Lilith). They attack NERV HQ because Adam is in it. Once they come in contact with Adam, the 3RD Impact will happen. 2nd impact happened in 1999 IIRC which decimated most of the world. Now you might ask why did the 1st 4-5 angels attacked NERV HQ when Adamn wasn't even in the base. Some people have a theory that they faked Adam's presence in Dogma Sigma with Lilith and the Spear....when Adam was actually in another NERV base in Germany. Thus why Kaoworu (Tabris) only found out that Lilith isn't Adam just when he's face to face with her.


The EVA's are basically embued with the living spirits of the mothers of the children who pilot them. That is why EVA01 moves by itself in the first episode to protect Shinji, and why Asuka is so tied to her EVA. It basically is what allows the children to bond with, and control the EVA's so well. Hence, the 1st child 2nd child etc. There were only a few female scientists who gave their lives and allowed themselves to become the EVA's, and as such, only a few children can pilot said EVA's.

I think it just so happened that EVA01 had his mom's soul, which Shinji's mom synced with during a training exercise. I don't think EVA02 had Asuka's mom's soul thus why EVA01 was the only EVA to seem to have a life of its own....much to the amazement of Gendou and the rest of NERV command.


Rei is a clone of Shinji's mother, and Gendo's dead wife. That is why he is so attached to her, and protects her so much. He cloned her because he could not bear to live without her, and the reason he is trying to bring about Second Impact is so he can be one with her in the Implementation project, that is, the big sea of goo and consciousness where all things are one.

Uhhh...Shinji's mother IS Gendou's dead wife. :huh: I think you meant to say that Rei was cloned from cells of Yui Ikari and Lilith. The rest about covers it....except i doubt the "couldn't live without her" part. Gendou wanted Instrumentality, and he'll get there sacrificing anybody he has to. Yui, Shinji, the world.


To jump ahead, Second Impact is the end of the world. NERV is trying to stop this from happening, however, Gendo (Shinji's father) is working secretly with SEELE trying to MAKE it happen.

Not quite. 2nd Impact is the one where Adam appeared in the antartic, then he was shrunk to Embryo size. In that process, a huge amount of energy was released since Adam's new vessel couldn't contain the power he had. What resulted was a catastrophic explosion which decimated the world. This is the 2nd impact. The 1st impact is believed to be the 1st catastrophic event of the world, which was the flooding of the world during the time of Noah's Ark.

Gendou was originally part of SEELE, trying to realise the 3rd Impact by defeating all 17 angels, and raise humans to the next level of evolution. But Gendou had other plans from SEELE's. He wanted to initiate instrumentality by himself. He wanted to guide humanity's ascension. Selfish bastard. :lol:

Ultimately he was rejected instrumentality, and that "honour" was given to Shinji...which he rejected right at the end.

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:

The EVA's are basically embued with the living spirits of the mothers of the children who pilot them. That is why EVA01 moves by itself in the first episode to protect Shinji, and why Asuka is so tied to her EVA. It basically is what allows the children to bond with, and control the EVA's so well. Hence, the 1st child 2nd child etc. There were only a few female scientists who gave their lives and allowed themselves to become the EVA's, and as such, only a few children can pilot said EVA's.

I think it just so happened that EVA01 had his mom's soul, which Shinji's mom synced with during a training exercise. I don't think EVA02 had Asuka's mom's soul thus why EVA01 was the only EVA to seem to have a life of its own....much to the amazement of Gendou and the rest of NERV command.

Not quite. Asuka's mother WAS involved in the Unit 02 synchronization experiments. It's just that when she started to get absorbed into Unit 02, the control technitions were able to stop the process and bring her back. Physically.

Mentally, there was still a part of her mind inside of Unit 02, which is why said mother had a rather sever mental collapse and went whacko.

This "partial absorbtion" can be seen during the 15th Angel's assault on Asuka's mind. Unit 02 tried to berzerk to save Auska, but there just wasn't enough of Kyoko's (?) mind inside the Eva to make it happen.

Uhhh...Shinji's mother IS Gendou's dead wife.  I think you meant to say that Rei was cloned from cells of Yui Ikari and Lilith. The rest about covers it....except i doubt the "couldn't live without her" part. Gendou wanted Instrumentality, and he'll get there sacrificing anybody he has to. Yui, Shinji, the world.

I saw it differently. I saw Gendo as using Insturmantality and controlling the Third Impact such that it would allow him to reshape the world according to his wishes... and he wished to bring his wife back to life. To that end, he was using everyone, as you said. I just think he was using them to get Yui back.

Edited by CoryHolmes
  Mechamaniac said:
And who was the scientist chick whose mother was the NERV main computer?.

Man, lots of chicks gettin sucked into mechanisms around there. :lol:

The blond woman was Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, head scientest of NERV, Chairperson of Project E, and one of the architects of Commander Ikari's plans for 3rd Impact.

Her mother was the chief scientist of the MAGI supercomputers. The MAGI were given the capacity to emulate human dillema and thought processes by Naoko Akagi by imprinting her own personality on them.

Each computer got a seperate aspect of her mind. Herself as a scientest, herself as a mother, and herself as a woman. In this way, each computer would have a slightly different outlook on life and come up with possibly different responses to stimuli.

  Mechamaniac said:
And who was the scientist chick whose mother was the NERV main computer?.

Man, lots of chicks gettin sucked into mechanisms around there. :lol:

Not sucked into the computer literally, but imprinted with different aspects of Naoko's personality. Naoko later comitted suicide when she realised that Gendo was merely using her, as confirmed by the first Rei clone (Rei I).

  CoryHolmes said:
Not quite. Asuka's mother WAS involved in the Unit 02 synchronization experiments. It's just that when she started to get absorbed into Unit 02, the control technitions were able to stop the process and bring her back. Physically.

Mentally, there was still a part of her mind inside of Unit 02, which is why said mother had a rather sever mental collapse and went whacko.

This "partial absorbtion" can be seen during the 15th Angel's assault on Asuka's mind. Unit 02 tried to berzerk to save Auska, but there just wasn't enough of Kyoko's (?) mind inside the Eva to make it happen.

There's a misconception that the pilot's mothers NEED to be "absorbed" into the EVA to allow it to be piloted. I think logically that this isn't the case. It JUST SO HAPPENED that Asuka and Shinji's mom got synced/partially synced into those EVAs...and due to that reason, as finding pilots that can sync at least 50% with the EVA was hard (as shown by Rei and her difficulty syncing with EVA00), chances of syncing were found to be better when anomalies like EVA01 and EVA02 happened..ie moms get sucked in. :lol:

Remember that all students in class 2-A are potential pilots which probably have higher sync-rates than other students in the school or all over the world. Thus the idea that every eva has to have a soul of its pilot's mother is not accurate.


I saw it differently. I saw Gendo as using Insturmantality and controlling the Third Impact such that it would allow him to reshape the world according to his wishes... and he wished to bring his wife back to life. To that end, he was using everyone, as you said. I just think he was using them to get Yui back.

More or less what I meant. By having Instrumentality, the person gets to shape the world to his wishes...well not REALLY to his wishes...but more like a choice of objective answers.

1.) everyone dies

2.) everyone becomes this big Lilith human evolution thing (opposite to shinji's choice)

3.) only I exist

4.) I am who I am (shinji's choice)


Even with those explanations Evangelion still makes little sense.

The only conclusion I have is that everyone goes swimming in Rei milk at the end.


Not sucked into the computer literally, but imprinted with different aspects of Naoko's personality. Naoko later comitted suicide when she realised that Gendo was merely using her, as confirmed by the first Rei clone (Rei I).


I'm more akin to the idea that Gendou more or less "helped" Naoko with her "suicide".

Pretty much everyone in Evangelion has it bad. To quote Misato, "The tragedy of the Eva Project is its people. But I am one of them, too.

2nd impact happened in 1999 IIRC which decimated most of the world

Actually, Second Impact happened in 2000.


Watch the show at least twice.

Many details you don't catch the first time people tend to notice more of in subsequent viewings.

For another take on the story read the manga, which covers the characters far more in depth and Shinji is blessed with an ever so slightly larger spine. Some things are explained more clearly as well so it's a good companion for the show.

Both excellent.

Posted (edited)
  Agent ONE said:
I started Eva but couldn't stand it so I never finished so I have another question to add to these:

If these things are so Fukin evil why did they name them "Angels?"

If I remember correctly, the correctest translation is actually "apostle," but Gainex specifically requested it be rendered as "angel."

They are, tools of god, so Angel seems like a good name to me. It also fits the general pastiche of judeo-christian terminology/symbolism used to make the series seem exotic and deep (not that I don't enjoy it, but the religious veneer is fairly shallow)

plus- they aren't really evil. They are just on a mission...one that has bad consequences for humanity.

Edited by Phyrox
  wolfx said:
  CoryHolmes said:
Not quite.  Asuka's mother WAS involved in the Unit 02 synchronization experiments.  It's just that when she started to get absorbed into Unit 02, the control technitions were able to stop the process and bring her back.  Physically.

Mentally, there was still a part of her mind inside of Unit 02, which is why said mother had a rather sever mental collapse and went whacko.

This "partial absorbtion" can be seen during the 15th Angel's assault on Asuka's mind.  Unit 02 tried to berzerk to save Auska, but there just wasn't enough of Kyoko's (?) mind inside the Eva to make it happen.

There's a misconception that the pilot's mothers NEED to be "absorbed" into the EVA to allow it to be piloted. I think logically that this isn't the case. It JUST SO HAPPENED that Asuka and Shinji's mom got synced/partially synced into those EVAs...and due to that reason, as finding pilots that can sync at least 50% with the EVA was hard (as shown by Rei and her difficulty syncing with EVA00), chances of syncing were found to be better when anomalies like EVA01 and EVA02 happened..ie moms get sucked in. :lol:

Remember that all students in class 2-A are potential pilots which probably have higher sync-rates than other students in the school or all over the world. Thus the idea that every eva has to have a soul of its pilot's mother is not accurate.


I saw it differently. I saw Gendo as using Insturmantality and controlling the Third Impact such that it would allow him to reshape the world according to his wishes... and he wished to bring his wife back to life. To that end, he was using everyone, as you said. I just think he was using them to get Yui back.

More or less what I meant. By having Instrumentality, the person gets to shape the world to his wishes...well not REALLY to his wishes...but more like a choice of objective answers.

1.) everyone dies

2.) everyone becomes this big Lilith human evolution thing (opposite to shinji's choice)

3.) only I exist

4.) I am who I am (shinji's choice)

That's why I said, "not quite". I'm well aware that all the kids in his class were potential pilots.

I was just pointing out that yes, Asuka's mother is partially inside of Unit 02.

  Phyrox said:
(not that I don't enjoy it, but the religious veneer is fairly shallow)

Sadly enough, it's a style of story that has been copied and copied and copied ad nauseum by a large number of shows since that are trying to capitalize on Eva's success.

However, I draw the line at shows that more or less openly copy elements of Evangelion. Those I avoid on general principle.

  CoryHolmes said:
  Phyrox said:
(not that I don't enjoy it, but the religious veneer is fairly shallow)

Sadly enough, it's a style of story that has been copied and copied and copied ad nauseum by a large number of shows since that are trying to capitalize on Eva's success.

However, I draw the line at shows that more or less openly copy elements of Evangelion. Those I avoid on general principle.

Like what?


Argento Soma?


and more recently, Fafner Of The Blue Azure: Dead Aggressor (which i thought was pretty good. Its eva minus the pseudo-religious references)


The one big question for me is whether the world goes back to normal after Eva, or whether Shinji and Asuka are truly the only survivors. Personally, I prefer to believe the former theory. There's a great website that has a sort of doujin (non-H) detailing Shinji and Auska's life together after EoE, including having a daughter etc. I'd really like to believe that's possible.

  Magnus said:
Even with those explanations Evangelion still makes little sense.

The only conclusion I have is that everyone goes swimming in Rei milk at the end.

Just let out a big scream and have a cold one to drink. Somethings are best left mysterious. :lol:

Posted (edited)
  Bromgrev said:
And the URL is what?  :blink:

I'll see if I can dig it up. It's all in Japanese, so not as useful as I wish it was.

Edit- Ah, here it is! Happy End of Evangelion

However, seems like this one doesn't go as far as the kid. I came across some art of that possibility, including Asuka and her daughter, but haven't found the acompanying work.



Edited by Commander McBride
  Agent ONE said:
I started Eva but couldn't stand it so I never finished so I have another question to add to these:

If these things are so Fukin evil why did they name them "Angels?"

Speaking as a first-born son, I have something of a bone to pick with angels... ;)

As I understand it, angels has a meaning of "messenger". That message does not have to be a happy one.


EVA = Clone

REI = Clone

1 REI clone for every EVA produced (hence large tank with mindless REI swimming in ACL)

REI = EVA Placenta, basically shes a leftover and why the EVA units would go nuts when she was put into one most times.(i know she piloted the in service blue Unit 0)

Posted (edited)
  Commander McBride said:
The one big question for me is whether the world goes back to normal after Eva, or whether Shinji and Asuka are truly the only survivors. Personally, I prefer to believe the former theory. There's a great website that has a sort of doujin (non-H) detailing Shinji and Auska's life together after EoE, including having a daughter etc. I'd really like to believe that's possible.

In EOE I think it is Kawarou or Shinji's Mom that tells Shinji that those with the will to live can return from the LCL if they so choose and retain their individual personas.

The angels and all human originate from the same Source, Lilith. Kaworou thought that the angels descended from Adam. He was mistaken. He might have been lied to by Seele. When he entered terminal Dogma and saw lilith(the Being that the angels were being drawn towards) He realizes that he had been mistaken. He gives up his life b/c he realizes that there is only space for either the human race or the angels. He felt that the humans were more deserving.

Edited by Golden Arms

Actually, Rei is a cross between Yui and Lillith and the only one who can serve as a container for Lillith's soul. A quick note - this is a sci-fi story and the religious veneer just seems to be red herring.

I really dislike fanfics.


Anno has very specifically stated that the religious symbols are only there to be mysterious and cool looking. There is no real deeper meaning behind them. However, they are pretty well researched, and a lot of things do add up when you go deep with them, but it's not meant to be taken totally seriously.

  HWR MKII said:
EVA = Clone

REI = Clone

1 REI clone for every EVA produced (hence large tank with mindless REI swimming in ACL)

REI = EVA Placenta, basically shes a leftover and why the EVA units would go nuts when she was put into one most times.(i know she piloted the in service blue Unit 0)

This not true. There can only be one Rei at any one time. Otherwise they'd just let them all loose and make evas for every one of them. Instead they developed the dummy plug system for the EVAs which have proven to be more effective than normal human pilots.

Ritsuko Akagi did mention that xxx room (forgot the name) which is supposedly the room where all souls are kept before they are born into babies are empty. This explains why no babies were born after the 2nd Impact. Rei's soul is something that is debatable. It was not explained if Rei has a soul or if it is actually Lilith's soul. Nonetheless, there can only be one Rei. Whenever a Rei dies, her soul is recycled and "reincarnated" into another one of her "spare bodies".Ritsuko did say that those bodies were nothing more than containers for Rei. They aren't alive or anything.


The angels and all human originate from the same Source, Lilith. Kaworou thought that the angels descended from Adam. He was mistaken. He might have been lied to by Seele. When he entered terminal Dogma and saw lilith(the Being that the angels were being drawn towards) He realizes that he had been mistaken. He gives up his life b/c he realizes that there is only space for either the human race or the angels. He felt that the humans were more deserving.

Then where does Adam stand? Angels come from Adam and humans from Lilith. Kaworou stopped because he found out that it wasn't Adam at the bottom of Central Dogma. If he were to unite with Lilith, it would cause some kind of paradox, 3rd impact happens without instrumentality. He doesn't want this as it would be unfair to the humans who were given a choice of instrumentality. He tells this to Shinji and asks him to kill him. (after long long pause while Beethoven's 9th Symphony plays on)

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:

Ritsuko Akagi did mention that xxx room (forgot the name) which is supposedly the room where all souls are kept before they are born into babies are empty. This explains why no babies were born after the 2nd Impact.

Then where does Adam stand? Angels come from Adam and humans from Lilith.

The Room or Chamber of Guaf is what you're thinking of. Adam is the first Angel and Lilith is the second. Both are equally sources of life in the Evangelion story. The origins of Lilith and Adam are never explained and maybe they shouldn't. I would prefer EVA to have a little mystery to keep me watching it. :)

Edited by Memphis Egyptologist
Posted (edited)

You guys are mixing some things up. All Life originates from Lilith. Adam included. Adam is the first angel, but he isn't the source of all life, Lilith is. According to Hebrew Scripture Adam had wife (Lilith) before Eve (Think Eva). They went splitsville and he marries Eve. In NGE, Lilith is merely an representation of mother nature. All things must return to Lilith Dust to dust ashes to ashes. Adam is only the source of the Eva's. They're clones of Adam. Thats why Tabris(Kawarou) was able to control Asukas unit 02. If Adam was the source of all life then whenever a Angel engaged one of the Evas(clone of Adam) in combat there would be a 3rd impact. Since he(adam) isn't the source of all life, we never see that scenario.

From the RCB

Angels] (SHITO)

Some lifeforms originated from the source of lifeform which is called "Lilith". It could be any size or shape: a big octahedral, a form as small as the size of bacteria, or even a shadow which has no tangible form. Borrowing the words from Fuyutsuki's dialogue in ep.26, it seems that "Angels" got the "Fruit of Life" whereas human got the "Fruit of Intelligence". It can be said that "Angels" is just another form of human, with the same probability of appearance as human. Human is thus the 18th Angel.

From Misato's own mouth.

We are the 18th angel who were born from the source of life in which we call Lilith. Other angels were possibily another race of beings who threw away their physical shapes. They were doomed to a sad existence because they rejected each other. We, people are the same

Edited by Golden Arms

If this is the case, there's no reason why an angel attacked the fleet carrying Adam and EVA02.

And though you can debate on the sequence of angels, since Adam was the 1st angel, Lilith being the 2nd, I doubt Adam and the other Angels came from Lilith. Kaworu meets Lilith thinking it was Adam and was about to unite with it....and then he senses something amiss....he says "Kore...Adam janai". "This is not Adam". And that's when he gave up his mission.

This proves that the Angels goal was to unite with Adam and not Lilith.

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
If this is the case, there's no reason why an angel attacked the fleet carrying Adam and EVA02.

And though you can debate on the sequence of angels, since Adam was the 1st angel, Lilith being the 2nd, I doubt Adam and the other Angels came from Lilith. Kaworu meets Lilith thinking it was Adam and was about to unite with it....and then he senses something amiss....he says "Kore...Adam janai". "This is not Adam". And that's when he gave up his mission.

This proves that the Angels goal was to unite with Adam and not Lilith.

The Fleet was enroute to Japan to deliver Unit 02 to Nerv (Location of Lilith). That is why it attacked, They were merely in its way. Besides, in the series we never see the angels destroying anything outside of Japan(Location of Lilith).

Yes, Karou was mistaken. He thought that the angels originated from Adam. When he reached Central Dogma (location of Lilith) and saw Lilith, He then realized that the angels originated from Lilith, and not Adam. He was expecting to find Adam there but didn't. Remember all of the angels were drawn to Central Dogma. Kaworu included. In Central Dogma if you rewatch the sequence carefully Kaworu never makes contact with Lilith. Had he done so, he would have started the 3rd impact. Kaworu is also known as Tabris (the Patron of Freewill). He gives up his quest and allows humans the choice to make their own future-- ie return to Lilith. The angels goal was the same as the humans. To control their own destinies/ evolution. The only way of doing so is to make contact with Lilith.

From your own reasoning there should have been a 3rd impact in the very 1st episode when Shinji's unit one(Clone of Adam) battled Sachiel (from Adam). It didn't happen because the Angels, evas and Human all come from Lilith. Lilith isn't really an angel.

Heres a list of all the Angels:

1) Adam

2) Unknown (Eva?)

3) Sachiel (1st ep)

4) Shamshel (maroon flying dildo)

5) Ramiel (Diamond Flying Fortress)

6) Gaghiel (Underwater, Asuka's first)

7) Israfel (The split twin angels)

8) Sandalphon (Magma Diver)

9) Matarael (Spider Acid)

10) Sahaquiel (Orange eyeball dropping AT field)

11) Ireul (virus)

12) Leliel (Dirac's Ocean)

13) Bardiel (Unit-03)

14) Zeruel (cow-turtle paper armed eaten by Unit-01)

15) Arael (killed by Longinus)

16) Armisael (DNA strand Rei killer)

17) Tabris (Kaoru...Rei?)

18) Lilims (Human Beings)

Edited by Golden Arms
  Golden Arms said:
All Life originates from Lilith. Adam included.

No, according to EOE script, as translated by Bochan Bird Misato speech, Misato says "Shinji, we humans were born from a being called Lilith, who is the source of life just like Adam," while the Manga Video states in a possible mistranslation, "You see Shinji, mankind was spawned from a being called Lilith, just like Adam was." Lilith and Adam are equal beings who are sources of life for their respective "children." Furthermore, if EVA is based loosely on a hodge-podge of religious imagery, then Adam and Lilith are indeed equal beings in that both were created at the same time in the Hebrew version.

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