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Spiderman 3 teaser trailer.

From Dark Horizons:

According to a press release issued by Sony's Australian division, the teaser trailer will make its debut at Apple Trailers at the following times today:

US East Coast - 2:30pm

US West Coast - 11:30am

UK - 7:30pm

Australian East Coast - Wednesday, 4:30am


  Sumdumgai said:
Damnit quicktime isn't working for me :(  Damned apple.


It's pretty good, worth fixing quicktime for... a nice shot of sandman doing his thing and a short shot of gwen stacey.


Be sure you are using Quicktime 7.

Now that I see the black suit in action....not bad. It works for the film. And why is Harry flying a lite version of the goblin flyer and gear? Doesn't want to be like his dad?

  Knight26 said:
argh, darn these air force firewalls, someone please post some pictures.



the new goblin:

goblin26oj.th.jpg goblinmasked7zu.th.jpg

eddie brock:


gwen stacy or felicia? (think it's TEH GWEN!):







spidey31dh.th.jpg blackspidey4uy.th.jpg


I think the same for the green goblin. Hear me out, I think that this one might be the hobgoblin, which might explain why harry has a goblin grenade go off in his face, and why the goblin is so ill equipped.


looks great! If I was to have one tiny gripe, I wish the symbiote suit was smooth. The movie one looks like his usual suit with the colour dropped out. But like Azrael said, might see the smooth suit one day.


Looks awesome already! I'll agree that 4 villains is a bit much. But Sam Raimi hasn't done us wrong yet, so I will trust him until proven otherwise. I wonder if the number of villains is increasing because the suit gives him more power?



I hope that they team up against him, but also fight each other. That would be awesome! Villian vs. Villian!


So far it's pretty MEH!. That black suit is total a$$. A completely bad move.

Only part I remotely liked was the bit at the end where Spidey is looking at himself. That showed alot of what the whole movies series has been missing(besides common sense). It reminds us that Spidey has a different viewpoint on the world. Something that's not shown enough of.

The casting for Sandman was a great choice and his effects look good! The symbiont effect looked 'ok' but somewhat 70's The BLOB iffy.

Topher/Brody. The face fits, but everything else fails including the choice of bringing the character in now when it should've had other scenes for building-up the situation between him and Parker. It gets a big olde 4chan 'FAIL'.

Posted (edited)
  chrono said:
Topher/Brody. The face fits, but everything else fails including the choice of bringing the character in now when it should've had other scenes for building-up the situation between him and Parker. It gets a big olde 4chan 'FAIL'.


That's why I'm hoping we won't see Venom in this film. This film can be the set-up for the symbiote bonding with and then leaving Spider-Man as well as setting up Eddie Brock's deep-seated hatred for Parker. That way we could jump into movie #4 with Venom and not have to worry about wasting time on a backstory.

  justvinnie said:
I'll agree that 4 villains is a bit much.

That's my problem with X-Men 3, and the soon-to-be-coming-out Transformers and GI Joe movies. So many characters to squeeze into a two-hour movie as well as plot and drama.

Edited by CoryHolmes

After rewatching the trailer, I'm not entirely convinced that "Venom" is actually in the movie, per se. Sure we have the symbioite and Eddie Brock, but judging from what little we see in the trailer it seems like the story could very well revolve around Spidey fighting both Harry Osborne as the Goblin and himself. What if Brock is in the film only to establish his animosity with Parker so that he can discover the symbioite at the end of the movie, thus setting up #4?

  bsu legato said:
After rewatching the trailer, I'm not entirely convinced that "Venom" is actually in the movie, per se. Sure we have the symbioite and Eddie Brock, but judging from what little we see in the trailer it seems like the story could very well revolve around Spidey fighting both Harry Osborne as the Goblin and himself. What if Brock is in the film only to establish his animosity with Parker so that he can discover the symbioite at the end of the movie, thus setting up #4?


yeah, I gotta agree with you. I think we'll see parker fighting the venom influence this movie and have the eddie/venom as the big bad in the next.


I agree with those statements, my biggest question right now is, how will they explain the symbiote? Let's face it there hasn't been a secret wars, so is it an accidental product of some company, a creature from space, what?

Also I am not entirely convinced that it is Harry in the Goblin costume, the face is always blurred, and while the person has similar features I am not convinced it is him. I am still saying that it might be the hobgoblin and next movie will see the harry green goblin, mostly by the manner of dress on the goblin and because of the grenade blowing up in his face.

  Knight26 said:
I agree with those statements, my biggest question right now is, how will they explain the symbiote?  Let's face it there hasn't been a secret wars, so is it an accidental product of some company, a creature from space, what?

Also I am not entirely convinced that it is Harry in the Goblin costume, the face is always blurred, and while the person has similar features I am not convinced it is him.  I am still saying that it might be the hobgoblin and next movie will see the harry green goblin, mostly by the manner of dress on the goblin and because of the grenade blowing up in his face.


Didn't Spiderman 2 establish that Jameson's son was an astronaut? Maybe he (or somebody else) finds something in space? Heck, it could just fall to earth on its own a'la The Blob.

As for Harry, I'm thinking he'll be the the one in the Green Goblin suit. Not only did he find a bunch of his father's toys in the last movie, but they also showed he's not quite right in the head. Plus, it would be fitting if both he and Peter Parker had to battle their inner demons as well as each other. To me, this is where the last movie was already pointing. Putting some other, new character in the Green Goblin suit just seems so extraneous at this point.


Yeah, if you watch towards the end of the 2nd film, there's a scene where Jameson's kid jumps a rather long distance to go help MJ... I think in the comics he picked up some super power while in space, maybe in the movies it will be the symbiote?


Sam Raimi did mention a while back that Venom would not be in the film. So perhaps he's leaving the door open for Venom for another movie and it ends with Brock getting the symbiote. But aren't most of the actors signed up for only 3 movies?

As for Harry, I'm pretty sure that's Harry with the Goblin gear. Why he's not in full mask and gear...beats me... The glider is different as well.

  eugimon said:
Yeah, if you watch towards the end of the 2nd film, there's a scene where Jameson's kid jumps a rather long distance to go help MJ... I think in the comics he picked up some super power while in space, maybe in the movies it will be the symbiote?


What scene are you talking about, I only remember JJ's son in three scenes. 1) he picks up MJ from the theatre. 2) him and MJ in the apartment sending out invites and making out. 3) Him getting left at the alter.

  Knight26 said:
  eugimon said:
Yeah, if you watch towards the end of the 2nd film, there's a scene where Jameson's kid jumps a rather long distance to go help MJ... I think in the comics he picked up some super power while in space, maybe in the movies it will be the symbiote?


What scene are you talking about, I only remember JJ's son in three scenes. 1) he picks up MJ from the theatre. 2) him and MJ in the apartment sending out invites and making out. 3) Him getting left at the alter.


after the confrontation with doc oc, at the docks. Spidey swings away and looks back at MJ when the cops and jameson shows up.. jameson jumps a pretty incredible distance to go help MJ.

  Knight26 said:
oh ok I remember now, but I don't remember it being that "incredible" a distance


he jumps from the dock to the middle of a boat... I dunno, twelve, fourteen? and he lands and just keeps running. Dunno... pretty incredible to me.


Dude! Gwen Stacy!

I'd say, overall, that there's some potential for a good story in Spider-Man 3 (one that might set Venom up as a villian for Spider-Man 4, but one that won't likely feature Venom for the time being). But for the big budget and CGI that's dumped into the movie, you'd think they could come up with a black costume that looks like THE black costume, not just the regular costume sans color.

  mikeszekely said:
Dude!  Gwen Stacy!

I'd say, overall, that there's some potential for a good story in Spider-Man 3 (one that might set Venom up as a villian for Spider-Man 4, but one that won't likely feature Venom for the time being).  But for the big budget and CGI that's dumped into the movie, you'd think they could come up with a black costume that looks like THE black costume, not just the regular costume sans color.


I'm thinking we will see full Venom at the end of 3. Peter keeps it in his own image and it begins changing who he is...I started collecting comics when Peter originally got the black costume back in the 80s. It kept wanting to bond with Peter in the comics, and it even bonded with Peter once when he was asleep and went out webslinging while Peter was still asleep, which is just like the scene in the trailer where it starts attaching itself to Peters right arm as he is laying down. I think once it jumps to Brock, and he gets his obsession with Parker going (perhaps Peter steals Gwen Stacy away from Brock???) and the symbiote bonds with Brocks dark mind it will be McFarlane "Im going to eat your brains" Venom time.

McFarlane "Im going to eat your brains" Venom time.

The kinda 'bad' side to this is that their have been several professionally made 3D comic book Venoms posted on the internet so we maybe seeing something far more along the lines of the generic black/gray suit that Spidey sports in the movie. Sam Raimi hates most of the current(post 80's) crop of villians and must have been very hard pressed to get Venom in the movies. So I wouldn't be surprised if Raimi intensionally fails the Venom character visually.


maybe the look of the black suit changes over the movie? Starts off looking like a black version of the regular suit, then as it takes more control over peter, it changes into it's own look...the spider/logo getting bigger as peter becomes more spider, less man

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