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Don't get discouraged - and make sure you recast it! :D And if you need any help, feel free to ask...

Posted (edited)

It's not official yet anyway, it's still on paper...

and i'm definitely gonna make a couple of changes for "artistic license" & durability...

I want it "playable" not "displayable" :lol:

Edited by UN_MARINE

I will still ask the guy anyways even if you change to avoid the artistic lincense. its just being courtesy to him/her plus you never know him/her might give you a copy of the plans.


hmm... good point, zentrandude.

now the question, does anybody know how i can contact the TH GBP creator?

(assuming I'm going to mass produce. but highly unlikely)

If i just build 1, it'll simply count as a custom job, right? :lol:

Posted (edited)

wow is that like the most posted pic on this site or what? i really wish someone would make a nice set of this to buy.


Edited by zeo-mare
  zeo-mare said:
wow is that like the most posted pic on this site or what? i really wish someone would make a nice set of this to buy.


You got thtat right!


I say build some new version of it.

How about armor that is a smaller valk that turns into armor and attaches to the Valk. The valk would just get on it's knees and wait for the other valk to come in from beh....hmmmm......NEVER MIND!!!!!!!!!!

  MGREXX said:
The valk would just get on it's knees and wait for the other valk to come in from beh....hmmmm......NEVER MIND!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of how you get on your knees for.....hmmmm......NEVERMIND!!!!!! :rolleyes:

UN MARINE, I wish you good luck with the project. The best art in the world (no matter which type of art it is), always takes time and pateince to put together. I can't wait to see some updates!

  Kliqonator said:
  MGREXX said:
The valk would just get on it's knees and wait for the other valk to come in from beh....hmmmm......NEVER MIND!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of how you get on your knees for.....hmmmm......NEVERMIND!!!!!! :rolleyes:

UN MARINE, I wish you good luck with the project. The best art in the world (no matter which type of art it is), always takes time and pateince to put together. I can't wait to see some updates!

you need to stop posting personal attacks here. personaly I don't care about MGREXX's mindless post but you following him here like a child is realy anoying.

  Zentrandude said:
  Kliqonator said:
  MGREXX said:
The valk would just get on it's knees and wait for the other valk to come in from beh....hmmmm......NEVER MIND!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of how you get on your knees for.....hmmmm......NEVERMIND!!!!!! :rolleyes:

UN MARINE, I wish you good luck with the project. The best art in the world (no matter which type of art it is), always takes time and pateince to put together. I can't wait to see some updates!

you need to stop posting personal attacks here. personaly I don't care about MGREXX's mindless post but you following him here like a child is realy anoying.

I'm not following him around though. If you actually looked at my total posts before you made blind assumptions, you would have noticed that I have posted in other threads as well, where MGREXX is nowhere to be found.

I opened this thread, read it, and I wanted to express a little encouragement to UN MARINE, since he seemed to express some discouragement. The fact that MGREXX posted something very unnecessary, is annoying, so I made a comment about it. If you say something inappropriate and unnecessary, I will also say something about it. My point is that where I post, is with the intention of referring to the topic first. If MGREXX or anyone else for that matter makes a retarded comment, I will have no problem in expressing that the comments are retarded as well.

Posted (edited)

Zentrandude, just ignore him.

Special needs people are better off left to their own devices. I am sure when he gets bored enough, he will eventually gravitate back to watching his favorite show (naked and sweaty men rubbing up against each other....aka wrestling) or play in some street where he will get run over, allowing society to better its self because there is one less double digit IQ moron around.

Go away little boy, go away....shooo!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Anyways, my two valk idea is valid, if done right. All jokes aside. Why make another coolkie cutter project, when you can make something original.

Edited by MGREXX
Posted (edited)

Actually if someone by the name of Xstoys ever completes his haha, but liek I shold talk with my Thunderhammer Joke machine right? haha

get it done for MWcon, best of luck

Edited by Solscud007
Posted (edited)
  Solscud007 said:
Actually if someone by the name of Xstoys ever completes his haha, but liek I shold talk with my Thunderhammer Joke machine right? haha

get it done for MWcon, best of luck

Haha, you mean this old custom of mine... :lol:


Edited by xstoys
  Solscud007 said:
Actually if someone by the name of Xstoys ever completes his haha, but liek I shold talk with my Thunderhammer Joke machine right? haha

get it done for MWcon, best of luck

And this old custom of yours? Sorry for the bad pic. :lol:


  >EXO< said:
Isn't that Jason's JM GBP? Not Nick's TH?

Doh, my bad, you are so right! It's been awhile. :rolleyes: But it's still cool & KidK needs to finish that too. All 3 of us are in the same boat.

  UN_MARINE said:
Right now, it's in logistic & engineering hell...

I thought I'd let you guys have a look at it ....the "blueprint" :lol:




If you get one built I can guarntee you I will pay good money to get the sculpt out as will quite a few others around here. I already assume it will cost a few hundred, but that is worth it for a 1/48 Thunder Hammer! (IMO)



Well, a 1/48 TH is almost enough to make me want a second 1/48 (My current Hikaru -1A is going to be converted to either an -S or an S/D hybrid if the -1D conversion works out).

Yes, xstoys and KidK should finish their armor projects! So should irspiff (that was his name on the old board, I think it's just spiff now).


Good luck with your project! That looks like a huge undertaking, one I would like to do if I knew about scratchbuilding, tools, and materials. Seems like it's gonna be a nice job when done.

Keep us updated on pics if you can. :D

  Kliqonator said:
The fact that MGREXX posted something very unnecessary, is annoying, so I made a comment about it.

if that ain't the bitch calling the hobag, slurm. :rolleyes:

you remind me of another member who had the same problem as you, though hes a rather swell guy now.

i'm not taking sides, but if you know MGREXX is a whiney annoying little bee-otch, why direct any comment towards him? are you trying to be a troll? are you trying to feed the troll?

if not, just stay on topic and ignore the SOB, be an adult and let that panty wearing fruitcake suck himself off.

back on topic,

the TH is the be all end all of valkyrie armor, i must have it! :mellow:

seriously, if you make one, please, please, please, consider getting it recasted. i can guarantee you'll make money hand over fist. :D

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