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Brando Is Jor-El In "Superman"


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Brando Is Jor-El In "Superman"

Posted:  Thursday March 10th, 2005 6:34pm

Source:  Latino Review

Author:  Garth Franklin


Latino Review reports that Jor-El for the new "Superman Returns" has been cast, and its not Patrick Stewart or Anthony Hopkins as earlier rumoured but rather...Marlon Brando.

Yep, that's right. Much like Laurence Olivier's brief resurrection in "Sky Captain" last year, the late Marlon Brando will be appearing as Jor-El in "Superman Returns" which just began shooting here in Australia. As far as we can tell Brando will not be CGI, but rather Singer plans to use stock footage of Marlon Brando that was originally shot by "Superman" director Richard Donner for the first two films.

So much of Brando's work from the second one was left on the cutting room floor due to legal reasons that it's certainly possible they could be resurrected, the question is is the material of good enough quality to be usable.

This also gels with talk of Singer using items that are familiar to the first two films such as the design of the Fortress of Solitude and of Krypton. He has also mentioned that he will use part of the famous John Williams score.

Thanks to 'Kel' 


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Next they'll be saying that Tupac is doing the soundtrack. :rolleyes:


Yeah Superman has got to be the corniest of the superheroes. Ah, irony. ;)

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Wow, that's the dumbest Hollywood idea yet. Would it really have been so bad to recast Jor-el? Really? Come on, this unnecessary. Superman came out, what 25 years ago? This gen wouldn't know Marlon Brando was Jor-el and probably wouldn't care as long as the story was good. And, frankly, I'm old enough to remember that Brando was Jor-el, but it wasn't like he we irreplaceable. If they're going to do that, why not just CGI Christopher Reeves' face over Routh's body. Then it'd be a blockbuster for sure! <_<

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Next they'll be saying that Tupac is doing the soundtrack. :rolleyes:

"Z to the O to the double-R O..."

Zorro? :blink:

It's from the "glove slap" episode of the simpsons

LOL, I love that episode...

Glove slap, baby, glove slap

Glove slap, I don't take crap

Glove slap, shut your big yap

Ahh, pre-2000 Simpsons, when they were still funny. <_<

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Terrence Stamp is doing fine work as Jor-El in Smallville (though only as a rarely heard voice--but he's got the looks anyhow). I'd vote for him or the other two over this "solution". And I wonder, if there were legal problems with using the Brando footage in Superman II, how have they been fixed now?

Of course, it's possible that Brando was irreplaceably brilliant. (Then again, maybe not.)

Edit: Ah, I see a small problem with Stamp is that he was General Zod in the previous movies.

Edited by ewilen
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Really? I knew his name looked familier but didn't realize that was who he played. Anyway I don't see why they simply couldn't get another person to play Jor-El. Its suppose to be a new film so why would they want to use old footage, its not like no one else can play the role.

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Really? I knew his name looked familier but didn't realize that was who he played. Anyway I don't see why they simply couldn't get another person to play Jor-El. Its suppose to be a new film so why would they want to use old footage, its not like no one else can play the role.

But that's preciscely the point. It's NOT just a "new" film. Everything Singer has said points to it being, for all intents and purposes, Superman V. Now whether thats a good or a bad thing is another debate entirely. Personally I think the first two Superman films were genius and I'm glad that Singer hasn't decided to retread that material.

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