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  mslz22 said:
I previewed most of the parts to Jesse on Friday, i had to drop some stuff off to him so i brought some parts along with me, he said he will chime in soon and let you guys know what he thought. I got a couple of extra orders for WF stuff, that has all shipped, the weather was horrible last week so not much got done, it was in the 50's most days, really unbelievable for MAY!!!!! I have one ongoing project that i am casting for, but other than that most of my time this week will be spent on the monster, i am waiting for the translucent resin to come in for the clear parts, and i need to make a few more molds for production reasons, and a mold of the hindge....more to come....



Well...Mike beat me to the punch on my suprise. I had the time to meet Mike on Friday for a bit and chat. He was nice enough to bring one of the beasts with him for me to see (try as I did to distract him and run with it, I only got to look at it, and didn't bring the long lost puppy home! ) For you Monster fans out there this kit is a revolutionary experience. It's not fair to compare it to the 1/72 scale WF kit...because there is no comparison. Mikes is' simply better in all areas. The details are fantastic, with lots of panel lines and greblies covering the beast. The fact that the whole thing is hollow makes the weight managable (though it's still an impresisvely heavy hunk of resin. ) I think my favorite detail is the legs. Mike has taken the time to create all the different pieces of the legs so when you put it all together it really looks like a working acuated mechanical leg, not just something from a cartoon. It's really impressive. To allof you waiting, I think youll be very pleased.


  mslz22 said:
... the weather was horrible last week so not much got done, it was in the 50's most days, really unbelievable for MAY!!!!! ....



Well Mike, you could come over to Belgium.....it's raining and its cold, typical Belgium weather :lol:

Great to see progress, I'm getting more curious (spellcheck) with the day :ph34r:


Well with the Myersjessee seal of approval how can we go wrong.

  big F said:
Well with the Myersjessee seal of approval how can we go wrong.


Oh brother :rolleyes:


No matter what happens i know i will be able to tackle any issues with it. there hasnt been a kit yet i cant build :p:D:lol:

  HWR MKII said:
No matter what happens i know i will be able to tackle any issues with it. there  hasnt been a kit yet i cant build :p  :D  :lol:


Hehheh, but even you might have hard times with the Sdf-1 I have. ;)

  nightmareB4macross said:
  HWR MKII said:
is that a dare?


I think it\'s more of a triple-dog-dare.



Nah, he knows it's bad. It's not impossible but the amount of work needed is insane.


OK, good news, bad news...well good news for me and you guys ultimately, but bad news for me in the short run....after much, and i mean MUCH internal debate i have decieded to remold the main body :( ...tough because it is a very expensive mold, on the order of $400.00 or so...the reasons....

1. it is just a bit to big to fit in my largest (10 gallon) pressure pot with it being held together by 2 boards, which means that i have been attempting to cast it with 1 backboard and rubber bands, this is resulting in....reason 2

2.because of the above i have not been satisfied with the seam lines, the main body is 48oz of resin ($15.00 worth each attempt), which is a lot of resin, which means a lot of hydrostatic pressure, resulting in a rough seam line, are they workable castings.....Yes, a little putty and sanding and it will be fine..(i do not want people to have to do that, especially on the main part of the kit) ..but there is a reason 3

3.In retrospect I did not score the panel lines deep enough on the master for the body, this was mainly because of the materials i made parts of the body out of, it was very difficult to panel line the main body. However, the panel lines were actually appropriate for a 1/72 scale so it was a close call when i decieded to mold it, but once i applied primer and paint to a test shot, the panel lines were almost wiped out, looking at the box art for the 1/200 scale kit, the panel lines are very prominent so i wanted to deepen them up a bit.

Of course this was a situation where the fist couple of castings were fine and i had more problems as i went on with casting...it should get better not worse. Considering that each attempt is $15.00 worth of resin, i want a better mold, and one that is about an inch smaller so that it can fit in the pressure pot with boards on both sides.

What does this mean to the timeline, not much, i have reworked the zero shrink "new" master and should be pouring the first half of the new mold today and the second half tomorrow or Sunday...

more to come...



That is main body is one BIIIIIIG chunk of resin. Keep up the great work, Mike, you\'re almost there. Have you thought about casting the main body in sections. Seems there would be less worries about space constraints in your tank and you would be able use less material if you used a brushable, more resilient, mold material and a fiberglass mother mold. A bit more work but could make your casting a little easier. Plus, it could help you produce thinner seem lines.

  nightmareB4macross said:
That is main body is one BIIIIIIG chunk of resin. Keep up the great work, Mike, you\'re almost there. Have you thought about casting the main body in sections. Seems there would be less worries about space constraints in your tank and you would be able use less material if you used a brushable, more resilient, mold material and a fiberglass mother mold.  A bit more work but could make your casting a little easier. Plus, it could help you produce thinner seem lines.


The body is already 4 parts, and the main part has alot of parts that are molded in that i would not want people to be forced into molding in themselves. I've considered the fiberglass/mothermold thing, as well as rotocasting...I have not done a lot of mothermold stuff, and while i know how to do it, i know that it slows me down, and at this point speed is more important to me that a few hundred bucks in mold material. I think the new mold configuration will be better and people will be happier. One thing i do not want is for people to not build because of a pain in the butt clean up....

thanks for the suggestions..


  mslz22 said:
  nightmareB4macross said:
That is main body is one BIIIIIIG chunk of resin. Keep up the great work, Mike, you\\\'re almost there. Have you thought about casting the main body in sections. Seems there would be less worries about space constraints in your tank and you would be able use less material if you used a brushable, more resilient, mold material and a fiberglass mother mold.  A bit more work but could make your casting a little easier. Plus, it could help you produce thinner seem lines.


The body is already 4 parts, and the main part has alot of parts that are molded in that i would not want people to be forced into molding in themselves. I\'ve considered the fiberglass/mothermold thing, as well as rotocasting...I have not done a lot of mothermold stuff, and while i know how to do it, i know that it slows me down, and at this point speed is more important to me that a few hundred bucks in mold material. I think the new mold configuration will be better and people will be happier. One thing i do not want is for people to not build because of a pain in the butt clean up....

thanks for the suggestions..



Any time bud. Just trying to help.

You know, a few pre kit pics sure would be nice. ;)



Seriously though mike its ok. i only have 3 big purchases inline for the future and none have a definite release date. take your time and get it right it will be worth it in the long run...

NO FRACKIN MONSTER YET! Dont make me disassemble, strip and rebiuld my 1/160 for a monster fix. Or even worse...give it HANDS!


Easy Sean, easy.... just think about the anticipation, the dreaming of the finished kit, the hours of pleasure working on that big hunk of resin. The entire room smelling.... The soft feel of the dust you've just sanded :blink:

Dam, to much late night TV for me :blink:

Take your time Mike....I'm just preparing for the Nationals so no time for building anyway...and the VF1 is nearly done :(


Wheres the tapping foot emoticon? Im having........resin.............withdrawl.............!!!!!

Posted (edited)

Quickly please. My macross resin stocks are empty. All i have left is starwars, terminator 2, evangelion and Mad Max. They JUST ARENT GoOD ENOUGH! Need more macross RESIN!

Edited by HWR MKII

Get that man some Macross resin, STAT!

As a BTB, picked up my Valk booster from SSM at WF. Beautiful kit. Absolutely beautiful.

  Kylwell said:
As a BTB, picked up my Valk booster from SSM at WF. Beautiful kit. Absolutely beautiful.


Yes it is, I got it from the first ssm batch myself.

I got my booster kit from the first batch at SSM and it came with a small decal sheet. Very nice.

Anyone who is considering buying something from SSM, they are highly recommended. Super service and quality.


Yeah I know, I had them printed up.

I was asking Kylwell since I was late on delivering the second batch of decals to SSM and was hoping he got them in time for WF.

  Grayson72 said:
Hey, great Kylwell, did he have the decals with the kit?


Yes. A little sheet with some kites, stencils & arrows, yes?


Oh thank god, man I felt bad about that.

But looks like he got em, thanks man.

Any idea how many he sold?


No, but when I bought mine he only had 3 left.

Or maybe it was 2.

  RT junkie said:
Not to prolong the hijacking of this thread, but how much are those boosters going for?


They're $95 bucks at the SSM store, if he's got any left.

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