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Self-explanatory topic.

Self-centered too, but ah well.

I'd appreciate comments particularly from those who own both toys, thanks!


I've played with the escaflowne and woudln't pick it up for more than $20. if you can find it cheap...great...I'd probaly still put a vote on the MPC prime. there's really not much comparison there.


It's a no brainer. MPC Prime for sure.

I had played both and owned MPC Prime.

How do I put it, the Yamato Escaflowne is just ugly in robot mode,

and it's quite freemsy in dragon mode.

I don't have any complain about the MPC Prime except it doesn't come with the trailer.


Well. I've NEVER seen nor played with Yamato's Escaflowne so my decision might be biased.

But you really can't go wrong with MPC Prime. If you're ever going to own a Transformer THIS is the one to get. Bar none. Hands down.


prime, prime is both a awesome toy and a great display piece, the flippity floppity escaflowne is prettymuch display only, plus mpc prime is more faithful to the original design and has much less visible hinges and such


I have both (although the MPC Prime is the Takara version), and if I had a hard choice to make, I'd save up and buy both! Seriously, you might want to get the MPC Prime first, the proper lengths smokestacks second, and then the Yammie Escaflowne. Yes it's flawed (the Escaflowne), but it has a charm of its own. I like my Escaflowne.

Posted (edited)

I'd go for the MPC Prime. I owned the Escaflowne and that was probably the worst toy I ever bought. Its hard to transform and its not very balanced. Its posability is very limited.

Edited by dejr8bud

The Escaflowne makes a decent display piece at least. Posability sucks, but still a good static display in either mode (dragon if you have space).

I'd agree on making Prime the priority though of course. Really is a masterpiece and worth every cent.


MPC Prime for sure, i have never seen the Escaflowne up close, but i have the prime and it is awesome.



wow ok, so we have 72934923743284238 votes in favor of prime.

the problem i have with prime (I've handled one before) is that it's so big and blocky and lacking in detail. look at his legs for instance - they're so cartoon-like. i know this is being faifthful to the TV show and all, but compared to the binaltechs and other yamatos, it looks quite out of place.

the yamato escaflowne, on the other hand, looks awfully detailed. the dragon mode looks bitchin' as well.

at the end of the day, however, i think it's down to poseability... and MPC prime has that in spades.

  shiyao said:
wow ok, so we have 72934923743284238 votes in favor of prime.

the problem i have with prime (I've handled one before) is that it's so big and blocky and lacking in detail. look at his legs for instance - they're so cartoon-like. i know this is being faifthful to the TV show and all, but compared to the binaltechs and other yamatos, it looks quite out of place.

the yamato escaflowne, on the other hand, looks awfully detailed. the dragon mode looks bitchin' as well.

at the end of the day, however, i think it's down to poseability... and MPC prime has that in spades.

Look closer at Prime's legs and arms. There's some minor dings and scratches molded in. While yes, detail is somewhat sparse, the toy overall is downright cool. Plus you can blind people with that super bright LED in the Matrix.

Most of the detail in the Escaflowne comes from the shading that's airbrushed onto the toy.

Posted (edited)

Depends what you like and value more.

MP Prime comes from a hugely popular toy line, and his value is sure to increase in collector circles. But even then a decade from now, it wouldn't be too hard to find one...for a price.

Escaflowne comes from a popular show in Japan that wasn't greeted with the same success Transformers series often have when broadcast on TV. As such it is more of a cult favorite then smash success (compared to Transformers). The Escaflowne toy, while likely to not increase much in value over the next decade, will likely become rarer, harder to find...especialy considering how floppy and fragile it seems to be...mint boxed examples may eventualy end up commanding a pretty penny.

I've got three Escaflownes...one displayed in bot mode, another in dragon mode, and the third sealed in the box...I picked each up for $20 to $30 bucks, and I think they are worth it.

I've also got a short stack Hasbro MP Prime...which I think overall is a much better toy, but I still prefer the Escaflowne as I'm a big fan of the anime...I got the MP Prime basicly for the engineering and design that went into him, same reason I get any Transformer...never was a fan of the TF show, nor cared one bit about the story, characters, etc...I just get certain TFs for an appreciation of the engineering/design.

Its up to you really. For me the Escaflowne has sentimental value and I'm willing to overlook many of the toys flaws because of it...If I come home to find my house on fire, and could only save one toy or the other, the Escaflowne would be my choice.

Edited by MSW

Um, prime has so much detail on his arms and legs. With his legs, press down his foot and all those little vents open up. What about all those pistons that move?? His knee joints have two rachets mechanisms so that it bends the full 180 degrees. Prime standing next to escaflowne just puts escflowne to shame. I regret buying the escaflowne, but i bought another prime.

Primes arms have those communication flip ups etc. Hes more detailed then a /48 IMHO.

Posted (edited)

i own neither but seen and held both, and i'd go with the MPC prime. the escaflowne toy kind of bites....were talkin craptastic. as others said, if you can find it really cheap, then sure.

oh, and i hope you're not shopping at image anime? the stores a total rip.

Edited by haterist

I suggest MPC prime as well, but if you ultimately choose prime

the other question you have to ask yourself is "Do I get the Takara

or hasbro version?" :lol:


The Prime might cost like 3-4 times more than the Escaflowne but it is worth every penny of it!

Also make sure to get the Jap released Prime, if I remember correctly as you do get the trailer (out of cardboard) with it!

Andy :)


hmm .. looks like it's still MPC Prime all the way!

i'm probably going to get the hasbro. $50 for longer smokestacks and cardboard box ... mmm, no thanks, at least for me.

haterist: how did you manage to fight off the urge to buy either? i feel like i *must* buy them ... i gotta find some way to rationalize NOT buying them.

  shiyao said:
hmm .. looks like it's still MPC Prime all the way!

i'm probably going to get the hasbro. $50 for longer smokestacks and cardboard box ... mmm, no thanks, at least for me.

haterist: how did you manage to fight off the urge to buy either? i feel like i *must* buy them ... i gotta find some way to rationalize NOT buying them.

first of all MP Prime period! And you can buy the hasbro prime and shell out another 12 bucks for the recasted smoke stacks that looks exactly like the original.


As the person who wrote the English language transformation instructions for the Escaflowne toy, I spent quite a lot of time with the toy. It's not really fragile at all as most people make out. However, people are correct when they say it doesn't have much play value. Articulation in Guymelef mode is limited and the heavy rubber cape tends to pull the arms out of their sockets too easily. Dragon mode makes a great static display piece though in my opinion.

Although I'm not a fan of Transformers, I'd have to say that the MPC Optimus is a very well engineered toy, with good articulation, lots of gimicks and a great sculpt.



MP Convoy or Prime all the way here as well.

With owning many of the more recent diecast detailed toys like SOC, Aoshimas, Binaltech, Yamato...etc. Prime is still on one of the best toy made in my collection, and definitely the most toy out of the money spent. I am not a big fan of Transformers, but the design & engineering in this toy is far superior to even some of the high end Bandai stuff. Its very solid, very heavy, very well built, and transforms very well. Seriously, I like a lot of other robots more than Prime, but looking at just the toy itself, very very few if any can top the quality of this thing in its price range. Yamato's Escaflowne is not even in the same league. ;)

  MSW said:
Depends what you like and value more.

MP Prime comes from a hugely popular toy line, and his value is sure to increase in collector circles. But even then a decade from now, it wouldn't be too hard to find one...for a price.

Escaflowne comes from a popular show in Japan that wasn't greeted with the same success elsewhere when broadcast on TV. As such it is more of a cult favorite then smash success (compared to Transformers). The Escaflowne toy, while likely to not increase much in value over the next decade, will likely become rarer, harder to find...especialy considering how floppy and fragile it seems to be...mint boxed examples may eventualy end up commanding a pretty penny.

I've got three Escaflownes...one displayed in bot mode, another in dragon mode, and the third sealed in the box...I picked each up for $20 to $30 bucks, and I think they are worth it.

I've also got a short stack Hasbro MP Prime...which I think overall is a much better toy, but I still prefer the Escaflowne as I'm a big fan of the anime...I got the MP Prime basicly for the engineering and design that went into him, same reason I get any Transformer...never was a fan of the TF show, nor cared one bit about the story, characters, etc...I just get certain TFs for an appreciation of the engineering/design.

Its up to you really. For me the Escaflowne has sentimental value and I'm willing to overlook many of the toys flaws because of it...If I come home to find my house on fire, and could only save one toy or the other, the Escaflowne would be my choice.

escaflowne is more popualr in the states.


regarding playability: that's definitely a point against the escaflowne figure. but that would only mean fewer poses i could display the piece in - it would, however, still be eminently displayable, particularly in dragon mode.

the price for MPC Prime has been vacillating on evilBay. when it first came out, the price was in the region of $60-$70; then for a while it dropped to $35-$45; now it's hovering between $50-$60. where do you guys see prices going next? up or down?

Posted (edited)

escaflowne is more popualr in the states.

:blink: Escaflowne more popular then Transformers in the states?...I really, seriously doubt that.

Doh!...never mind, worded things wrong in the original post...ment to compare the popularity of Escaflowne to Transformers...I screwed up, made it seem like I was compareing something unintended ... consider original post fixed :p

Edited by MSW
  shiyao said:
haterist: how did you manage to fight off the urge to buy either? i feel like i *must* buy them ... i gotta find some way to rationalize NOT buying them.

i don't fight the urge....i just limit myself to macross and lego. if i got into TF's, it would mean the beginnning of the end for me. :D

actually, i've really wanted the MPC prime for quite a while, i just haven't found or really bothered to look for one. i know the US version was on sale for like $20 a few months back but from what i've heard and seen, the japanese version(takara) is the way to go.

if you're planning to pick up the japanese version, let me know, i'd be down to buy one with you. :)

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