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The title above says it all, if he/they does/do then how would I go about ordering a kit from them?


Edited by Damian
  Damian said:
I was toying with the idea of saving for the Cat's Eye and Fan liner...

I dunno about the Cat's Eye but the Fan Racer gets restocked at Hobby Fan semi frequently. I remember it being in stock a month or so ago.


Sure he still takes orders. :lol: No problem if you can wait 2 or 3 years for them to be delivered and can stomach his political views about America and Bush, and how wars are bad. <_<

You could take a chance...you never know you may get lucky!

  samurai_m said:
Sure he still takes orders. :lol: No problem if you can wait 2 or 3 years for them to be delivered and can stomach his political views about America and Bush, and how wars are bad. <_<

You could take a chance...you never know you may get lucky!

:) Good thing I'm South African and not American and really couldn't give a rats ass about the whole scene!

I'll order, just as long as I don't have to pay until my kits are available :) Screw this pay now get f%$ked over again and agian thing...I read that whole debalce :( So much for the infallable Japanese work ethic!

Any lines on recasts...:) Yes I know its wrong blah blah...but I would like to deal with someone who'll actually deliver...


ps. I love his views on war...considering recent history and all...ah well what can you do eh?


I understand everyone's frustration with Tanmen more then anyone...still recasts are not a proper response to an artist...it's not fair, and I would hate Tanmen to refuse business to MW in the future because of things like that. He does want to be paid up front, but I would go to his website and email him for starters.

  Myersjessee said:
I understand everyone's frustration with Tanmen more then anyone...still recasts are not a proper response to an artist...it's not fair, and I would hate Tanmen to refuse business to MW in the future because of things like that. He does want to be paid up front, but I would go to his website and email him for starters.

Wow... as much pain as that guy caused you in life, MJ still stickin' up for Tanmen.

You're a pretty admirable guy, MJ.

  Myersjessee said:
I understand everyone's frustration with Tanmen more then anyone...still recasts are not a proper response to an artist...it's not fair, and I would hate Tanmen to refuse business to MW in the future because of things like that. He does want to be paid up front, but I would go to his website and email him for starters.

Yeah I went through the same thing with Tanmen, while I'd punch him in the nose if I ever met the guy I agree with Jesse on the recast issue.

  cobywan said:
It's not as if all of his stuff isn't already avilable as a recast.

I think your best bet is to try and buy one from someone who already has one.

I agree with that too. They are out there.

  Less than Super Ostrich said:
  Myersjessee said:
I understand everyone's frustration with Tanmen more then anyone...still recasts are not a proper response to an artist...it's not fair, and I would hate Tanmen to refuse business to MW in the future because of things like that.  He does want to be paid up front, but I would go to his website and email him for starters.

Wow... as much pain as that guy caused you in life, MJ still stickin' up for Tanmen.

You're a pretty admirable guy, MJ.

Man, no kidding. I didnt even go through the Tanmen thing. I just read the thread and that was enuf to push my buttons. Serious, nothing but respect for you Jesse.

But yeah, I must admit that getting the recast problem was probably a bad idea... even tho I was the one who brought it up. Go me. <_<

I tend to go after recasts if I feel its my last change to get it. Yeah yeah, I got no will power or patience. I'm a bastard. I know. But yeah, I gotta agree, try looking around for an original on sale from someone else first before going thru the recast route. I usually try for a bit before I finally settle for a recast... and even sometimes then, I would still get an original afterwards.

  Myersjessee said:
Looks like there is an original 21 and 19 on EBay along with a FanRacer recast right now.

Yep yep...

Theres actually 2 SD 19, a 1/100 Gigamesh, and a 1/72 hobbyfan VF-4 recast.

Nice find Jesse. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

FYI, this news is probably outdated for the original people in the thread, but Hobby Fan carries most of his line. Wether or not they have it in stock is another thing... Just do a search under "Macross" (imagine that).

  MechTech said:
FYI, this news is probably outdated for the original people in the thread, but Hobby Fan carries most of his line. Wether or not they have it in stock is another thing... Just do a search under "Macross" (imagine that).

I already pointed that out. Try reading the 4th post of this thread. ;)

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