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OK I'm not computer literate at all, I saved the file on my C:\ drive but when I try to open it, my computer wants to know with what program?


  Dobber said:
OK I'm not computer literate at all, I saved the file on my C:\ drive but when I try to open it, my computer wants to know with what program?



Windows XP has the built-in ability to unzip ZIP files. If you aren't on XP, you need winzip (from winzip.com). The evaluation version should work fine. Make sure you unzip/extract to C:\ and nothing more. . . otherwise the file paths will not be correct.

As for DVD Decrypter, it's still available here (at least for now).



I do have win XP, and it still asking me with what program I want to open the file with. :( It's not an old computer either, I got it last April....a sony viao.


Posted (edited)

That's strange, XP should basically open it just like any other folder :huh: Get the free version of Winzip and try if it works.

Edited by Sdf-1
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks a million for the excellent work, Hurin!

I have a question, though. Whenever I change some of the subtitles in DVD-Lab (minor changes for personal preference, as well as one tiny, tiny instance of missing punctuation), the new subtitle stream becomes WAY off near the end of the movie.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there any way to fiddle with the text of the subs without messing up the timing?

Thanks in advance...

Posted (edited)
  Gyges said:
Thanks a million for the excellent work, Hurin!

I have a question, though. Whenever I change some of the subtitles in DVD-Lab (minor changes for personal preference, as well as one tiny, tiny instance of missing punctuation), the new subtitle stream becomes WAY off near the end of the movie.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there any way to fiddle with the text of the subs without messing up the timing?

Thanks in advance...


Yep, I've seen that problem before when people change the subtitles and regenerate the subtitle stream. Here's a bit from a PM that should set you a-right:

Okay. . . so I've been looking into it this morning, and I think my hunch last night may be correct. Right before you click "Generate Subtitle Stream" after you've fixed the subtitles, you need to make sure that "Non-Drop Frame (30fps)" is selected before you click "Generate Subtitle Stream." Otherwise, I think things will get more and more out of synch as things go along.

Later on, I confirmed that this was the problem. And the person trying it did so as well.

Hey, shoot me a PM about the missing punctuation.

And finally, make sure you regenerate *both* subtitle streams if you want the widescreen and non-widescreen subtitles to remain identical. And, if I'm not mistaken, the font size may default to something other than the optimal an you may have to set it back to the optimal size as well. But, for the life of me, I can't remember what the font size should be! I'm thinking "22" right now. But I could be way off. And I think the optimal size may have been different for widescreen vs non-wide. If the font size is too big, they may creep off the edge of the TV (remember, most TVs have "overscan" and show less of the sides than a computer monitor). So, I recommend that you test things out and make sure the font size is pleasing (and that longer dialog still fits on the screen) before burning to DVD

If I had to guess, I think I set widescreen font size to 22 and non-wide to 20. But, I'm having a hard time remembering. . . and the setting isn't retained between DVD-Lab sessions.


Edited by Hurin

Thanks again Hurin. I got a copy of the FX edition and was able to make a "backup" with your improved subs.

I did have trouble generating the demuxes - I kept gettng a CIRC error - bad disk I guess. I just told the ripper to ignore errors and it seems to have turned out fine. I could not write to the double density DVDr. It may have been the fact I was using Nero or that ASPI was not installed. I installed ASPI and I did it through DVDDecrypter (which used the nero engine anyway IIRC) and I made a perfect copy.

What fun. It's almost my favorite animated movie. It's only of the gratuitous decapiation during the modular transformation and extreme violence in the fist Milla scene that make me put it after Nausicaa.

  Hurin said:
Yep, I've seen that problem before when people change the subtitles and regenerate the subtitle stream.  Here's a bit from a PM that should set you a-right: [...]

Hey, shoot me a PM about the missing punctuation.

Thanks again, Hurin. I'll try it again sometime, and when I do I'll let you know about the punctuation.

  • 2 weeks later...

anyone have any problems with the audio disappearing on the 2nd half of the movie?

i just redid the whole thing twice again and I'm still not getting audio on the 2nd half, subs work fine.

  Chowser said:
anyone have any problems with the audio disappearing on the 2nd half of the movie?

i just redid the whole thing twice again and I'm still not getting audio on the 2nd half, subs work fine.


Now that's a new one to me! I'd try decrypting/demuxing the DVD again. Let me know what the file size is of the raw audio file. I'll compare it to mine.




Don't have the means to compare here at work. However, those file sizes look right to me at first glance.

What playback software are you using?



  Hurin said:
Don't have the means to compare here at work.  However, those file sizes look right to me at first glance.

What playback software are you using? 




ok, it is windvd that is screwing up, it plays all my regular dvds fine.

i just started playing it and the dual layer version that i thought was bad, and it all works fine.


i'm stupid


Sweet! Glad you got it working. Now I can stop wracking my brain for what could cause that! Odd that WinDVD hates the custom DVD though. I wonder if there's a patch for it.

Personally, for DVD burning, I encode the DVD with DVD-Lab Pro. Then, I use DVD-Lab Pro to make a disc image file (IMG) of the Final DVD files. Then, I use DVD Decrypter to burn that IMG file to a dual-layer DVD. Seems to work perfectly.

But, for table-top/home theater DVD playback purposes, I had to put some custom firmware on my NEC DVD burner so that it could burn Dual-Layer DVD+Rs with the "book type" setting changed to "DVD-ROM" instead of "+R." This fools computer and table-top DVD players into thinking the DVD is a "pressed" rather than "burned" DVD. My Panasonic DVD player is picky and would only play DVD-Rs. But the "book type bit" trick took care of that. :D

I've thought about covering all that in the intitial post. But I think it's a bit too complex for our purposes here. And regarding the "book type bit setting". . . only certain make/models of DVD burners allow for this tweak.



OK, I don't know if this has been asked here or not, but I'm trying to burn it on a dual layer disc, and my DVD burner drive supports DL, but after burning it, my Sony DVD player says "Dirty DVD". I am using DVD+R DL disc. Should I use another type of disc, like DVD-R? Has anyone run into this problem. BTW, thanks for the new subs. On my computer, the DVD works great and the subtitles are extraordinary


  Jasonc said:
OK, I don't know if this has been asked here or not, but I'm trying to burn it on a dual layer disc, and my DVD burner drive supports DL, but after burning it, my Sony DVD player says "Dirty DVD". I am using DVD+R DL disc. Should I use another type of disc, like DVD-R? Has anyone run into this problem. BTW, thanks for the new subs. On my computer, the DVD works great and the subtitles are extraordinary



What's the model of your Sony DVD player?

Does it have any stickers or other indications on the front regarding whether it can play DVD+R or DVD-R (or both)?




It can play all, DVD+RW/R+ and DVD-RW/R-. I am using a LiteON SOHW1693SX dvd R/RW drive. And it also has the DVD+R DL logo and inscription on it.

  Jasonc said:
It can play all, DVD+RW/R+ and DVD-RW/R-. I am using a LiteON SOHW1693SX dvd R/RW drive. And it also has the DVD+R DL logo and inscription on it.


1st thing I'd try: If you didn't already do it this way. . . Compile the DVD with DVD-Lab Pro (already done). Then, after compiling, use DVD-Lab Pro to generate an .IMG file of the compiled DVD. Then, you can use DVD Decrypter to burn your DVD from that IMG file. I've never had a problem doing it that way and I trust DVD Decrypter to burn the DVD more than a lot of other programs out there.

2nd thing I'd try: Different media brand.

3rd thing I'd try: Try DVD-R DL media (instead of +r).

Let me know how it goes!



How do you generate an .img file from the lab pro? I opened up the macross-dyrl-fx-perfect-subs.dal file. Thanks for your help btw. :D

Posted (edited)
  Jasonc said:
How do you generate an .img file from the lab pro? I opened up the macross-dyrl-fx-perfect-subs.dal file. Thanks for your help btw.  :D


I don't have DVD-Lab Pro installed right now. But I think it's an option under the Compile Menu, or thereabouts. It'll say something about generating or compiling a DVD "image" file.


Edited by Hurin
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

hey hurin,

i really appreciate your effort in doing this. when i bought a copy of macross FX i was so happy with the quality, but when i first read the subtitle i was like "What the fart?" the subtitle was so horrible that i wish someone could do it right. after a week i checked macross world forums and i came across your post i was very curious about it. so, i went out and bought myself pack of dual layer blank dvds. took me several hours to get it and i have myself a macross perfect sub. i do have a question to ask you if i can. how come i dont have a menu title (for some reason there's no menu title. i was shocked, but at the same time i really dont care much about it. i just wanna know what happened). other than that, this remind me back in 1994 when a friend gave me a perfect sub of macross on vhs tape. the quality was good great and the sub was perfect. but this is 12 yrs later and i really dont watch anything on tapes. so, to really have this on dvd, now that's priceless. kyatsu :lol:

Edited by kyatsu
Posted (edited)

Hi Kyatsu,

"Menu Title". . . do you mean you get no main menu at all before the movie starts?

If so, then something went wrong during the DVD-Lab portion of the procedure. Let me know if I'm reading your post right and I might be able to find some time to test things on my end.



P.S. Thanks for the kind words! :)

Edited by Hurin
Posted (edited)

hey man,

yup, there's no main menu at all. i dont know if i did something wrong when i was using dvd lab pro or not. i am just curious to see why. also, i think on dvd lab pro there's a seclection under compile option, i didnt see reduce jitter, but there's a option for normal, de jitter, and something else. do you think that this could be the cause of it? when i first pop the dvd to the player and i saw nothing but blank i was like huh? i thought i wasted like three hrs for nothing. once i pressed play, the movie turns on. i thought hmmm, that's strange. no cheesy (bootleg menu), but that's all right. i have the whole movie. kyatsu :)


dude, you did an awesome project. if there's something in the future that i can do to help you out, let me know. i got your back buddy. trust me, this project that you did pretty much made a lot of fans happy. i am some what anal too, so whenever i watch something and see mistakes, i do get turn off by it. :lol:

Hi Kyatsu,

"Menu Title". . . do you mean you get no main menu at all before the movie starts?

If so, then something went wrong during the DVD-Lab portion of the procedure. Let me know if I'm reading your post right and I might be able to find some time to test things on my end.



P.S. Thanks for the kind words! :)


Edited by kyatsu
  • 6 months later...

After a brief stay at Macross Nexus, the DVD subtitles projects are coming home to Macross World. So, please feel free to post questions/comments here again.

I removed the posts immediately prior to this referring to the move.



  Steve68 said:

Is there any chance that better subtitles are available for Macross Zero?



For something along the lines of what's been done here. . .

First you would need the better subtitles.

Then you would need to have them timed properly to the anime.

Then you would need to go through the process of preparing them to be grafted to the DVD.

Then you would need to fine tune it until all the timings were perfect.

All told, that's hundreds of hours of work. I've contemplated undertaking the project before. But, I've always been discouraged by the fact that Macross Zero wasn't very good. ;)


  • 1 month later...

Hi all --

I was totally exicted to read that the fx version was high quality, and to see that there was a good subtitle fix available...

I just got the copy I ordered off eBay and lo and behold, it's the AnimeCartoon bootleg of the fx bootleg... the quality is quite poor because it's not a dual layer disc, and it doesn't even fill up a single layer disc!

Is there any way to tell what the "real" fx version looks like? The copy I bought has the fx packaging and everything, but when I start it up it flips to the Animecartoon logo near the beginning... I'm so bummed!

Does anyone have any confirmed "legitimate" fx versions for sale?


  • 3 months later...

I'm a little late to the party... heh, but well.

I just picked up what I *thought* was a "legit" FX version to watch and try this upgrade with. Turned out to be a bootleg (of a bootleg, how fitting) so that's impossible. The quality is ok, I guess as far as simply being able to watch the movie on TV so it's not all bad. OK, but not great.

Anyway... is anybody still selling/trading these upgrades? I'd love to get my hands on a better quality version of DYRL.

  • 2 years later...

Do you have an updated version of this for those of us who downloaded the unsubtitled DYRL Remastered HD DVD file off of Bit Torrent (6.96 GB)?

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