Beware of Blast Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I may be punished for breaking some rules here, if it is to happen, so be it. But please, keep an open mind to this criticism when I say, I see wrong being done here when one of you lock it up. As a witness, WJ did NOT drama-queened himself away. He merely asked to have his account deleted - for those of you who think I spilling BS here, then this IS JUST EXACTLY HOW GODZILLA/DUKE TOGO used to "DRAMA QUEENED" himself as well... only for Duke Togo, it was less dignified. I did not liked how WJ protects stuff that are not his, but if his "egotistical" action has detracted anyone's experience here, I'm sorry, you brought it upon yourself. He may not be willing to share much, but he's relaxing abit. He DID NOT f*uck-up anyone's experience here. I can't say the same for what Duke Togo did. Please do the right thing.
Agent ONE Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 This is just your personal grudge w/ DT, and now YOU are being the Drama Queen. BTW, back in the day when DT had to leave and change his handle because someone hacked his account.
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) Why don't we just bug the sh!t out of Egan too when he chimes in. I mean he owes us those updates that he promised us on the Compendium right? I mean it's suppose to be updated every 1st and 16th. Duke, why don't you take your 6 year community service over there and demand that he do it for you? Like BoB said, people are mighty quick to honor WJ's request to unregister. Without considering that the guy actually provides actual Macross material on his own time. What he does with his site outside of Macrossworld is his own problem. Hell I didn't agree when he started posting that nasy hentai crap. Why wasn't he banned then for good reasons? It's funny to me that Duke thinks so highly of himself that he feels responsible about certain stuff. Anti HG sentimenst? HG brought that upon themselves when they stopped the M+ toys. Did you think that people weren't going to find out about that? The only thing that you were probably responsible for was for alienating Macross fans that weren't afraid to admit that they enjoyed RT when they were kids. Anyone that brought up the name back then was practically crucified in these boards. Of course you and your friends loved that because in your head, that was the MW good old days. And there was never any hentai on MW. And there was never any clean up that you talked about. BoB, Omni and I were pretty much done posting fanart because it got old. I never recieved any letter of warning from anyone. And as I remember it, mods were pretty much involved with posting up pics of Macross women at the time. It was fun but it got old. There was a lot of people coming down on Captain Rico at the time for putting up what look like offensive material. I was one of the ones telling him to stop posting what looked like drawings of underage girls in sexual situations. Just because you opened up a whiney thread in the feedback setion doesn't mean you were the start of something. But as always you'll kiss the ass the mods you so you can take credit for lame accomplishments in your head and back it up with your "i was a AFM member" when the fact is, you never contribute postively to this site. All you do is talk down to people when you don't like something and make up stupid things to whine about. The recent upgrades? Togo responsible? Let me see... according to him the site should shut down, or be upgraded, or go down to sh!t... hmmm hell any of those things could've happened and he can be creditted for it. How about it stays the same, you can take credit for that too. Like I said before, Togo must be a paying customer or his ass kissing must be worth something cuz it sure does buy a lot of freedom here. Later on Albert Whinestein! Edited February 16, 2005 by >EXO<
Agent ONE Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 EXO, Egan actually does something worth while, and its hard to update when there is no new information. DT just calls lame stuff lame. No different than me telling some little girlie man that he needs to stop his crying and go to the gym.
Duke Togo Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) Agent ONE said: Egan actually does something worth while, and its hard to update when there is no new information. I'm a big supporter of Egan Loo. I wish he visisted the boards more often, but he always brings somethign great to table when he does. His was the first Macross website I ever found, and obviously THE site when it comes to Macross information. Edited February 16, 2005 by Duke Togo
Duke Togo Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Agent ONE said: DT just calls lame stuff lame. No different than me telling some little girlie man that he needs to stop his crying and go to the gym. Only fay men hang out at the gym.
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) Like I said... contributing postively... I consider Nanashi's posts more positive then someone going around telling everyone they don't like 90% of the site that he visits everyday. The guy posted great art, it's our problem that we wanted easier ways to steal it... and yes I did steal a lot of Nanashi's scans... As soon as the Whined up sex toy contributes positiviley, I'll stop being the thorn on his whiny side. He's obviously bothered by it, or else he'd stop PMing me. All he talks about is how others love him... hoorah!!! he's got fwends!!! that's cute... Edited February 16, 2005 by >EXO<
do not disturb Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 i truely don't understand why people are giving some guy with his own website a hard time? its his site so get over it guys. i know thats not the answer you want hear but its the answer thats been given and you'll eventually have to accept it. DT, i know you want stuff fixed and updated and i know you've made a conscience effort to make it happen, but its now time to accept the fact that it ain't happening cause no one cares or has any time to do everything you want done. move along, start your own website, do whatever you gotta do, but requesting what other people should do to their websites to service your wants and needs is just ridiculous no matter how many ways you put it. its fine to complain but you're arguing a pointless arguement that you cannot win. my apologies if i came across in a bad way.
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 No haterist! Let's just join the rest of this site by picking on people that contribute positively and tell them about stuff that they do that we DON'T like. Of course that would include Shawn, Egan, all the modellers that don't do the models I want them to do, Kawamori (if he was on this site) for making that crappy M7... but hell, we'll be within our rights right?
Agent ONE Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 >EXO< said: ...Of course that would include Shawn, Egan, all the modellers that don't do the models I want them to do, Kawamori (if he was on this site) for making that crappy M7... .... I do that everyday.
yellowlightman Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 It's not that Duke Togo's complaints are invalid or wrong, it's that he goes about voicing them in a childish and downright rude fashion. Nanashi has his issues, and peopel have voiced their problems with him before. The difference with what Togo did was that he kept berating Nanashi and wouldn't stop, acting as though Nanashi owed him something. Rather than saying his piece and let it go, he continued to harass Nanashi and say the same stuff over and over again. If he wanted to be that abusive, he could have taken it to PM. Not to mention his actions in the Star Wars Ep III thread. Angry that peopel were posting spoilers against the mod's wishes he started calling people "jackasses" and "shithead." A valid complaint? Yes. The mature way to go about voicing your anger? No. The simple fact is that Togo is an immature guy who thinks the internet owes him something, and enjoys acting like a jerk to people on the forum. No amount of internet dick-waving (who the hell cares if you've been an internet anime dork for 6 years?) or "telling it like it is" is justification enough for his rude behavior. It's the kind of behavior we don't need on an otherwise friendly internet forum.
do not disturb Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 well said. i can't say this enough but, do onto others as you wish others to do unto you. if everyone followed this(not even just here) and applied it to their lives, the world would be a better place and everyone would be a lot happier. and no, i'm no hippie, i just believe in treating others the way i'd like to be treated. if you're nice, they'll be nice. if they aren't, well then let karma take a bite out of their ass cause theres no good reason to stoop to their level. wow about a year ago these words would be the furthest thing from anything i'd post. i used to be a flamethrower toting little SOB, now i'm packing a pocket full of poseys.
twich Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Yellowlightman and Exo, there are others here that agree with your thoughts. I have been a part of this board for quite a while, but I rarely post....the reason being is because of people just like Duke Togo, who seem to enjoy striking out against that which they do not like or share the same opinion. I always enjoyed the rare gifts that were Nanashi's posts, but now I guess we shall be deprived of them....Thanks! Also, take a look at his site now, it is just a picture, no more links to anything, so I guess that we can say goodbye to that reference for Macross how much of a stretch is it to assume that one day DT might do the same to Egan Loo? Then we would not have anything. I just think that maybe we all should be thankful for what Macross we have and not whine and bitch about those who bring it to us. Twich
Max Jenius Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Pff, why all the Nanashi sympathy? Yes, he has a website. Yes, its his to do with as he pleases. But its a pretty valid question he had, hell even I asked it politely, no response, well aside from people flaming Togo for having the gall to even ask the question. What the hell? Togo is childish much of the time, but that was not one of those times at all, he asked a legit question and got flamed for it. Then, because for some reason Nanashi, rather than answer it in simple terms decided to pick up and leave. Which is more childish again? If Windjammer/Nanashi/whatever wants to be a baby about it and have their account deleted; more power to them. We should use discretion when honoring a member's request to delete their account? Hey, that's not our call. I don't think we should do it at all personally, it just adds to the Drama Queen-ness of it all. Just like freakin Quadrano639 and that whole fiasco. If he wants to come back, that's fine with me, I think he contributed a lot albeit in very small doses. I think that as long-time viewers of his site though, we should get a small explaination. Its not like he "owes" us anything, but people sure come off as dickheads when they can't even give a simple "because I want my site to be episodic" or whatever. Togo wasn't berating Nanashi, unless stating facts about experiences with a site is berating an individual. Nothing he said was untrue and he in fact complimented the content. The posts I deleted were FLAMING TOGO right after he asked his first question. Anyone getting flamed like that would get a little irked and considering that it is DT, his posts were mighty tame. Anyway, have we had enough drama yet? I'm gonna lock this if it gets out of hand, but it seems to be something people would like to discuss for a time. Don't expect it to last more than 24 hours though regardless, this is exactly what Drama Queens/Attention Whores want.
bsu legato Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Max Jenius said: If Windjammer/Nanashi/whatever wants to be a baby about it and have their account deleted; more power to them. We should use discretion when honoring a member's request to delete their account? Hey, that's not our call. I don't think we should do it at all personally, it just adds to the Drama Queen-ness of it all. Just like freakin Quadrano639 and that whole fiasco. My thoughts exactly.
Agent ONE Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Max Jenius said: Pff, why all the Nanashi sympathy? Yes, he has a website. Yes, its his to do with as he pleases. But its a pretty valid question he had, hell even I asked it politely, no response, well aside from people flaming Togo for having the gall to even ask the question. What the hell? Togo is childish much of the time, but that was not one of those times at all, he asked a legit question and got flamed for it. Then, because for some reason Nanashi, rather than answer it in simple terms decided to pick up and leave. Which is more childish again? If Windjammer/Nanashi/whatever wants to be a baby about it and have their account deleted; more power to them. We should use discretion when honoring a member's request to delete their account? Hey, that's not our call. I don't think we should do it at all personally, it just adds to the Drama Queen-ness of it all. Just like freakin Quadrano639 and that whole fiasco. If he wants to come back, that's fine with me, I think he contributed a lot albeit in very small doses. I think that as long-time viewers of his site though, we should get a small explaination. Its not like he "owes" us anything, but people sure come off as dickheads when they can't even give a simple "because I want my site to be episodic" or whatever. Togo wasn't berating Nanashi, unless stating facts about experiences with a site is berating an individual. Nothing he said was untrue and he in fact complimented the content. The posts I deleted were FLAMING TOGO right after he asked his first question. Anyone getting flamed like that would get a little irked and considering that it is DT, his posts were mighty tame. Anyway, have we had enough drama yet? I'm gonna lock this if it gets out of hand, but it seems to be something people would like to discuss for a time. Don't expect it to last more than 24 hours though regardless, this is exactly what Drama Queens/Attention Whores want. Word. Togo says stuff that needs to be said.
yellowlightman Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Max Jenius said: Pff, why all the Nanashi sympathy? Yes, he has a website. Yes, its his to do with as he pleases. But its a pretty valid question he had, hell even I asked it politely, no response, well aside from people flaming Togo for having the gall to even ask the question. What the hell? Togo is childish much of the time, but that was not one of those times at all, he asked a legit question and got flamed for it. Then, because for some reason Nanashi, rather than answer it in simple terms decided to pick up and leave. Which is more childish again? There's no doubt Nanashi has his own problems, and I've questions his website practices in the past as well. The difference between Togo's questioning and others is that Togo kept pressuring the point, when obviously Nanashi didn't want or feel like answering. There's a difference betweeing bringing up a valid question and bringing it up over, and over and over again. Quote Anyone getting flamed like that would get a little irked and considering that it is DT, his posts were mighty tame. So because he was being "tame" compared to his normal actions that's, OK? "Hey guys, he was being a jerk... But usually he's a REALLY big jerk, so it's OK."
yellowlightman Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Agent ONE said: Word.Togo says stuff that needs to be said. It would help if you guys actually read what we're posting. We're not saying that Togo doesn't have valid points, we're saying that he voices them in a rude and abusive manner. His attidtude is the problem, not what he's trying to say.
Duke Togo Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I've been pushing WJ hard for 6 years. Nothing ever changed. He left for his own reasons.
Max Jenius Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Duke Togo said: Why is it I cannot view anything on Nanashi's Information Group besides the random links I find posted here? Valid question... nothing wrong here. Quote Its been like this for years. I don't get it. WJ keeps posting this stuff here, yet doesn't want anybody to actually view the website. I mean, what the hell? Open up the site, or stop posting. Valid. Maybe slightly abrasive, but I deal with worse on a daily basis. Quote We are on topic, we are discussing your website. Why can we not access it, when you continually post single pages from it on this website? Again. Valid. Quote Then why have a link to it in his sig, and continualy post these single pages here? Any AFM veteran can tell you this has been going on FOR YEARS. I don't get it, WJ would have an absolutely top of the list Macross site if he ever did something with it. There is no denying the content is amazing, its just frustrating as hell having waited years for this thing to still be teased with it.Show us the money! Again. Valid. Not even a-hole. Quote He isn't charging you to view the site? Response to yellowlightman's light flame. Quote And it goes sailing right over your head... I should point out, there isn't any information on your website outsite of copyright information. Response to dodging of the question by Nanashi. Another statement of fact. Quote Using the search function, I've pulled up all of your earlier posts, and more than half of these links you have provided are dead. Statement of fact. Quote He has been doing this for 6 years. He's redone that website 50 times, its had 50 different names, and kept coming back to us teasing us, telling us to just wait, just wait and you'll see everything. A month would turn into 2, then he'd say 6... next thing you know the site would be scrapped, and he'd be starting over again.Don't get mad at me, you didn't lose anything. Graham and friends have provided more in their magazine scans than we ever saw from WJ, and if you want info, go to the Macross Compendium. The 7 year outdated and abandoned Macross Mecha Designs has more to show than the NMMA, or whatever it is called these days, ever did. You want to blame somebody, blame WJ. Final response. This is after I had cleaned up all of the other flames (at least 3-4 posts). So tell me where he's such an a-hole. What would warrant someone just up and leaving? Asking a question repeatedly when you haven't gotten an answer yet makes you an a-hole? Nanashi dodged the question repeatedly(when he could have at least ACKNOWLEDGED IT) and left.... because of the above posts? If the above is enough for someone to have their account deleted, then someone has issues. Togo wasn't really being all that rude.
bsu legato Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 After re-reading the entire original thread in question, I gotta say that I'm even more in Duke's court on this one. Nanashi didn't want to answer Duke's questions? Fine. He wants to take his ball and go home? Immature, but nobody's forcing him to come here. He goes to the trouble of having his account deleted so everybody can "see" that he's left? Drama queen.
yellowlightman Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Max Jenius said: So tell me where he's such an a-hole. Quote Goddamnit, watch the f*ckin spoilers. I swear to Christ, the next poster who goes as far as the Padme pic or farther is going to get absolute holy hell from me.WATCH THE GODDAMNED SPOILERS Quote So then you go forward and post a spoiler that I and probably several other readers here didn't know. You dumb piece of sh!t. You should be banned just for being a complete and utter toolbag. When Max said, Don't post spoilers here. has a forum dedicated to that so people that can't live w/o spoilers can go there., WTF part of that didn't your small mind understand? Jackass, thanks for posting the spoiler without warning. As for the Nanashi thread quotes, notice how many times he asked the SAME question? Totally unecessary, as by that point he was just harssing Nanashi.
do not disturb Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 i got nothing against anyone, and i'm not on anyones side. i'm just saying that since its someone elses site and that person doesn't give a rat ass what anyone wants, says, or even asks, that we should love along and let it go. that and treating people the way you want to be treated, and thats not specifically directed towards DT, that goes for everyone including me.
Duke Togo Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 yellowlightman said: As for the Nanashi thread quotes, notice how many times he asked the SAME question? Totally unecessary, as by that point he was just harssing Nanashi. I've been asking him the same questions for 6 years. What changed?
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Duke Togo said: I've been pushing WJ hard for 6 years. Nothing ever changed. He left for his own reasons. Don't you mean harrassing? The guy should be able to do thing's on his own accord on his own site. Why does he need some lame cheerleader egging him on? It'd be nice actually accomplish something on your own instread of criticizing someone else. WJ's 50% is a whole lot better than the big fat zero you've done for yourself. If a guy goes around calling everything lame, then he's bound to be right half the time. Nanashi might be a pussy for backing out, but after 6 years who can blame him?
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) twich said: Yellowlightman and Exo, there are others here that agree with your thoughts. I have been a part of this board for quite a while, but I rarely post....the reason being is because of people just like Duke Togo, who seem to enjoy striking out against that which they do not like or share the same opinion.I always enjoyed the rare gifts that were Nanashi's posts, but now I guess we shall be deprived of them....Thanks! Also, take a look at his site now, it is just a picture, no more links to anything, so I guess that we can say goodbye to that reference for Macross how much of a stretch is it to assume that one day DT might do the same to Egan Loo? Then we would not have anything. I just think that maybe we all should be thankful for what Macross we have and not whine and bitch about those who bring it to us. Twich Yeah, like I said... let's forget the fact that Macross resources are getting to be fewer and fewer and celebrate the people that can tell you how you're not trying hard enough by their standards... I guess that's the harder accomplishment. Thanks also goes out to the website community that lets this happen... Soon the few people that are left will be happy because that just shows how hardcore they are. Edited February 16, 2005 by >EXO<
Max Jenius Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Erm... yellowlightman, that's why we made the spoiler thread. I told people to keep spoilers in check(linking pics, whiting text). People did not do that. Exo, YLM, many more people than Togo have asked WJ about his site and not gotten a response. We know its his website and he can do whatever he wants, fine. That doesn't stop people from bitching when mods delete a thread. This is Shawn's site, he runs it how he wants and we are extensions of how he wants to run it... yet still we have - This et all bitching about it... Is it ever sufficient for a mod to say "This is Shawn's site. He runs it how he likes and he says that we're doing an excellent job. So STFU and stop harassing us in the feedback forum."? No. It isn't. Should Shawn take his site down now? Just because you have your own website (given out for free at most ISPs) doesn't mean you can't answer a simple question. Especially one asked by many people for years. PLUS even if you don't want to answer, that's a really stupid reason to have your account deleted. Asking someone a question on a board people have the option of coming to is hardly harassment. As for him being a resource... whenever I visited his site the stuff he had seemed non-canon or EU, which I'm not really into. Though I recall him having a good VF-11 write up. Exo, part of the reason Togo asked is BECAUSE there are so few resources. They're so few and this person only allows people to have a peek at the information he has. If that's how its gonna be, I'm glad he's gone, I'll just turn to Egan or here for my info. In any case, whether you like or don't like Togo;
Duke Togo Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (>EXO< @ Jul 9 2004, 12:36 PM) Quote Seems like the board has gotten way too PC lately. Ya don't say, EXO?
Hurin Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) When are we going to learn? Witch-hunts don't work at MW. Most people realize that Togo is just an @ss. More to the point, we realize that he enjoys being an @ss. And, he attributes the success and improvement of MW to his being an @ss. Now, you can think he's full of it. I do. But all the relevant points have been made. People who look at his behavior pretty universally agree that he acts "@ss-ish". Some people have a problem with that. Some people don't. I don't think any minds are going to be changed. Let Togo whine. And let Nanashi watch this thread with anxious self-awareness. Because that's what's going to happen regardless. . . Can we move on now? H P.S. Yes, Nanashi can do whatever he wants with his site. And I have nothing against him. Though, I think his actions are lame and it's everyone's right to point out lameness when we see it. But Nanashi pulling a temper tantrum in the face of some harrassment isn't exactly the way to gather the masses to his defense. Personally, I'm disappointed that we're all giving him the satisfaction of seeing his hissy fit and the cause of it (DT) discussed. Had he merely wandered off for a while, I'd feel better about discussing this without feeding drama-queen-ness. Edited February 16, 2005 by Hurin
EXO Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Duke Togo said: (>EXO< @ Jul 9 2004, 12:36 PM) Quote Seems like the board has gotten way too PC lately. Ya don't say, EXO? oooh... you must luv me so much to be saving that one from July 9 of last year... hahaha... that's pathetic... Good job Togo... here's your treat... now run along and don't bark too loudly...
Max Jenius Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Hurin is right. Locked. My masterpiece is finished anyway.
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