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Posted (edited)

I remember catching glimpse of a Corellian corvette in the trailer... is it actually the Tantive IV? That would rock...

What bitrate is the OST in? Got some other things running now, so need some more info before I make the mad dash to nab it before all the seeders disappear.

My two cents on John Williams:

John Williams represents how OSTs were done during his time (along with the likes of Jerry Goldsmith, etc..). Listen to a couple of more recent (post early-90s material) and a lot of film soundtracks tend to be a bit more on the subdued side and take a more supporting role to the plot, unless we're talking about Hans Zimmer and his Media Ventures style all-out synth blasting, lol.

The problem with John Williams OSTs is that unless it meshes REALLY WELL with the film's plot and characters, it's gonna take on a life of its own and sometimes actually seems to fight for attention. Duel of the Fates is memorable because it played primarily in the first film during Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's duel with Darth Maul, setting a very good tempo and pace. The rest of the score... eh... nice, bombastic, but nothing the listener can tie in with anything in the film.

Anyhow, I'll shut my trap about the ROTS score until I actually see the film :p

Oh yeah, to those that loved the Star Wars theme, get a copy of Meco's rendition B))

Edited by Akilae
  Akilae said:
I remember catching glimpse of a Corellian corvette in the trailer... is it actually the Tantive IV? That would rock...



You know the selling point is the long waited battle between Anakin and Obi-wan.

All out honestly I feel this is probably where we really get to see Anakin's powers shining on till he gets overly cocky and looses.

This will probably be the only chance we see him at his strongest, his prime, cause after he's turned into a machine, I feel like his powers got cut down since he was nearly a full machine....which is sad :(

A guy who loved to build machines and robots becomes one himself.

  Ladic said:
why didnt the emperor just clone anakin?

Wasn't that same image posted like in page 25? <_<

I think some one said that a clone would necessary have the same potential in the force and it was better to have an already pissed Anakin... something like that, dunno. :unsure:

  Ladic said:
why didnt the emperor just clone anakin?

Hmmmm, would midichlorians come across with the cloning? Good question. :)

  RichterX said:
  Ladic said:
why didnt the emperor just clone anakin?

Wasn't that same image posted like in page 25? <_<

I think some one said that a clone would necessary have the same potential in the force and it was better to have an already pissed Anakin... something like that, dunno. :unsure:

Actually, didn't we talk about that a few pages back?

I think that was the reason for not cloning him. You have crispy Anakin with lots of rage. If Palpatine cloned him, then he would have to start from scratch. With his wife dead by his hands, his best friend/mentor leaving him to roast in his own juices, etc.... Sidious won't need to do too much. Just feed that fire.


On the subject of Mace Windu -

I think Avery Brooks would have been more suitable. Plus I think he sort of has this powerful aura about him that's a lot less in your face than Jackson. If anything it would have been cool to see him as a Jedi or Dark Jedi/Sith.

  Hurin said:
  Ladic said:
why didnt the emperor just clone anakin?

Hmmmm, would midichlorians come across with the cloning? Good question. :)

If you read Timothy Zhan's Star Wars book, it is possible to clone a jedi, the dark jedi master in the novel (I believed his name is C'baoth or something) is a clone of the original, and he's a mad jedi. I quess cloned jedi is a mad jedi :lol:

  MrDisco said:
didn't he go mad because of the deep space exploration that they were on? been a long time since i read my copies.

Actually, C'baoth went mad because he was cloned too quickly, which directly led to his mind being warped and twisted like a piece of taffy :)

  bigkid24 said:
Sorry, if this has been discussed but do you think Lucas will explain why Threepio doesn't remember being created by Anakin?

Because Organa has the Droid's memories wiped.


Some things to consider with some of the current thoughts being bandied about. Medichlorians are never stated to be the source of the force, are they? As I recall they are mentioned as being somehow linked to the Force, and a higher count of them does indicate a person with potentially high Force sensitivity. However, I do not recall it being stated that medichlorians are the source of the force, or give a person their Force strength.

As for Joruus C'baoth, that's all Extended Universe, wich really can only be considered when talking of EU ideas and continuity. You really can't take ideas or conclusions drawn from the EU and force fit them into the canon movie universe.

I think the conclusions reached in the prior discussion as to why Anakin was not cloned are probably the best ideas reached on that topic. Simply that Anakin was there and available, with everything needed to make him the perfect Sith Lord to help Palpatine bring about the end of the Jedi. A clone would have to be grown over time, years even, and could be educated by clone education methods, but wouldn't have the experiences of Anakin, the specific experiences that brought about his rage. Plus, as stated above, the Force may or may not be genetic. Two generations of strong force users is no basis for the argument that it is, either.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
Plus with the Jedi supposedly wiped out and the Imperial Fleet/Army in his command, Palps doesn't really need a faster/more agile/better physically apprentice to do lightsabre duels. He just needs a menacing half machine Sith to inspire fear.

Vader might just be able to to move faster than he did in the OT, just he didn't need to. He should be able to move at least as quick as Grievous if anything, since it was the same guys working on both of them.

Who did he fight in the OT:

Obi-wan rematch - from the onset Vader chided Obi-wan with "your powers are weak old man." Vader didn't have a need to go all out on Obi-wan.

Luke round 1: He didn't really want to kill Luke, more get him riled up if anything, and try to turn him.

Luke round 2: Vader could have been holding back (even if subconsciusly), since he didn't really want to kill his son, and dispite his "there is no conflict" there was very much indeed conflict.

None of these fights really required Vader to go all out.

Despite no Force Lightning, nothing else of Vader's abilities should have dimmed at all, if anything gotten better, as his control of the force contonued to grow. I doubt young Anakin, even ep. 3 dark side Anakin could have force choked an Admiral several ships away. That means Vader's skill improved over the years.

  Radd said:
Some things to consider with some of the current thoughts being bandied about. Medichlorians are never stated to be the source of the force, are they? As I recall they are mentioned as being somehow linked to the Force, and a higher count of them does indicate a person with potentially high Force sensitivity. However, I do not recall it being stated that medichlorians are the source of the force, or give a person their Force strength.

That is correct. Midiclorians are merely the interface through which Force-sensitives interact with the Force.


Did they mention on the Revenge of the SIth book, who was master syfo dias and who ordered the clones?

Was it Dooku?

Posted (edited)
  Ladic said:
Did they mention on the Revenge of the SIth book, who was master syfo dias and who ordered the clones?

Was it Dooku?

Sifo Dyas (or however it's spelled) was just another Jedi Master - totally different guy than Dooku or Palpatine and he did order the clones.

The score - I know what you mean about recognizable themes. I can listen to the OT scores and know exactly what scene is on just by the score. In the PT, Williams takes a much more background approach to the scoring - less melodies for characters/events and more atmospheric scoring. For example in Sith you can hear a theme for Anakin/Padme dramatic scenes...it's not a full statement but the orchestrations are the same. Sith is scored less like a SW movie and more like an opera in my opinion, which is exactly how I feel it should have been done. Bravo Mr. Williams!

btw, here's a better listening order than the one on the cd

1-Star Wars and Revenge of the Sith

2-Grievous Speaks to Sidious

3-Anakin's Dream

4-Palpatine's Teachings

5-Grievous and the Droids

6-General Grievous

7-Padme's Ruminations (this is just eerie)

8-Enter Lord Vader

9-Anakin's Betreyal

10-Anakin's Dark Deeds

11-Battle of the Heroes

12-Anakin vs Obi-Wan

13-The Immolation Scene

14-Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny

15-A New Hope and End Credits

Edited by uminoken
Sifo Dyas (or however it's spelled) was just another Jedi Master - totally different guy than Dooku or Palpatine and he did order the clones.

And unfortunately, with Sifo Dyas dead, you will never know why he ordered the clones.

Vader might just be able to to move faster than he did in the OT, just he didn't need to.

I prefer the Lucas explaination. First he's fighting an old man (who's last saber fight was 20 years ago). Then he's fighting a kid (who just got a lightsaber). Luke doesn't have the experience that Obi-Wan had. Obi-wan still has the skill but he doesn't have the stamina he had 20 years ago. He can't do a long fight like when he faced Anakin-Vader the last time (ep. 3).

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