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Mosts of the cut scenes probably have some redundancy in the rest of the movie.

56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters

This would be an interesting scene. But I'm sure with Palpatine yappin and the end sequence probably sheds some light on the Dark Side.

75: Anakin confronts Padme

From what I've read, I'm sure Anakin confronts Padme enough throughout the movie.

121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST

This would have been good....... :(

176: Yoda lands on Dagobah.

Too many endings is the reason for this cut. Which is okay.

Posted (edited)

Is it just me or does the prothetics makeup for Sidious in Ep 3 look completely fake? They probably realized it was a low budget makeup and masked it with dim light in the OT, but now the makeup just looks horribly unrealistic in Ep 3.

Edited by Jolly Rogers

It's official: PG-13

On May 19th, fans of all ages will see the final installment of the STAR WARS saga with EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. However, for first time ever it will be rated PG-13! Over the weekend both Aint It Cool News (a movie news website) and the Daily Herald newspaper have confirmed that George Lucas’ conclusion to his nearly 30 year epic Space Opera received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. What does this mean? Well it just means that some of the material found in the film may be inappropriate for kids under the age of 13 and parents are strongly cautioned. Whether this is due to the film’s violence or thematic elements has not been revealed yet.

It's official: PG-13
On May 19th, fans of all ages will see the final installment of the STAR WARS saga with EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. However, for first time ever it will be rated PG-13! Over the weekend both Aint It Cool News (a movie news website) and the Daily Herald newspaper have confirmed that George Lucas’ conclusion to his nearly 30 year epic Space Opera received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. What does this mean? Well it just means that some of the material found in the film may be inappropriate for kids under the age of 13 and parents are strongly cautioned. Whether this is due to the film’s violence or thematic elements has not been revealed yet.

It was expected to get this ratting.

It's official:  PG-13
On May 19th, fans of all ages will see the final installment of the STAR WARS saga with EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. However, for first time ever it will be rated PG-13! Over the weekend both Aint It Cool News (a movie news website) and the Daily Herald newspaper have confirmed that George Lucas’ conclusion to his nearly 30 year epic Space Opera received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. What does this mean? Well it just means that some of the material found in the film may be inappropriate for kids under the age of 13 and parents are strongly cautioned. Whether this is due to the film’s violence or thematic elements has not been revealed yet.

It was expected to get this ratting.

Yeah, everyone knew it would happen, but now it's official.

It's official:  PG-13
On May 19th, fans of all ages will see the final installment of the STAR WARS saga with EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. However, for first time ever it will be rated PG-13! Over the weekend both Aint It Cool News (a movie news website) and the Daily Herald newspaper have confirmed that George Lucas’ conclusion to his nearly 30 year epic Space Opera received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. What does this mean? Well it just means that some of the material found in the film may be inappropriate for kids under the age of 13 and parents are strongly cautioned. Whether this is due to the film’s violence or thematic elements has not been revealed yet.

It was expected to get this ratting.

Yeah, everyone knew it would happen, but now it's official.

Yup :D


That pic of Mace over Palps while Anakin looks on...wow...its gonna suck to see Mace go out by a cheap shot...

That pic of Mace over Palps while Anakin looks on...wow...its gonna suck to see Mace go out by a cheap shot...

Bah, he's got it coming. Mace Windu represents everything that's wrong with the Jedi in this period in galactic history.

It had to happen sooner or later...the score has been leaked. I had a review written up, but my computer ate it. Three times. So I'll let the score speak for itself.



Eeeeerrrrr.... cureently downloading the torrents,.... but what is the format of the file that I'll get once the download will be over? The file shows no extension!


Actually he does go out.

OUT THE WINDOW! After losing his hand to Anakin first.

Guess Mace should have practaiced levitation more than lightsaber skills huh.

Actually he does go out.

OUT THE WINDOW! After losing his hand to Anakin first.

Guess Mace should have practaiced levitation more than lightsaber skills huh.

I'll never get used to Samuel Jackson as a jedi. His performance is over-the-top in a typically Sam Jackson way, and there is really no connection/sympathy with his character, other than allegedly just being a baddass jedi. His starpower actually harms his role, they really should have cast a lower profile actor for his part.

That pic of Mace over Palps while Anakin looks on...wow...its gonna suck to see Mace go out by a cheap shot...

Bah, he's got it coming. Mace Windu represents everything that's wrong with the Jedi in this period in galactic history.

Amen to that bsu, the jedi in the prequel movies all deserve to be kicked off. Holier-than-thou people lying their asses off.....we're supposed to admire these guys???

BTW Skypoet - it's a folder with the mp3's inside, no unzipping required

That pic of Mace over Palps while Anakin looks on...wow...its gonna suck to see Mace go out by a cheap shot...

Bah, he's got it coming. Mace Windu represents everything that's wrong with the Jedi in this period in galactic history.

Amen to that bsu, the jedi in the prequel movies all deserve to be kicked off. Holier-than-thou people lying their asses off.....we're supposed to admire these guys???

BTW Skypoet - it's a folder with the mp3's inside, no unzipping required

Yup, I just noticed that, and I'm listening to the music right now :)

I'll never get used to Samuel Jackson as a jedi. His performance is over-the-top in a typically Sam Jackson way, and there is really no connection/sympathy with his character, other than allegedly just being a baddass jedi. His starpower actually harms his role, they really should have cast a lower profile actor for his part.

i disagree. after reading the novelization i think samuel is fine for the role.


I bought the lego game. Pretty fun and not too serious. If I was a kid, I would think it was awsome. Flying the ships sucks but the rest is fun. Now if I could just unlock that secret level....... :p

I bought the lego game. Pretty fun and not too serious. If I was a kid, I would think it was awsome. Flying the ships sucks but the rest is fun. Now if I could just unlock that secret level....... :p

The whole game is awesome! I find no fault with the ships at all! If anything, I wish the Lego jedi were a little faster :(


i thought about getting the lego star wars game i thought it looked cool, i might consider it more now that i am hearing some good things about it.

Posted (edited)

Whoa.. ok.. I REALLY like what Williams did with this one.. a lot of the tracks aren't particularly memorable yet.. but they probably will get there after a while. The battle music was just awesome.

What really amazed me though was the final track, with the ending credits...wow. I think he used this last movie to slip in a bunch of material that hadn't been used for the first movies... Did anyone else notice the extended throne room/medal ceremony sequence from ANH? I think that's the ORIGINAL version of that piece, as in, the way Williams composed it.

A few years back, I went mp3 hunting for SW music, and thought I found the normal throne room/credits track. Well, the one I found was anything but normal. It's a good two minutes longer, and included that entire center section with the oboe and strings, as well as going right into the ANH end credits.

I get the feeling that was the way that track was meant to be played, but the center section got cut in production.. maybe part of a deleted scene or something, but it didn't make it into the movie. Didn't really fit the mood of the ending anyway.

But anywho, I don't know about anyone else, but that has got to be my favorite piece of orchestral music PERIOD. I can honestly say I'd go to this movie just to hear the music. Heck, I'd stand in line on opening night just to hear the end credits in the theater. Even if this one blows chips, I'll consider my money well spent to hear that piece played in the theater. If this one turns out well, it's just icing on an already sweet cake. :D

You know what though, one thing has occurred to me as to why the new trilogy soundtracks haven't been as memorable as the originals... Williams used to write specific themes for specific events/characters, and they used to be very distinct....

You had specific songs for specific characters, and sometimes events. And, really, you could easily hum or whistle them. Not so much anymore. Now it seems as if all the music is really chaotic, with random tempos and sounds all over the place, with no actual melody. Aside from small bits, this is still a lot like the other two prequels.. one or two tracks that are memorable, and a lot of filler for the action sequences. Why didn't Jango Fett have a recognizable theme? How about Mace Windu? Palpy, sure, he's already taken care of from ROTJ. He's got a theme. But for cryin out loud, Anakin didn't even have a theme. Padme didn't either, really.. well, she did, but that scene got cut. :p You had the Padme/Anakin love theme from AOTC.. that was okay, but being the ONLY theme you insert into other moments has a way of getting old. It got pretty repetitive The variation for the picnic was good, but there was too much of the main theme. I think there should've been a theme for Padme based on Leia's theme, and maybe one for Anakin based off of some of Luke's, mixed with some original ANH Vader. I haven't noticed anything like that with the new movies. Mostly, it's just been random battle music, or background noise. Maybe a little mood music, but not many recognizable themes that left me humming. Even the battle fanfares in the OT had more structure somehow, and a melody all their own. I don't really get why Williams changed his style for these 3 new ones.

I dunno, I'm probably ranting about something that I can't change.... But I really miss the specific themes in the OT. I think they added quite a bit to the overall impression the movie made. Course... when you have so little actual character interaction, the specific themes probably wouldn't have much of a place to go anyway. There haven't been many talking/conversation scenes in the new trilogy.

Edited by Chronocidal

Anakin didn't have a theme? I suggest listening a little more closely. He still retains the same theme he had from the original Trilogy (wich at various times is also the Empire's theme). It's there even in Phantom Menace, much moreso in AotC. Duel of the Fates is pretty memorable, and appears in all three movies. The theme of the droid armies wich later becomes the Seperatists' theme is one of my favourite of the Prequel themes.

There are really plenty of memorable themes, no different from the original trilogy.

Why doesn't Jango have a theme? Heck, why doesn't Boba have a theme in the OT? Even in the OT not every single individual character had their own theme, just a few of the major characters. Sometimes the themes would serve double, or triple duty, such as Vader's theme being the Imperial March, or the general Rebel Alliance theme.


My mistake, Boba did have a theme. However, Admiral Ackbar served a bigger part in Jedi than Boba did in Empire or Jedi combined, but he didn't have his own theme. What of Mon Mothma? Wedge? Piet? General Veers? Chewbacca?


Anakin had a theme. Its on the Phantom Menace soundtrack, and if you listen reeeeeally carefully you'll find that its just an upbeat version of the classic Imperial March. Palpatine has his theme, as mentioned earlier, but did you realize that the parade music at the end of TPM is actually Palpy's theme? There's also the Trade Federation March, which was used in both TPM and AOTC. And as much as we all roll our eyes at those scenes, all the romance in AOTC was underscored by Across the Stars. Jango Fett had a theme, in a way. His scenes were all accompanied by the "conspiracy theme" in AOTC. I'm sure it has a proper name, but I don't own the AOTC soundtrack so I can't give it to you.

What I found brilliant about the ROTS score is, among other things, how Williams is now mixing them all together with themes from the OT. Its a perfect transition between the PT and the OT. If nothing else, Willimas deserves yet another Oscar for his score.

but did you realize that the parade music at the end of TPM is actually Palpy's theme?

HOLY! :o I hadn't even noticed that! Wow, good call! That makes the happy ending in TPM all the more insidious then!

but did you realize that the parade music at the end of TPM is actually Palpy's theme?

HOLY! :o I hadn't even noticed that! Wow, good call! That makes the happy ending in TPM all the more insidious then!

What he said.


All's I know is that the Cingular commercial with Chewbacca was on 24 last night and it rocked my world.

That was good... now make me cry!

I'm also pissed because I want a Chewbacca ringtone but I'm with Sprint.

but did you realize that the parade music at the end of TPM is actually Palpy's theme?

HOLY! :o I hadn't even noticed that! Wow, good call! That makes the happy ending in TPM all the more insidious then!

Yeah, that was probably the one thing I absolutely loved about TPM. Such an over the top Happy Ending, celebrating the fact that the single biggest bad guy in the entire Star Wars movie series had taken his first step towards galactic domination.

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