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I want to become a bounty hunter...

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My house just got broken into this week. Great huh? When I've got Macross toys total ranging around $8000 USD, it's enough to give me a heart attack.

The guy was real cagey. First he started at one end of the house, the laundry, and tried to pry the security door open but to no avail, this thing is made of a strong alloy. Scuffed the paint to heck and made a few dents though, and looks ugly as sin now. :(

Next my room. I have a little 3 x 3 m sandy area with nothing but a large coco palm and some fancy plant that I don't know the name to. Anyway, he went around the side of the house, got a few spare roof tiles that we stacked up, and chucked them down on the sand so that he didn't leave any footprints. He ripped off my fly screen but couldn't get through my locked window. Now I cannot open the window on late summer nights without being invaded my flies and mozzies. :angry:

Finally he came to the kitchen. The window was open, but the whole section was protected by a set of metal bars. He got something to cut through the metal bars at the top and bent them down and pulled them out. Then he cut through the fly screen and hopped into the house.

He didn't have much time there, what he did was he quickly opened every single door, cupboard and draw he could see in every room looking for money. He left the TV, stereo, computer etc. because it was broad daylight (15:00), and he knew he would be stopped and questioned. All he was looking for was something small, convenient and valuble, like money and jewellry, which he did. <_<

Luckily, he didn't decide to smash stuff in the house just for the heck of it. My Macross Collection in the display cabinets would have absolutely buggered. I am so lucky that he didn't know the true worth of the toys. If he grabbed just my two Low Visibility Ed. on display, he could have made $700 USD on ebay no problem.

I live in a very decent area, but the thing is that it is next to the main road. Cross that main road and you got a ghetto, full of cutthroat ruffians who would beat you up just for you shoes. I should know, I got into a fight once where they tried to rob me. But luckily I was coming home from training and I had my trusty bokken with me. Luckily, the police didn't see me with it though, but what choice did I have when there were five of them onto me. <_<0 I really need to move.

Anyway, what should I do to protect my collection? I always thought about the obvious, insurance. But the thing is, these are mainly out of production items, and even if I did get all the money back, the loss would still upset me greatly because I would never be able to replace them. They are worth gold to me. I am at a loss on that.

When the forensics guy come he only found footprints, but no fingerprints. The guy wore gloves. I tell you, it's because of all these cop shows, they are educating the crims on what not to do. ^_^0

Funny thing though was that the forensics guy said that if he broke into my house, he would have stolen the whole of my collection. :huh0: He was a fan of transforming toys in general and like what he saw. I'm a bit flattered actually that he would say that. :p

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant. I tell you, the world is a crazy place nowadays.


Sorry to hear what happened but you should count yourself lucky you were not home and no one was hurt. Moving to a better place would certainly help if you can afford it. But I'd suggest insuring your collectibles if at all possible. Anyone have suggestions which companies might insure Macross collectibles?


When I get a house, I am going to set up my own little room for my collection - with a solid door and lock on it, and possibly it's own security alarm to scare the bejezus out of anyone who opens it when it's armed. Also, my entire house will have a security system, so they won't be able to get in without setting off the alarm. Locking display cabinets would also be nice. Good thing they didn't get anything too valuable from you, and you weren't there, and weren't harmed...


wow man. That sucks... you'll have to send some armed goons of your own to retaliate against Godzilla's obvious subterfuge :p

Seriously tho... that sucks... how did he get in tho? Do you have alarms on all of your doors and motion detectors by the window? I cant think of what you would do for your Valks tho, aside from locking them in a vault. Can you get upgraded heavy duty glass for them or something?


Also, insurance is a must - as far as insurance goes, you don't really need to find a company that will insure macross items. You just need insurance. I have renters insurance right now, and I am making sure every time I buy something I have a record of what I bought - either receipts, or printing out the pages of the items from HLJ, so that I have a record of how much the item is worth (even though I may not be able to get a rare item again, at least it won't be a total loss, and I'll be reimbursed for part of it's value). Also a photo record of your collection - to prove that you owned the items in the printouts.


Yup, we got an alarm system, so he had like 45 secs to get something quick before it went off.

Thieves nowadays are cowards, they just cut and run because they don't bother to go the full monty and get the mask, getaway car and all. Perth is not a big place, so chances are you can get recognised and reported to crimestoppers.

I didn't realise that the metal bars were that useless. He must have had a good bolt cutter or something.


Thank god for ignorance.

If the thief had the slightest idea what your Macross stuff was worth he could have made a small fortune. I know what it's like to be robbed. My vehicle was stolen little more than a year ago. The thing I remember most about the incident was how "wronged" I felt. I suppose it was a little taste of what it's like to feel the effects of racism, repression, and the other horrible ways we treat our fellow humans.

I hope theft never happens to you again.

  Mr March said:
I hope theft never happens to you again.

Thanks guys. I hope theft never happens to any of us ever again. But like that will ever happen.

The reason for posting this was two-fold, it is to wake up people like Godzilla (unless he made the hit, the bugger <_<:D:p ) and realise that there could be the possibility of toys getting stolen. Even more insulting is that they would be pawned for something as little as $30.


ouch sorry you have to experience that. But if your serious that you want to be a bounty hunter like your topic says I have a friend that is one and its not a good job to have.


I know how you feel, I was broken into last October here in Melbourne.. I was taking a shower at the time as well... back door was open and my Mum was over and asleep in the chair in front of the tv.... they went straight for my room taking all the small loose stuff (wallet, phone, couple of PC games, loose change 3 Tennis raquets). The things that gets me is that all my lights/tv were on in the house and they still had the nerve to come in, but they ran when they heard me finish up...luckily they didnt see my Mum otherwise it may have been a very different situation..

Luckliy for me they didnt take my low vis of 1/48 1J that were sitting right next to my wallet and phone... weird... just wish I could find out who they are and make punish them quiet harshly!!

  kensei said:
I live in a very decent area, but the thing is that it is next to the main road. Cross that main road and you got a ghetto, full of cutthroat ruffians who would beat you up just for you shoes. I should know, I got into a fight once where they tried to rob me. But luckily I was coming home from training and I had my trusty bokken with me. Luckily, the police didn't see me with it though, but what choice did I have when there were five of them onto me. <_<0 I really need to move.


What's the world coming to when even fake weapons aren't usable in self-defense?


When the forensics guy come he only found footprints, but no fingerprints. The guy wore gloves. I tell you, it's because of all these cop shows, they are educating the crims on what not to do.  ^_^0

Actually, the first time my place was robbed(happened twice in the entire time we've been here) they used gloves. And this was before the cop shows. You ust got hit by a higher grade of thief than most poeple. Consider it an honor. :p

Funny thing though was that the forensics guy said that if he broke into my house, he would have stolen the whole of my collection.  :huh0: He was a fan of transforming toys in general and like what he saw. I'm a bit flattered actually that he would say that.  :p

A. Good to know the cops appreciate the value of a giant robot.

B. To heck with the guys across the street. It's the guy in forensics you need to worry about. :p


Geez... I'm seriously lost for words. I have never been robbed so I can even say I know how you would feel. I can only imagine... and I doubt thats anywhere in the how you must feel. :(

Sorry for your lost. I'm also just glad you or anyone you know werent hurt.


sorry to hear your home got hitted. It's really mess up cause you would assumed your home is the safest spot. But just be glad you got a smart burgler instead of the dumb ones that are stupid enough to hurt someone for a buck or 2.


The best way to keep crackheads out of your house is to get a big ass dog. When they hear the barking they'll split.

Personally I have a doberman, rotwiler, spitz mix and if she doesn't know you you're dead meat.

  Opus said:
The best way to keep crackheads out of your house is to get a big ass dog. When they hear the barking they'll split.

Personally I have a doberman, rotwiler, spitz mix and if she doesn't know you you're dead meat.

Even a small dog is good. By small I mean foot and a half tall. Not teacup poodle.

But yah. Dogs are the best security system known to man. If you keep them indoors.

Used to have a german shepard/chow. Looked like a wolf. Sweetest thing ever, but she scared the crap out of everyone that didn't know her.

Currently have a black lab(mostly) and a terrier(mainly). Between the 2, I've got iron-clad security. The lab is big enough to spook people, and the terrier is mean enough to take a chunk out of their butt while they're watching the lab(but still well-behaved enough to not physically assault people we let in).


Sorry to hear about your misfortune, kensei. That totally sucks. Thankfully there aren't a helluva lot of pawn shops or fences looking to deal in toy robots. I recommend you watch the late Charles Bronson masterpiece "Death Wish 3" for some cool ideas for keeping people outta your stuff.

And Opus, you're yard must be like a mine-field of dog poo! LOL!

Posted (edited)

Well, the law in Australia is made for crims JBO. I reckon we should have laws comparable to Indonesia or something. Here all they get is a slap on the wrist. While people who stand up for themselves get hefty fines and spend a week in lock up if they caught me for what I was doing. Even if I had a cricket bat.

Thanks for listening guys, I let off some steam. The urge to beat the bejesus someone I caught doing something wrong.

Oh and guys, sorry to sound like a wuss but even though I love dogs (especially German Shepards, they just look so cool and evil...)...

I'm allergic to them. :( When I get licked by one, my whole body gets ignited with rashes and my eyes start itching and watering like crazy.

JBO and Opus: Say guys, when I was in my last year of Primary School we had to look after a cat. This was a short-furred cat that is said to be great for people who are allergic to animals. Is there anything such as a non-allergen dog?

Edited by kensei
  kensei said:
Well, the law in Australia is made for crims JBO. I reckon we should have laws comparable to Indonesia or something. Here all they get is a slap on the wrist. While people who stand up for themselves get hefty fines and spend a week in lock up if they caught me for what I was doing. Even if I had a cricket bat.

Ah, the ever popular "self-defense is wrong and evil and criminals are ENTITLED to your stuff" mentality.

Suffice it to say that the rules are quite a bit more lenient in the US. And even moreso in certain states, such as my own Texas(where, on the extreme end, you can legally shoot someone for stealing your salt shaker).


Oh and guys, sorry to sound like a wuss but even though I love dogs (especially German Shepards, they just look so cool and evil...)...

I'm allergic to them. :( When I get licked by one, my whole body gets ignited with rashes and my eyes start itching and watering like crazy.

Aww, man. That sucks.

German shepards have great personalities, too. And an inbred desire to guard your family and property.

Smart, too. As dogs go, anyways.

There's a reason they're the classical guard dog. Or police dog.

Smart enough to take orders, energetic enough to do the job, calm enough to wait for the word go.

JBO and Opus: Say guys, when I was in my last year of Primary School we had to look after a cat. This was a short-furred cat that is said to be great for people who are allergic to animals. Is there anything such as a non-allergen dog?

Not that I'm aware of.

Maybe some sort of chihuahua. But who wants that?


Quick google search turns this up...


'S got a list of low-reaction dogs.


Poodles are supposed to be good for people with allergies. They don't shed. People laugh when you say poodle because they think of yappy little toy poodles but the standard poodle is a 50 to 70 lb. dog. Not a sheppard but definately enough to make a crook think twice.

  JB0 said:
German shepards have great personalities, too. And an inbred desire to guard your family and property.

Smart, too. As dogs go, anyways.

There's a reason they're the classical guard dog. Or police dog.

Smart enough to take orders, energetic enough to do the job, calm enough to wait for the word go.

Depends on the dog. my german sheapard is so spoiled she wouldn't care about any intruders. Only thing she will protect is deer meat like when a deer bodie beaches up on the shore.

Other good alternative is a quaker parrot. Mine starts screaming at the sight of a stranger and you can easily hear it from blocks away no matter what walls are blocking the sound. Scared off the mailman one day :lol: .

funny thing about them they are known to attack large dogs.

  Zentrandude said:
  JB0 said:
German shepards have great personalities, too. And an inbred desire to guard your family and property. 

Smart, too. As dogs go, anyways.

There's a reason they're the classical guard dog. Or police dog.

Smart enough to take orders, energetic enough to do the job, calm enough to wait for the word go.

Depends on the dog. my german sheapard is so spoiled she wouldn't care about any intruders. Only thing she will protect is deer meat like when a deer bodie beaches up on the shore.

Okay, as a general rule the breed has strong defensive urges.

These can be over-ridden by raising them the right/wrong way.

  JB0 said:
  Zentrandude said:
  JB0 said:
German shepards have great personalities, too. And an inbred desire to guard your family and property. 

Smart, too. As dogs go, anyways.

There's a reason they're the classical guard dog. Or police dog.

Smart enough to take orders, energetic enough to do the job, calm enough to wait for the word go.

Depends on the dog. my german sheapard is so spoiled she wouldn't care about any intruders. Only thing she will protect is deer meat like when a deer bodie beaches up on the shore.

Okay, as a general rule the breed has strong defensive urges.

These can be over-ridden by raising them the right/wrong way.

Just like any smat breed, you have to stay on thier asses 24/7 when they're pups or they'll be uncontrollable. I had a friend who got a shepard and didn't do anything with it so it grew up to be a whiney spazz. That dog could have made Mr. Spock loose his temper.


sorry to hear your house got hit. triugh my life i`ve lived in two houses and both were robbed. in the first time i was a child but the guys who got inside made one f*cking mess trough out the entire house. the second time i was like 18 yeras old and me and my mom went to leave my two younger brothers to a fiend's house, then we decided to make a stop and buy some pizza after leaving my brothers at their friend's. i think it too like 20 minutes since we left the house and when we returned we saw the house with the door opened. some bastard broke into it and stole a N64, 15 games, two TVs, a VCR, and everything from my room¡¡.

what worried the most is that i have a pet, a cocker spaniel wich everyone in my home treats like another member of the family, i was worried they could had hurted her but luckily she was alright. after this incident at least one member of my family stays in home, we never leave it alone. ever since that last robery i promised to myself i would cut the hands of whoever gets inside my house and give them a beating that will make them regret they ever got inside.

  kensei said:
Well, the law in Australia is made for crims JBO.

Sorry to hear about the robbery.

Yeah, the law in UK is pretty much the same, protects the criminal and if you even think about self defence, you're probably looking at a jail term. One of the many, many reason why I chose to no longer live in UK.



sorry to hear that man, good thing no one got hurt though.

i hear you on getting insurance, i recently got renters insurance(thanks to the advice of jsarclight) cause i was worried what would happen if people broke in and stole my macross stuff. sounds ridiculous to get insurance just for that(plus in case my apartment catches fire) but its really the only thing i have of value outside of my furniture, clothes, and a PS2. :p

i've had one break in when i was 13 and it totally sucked. they ransacked my house and it took like 2 weeks to clean everything up. nothing was ever the same, no one felt safe in the house and we live in a nice community too. my mom had nightmares as well as my brother and we ended up moving out cause i'm mom wasn't sleeping, eating or doing much of anything.

if i ran this country, i would make a new law that states, if you're ever caught and convicted of theft, you lose your hand. just cut that sucker off so that everyone knows you're a thief and you'll think twice before stealling when you see that stump you got for a hand.

  Godzilla said:
Wow. Sorry about your house getting robbed, Kensei. I never realized the laws in UK and Australia were lenient.

Not sure lenient is the word I would use.

Insane, maybe. But not lenient.


Wow Graham, I didn't that the UK justice system was that soft like in Australia. I think that the Aussies are soft because are jails are full at the moment. <_<

I also didn't know that you can "dumb down" a dog's territorial behaviour. :huh: I thought that it was fully planted into their head.

But yeah, self-defence in Australia will probably land you a jail term. I know that it at least gets you a hefty fine, as a shop owner in one of the ghetto shops got robbed by three teenagers. He beat them with a trolley handle, and put them in hospital, but got fined $3000 AUD for that. <_< But as my instructor always says:

"Better to be tried by twelve than to be carried by six."

It still sucks though to get in trouble by the law.

There is only ever one exception to the law against self-defense in Australia. If the invader is in your house, and you are there too, you are entitled to use "necessary force" to subdue and control the attacker.

This started out in late 90's where an old man ~70s got robbed by a 17 year old in his home. The old man shot the guy in the rump. There was a huge debate on this, but between an old man and a 17 year old boy, they thought that a gun was necessary due to the physical limitations of the 70 year old.

Still, you can kickbox him until he is black and blue all over, as long as you don't mortally wound or kill him.

I'm sitll looking for alternatives though. I was also suggested geese. Apparently they are aggressive and able to hold their own, especially if they are in a flock. Are they as easy to train like dogs?

The insurance agent came today and assessed the damage. It will all be replaced. Damges flyscreens, security doors everything. We asked him if there was any problems with our security, but he said no, our house was the most secure in the whole neighbourhood. It's just that the guy was experienced and came prepared both something like a big bolt cutter and knives and screwdrivers etc. that he was able to get in. Still, he did not get past the sensors, he only had about 15 secs in the house, which is probably why he didn't take his time in the house, only rummaged through draws and opened cupboards. Because all the valubles were valued under $50,000 AUD, it is easily insured. Heh, in the event that my toys are taken it will be covered as well. My parents upgraded to the maximum insurance after the insurance company refused our claim for a fence that got blown down in a storm. Had a yobbo ran a car into the fence, it would have been covered, but because it was an act of god, they won't cover it. Insurance was upgraded to cover that possibility ever since. :rolleyes:


Ah. The failure of western civilization strikes again...

Seriously though, whether you're talking about thieves or the jealous onlooker, there will always be people out there whose response to seeing someone else with something that they want, is with thievery, vandalism or some other form of malice. To say that we live in a crazy world is probably the most grand understatement one could ever think of. If you value your life and your goods, in this day and age you should be VERY afraid for yourself...

I seriously wish Bodolza would cruise on out here and obliterate this planet... :)

  Graham said:
  kensei said:
Well, the law in Australia is made for crims JBO.

Sorry to hear about the robbery.

Yeah, the law in UK is pretty much the same, protects the criminal and if you even think about self defence, you're probably looking at a jail term. One of the many, many reason why I chose to no longer live in UK.


well, i see that everywhere the law protects the criminals. the case here at mexico is that either human rights will try to aid the criminals or will get me to jail if i beat someone senseless in my very own home. even worse it is known that in certain cases the cops make deals with the thieves. for example my house is less than two minutes from a police station, when my house got robbed one of the neighbors actually called the police, but it took a lot of time for them to arrive, giving the robbers enough time to steal mainly electronics.

perhaps the only way i can use force is in the case that my life or the life of my family was in danger, to be honest i'd rather allow them to take anything as long as they don't hurt anyone, besides i don't have any gun beacuse the use of one for self-defense makes you look like the agressor.

and if it was not enough the sentences they recive are enough to make you either laugh or cry.

i'd better take some advise or investigate about this matter since last week a guy who happens to live a few blocks got free, and he is known to be a thief. what bugs me is that yesterday i saw him trough the window and he looked quite suspicious as if he was looking wich house he could hit or wich one was unprotected. and my fear is that if somene tries to break in and acts violently i would be a treath to my family and i would not be able to restrain my anger and things probably would get ugly, some times i fell i can't control my self. but anyway i better investigate what security meassures i can get.

  myk said:
Ah. The failure of western civilization strikes again...

Seriously though, whether you're talking about thieves or the jealous onlooker, there will always be people out there whose response to seeing someone else with something that they want, is with thievery, vandalism or some other form of malice. To say that we live in a crazy world is probably the most grand understatement one could ever think of. If you value your life and your goods, in this day and age you should be VERY afraid for yourself...

I seriously wish Bodolza would cruise on out here and obliterate this planet... :)

western civilization isnt at fault its just human nature nay earth nature any animal will steal from others no matter how intelligent or civilized they are.

and i included humans into animals


QUOTE (myk @ Feb 9 2005, 01:19 AM)

I seriously wish Bodolza would cruise on out here and obliterate this planet...

the only moment when our problems end and whe can finally rest in peace is whe one dies......... or wins the lottery.


so get this, because of kensei story, i had a nightmare last night that all my macross toys got stolen. :blink: it was all messed up, i mean they took everything in my house that was macross, the toys, the boxes, display shelves, what a nightmare. then i thought i woke up from the dream(like some elm street movie) and ran into my toy room to make sure everything was there, instead all my stuff was still stolen, and i flipped out, tossing and turning in my bed ready to kick some butt, then luckly i really woke up. :lol:

sure i'm laughing about it now, but in my dream, i was super amped. :angry::lol:

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