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Posted (edited)

Ok but the difference is you've seen the series so you shouldn't care? Just continue to watch that.

Meanwhile people who have not seen the series, and who will NOT watch it because it is old, can enjoy an update with the latest technology applied and with the reimagining of the what the series was about. The goal being to get people who would not watch an old animated series, to go and watch this new movie and appeal to what the masses want without spoiling the original story.

Not all newer things are better, but usually when love and care is applied, they can break the limits they were given when that series was made and improve tenfold upon it in areas that mass audiences give a poo about. (ie impressive fx, sound, animation, acting, detail, camerawork, lighting to create a certain mood etc)

Compare a modern effort like saving private ryan to older war movies. I think the improvement in sounds was one of the most notable things upon first seeing it. You really feel like you are in a warzone and in there with the soldiers. It's just small details like that that people are impressed with. In terminator 2, the cg was groundbreaking and enough to spend the money to go and see the movie alone.

Jurassic park? Same thing. I never read the book, but I felt that because the fx were the main draw, I got my money's worth. I've always taken the assumption that movies are more about entertaining mass audiences not just catering to existing fans. The fans can give advice but the bottom line is always making sure the movie appeals to as many people as possible so that you can make the money off people who wouldn't ordinarily buy the manga or anime. (because these are mediums they do not follow)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)
It's never been a question of can it be done, it's a question of should it be done...

Even if it's done right? If its done right, then yes I say it should be done. Forget the fans and do it for the sake of keeping macross in the mindspace of the average movie goer who might start to apreciate if they knew something about it. I still say there would be lots of potential in a cg movie but with live face actors controlling the cg puppets.

I remember when the first batman movie came out and people had all sorts of complaints but in the end when you compare this to the sequels it stands out as one of the best 'comic hero' movies. I especially like the way the batmobile was handled.

Things can be improved it's just that it has to be handled by the right people. I think it's a case of people hating changes. You can't satisfy everyone.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I know a lot of people are content that Macross exist in it's happy little corner of their world and it's great nostalgic flame has kept our hearts warm in all the right places. But the answer whether or not it should be done, of course lies with who would do it. If BW and Kawamori says it'll happen then I'd be more than up for it. And if it done right I get to watch it over and over again. Not to mention buy all the merchandise that would come out from it.

It would seem that Macross is a small property that not many people are not interested in, but I've seen properties that became the bandwagon that people just wanted to jump on, and I wouldn't dismiss Macross on being one such property. I wouldn't mind if it was never made into a movie, and it seems very likey that it won't happen in the near future. I'm pretty happy with the cartoons. But there's no way it would break my heart if someone made a movie. If it fails then it'll just crawl back to it's buried little hiding place where it once was, and all the loyal fans can claim it again as they're own. But if a movie can get a merchandising machine rolling, I'd be more than happy to see it.

Posted (edited)

It will be interesting to see how James Cameron handles the Battle Angel Alita movie.

Maybe people will start reading the comics and stuff and we will start seeing people trying to one up each other in making successful anime and comic book movies? I always felt that with enough money, passion, talent, care and attention, you can improve upon something without totally destroying the original. People can always look at it as the alternate telling if they want to.

And even if it fails, commercially (but succeeds critically) like the old animated transformers movie, so what? I got what I wanted and I'm glad it was made. :-) What have you got to lose? There are many classic movies (blade runner) which I'm glad were made but at the time of showing may not have been understood or liked by many at the time. People have thier own tastes, fears etc and unnecessarily spread them to others as if they could travel into the future and see that things will never get better. As I said I was cynical of cg once, (in the days when it was used badly and stood out like a sore thumb) but am easing up to it.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:
I remember when the first batman movie came out and people had all sorts of complaints but in the end when you compare this to the sequels it stands out as one of the best 'comic hero' movies. I especially like the way the batmobile was handled.

I still don't like the Batman movies, even the first one... am I unhappy that it was made? Hell no. It allowed people to see that comic book movies could be taken seriously, moreso than the Superman movies. The effects technology just needed to catch up like it did for the X-Men and the Spider-Man movies.

Seriously, if anyone that frowns upon the idea of the franchise getting a larger exposure and then whines about where their YF-19 FPs are, or when their 1/60 Destroids are gonna be made... or even why Yamato doesn't make the SDF-1, then they'll just get the big STFU from me. :rolleyes:


I give a big fat NO to a live action Macross movie...and the same NO to other such projects NG Eve, Battle Angel, transformers, etc...

Even if they are made, and turn out to be the biggest blockbusters of all time...they would completely fail in my eyes...this isn't some sort of personnel prejudice against live action films...rather it's an example of the complete opposite. Mainstream prejudice against the medium of animation

But it all boils down to insecure fans seeking mainstream acceptence and validation of their intrests. :rolleyes:


I'm sure a Robotech live action movie would have more chances of seeing light than a Macross live action movie. That could be good and bad. ;)

  MSW said:
But it all boils down to insecure fans seeking mainstream acceptence and validation of their intrests. :rolleyes:

The reverse can be said about fanatics who's hope is to remain the experts to their little hobbies by keeping it to themselves. :rolleyes:

  >EXO< said:
The reverse can be said about fanatics who's hope is to remain the experts to their little hobbies by keeping it to themselves. :rolleyes:

I'm hardly an expert in all things Macross...hardly a Macross fanatic either...Nor do I really care to be...However I suppose I deserve that for strikeing a nerve or two :p


There's too many :rolleyes: anyway, if Macross would be produced as a life action movie, it would be made by Hollywood, and Hollywood only made in the past few years really really crappy movies, so i vote no cuz no matter what the budget, they'd find a way to make it suck <_<


Jerry Bruckheimer+Ben Afflek+Macross=suck (just for example)

Proof, Armageddon great action flick except for all of Jerries trademark slowmo, scarf blowing in the wind,buff guys walking towards the camera crap. even carried it over to Pearl Harbor. Oh yeah and both had Bennifer in them too.

That is how hollywood would make a Macross live action suck. They will throw all the things at the young audience that they think is cool for the masses and it will just be lame. Look at the alien franchaise including AVP now we will have a bullet time Roy stareing at a girls ass. The live action movie will lack the appeal that the animation has in my opinion


Don't get me wrong I'm not against expanding the franchise, I'm all for re-animating the original series. I just don't think live action is the way to go.

I mean come on, do you really want to see Brad Pitt as Roy Focker? Or Vin Disel as Britai? Or how about Ashton Kutcher as Hikaru?

  MSW said:
  >EXO< said:
The reverse can be said about fanatics who's hope is to remain the experts to their little hobbies by keeping it to themselves. :rolleyes:

I'm hardly an expert in all things Macross...hardly a Macross fanatic either...Nor do I really care to be...However I suppose I deserve that for strikeing a nerve or two :p

Yeah... it was just a stupid thing to say meant to strike a nerve... bravo to your one accomplishment today...:rolleyes:




In response to the original post that started the thread. Who cares? Macross fans won't accepty it, mass public could care less. Wasted money unless the story is changed completely which would of course cause fan boys to throw down their toys in disgust.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I wouldn't green light it for the US. Anime DVD's fine..live action Hollywood film? or even cable mini series? Kiss your money goodbye.


There's absolutely nothing a live action feature could do that DYRL hasn't already done better. And many fans complain that the story was trimmed down to much in DYRL. The story would struggle even further under the weight of having to give actors "face time."

A re-animated (with original vocal tracks) version of Macross TV, that's an acceptable idea. But a live action version would be commercial suicide. Macross is an epic story, and lets face it, most of the movie going public could give less of a poo about epic stories. They want flash & faces. Why do you think the U.S. entertainment industry is in the shambles that it is now?


Likw I said before, I could care less if it was done. I just find it funny that some people fancy themselves experts that they would already know the outcome of such ventures. Then they point to obvious failures like Crying Freeman and Fist Of The Noth Star, as if that is that would be the only measure we should look to. Anime is only a genre, not some sort of holy, sacred ground that shouldn't be touched. Get over it.

Like mentioned before, if Kawamori or Big West announced it, this place would be a splooge fest.


Nope, anime isn't just a genre, it's a medium. Some stories are told better through books, some through the stage, and yes, some through an animated medium. That's just the way it is.


Then I guess mangas shouldn't be turned into animes... and vica versa... because they are two different mediums, and that's just the way it is...

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
Then I guess mangas shouldn't be turned into animes... and vica versa... because they are two different mediums, and that's just the way it is...

In some cases, definately. But stylistically, manga & anime are far closer to each other in nature than anime/U.S. live action, live action/u.s. comics, u.s. cartoons/comics, etc

Edited by Keith
  Keith said:
  >EXO< said:
Then I guess mangas shouldn't be turned into animes... and vica versa... because they are two different mediums, and that's just the way it is...

In some cases, definately. But stylistically, manga & anime are far closer to each other in nature than anime/U.S. live action, live action/u.s. comics, u.s. cartoons/comics, etc

Oh I see, you're the authority of exceptions.

  >EXO< said:
  Keith said:
  >EXO< said:
Then I guess mangas shouldn't be turned into animes... and vica versa... because they are two different mediums, and that's just the way it is...

In some cases, definately. But stylistically, manga & anime are far closer to each other in nature than anime/U.S. live action, live action/u.s. comics, u.s. cartoons/comics, etc

Oh I see, you're the authority of exceptions.

And knowing is half the battle.


Personally, I like watching a story done in different mediums. It's like, watching an anime and also buying a Manga version of it or something.

I'll watch the live action NGE movie. I'll watch the live action Transformer movie. The thing with the live action vs. the animated versions is that you can't go into a live action movie comparing it, or you will be disappointed for sure. I treat it as a separate entity.

Worst case, the live action sucks, you still have your original, so how is it 'ruined'? A perfect example, Godzilla. The U.S. version is a waste of film. Does anyone love the original any less?

  bhop said:
Personally, I like watching a story done in different mediums. It's like, watching an anime and also buying a Manga version of it or something.

I'll watch the live action NGE movie. I'll watch the live action Transformer movie. The thing with the live action vs. the animated versions is that you can't go into a live action movie comparing it, or you will be disappointed for sure. I treat it as a separate entity.

Worst case, the live action sucks, you still have your original, so how is it 'ruined'? A perfect example, Godzilla. The U.S. version is a waste of film. Does anyone love the original any less?

Well put.

What fan boys actually fear is that the reimagining is actually successful, and their beloved franchise is loved by the mainstream, and is different from what they know....further distancing them from society. :p

Look at the new Galactica. Loved by many who don't watch Sci-Fi, or seen the original series, and on the opposite end you have those that are devastated that their beloved 25+ year old show is possibly being overshadowed by a new one.

Like you mentioned..they'll still have their old DVD's to watch...there's no problem...though admittedly, most remakes suck. :D

Posted (edited)
  Gaijin said:
Well put.

What fan boys actually fear is that the reimagining is actually successful, and their beloved franchise is loved by the mainstream, and is different from what they know....further distancing them from society. :p

Look at the new Galactica.  Loved by many who don't watch Sci-Fi, or seen the original series, and on the opposite end you have those that are devastated that their beloved 25+ year old show is possibly being overshadowed by a new one. 

Like you mentioned..they'll still have their old DVD's to watch...there's no problem...though admittedly, most remakes suck.  :D

Yeah, Battlestar is a good example. I love the original. I bought the dvd boxset when it came out and watched it from start to finish, which was the first time i'd watched it since it first aired. A lot different from when I was 6 or 7 years old.. but anyways, I still like it even though it's cheezy. I also really like the new version even though it's like watching something completely different than what I loved as a kid.

Edited by bhop
  Keith said:
There's absolutely nothing a live action feature could do that DYRL hasn't already done better. And many fans complain that the story was trimmed down to much in DYRL. The story would struggle even further under the weight of having to give actors "face time."

As much as I hate to say it, I'm in total agreement with Keith here. Look at how much some people bitch about DYRL and ask yourself if a 120 minute live action version would be any differrent. They can't just accept the fact that their favorite supporting characters didn't get nealy as much screen time as they did in the full series. The fact is that yes, you could do it. I'd like to see photo-realistic Derstroids as much as the next Macross fan, and I happen to think that DYRL did an excellent job of paring down 36 1/2 hour episodes into a single feature length film. But in the end it would only please those fans who liked DYRL style edits to the story.

Never mind the fact that Macross is kind of a niche franchise these days, and that we'd be far more likely to see a Robotech live action movie first.

  bhop said:
Personally, I like watching a story done in different mediums. It's like, watching an anime and also buying a Manga version of it or something.

I'll watch the live action NGE movie. I'll watch the live action Transformer movie. The thing with the live action vs. the animated versions is that you can't go into a live action movie comparing it, or you will be disappointed for sure. I treat it as a separate entity.

Worst case, the live action sucks, you still have your original, so how is it 'ruined'? A perfect example, Godzilla. The U.S. version is a waste of film. Does anyone love the original any less?

Hey, I LIKED US Godzilla!


You guys are really missing the boat on this. a thread four pages long, and the best sales angle you can come up with is the flashy eye candy of photo real CGI Valks in battle ... ( Ironic in a thread about a live-action film, yet CG animation is so far the main drawing point :p )

Are you so into the flashy SFX that you forget the rest of Macross?

Come on folks, think about it...what occures during those battles?...Minimay sings fluffy sappy J-pop love songs to confuse the alien Zentredai troops...an altogether abstract yet semi-plauseable idea...now the concept works in animation, simply because anime is an abstract artistic medium (abstract depiction of the human form, etc)...but presenting the same concept in cold hard live action, and even with the best intentions it comes across as more then a bit goofy and cheesy...perfect MST3K fodder. :lol:

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