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  Max Jenius said:
People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives.

Some do. I don't watch much Star Trek anymore. I haven't watched Enterprise regularily since season 2. And Star Wars isn't exactly setting the world a fire...its lame too. Hopefully Epiosde III will be good.

  Max Jenius said:
People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives.

The force was tellin me the same thing.

  mechaninac said:
  JB0 said:
  mechaninac said:
In the case of Enterprise this is an even worse problem because it's a prequel that often steps on, and sometimes runs right over, previously established "history"...

You say that as if Star Trek has EVER maintained continuity on even a week-to-week basis.

Personally, I enjoy Enterprise. It beats the hell out of Voyager, and is one of maybe 4 shows I watch on TV.

I never said that Star Trek had smooth continuity, and I did put the word history in quotes; granted that Enterprise has better self-contained continuity then the other incarnations, especially Voyager (it contradicted itself about every other episode). However, there is an established canon that gets repeatedly trampled on Enterprise: the portrayal of the Vulcans (somewhat ameliorated by the "Kir Shara" arc), a Vulcan in Starfleet (Spock was the first), Romulans with cloaking technology (The Federation was unaware of this until "Balance of Terror"), the Tholians (it is implied that the Federation knows nothing of the Tholians until "The Tholian Web"), The Farengi (although not named, it is hard to swallow that they would stay away from all Starfleet contact until TNG), Borg (unknown until TNG), and many other nits to pick.

I too watch the show; however, just like TNG, DS9, and Voyager, I can't bring myself to watch any episode more than once...they just aren't that riveting.

To be fair, they ignored a lot of the original series stuff for the other serieses as well(I still like the DS9 tribble episode's acknowledgement of the klingon makeup problem).

They tend to ignore all series at will, usually.


Still waiting for the ferengi to bring back their lightning whips. No clue why.

Posted (edited)
  mechaninac said:
I never said that Star Trek had smooth continuity, and I did put the word history in quotes; granted that Enterprise has better self-contained continuity then the other incarnations, especially Voyager (it contradicted itself about every other episode).  However, there is an established canon that gets repeatedly trampled on Enterprise:  the portrayal of the Vulcans (somewhat ameliorated by the "Kir Shara" arc), a Vulcan in Starfleet  (Spock was the first),  Romulans with cloaking technology (The Federation was unaware of this until "Balance of Terror"), the Tholians (it is implied that the Federation knows nothing of the Tholians until "The Tholian Web"), The Farengi (although not named, it is hard to swallow that they would stay away from all Starfleet contact until TNG), Borg (unknown until TNG), and many other nits to pick.

A lot of those have been repaired (as you mentioned) or have plausible explainations though - like the Romulans, they don't know yet that they have cloaking devices to make ships invisible, they only know about their prototype holographic camoflague system, and Spock still was the first Vulcan in Starfleet since T'Pol just has some honorary commision thing.

The fourth season has taken much more notice of these kind of things. That's why upcoming episodes that will deal with the Klingon head ridges thing and the mirror universe still interest me.

  Max Jenius said:
People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives.

No matter how far Star Trek has fallen, it hasn't sunk to nearly the depths Star Wars has. That universe is irreversibly ruined.

Edited by Panon
  Panon said:
A lot of those have been repaired (as you mentioned) or have plausible explainations though - like the Romulans, they don't know yet that they have cloaking devices to make ships invisible, they only know about their prototype holographic camoflague system, and Spock still was the first Vulcan in Starfleet since T'Pol just has some honorary commision thing.

The fourth season has taken much more notice of these kind of things. That's why upcoming episodes that will deal with the Klingon head ridges thing and the mirror universe still interest me.

They have improved, I'll grant you, and this season has been replete with nods to the original series...sometimes to the point where it comes across as a crutch or pure pandering to TOS geeks, and that won't get them new viewers.

All the discrepancies, omissions, and contradictions can be explained away with enough contortionism and imaginative gymnastics, but those fall into the fan fiction realm of the equation and have no bearing on the visual evidence established by the episodes themselves.

As for the Romulans, I've got to correct you on them having holographic technology only. In the second season episode "Minefield" not only do the Romulans have cloaked mines that Enterprise can eventually detect with the sensor pod used to detect Suliban vessels, but also a second generation cloaking device which is advanced enough to make it undetectable by Enterprise. Two BOPs (which just like the NX-01 itself, look much too "modern" when compared to the original series) are clearly shown decloaking to confront the NX-01 to the complete surprise of the crew. Again, according to "Balance of Terror", Romulan cloaking technology was unknown to Starfleet until NCC-1701 has a run in with it in that episode...several decades after the Romulan war, which Enterprise pre-dates.


That reminds me... how many times has the federation forgot how to track a cloaked vessel?

They have so many diffrent ways to see them now hte cloak should be worthless, and yet, they never can find a cloaked ship.

Posted (edited)

No surprise there. Let this tired franchise rest for the next 3 to 5 years; it has been far too over-exposed.

That show just had too much baggage to overcome. Let's just hope they create a proper series finale to cap the series as opposed to what Sci-Fi network did with Farscape (I know they made a mini series to wrap it all up!).

PS: Final episode to air on a Friday the 13th...that's just too perfect. :lol:

Edited by mechaninac
  phoenix01 said:
And I also guess this means no syndication since it ends at 98 episodes?

Don't be so sure about that.... The series maybe dead but something tells me it will somehow worm it's way into syndication.


It is kind of a shame. I just started watching again this season and I have to say the show has improved quite a bit. I gave up on it right around the end of season 1 and just now it seems to be improving overall. Well, maybe if they retire Trek for a few years, they might actually get some fresh takes on the franchise that could make it seem relevant again.


That's some bad news for me because Season Three and Four have been awesome. But I knew this has been coming for quite some time, and there's nothing Berman and Braga can pull out of their arses to save the franchise.

Tis a sad day for me. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  Max Jenius said:
People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives.

Yes.......and the quality of Star Wars has been declining for quite some time. This will be the first time in 18 years they'll be no NEW Star Trek. :angry:

Posted (edited)

The cancellation story is on the Star Trek official site now as well.

A shame really, I liked Enterprise better than Voyager. Has a much better cast than Voyager did.

DS9 is actually my favorite Trek series. I loved that one.

Edited by Anubis
  Max Jenius said:
  UN Spacy said:
Yes.......and the quality of Star Wars has been declining for quite some time.

Says the Trekkie. :lol:

Star Wars > Captain Picard > *

You forgot a very important point...

JarJar < *


Posted (edited)

Well that's too bad. I generally agree season 3 and 4 (so far) are pretty decent. Though I missed all of season 2, season 1 came off kind of dry and sterile.

I wish they'd just stick with a show and work to improve if it isn't bringing in the ratings, especially something as bankable as Star Trek. UPN is just a crappy place to be. Though what network doesn't eventually screw up their shows?

So the only Sci-Fi I have to look forward to is Battlestar Galactica, and that show has it's flaws too. :ph34r:

Edited by Major Johnathan

My Dad loved DS9 and TOS.

But My heart goes to The Next Generation. I will always be a TNG fan. :D

  JB0 said:
  Zentrandude said:


Jar-Jar = Ewoks = C3PO = Jawas = Kid stuff.

Anyway. I've only seen 2 episodes of Enterprise and its a pity that it isn't that great. I mean, I think Bakula would have made a pretty cool captain... I haven't seen anything that wows me yet though.

Speaking of which... Picard would have been a badass Jedi....


  phoenix01 said:
And I also guess this means no syndication since it ends at 98 episodes?

You mean they actually pulled off hat many eps.?

Man, I'm so out of the loop...didn't they try to bring the Borg into the series briefly?

  Yang_Neumann said:
  phoenix01 said:
And I also guess this means no syndication since it ends at 98 episodes?

You mean they actually pulled off hat many eps.?

Man, I'm so out of the loop...didn't they try to bring the Borg into the series briefly?

It was never an attempt to make them a regular villain. The episode was intentionally written to prevent a second contact untill Next Generation.

It was just a little sidestory based off the time travel element in First Contact. A "what if the borg had a shuttlecraft out" thing.


Whos Idea was it to make a Tv show based on the beginning of the star trek universe? What were they thinking? I mean the Enterprise looks ugly, the crew sucks and they expect us to go from seeing nice ships and battles , like in Ds9 and voyager, to the crap in enterprise? Its good that this show is going down and hopefully Paramount will come to there senses and do better. Whatever they do I hope it takes place in the future and not the crappy and basic past! :angry:<_<

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