phoenix01 Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Save Enterprise website Just over twelve days left and counting for them to raise money to put an ad in the USA Today paper requesting that Viacom not cancel the show Enterprise. My question is will Archer go down with his ship? If this has already been discussed, my apologies but I couldn't find it on the search function. Quote
Skippy438 Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Didn't the same thing happen with Season 4? Quote
Cyclone Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 IIRC wasn't Season 5 the minimum syndication point, not to mention large enough to justify some effort towards a DVD release (extras)? Cyc Quote
Ghadrack Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Sucks, because that show has suffered purely due to poor marketting and placement. They have truly done an abysmal job getting that show in a decent time slot. Had Fox put that show on in a 9:00 weeknight or post Simsons Sunday it would be getting good enough ratings to carry for a long time. I don't know about where you live but in my city (Chattanooga TN) it was airing at 11:30 on Wednesday nights on UPN and re-running sporadically on saturday afternoons at 2:00pm. The sad thing is that the few episodes that I forced myself to be in front of the TV at those wierd times I really liked. But due to the crappy placement I decided that I would be better off just waiting for the DVD if I want to watch the show sequentially and know the storyline. Who knows perhaps A-la Family Guy the show will be cancelled because the networks couldn't figure out how to place it and then DVD sales will convince them that they screwed the pooch. Quote
mechaninac Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 (edited) Meh...Star Trek is a tired franchise that should be put on hiatus for at least 3 years. There is very little creativity in it. Enterprise, although entertaining at times, suffers greatly from sloppy, derivative, plot lines that tend to retread the same old themes and clichés that have been done to death since TNG first aired. In the case of Enterprise this is an even worse problem because it's a prequel that often steps on, and sometimes runs right over, previously established "history"...the series was an interesting idea that falls flat due to poor execution that relies too often on cheap gimmicks, "sexy" content that add nothing to the stories, and technobabble (always a pathetic cop-out by the writers). In the end, Enterprise will live or die based on viewership, and that has been declining even before they moved to Friday, where they now have to contend with a very strong sci-fi channel lineup. Star Trek is just not novel anymore, it's like a sick old cow at death's door being milked for that last drop of milk. With all that being said, I wouldn't mind seeing a fifth season that delves more into the Federation's founding and properly wraps up the series instead of just having it cancelled without a proper finale. But if that's its fate I won't care all that much. That show is lame, let it die. Enterprise had potential, but it's execution was flawed from the very beginning. B&B managed to screw it up just as they did with DS9 and Voyager...too PC, too pedantic, too predictable. Edited February 1, 2005 by mechaninac Quote
bandit29 Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels. Amen, Trek has sucked since Next Gen. DS9, and Voyager had their moments, but taken as a whole they were not that good. Trek needs to take a nice long vacation, before we get a new series based on the exciting lives of the Starfleet Janitorial department. Quote
ogami Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels. Amen, Trek has sucked since Next Gen. DS9, and Voyager had their moments, but taken as a whole they were not that good. Trek needs to take a nice long vacation, before we get a new series based on the exciting lives of the Starfleet Janitorial department. Both DS9 and Voyager's last 2 seasons are very good. I watched everyone single one of them on Cable. However, for Enterprise... I don't even know what time it is on-air... Quote
uminoken Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 I agree Enterprise should be taken out back and shot. When they first advertised it, it looked pretty good, we would get to see the beginnings of Starfleet and meet new (then) alien races, and without the new ST tech, they'd have to develop new ways to do everything, ect... Then I saw the show. Took what was a really good premise and made it dull. Everything works fine, no matter how new it is, the transporters were supposed to be untested, but after one use it's no big deal. Exploring space just seemed boring, with a 'been there done that' feel. That's where they really dropped the ball (aside from the writing) And I hope you're wrong about UPN Zentrandude, Veronica Mars is too good to die! Quote
Majestic Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Beating a dead horse most definately. Time for Star Trek to take a leave of absence. It will take a while for the stank to wear off. Give it five years rest, then let some new, younger yet established talent take it over, new direction or not. If they get anything like the quality of the new Battlestar, they'll have a winner on their hands and we can all once again "Grok Spock". Quote
maxjenius81 Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 I always wanted to see a Star Trek show not based in Starfleet. I know thats kinda odd, but lets see some civillians! Quote
Eternal_D Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 thank god...I'm surprised it made it this far. sad tho, cuz I think that's the only non-african american show on that station...wonder what they'll replace it with. they should make a Shaft TV series or has that already been done?? just a black dood going around kickin ass and gettin the chicks...I'd watch that! lol Quote
Zentrandude Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 wonder we should list the shows that we liked that died under the care of upn. for me its gameover I like that show. Quote
Panon Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 For people who wrote the show off a long time ago, it's worth knowing that the fourth season has actually been by far the best season of the show. It's just a shame it finally started tapping into it's potential when it was to late. I hated the first two awful seasons, but after this latest season I'm going to be sad to see it go. Quote
terry the lone wolf Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 (edited) C'Est La Vie Edited February 2, 2005 by terry the lone wolf Quote
Effect Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 I agree, the premise for Enterprise was really good but the way it was finally presented was bad. I agree, the new season is actually good since they finally cut out all of that time travel crap. That's what killed the show. They over did the time travel bit, made a story arc far to long. Its nice and good to have an overall arcing storyline that's in the background but when you make every show about it, and a person misses an episode you've just lost the viewer. Even though season 4 is good, it being on Friday nights pretty much doesn't help since its going up against the SciFi channel dueing that time with their slot which has both Stargate series and now Battlestar Galactica. All three which are really good. I agree, a break is really needed. 3 years might be good. Doing a prequel was a bad idea in the end I feel. Several reasons have been listed. They should have simply kept moving things forward or filled that gap between the original Star Trek where the movies left off to Next Generation. Quote
USMCBebop Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels. I like Ms. Blalock, but the problem is, someone thought the "chick in the cat suit" (ala 7 of 9 of the last series) deal is what draws viewers, WRONG ANSWER! Chicks in catsuits and great special effects should only be frosting on the cake. The writers are the ones that make or break the stories. It's too bad that this [Enterprise] one might die a painful death. That's not a very pleasing way to go. Quote
Dangaioh Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 What would be interesting was if Sam and Archer actually met during the so called Time Travel episode. Quote
Murphy Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 upn is where shows go to die. that is so true Quote
Myersjessee Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels. I like Ms. Blalock, but the problem is, someone thought the "chick in the cat suit" (ala 7 of 9 of the last series) deal is what draws viewers, WRONG ANSWER! Chicks in catsuits and great special effects should only be frosting on the cake. The writers are the ones that make or break the stories. It's too bad that this [Enterprise] one might die a painful death. That's not a very pleasing way to go. Huzzah...I couldn't agree more! Quote
USMCBebop Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Maybe it's time for another Star Trek hiatus. Hell, it won't hurt it (it didn't from 1969 to '79). Hiatus has worked for Star Wars. (True, they [prequels] can never "live up" to the original trilogy, and half the SW fandom, don't like the prequels, but at least they're not as horrid as whatever is happening to the ST franchise.) Quote
Mr March Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 One bad show down, a million more to go Quote
JB0 Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 In the case of Enterprise this is an even worse problem because it's a prequel that often steps on, and sometimes runs right over, previously established "history"... You say that as if Star Trek has EVER maintained continuity on even a week-to-week basis. Personally, I enjoy Enterprise. It beats the hell out of Voyager, and is one of maybe 4 shows I watch on TV. Quote
valk1j Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Moving Enterprise to Friday night was UPN killing the show themselves. The key demographic of males 18-34, does not watch TV during this time. They go out on the town and hang out with friends. I like Enterprise, but have not seen the show in a long time. First I keep forgetting it's on, second I'm usually not home. Ratings were already bad, Friday just probably killed them. Quote
Zentrandude Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 the ship hasn't blown up yet?? just get trashed alot. proly every part has been blown up atleast twice since the begining. Quote
Major Johnathan Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Actually, I can't believe this is it's 5th season. Time keeps accelerating, this show seems like it's just getting started to me. I agree the writing is just not all it could be, and hasn't been for 15 years or so. Their so afraid to 'jeapordize' the franchise that they won't do anything innovative or drastic. The main cast of Enterprise isn't too bad, I like Archer, and T'Pol is better than I expected considering you know they got her for sex appeal. Trip is ok too. The security guy lacks charisma, the doctor is so-so, the helmsman is milk toast and has no personality, Hoshi is...cute, but I don't know I get how she translates labguages so easy, seems more like magic than science. Still, I hope they keep the show alive, maybe tweek the cast a bit. Make the story a little more tumultuous, I think humans should be a little more at each other's throats, it's too Federation-ized. Lastly, as I said, I like Trip and I like T'Pol, but they never ever seemed like a realistic couple. Maybe Trip and Hoshi but not T'Pol. She's Vulcan, she should be frustratingly unattainable. Quote
Zentrandude Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 I can understand about some of the crew are not that likable. has anyone noticed the helmsman reminds you of the guy from galaxy quest? Quote
VF-19 Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Actually, I can't believe this is it's 5th season. Time keeps accelerating, this show seems like it's just getting started to me. I agree the writing is just not all it could be, and hasn't been for 15 years or so. Their so afraid to 'jeapordize' the franchise that they won't do anything innovative or drastic. The main cast of Enterprise isn't too bad, I like Archer, and T'Pol is better than I expected considering you know they got her for sex appeal. Trip is ok too. The security guy lacks charisma, the doctor is so-so, the helmsman is milk toast and has no personality, Hoshi is...cute, but I don't know I get how she translates labguages so easy, seems more like magic than science. Still, I hope they keep the show alive, maybe tweek the cast a bit. Make the story a little more tumultuous, I think humans should be a little more at each other's throats, it's too Federation-ized. Lastly, as I said, I like Trip and I like T'Pol, but they never ever seemed like a realistic couple. Maybe Trip and Hoshi but not T'Pol. She's Vulcan, she should be frustratingly unattainable. Actually, this is currently season 4 of Enterprise. Overall, I've found that the show has improved greatly in the 3rd season (Lame ending notwithstanding), and so far is doing well (story wise) in the fourth. I'm hoping that it lasts at least another season. I've got to watch something else other than Mythbusters (not that it stinks, far from it, it's my favorite show). Quote
Major Johnathan Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 oops, 4th season. still, I remember the premier like it was just a year ago. I missed the whole 2nd season 'cause my satellite wasn't carrying UPN at the time. Anyway, I wish they didn't wrap up the whole augment/geneticly engineered/ Khan story. It would make a pretty promising story line they could return to occaisionally. Heck, how about a whole series from the augments view, that way the pesky Federation morality stuff gets turned on it's ear. I kinda enjoyed mere humans kicking Klingon's butts with ease. A sort of augment pirate ship series. Quote
Max Jenius Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives. Quote
mechaninac Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 (edited) In the case of Enterprise this is an even worse problem because it's a prequel that often steps on, and sometimes runs right over, previously established "history"... You say that as if Star Trek has EVER maintained continuity on even a week-to-week basis. Personally, I enjoy Enterprise. It beats the hell out of Voyager, and is one of maybe 4 shows I watch on TV. I never said that Star Trek had smooth continuity, and I did put the word history in quotes; granted that Enterprise has better self-contained continuity then the other incarnations, especially Voyager (it contradicted itself about every other episode). However, there is an established canon that gets repeatedly trampled on Enterprise: the portrayal of the Vulcans (somewhat ameliorated by the "Kir Shara" arc), a Vulcan in Starfleet (Spock was the first), Romulans with cloaking technology (The Federation was unaware of this until "Balance of Terror"), the Tholians (it is implied that the Federation knows nothing of the Tholians until "The Tholian Web"), The Farengi (although not named, it is hard to swallow that they would stay away from all Starfleet contact until TNG), Borg (unknown until TNG), and many other nits to pick. I too watch the show; however, just like TNG, DS9, and Voyager, I can't bring myself to watch any episode more than once...they just aren't that riveting. Edited February 2, 2005 by mechaninac Quote
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