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Barring sending it in for replacement, you could use a very fine drill (say .090" - .100") and insert a small rod with a suitable interference fit to allow for rotation, without ungluing anything.

Good Luck!

Posted (edited)

only problem is if he ever wants to sell it, it will no longer be mint, if he does not care and just wants to have it on a shelf, then yea that will be perfect, but if he is a serious collector then it has lost value and getting a new one may be more worth it.


Edited by zeo-mare
Posted (edited)

well at this stage due to this latest incident im 40/60 in favor of not not buying the alpha's (stupid factory in china or where ever they come from and there QC) man this makes me angry i really liked the alpha to :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Edited by F14Tomcat

All the alpha's share the weak point on the white "bicep" part of the arm.

I had my 3rd replacment scott arrive too me with the left arm dangling by this weak point..

- i very carfully split the shoulder open..went quite well..then

- then split open the upper bicep from the lower bicep ...revealing the post on the lower half of the bicep(with rubber gromet).

.....the rubber gromet leaves a gap where; once you fit the top half of the bicep back on it ...You find that it will dangle because of this gap!

I wound some thread extemely tightly arong the post with grommet too fill the gap..and then re-inforced it with some decal material too furtur reduce gap.

Then i glued the pieces back together carefully.....

Now it looks better than it did from the factory!!! ...the glued area even looks better(not saying much for china's q.c.)

on top of that it's nice and tight!!!! :D:D:D

bottom line...now i can yank the arm out of the shoulder and forearm and the bicep is not loose OR dangling at all!

in Toynami's defense.. my first Yamato 1/60 id dangling at the exact same section of the arm ....and there's NO way it won't show if i pry it's arm open :angry: ..and otherwize the bernard is really well put together!

bottom line..because of the missle hatch on the shoulder...there is'nt much visible seam line on the shoulders...this is ideal if you find yourself having too do what i did...you can't tell it's even been taken apart :D

gooood luk with your tho man, it looks like the post Snapped on yours..it will reqire more work...but if you open the shoulder and upper bicep...get yourself a new arm post and re-assemble from ther ;)

or have toynami REPLACE the entire unit!!!!


Hey Toonz, another alternative would be to sell your broken Alpha for spare parts. When a friend broke my 1/60 Roy (made sure he reimbursed me) I sold it for spare parts here on MW in order to help out others who have broken valks. As it turns out, I actually made more money selling it in pieces than I ever would have made selling it broken or as a whole.

Given Toynami's track record with broken toys, you just might have a diamond instead of a dud ;)


i do not know if this has been posted yet but the Shadow Alpha is showing up on ebay it looks nice i like the gun for it, i also like the fact the the gun stores on top in the fighter mode

Shadow Alpha



yea i know, but this is the first real pics i have seen of it yet, i am not sure if others have been posted in this old thread, but i did not see any in the new thread so i thought i would post for others to see.



i agree i still like it alot, but i fear that they did not fix anything on this one, i was hoping by the third release of the Alphas that they would have hammered out all the flaws it looks like they did not. i fear this one wil have the exact same problems as the other ones. which sucks because it does look cool specially in fighter mode.



The green one is easily receiving the least complaints of all the alphas so far. This could mean two things. 1) Quality has improved slightly. 2) People have accepted its faults and learn to handle it more gingerly.


Since I skipped the first precisely because of QC concerns, I'd lean on the former. My Alpha is pretty good, if not perfect (at least as much as any of my Yamato, 1/48 included).

Also like my 1/48, there are a couple places I'm afraid I might break, due to the design (backpack hinge on the 1/48 versus the front wings on the sides of the cockpit on the Alpha)...

  jenius said:
The green one is easily receiving the least complaints of all the alphas so far.  This could mean two things. 1) Quality has improved slightly.  2) People have accepted its faults and learn to handle it more gingerly.

Owning all 3 of the released versions, I'd say that #2 is closer to the mark. To me, there is no discernable difference in construction or engineering between any of the available models. I think that the "quality" of one or another seems to depend largely upon luck of the draw. That said, I've been lucky with each of mine (all low production numbers), while others seem to have been less lucky.

I still think these are a damn sight better than the next most comparable Legioss', those being the Gakken 2 and 3-mode 1/55-ish toys.

Posted (edited)
I still think these are a damn sight better than the next most comparable Legioss', those being the Gakken 2 and 3-mode 1/55-ish toys.

Man, I have a tough time agreeing with that statement. Not so much because I don't love the new Legioss but because I also really love the old ones. the 1/35 are clearly more durable and less prone to getting sloppy joints. Of course, the 1/35 eventually can break and get sloppy joints but it takes some time with those bad boys. The 1/55 MPCs are clearly better detailed with better materials but I dare anyone to spin an arm around a dozen times and then try to still get it to hold a gun completely horizontal to the ground. Now I did just buy the Imai 1/48 variable models and would love to see how those stack up... unfortunately I'm gonna have to practice on a lot of other models before I try building and painting those. Check back with me in 5 years for an opinion... Finally, the diecast two changes are great for display.. that's about it. They don't really hold a candle to the other toys/models mentioned.


The gakken 1/72 aren't in the same league as these figures.

Edited by jenius

Yep Jenius, the diecast 2-changers and the very slightly smaller 3-mode toys are the ones I am referring to as 1/55-ish (not those horrid 1/72 cheapos, although they are marginally cool in that they are the only ones ever produced with the option for a Beta linkup, impossibly pricey though they may be).

I too think that the original 1/35 are in a class of their own (I've got one too), but are not really directly comparable to the Toynami pieces either. Rated by size/scale, I stand by my comment :)


One problem that shouldn't exist with the Shadow is its hands. The much more robust claw looking hands shouldn't fall apart like the fragile ones from the first three Alphas.

  Apollo Leader said:
One problem that shouldn't exist with the Shadow is its hands. The much more robust claw looking hands shouldn't fall apart like the fragile ones from the first three Alphas.

we can definetly pray that you are right



I haven't had any problems with the hands on mine knock on wood.

They must have taklen some steps to improve QC on the Lancer Alpha as I haven't heard of as many people haveing problems as the previous ones. So who knows maybe there actually listening. Either that or they got tired of people shipping defective and broken ones back to them.

the new Bookends with the Alpha & Enforcer look nice. Saw places have it and the shadow on pre order.


Got my lancer tonight, from Twin moons great manz..no problems, transformation A Okay, transfomred about 5 times.. apllied stickers looks fantastic... think will be looking forward to shadow alpha.


er....umm... what I meant was, which one specifically? There are a bunch of Gakkens... what scale are the two mode little ones? They look 1/72 based on the cockpit size next to my Mac+ Valks....

Also, how tall would a 1/100 scale ride armor figure be?


Yes it was asked before but it was most likely in the previous topic related to this.

To answer your other question yes Toynami sets the price on the ones they distribute.

  promethuem5 said:
Also, how tall would a 1/100 scale ride armor figure be?

Considering the pilot figure and armor that came with the 1/48 (Or 1/55 as Toynami claims) Legioss/alpha is already tiny, then a 1/100 figure would probably be incredibly minuscule.

  wolfx said:
Sorry if this was asked before....

I was looking at this ebay auction and the seller mentions that they are not allowed to sell this item below 79.99.


Is this some kinda price control done by Toynami?

Retailer are made to sell them @79.99 for at least 2-3 months. After that they can discount them. The toy itself only costs around 55$ to make. If the retailer does not want to sell @80$ for the first times they will not be allowed to sell the toys.


do you guys think that Toynami will release a headless SHADOW DRONE version if the regular shadow sells out quickly??

maybe limited too less than 15,000 even ....i can't see them NOT wanting too milk the basic alpha sculpt for all its worth!!

what do you guys think? :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
  Feyd-Rautha said:
do you guys think that Toynami will release a headless SHADOW DRONE version if the regular shadow sells out quickly??

  maybe limited too less than 15,000 even ....i can't see them NOT wanting too milk the basic alpha sculpt for all its worth!!

  what do you guys think? :rolleyes:


They can just get away with the stock Alpha body with a few changes and call it a Shadow Fighter, but not the Drone.

Edited by Cyclone

If you look at the Legioss drone carefully, you'll see that it has almost no common parts with the previous models; it's an almost completely different design, as well as a different transformation sequence. I highly doubt they'll ever make that sku.

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