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I'd get an Alpha if it were easy to recess that third tit-of-a-cyclone storage compartment. Is it plastic, and how dows the hatch open and close?

Maybe there's a way to remove the door, take a dremel to the compartment to grind it down, and re-attach the door so it's at least on the same elevation as the crotch thuster in fighter mode. Then presto! Rear landing gear touch the ground!

Pic attached for reference/convenience.



Rick Hunter MPC = $80 - $150 (I did see one sale for $150 so don't yell at me if you think that's too high).

The Alphas shouldn't have a trouble with the back landing gears touching the ground, the problem is the front landing gear not touching. The solution isn't in the chest, it's in the legs where the holes that attach to the arms are. If you could dremel the holes forward slightly and fill in the old holes you would solve the arched back and landing gear problems.

NOTE - not all Alphas require the fix for landing gears... Most of them can be massaged to stand on just the gears...

  ghostryder said:
I'd get an Alpha if it were easy to recess that third tit-of-a-cyclone storage compartment. Is it plastic, and how dows the hatch open and close?

Maybe there's a way to remove the door, take a dremel to the compartment to grind it down, and re-attach the door so it's at least on the same elevation as the crotch thuster in fighter mode. Then presto! Rear landing gear touch the ground!

Pic attached for reference/convenience.


hey...that's my alpha's pic you're using...

  jenius said:
NOTE - not all Alphas require the fix for landing gears... Most of them can be massaged to stand on just the gears...


That has to be the most polite way that I've ever heard anyone describe the attempt to get the landing gear to touch down...


Mine stands on its landing gears pretty well. Not like 1/48 well, obviously, but they do all touch the ground. However, there's only a millimeter or so of clearance between the ground and the Cyclone storage compartment...


I was more concerned about how the cyclone compartment sticks out so much in fighter mode - the landing gear touching is just another issue that I've heard from everyone on the board.

Kevin is selling these relatively cheap, so I was curious if mods were possible. The overall sculpt is pretty good, the only things that bug me are the cyclone compartment sticking out, slightly long feet, and upturned nose. Some things a Dremel, putty, and paint can fix (maybe)..

  connor99 said:
  Kin said:
Where's the Tlead?...zz.zz.zzzzzz.... :(


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. But I'm okay with having to wait awhile for this if it means we're all getting a solid TLEAD/BETA with very few or non-existent QC issues.


  jenius said:
rumor at RT.com is that the Beta is now going to follow Shadow Chronicles toys if it comes out at all.


my wallet is breathing a sigh of relief, but The only reason i kept my Blue POS Alpha was to make the combo. FARKING HECK

If Toycrapi was smart, they would release it right away to get maximum sales.


They'd like to I'm sure, but I don't think the Masterpiece line is proving to be profitable for them. Is it?


Showing the Beta/Tread as early as they did was a double-edged sword, it built hype but because what they showed was a effectly more a statue than even a prototype of the toy it probably built hype too early before they even had a semi-transformable prototype which has lead to the long delays :(

Posted (edited)
Showing the Beta/Tread as early as they did was a double-edged sword, it built hype but because what they showed was a effectly more a statue than even a prototype of the toy it probably built hype too early before they even had a semi-transformable prototype which has lead to the long delays

Cyclone, are you sure about this? I was telling everyone it was just a statue and not even transformable and I had several people refute my claims and tell me that the Beta shown was actually fully transformable (or very close to it).

Edit - Depending on price I would buy at least 4. That means Toynami just has to worry about selling the other 59,996. :) (assuming they made blue, red, green, and shadown ones)

Edited by jenius
Posted (edited)

When was the Beta/Tr(l)ead first shown? The 2004 or the 2005 Comic Con?

Just looked over at robotech.com, and it was first shown at the 2005 Anime Expo with the painted versions being shown the Comic Con.

Edited by Apollo Leader

I'll get at least one Beta. Possibly two so I can have one connected to the Alpha and one stand-alone. That'll probably mean picking up another blue Alpha just to have a stand-alone as well.


You know what would have been a really cool idea?

If with each of the different alphas they had packaged a small, in-scale, pvc/vinyl invid mech. The bigger ones wouldn't work, but with the four we had they could have given us both the armed and unarmed scout and trooper. There certainly was room in the box...and would maybe have encouraged people to buy more than one alpha.

Was just thinking...that's all.


Although I like the Legioss design, I've never really been a fan of the Tread.

I'd still probably buy one (either a blue or green), as long as it was not too expensive and had no major QC issues or design faults.



I think my opinion of the Beta is skewed because of the sound effects used in Robotech's TNG (I haven't watched MOSPEADA recently so I don't recall if it's the same). Anyway, in the scene where Rand goes ape-poop on a fully evolved Invid the sound of his gun blasting the armor of the Command Unit away just stuck with me. Whereas the whole show is full of the laser-type sounds the Beta delivers a THUNK-THUNK-THUNK as it ripped the enemy to shreads. For some reason, that just made me think of the Beta as the ultimate bad-butt mech. Then to have it used later to put an end to Corg was a nice reinforcement. Looking at it now I'm not so impressed by the design but seeing it in battloid mode will always give me that "that's one bad mother... shut yo' mouth" feelin'.


I'll buy a Shadow version, but then leave it at that...


The reason why prefer the Legioss and Tread over... well... any Macross design is because they just give off an aura of grunt designs, not fragile.


Are we talking about the toys, or the anime vehicles themselves? If we're talking about toys, then what generations? If we're talking about 1/55 Bandai/Taka Macross, those toys are markedly sturdier than their Gakken-Legioss counterparts in that era. If we're in fact comparing 1/48 Yamato and MP Robotech, the durability would probably go to the MP's, but not the fit and finish though...

  Cyclone said:

I sold the only Yamanto toy I ever owned, 1/60 CF unwanted gift, so have no idea of the quality of 1/40


The 1/60's are definitely odd beasts. Bought a 1/60 DYRL Max while in Tokyo since it was a good deal but, after playing with it, wasn't going to bother getting anymore... except that the Elint and Ostrich came out. Might snag the GBP-1 just to throw on Max.

  Cyclone said:
The reason why prefer the Legioss and Tread over... well... any Macross design is because they just give off an aura of grunt designs, not fragile.


I've always liked the look of the Legioss (although not as much as the VF-1) and Shinji Aramaki, the designer of the Legioss is my second favorite mecha designer after Kawamori.

However, it's clear that Aramaki designs his mecha to look cool, without thinking too much of the real-world practicality or workability of the design, unlike Kawamori.

My major issue with the Legioss is that it has no method of pitch control in Armo-fighter mode for atmospheric flight. Although neither the VF-1 or the Legioss have any horizontal tail surfaces or elevators, the VF-1's thrust vectoring feet move up and down to provide pitch control. However, the Legioss's feet can only move side to side and thus cannot provide any pitch control.

IIRC, we once had a discussion in another thread about whether the Legioss would fly in an atmosphere and the consensus was that it would not (David Hingtgen or other knowledgable MW aviation experts, please feel free to step in and correct me if I am wrong).

Other issues I have with the Legioss are: -

1) In Armo-fighter mode, the boxy shoulder missile launchers are very unaerodynamic and would probably create lots of buffeting and limit maximum speed in atmosphere to sub-sonic.

2) While the Legioss carries lots of micro-missiles, they are all short-range only. Lack of any medium or long range weapons is a major disadvantage.

3) While the curved gunpod magazine may look cool, it's a impractical as far as carriage of the weapon in fighter mode. The magazine actually just is a battery pack and does not hold cannon shells, so there is no reason to make it curved and have it sticking out at 90º to the gunpod body. Heck, on the toynami MPC you have to remove the magazine to attach the gunpod to the wing in fighter mode!

4) having the wings folding down in Armo-Diver mode provides less lift.



since it only exists in a cartoon fantasy world, the chief characteristic is "cool lookin'."

on that, the legios wins in my book.

because if you look at either of them from a realistic design perspective, you soon realize that a transforming fighter jet is not such a good idea, giant alien invaders or no.

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