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hmm, if you consider the size of the MP Prime is similar to the size of a 1/48 then MP Starscream should be around that height too. so it's jet form should also be the size of a 1/48 vf-1 :) . yes, more transformable jets.

Posted (edited)

My main beef with MP Prime has always been truck mode. Everything was sacrificed to make MP Prime's robot mode the most Gundam-esque, beefiest mech they could. Honestly the G1 toy has a much more accurate/realistic truck mode. (For me, TF's are all about vehicle mode, and I dislike "fake" vehicles strongly) That and the grey gun with baby-blue accents.

But---Starscream I have high hopes for, because there's F-15's in Japan, and the JASDF has always seemed to be very cooperative to any company that wants to research/reference their F-15's for some reason. So I wouldn't be surprised if right now there's some Takara engineers on base measuring an photographing an F-15J to make Starscream molds.

PS---I'll wait for the Thundercracker repaint. :)

PPS---you know, it shouldn't be that hard to do Dirge/Thrust/Ramjet too. All depends on if they can get the conehead transformation to work. (Since an "accurate" Starscream should have the nosecone completely fold into his spine, not point backwards from his skull)

PPPS--I will be ordering the JP version, as the US version will have either the nosecone, missiles, or fin tips shortened/rubberized etc. :p I want sharp metal points on mine!

Edited by David Hingtgen


Still, I'd prefere a Masterpiece G2 Megatron to whip those Alternator Decepticons into shape.



I'm definitely glad we're getting another MP.


w00ts to that. Poor megatron isn't getting any MP treatment yet.

Looks like they will be including his crown as an accesory. What other accesories might be included? His cloak. Perhaps Rumble as a pilot? Hmmmmmm......another megatron gun?


Call me gunshy, but I've seen too many fake news items too get very excited about this Starscream yet. That one "censored" photo is hardly proof that this is real. I'l be the first to preorder this dream-come-true toy if it's real, but for now....it looks like something someone hacked out on Photoshop.


i hope it is real, it would be awesome, i hope it comes with the crown, shoulderpads and cape as well.



According to that "press release", we will learn more about it in the hobby mags in April (Hobby Japan/ Dengeki/ Figure Oh).


I'm not getting my hopes up. I treat this like I treat any uncomfirmed news, cautious optimism. If it's true, excellent. If not, well, we're likely to see an Alternator's style Starscream once they get to the jets.


As soon as either the hobby magazines for the next month hit or THS-02 (Hybrid G1 Prime) is released we can be one hundred percent certain one way or another whether this rumor is true. IMO i think it's true, not only because i want to believe it, but because it really makes sense if you think about it. I'm sure making a new Masterpiece mold for Takara with all the Diecast parts and the amount of detail that would have to be included in each release prevent them from going crazy on the line like they normally would on their main stream lines, so... with that in mind, what character could they come out with that is not only popular with alot of fans, but at the same time can easily be repainted and to an extent retooled into other characters? Starscream. A Starscream Masterpiece bascially means we can expect a Thundercracker and Skywarp Masterpiece some where along the line (keep in mind they might be exclusives, but i'm 99 percent sure we'll see em eventually) with Sunstorm and maybe even slight retools into the Coneheads (Dirge, Ramjet & Thrust) perhaps later on down the line. 7 potential toys from one mold sounds like a good bet to me, but i guess only time will tell, esp. if this intial rumor is just that... a rumor. :o


If it's a fake, it's one heck of a detailed F-15 schematic that is specifically a G1 seeker. The engine nozzles alone would take hours to draw. You wouldn't spend that kind of time to correctly do the 400 visible parts in a featherless F-15 exhaust, in a tiny part of the corner of a pic.


1. There is no detailed F-15 drawing out there that is a G1 seeker.

2. That drawing is incredibly detailed and accurate, and if it was a fake it would have taken many hours of research and work--and that guy should be immediately hired by an aviation magazine to do their artwork for them.


I wonder what's with the crude "censorship". Not like anybody can't see what it is. It defeats the purpose.


All I can say if this actually happens: F*CK YES!! Now we need a Megatron and Shock Wave (cmon, you KNOW you want it) and some other cool Autobot... but who else would you want? The BT/Alts are already basically Masterpieces of the cars and such...

  promethuem5 said:
All I can say if this actually happens:  F*CK YES!!  Now we need a Megatron and Shock Wave (cmon, you KNOW you want it) and some other cool Autobot... but who else would you want?  The BT/Alts are already basically Masterpieces of the cars and such...


Masterpiece Jetfire....and i don't mean a recolor of 1/48 VF-1S. :lol:

MPC Soundwave with actual working tape deck would be cool as well.

MPC Grimlock would be awesome too.

MPC gestalts....will cost a bomb and might not happen until the far future. :( But if ever, I was a Superion or Devastator above all gestalts.

MPC Omega Supreme even? :ph34r:

GAHHH....i can go on and on......

  Veritas said:
As soon as either the hobby magazines for the next month hit or THS-02 (Hybrid G1 Prime) is released we can be one hundred percent certain one way or another whether this rumor is true.  IMO i think it's true, not only because i want to believe it, but because it really makes sense if you think about it.  I'm sure making a new Masterpiece mold for Takara with all the Diecast parts and the amount of detail that would have to be included in each release prevent them from going crazy on the line like they normally would on their main stream lines, so... with that in mind, what character could they come out with that is not only popular with alot of fans, but at the same time can easily be repainted and to an extent retooled into other characters?  Starscream.  A Starscream Masterpiece bascially means we can expect a Thundercracker and Skywarp Masterpiece some where along the line (keep in mind they might be exclusives, but i'm 99 percent sure we'll see em eventually) with Sunstorm and maybe even slight retools into the Coneheads (Dirge, Ramjet & Thrust) perhaps later on down the line.  7 potential toys from one mold sounds like a good bet to me, but i guess only time will tell, esp. if this intial rumor is just that... a rumor.  :o


I have to agree with the clone potential. I doubt we will see any masterpiece figures that cannot be cloned into other figures. With that said what TF figures have clone potential? Bumblebee and CliffJumper? Or is there nothing else? If the rumor is true, this could very well be the end of the Masterpiece line as nothing else seems feesible business-wise.

Posted (edited)
  David Hingtgen said:
PPPS--I will be ordering the JP version, as the US version will have either the nosecone, missiles, or fin tips shortened/rubberized etc.  :p    I want sharp metal points on mine!


Doesn't really matter - most new TF toys are made with US safety laws in mind, so, usually, if a part is rubber on the Hasbro version, it is also rubber on the Takara version.

They usually do not go the trouble and cost of drastically changing anything unless they discover a flaw or something turns out not to pass safety, such as Vector Prime's sword handle being notoriously prone to snapping on the japanese version (necessitating a move to a softer clear plastic), or MP Prime's smokestacks (a considerable weak point for brittle vaccum-metallised plastic) breaking into horribly sharp and pointy fragments.

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
If they did release an MP Megatron, would it even make it in the states? They might have to put an orange plastic cap on the end of him since they aren't too keen on releasing "real" looking toy guns.


Its not that Hasbro doesn't *want* to release gun Megatrons, its due to US laws. Some states only need an orange cap, while other states require an entirely neon-coloured gun.

Blame non-cohesive US laws, the fact real guns are so common and relatively easy to purchase by most people, that kids playing with realistic toy guns can be mistaken by police for handling real guns.

They tried to reissue G1 Megatron in neon orange and blue based on Megatron as he fell into the lava at the end of 'Heavy Metal Wars' (G1 Season 1 Finale), but it looked like crap so they decided against it.

The upcoming Transformers Classics Megatron apparently has a non-realistic revolver design, abit like a recent (very cool-looking) Nerf revolver gun.

Edited by Fit For Natalie

I was just reading thru tfans and theres mention of Nemesis Prime , apparently it just alternator prime painted black.

Another repaint ... but its a truck and i like trucks :)


MPC starscream would be very cool. I too would be most interested in the bot mode... for Prime, I didn't care as I couldn't care less about big tractor rigs but I wanna big purdy jet to pose next to my VF1...


Ultimate remold:

MP Prime into a full Ultra Magnus. It'd be one heck of a big trailer, but it'd be cool. :) Or just sell the trailer as an add-on for those who bought the Ultra Magnus MP repaint.

Anyways, repaint/remold possibilities:

Bluestreak/Smokescreen. But we already have that in Alternators basically.

Ironhide/Ratchet. But nobody wants a van.

Inferno/Grapple. Now THAT would be cool. Big red firetrucks always sell, and cranes are neat.

The main problem is most of these guys aren't hugely important characters. Unless there were like 4 repaints to sell it's not worth developing the mold for minor characters. And the vast majority of Autobots already have a "similar" Alternator out there now. MP Hound and MP Tracks are NOT going to sell when we all have those Alternators. Alternators has already taken up a lot of the demand/desire for high-end car TF's.

The MP line has to do either jets/tanks to have something different, or be such well-liked characters people would buy them regardless of what Alternators are out there.

I personally would love a MP Sideswipe. He might be popular enough to warrant a mold, though I doubt it. (I never liked the idea of him as a Viper). And he can't be remolded into MP Sustreaker.

Finally--MP Grimlock would sell, but not likely the other Dinobots. Devastator is by far the most popular gestalt, but it'd be insanely expensive and complex to do---his toy didn't combine so much as you made a skeleton of purple parts and attached Constructions to it. Getting that transformation to actually WORK is almost impossible. Menasor is the most "possible" one, since the limbs are basically just car mode with fists. Though the biggest issue has always been that Motormaster is grey yet Menasor's body is black... Though I always figure you can just have a lot of revolving/flipping panels from the trailer to make a lot of black appear. Eliminating the "weapon base" mode from Motormaster would make it a lot easier.

I was thinking more like instead of 5 or 6 MP-sized TF's to make an MP Gestalt, have the final form be MP sized. For most of them, that'd still make them far larger and more detailed than before. I mean, RiD Prime towers over almost all of them. The G1 gestalts are not really that big---many small TF's combined is only a medium/large TF, not Fort Max.


Its hereeeeeeeeeeeee......

Hory Froating Head at the back of the box. ;)

And the pic next to G1 prime really shows how small and detailed this baby is.....

Pics thanks to devilman of play.

  "devilman" said:





  Black Valkyrie said:
Did any of you liked You Got The Touch music from the TF-Movie, if so here the clip .


Thank you! Downloading as I type.

You know, it's funny, I saw Stan Bush's new album in my local HMV this afternoon! It was just on the shelf, caught me off-guard. To my surprise, I find that his back-up band members (Tim Pierce, Matt Bisonette) are the same as that of Mari Iijima's!!! :o:ph34r:

Funny how these one-time anime musicians have even more in common than I thought!!

I saw him live once when he came to the UK.... That has no bearing on anything, I just felt like mentioning it. :p


wow the prime looks cool, i am definetly picking this up, as for the TF movie, i have the whole soundtrack on my Mp3 player good stuff.


Well, of course it's personal taste. I personally think it's awesome , especially with all that New Romantic garbage that was going down at the time in the 80s, and I still sometimes listen to it. I also think that compared to the standard pop ballads in Disney it gave the movie a flavour rarely seen in animated movies before or since.

What better musical genre to fit the theme of giant battling robots than Heavy Metal??


i prefer the original soundtrack itself, not the songs with lyrics but the orchestra style music in the background. i cannot really stomach the actual songs with lyrics, does anyone remember Dare to be Stupid :p


Of course it's all personal taste, and I'm not about to bash any music I don't like. I also hate Disney music and pretty much anything in most mainstream films.

I guess I just prefer classical scores or almost any instrumental music in the movies I watch.

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