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yea i to pop the doors off, i did not realize the arms come off though, mine has a few scuffs on the back windows at the top on the silver parts :( does anyone know what type of paint can be used on this that matches?



I've sanded some of the peg holes on my Grim-jacks. It makes transformation a little easier. The main ones to get are the holes in the beam between the shoulders (these are what makes pulling the arms out, so damn hard) and the holes that the windshield pegs into.

Beyond that, it's just a matter of swinging the arms and doors around to keep them clear, while you're transforming it.

I've sanded some of the peg holes on my Grim-jacks. It makes transformation a little easier. The main ones to get are the holes in the beam between the shoulders (these are what makes pulling the arms out, so damn hard) and the holes that the windshield pegs into.

Beyond that, it's just a matter of swinging the arms and doors around to keep them clear, while you're transforming it.


Thats why I'd rather go with the plastic Alternators...no paint chips and the colors match from panel to panel.

Chris don't worry about ol grimmy scratching man.

I'e got to disagree about this- out of my BT collection, grimlock's been the worst for sratching by a very, very long way. the tramsformation is such that it causes a lot more metal-metal contact than any of the others, making my grim's doors and front bodywork look like they're had rocks thrown at them.

it's not like he's hand any mroe attention of transformations than my tracks, smokes GT, Meister, or lambor, but he already looks like a 10-year-old toy.

my wheeljack is going to be an Alt version, as I don't want it to happen again. the mustang is my favourite BT mould from an easthetic POV, but the risk of scratches is way higher.

there is a chance, I guess, that it's the silver paint used or I just got a duff one, but I don't want to risk it, really.


You have to push the shoulders slightly away from the body when you move his arms up or down. If you don't do this, then undoubtedly yours will get scratched up.

Either way, theres no way around it, binaltechs are by far more durable than alternators. That thin plastic scares me. Almost all thin plastic parts on alternators are metal on binaltechs. Except for the glass, but its common sense not to mess with that stuff in the first place.

I`m considering to get Robotmasters Convoy since I missed the reissue and the MPC version, are the Robotmasters series worth it.


I can't comment on Convoy since I only have the Starscream. The quality is nice. The plastic is durable and the paint application is clean. The part fit is good. The articulation is better than G1 but isn't anything special compared to some of the other modern TF lines. The thing that suprised me about this line is that the figures are really small. I don't have SS in front of me so I can't do an accurate measurement, but I think it is 5" tall or so.

The RM Convoy looks to have a simplified transformation and the inner arms (and perhaps the thighs) are hollow.

I`m considering to get Robotmasters Convoy since I missed the reissue and the MPC version, are the Robotmasters series worth it.


I can't comment on Convoy since I only have the Starscream. The quality is nice. The plastic is durable and the paint application is clean. The part fit is good. The articulation is better than G1 but isn't anything special compared to some of the other modern TF lines. The thing that suprised me about this line is that the figures are really small. I don't have SS in front of me so I can't do an accurate measurement, but I think it is 5" tall or so.

The RM Convoy looks to have a simplified transformation and the inner arms (and perhaps the thighs) are hollow.


Small ?! they look like they are 7"tall. Thanks.

I`m considering to get Robotmasters Convoy since I missed the reissue and the MPC version, are the Robotmasters series worth it.


I can't comment on Convoy since I only have the Starscream. The quality is nice. The plastic is durable and the paint application is clean. The part fit is good. The articulation is better than G1 but isn't anything special compared to some of the other modern TF lines. The thing that suprised me about this line is that the figures are really small. I don't have SS in front of me so I can't do an accurate measurement, but I think it is 5" tall or so.

The RM Convoy looks to have a simplified transformation and the inner arms (and perhaps the thighs) are hollow.


Small ?! they look like they are 7"tall. Thanks.


SS is 4.75" to the top of the intakes.


I wonder if those come with two figures, one for standing and one for sitting behind the wheel. They certainly don't look articulated enough to do both.


what's this? little figures now? *sigh* <_<


yea i heard it comes with 2 one sitting and one standing, sunstreaker looks nice, but dammit i want some new figures not more repaints



According to producers of the upcoming Movie they might NOT be going with the original voice actors.

IESB: Don Murphy has been very vocal of his desire of using some of the original voice over actors such as Frank Welker and Peter Cullen in the film, do you, Spielberg and Bay feel the same?

di Bonaventura: No, I don't believe that is going to happen, I don't know why you would want the original voice over actors. Here you go, this is going to be the process, we are going to meet a lot of people for the voice over's and those guy's might end up being it but making the assumption going in [that the original actors will be used] is I think kind of silly actually. I think people want the best actors to do it. The best Optimus Prime and the best you know, all these characters, you know you want , hmm, I understand I grew up with them too, so you want to be true to characters. I think what's important is being true to them. I don't think being true to them means in literally using the same voice over actors. Some of those guys are TV cartoon guy's. I want get better characters if we can. Some of them might be able to do that and some may not, I am sure that they will get the opportunity.


Posted (edited)
Aint It Cool News reports that Michael Bay may be leaving. One of the reasons being that The Island tanked at the B.O. So there might be a possibility in having the old voices come back 'cept for Starscream which was one of my favorite voices. He captured dangerous, evil and pathetic-whiney perfectly. The voice actor for him and Cobra Commander died AFAIK. :( Forgot what his name was though. Edited by Briareos
Aint It Cool News reports that Michael Bay may be leaving. One of the reasons being that The Island tanked at the B.O. So there might be a possibility in having the old voices come back 'cept for Starscream which was one of my favorite voices. He captured dangerous, evil and pathetic-whiney perfectly. The voice actor for him and Cobra Commander died AFAIK.  :( Forgot what his name was though.


Chris Latta.

I read somewhere recently how Billy West (Fry in Futurama, Bugs Bunny in Space Jam) was pissed off about the recent trend of getting "stars" to play leadds in animation features. He would talk about how the auditions were set up to get VAs like West in the studio, see their ad-lib stuff, and then the producers would suggest those quirks to the "star" actors.

All in all, I think if you want to be true to the characters, you've got to bring back the people who played them best. If you want Will Smith as Blaster, for example, it's just Will Smith being Blaster, no more than that. When I see Blaster on the screen, I want to hear Blaster. I don't want some schmuck doing an impression of him.

And that comment of di Bonaventura's about them just being "TV cartoon guys" is so patronising.


That's a serious problem, most studios don't seem to see voice acting as a distinct talent. Movie stars are getting all the theatrical animation releases, despite lacking voice acting specific skills, and for television the trend is towards cheaper, less talented VAs. Added to this is the trend not to record VAs interacting with other VAs, instead having them read their lines out of context and alone in a recording booth.


Heh. Hey guys, Don Murphy pretty much called out TFW2005, and an ensuing flame war on his board has occurred.

I don't agree with what he did and apparently now he is threatening lawsuits and such against billstoysngames and other stuff. Weird huh?

tfw2005.com frontpage has all the info.

tfw2005.com frontpage has all the info.


Not all the info. Look:


There's no way of knowing exactly what was said.

Anyway, from all the stuff I've read about him, that Don Murphy dude is a real weirdo. He pretty much called Nevermore of the TF Archive a Nazi. <_<


whoa. It was all there late last night. They did clear it up this morning though. Renato, most of the stuff was on Don Murphy's board. In the actual BBS. Then he came to tfw and made I think 3 posts. Either way Tony's reponse was up until this morning when he changed it since he and Don talked...well actually Don called him. Some is still on the frontpage but most of it really was on the boards.

Either way the stuff is done and did lol. But yea it was pretty bad.

In other news..SONIC BOMBER IS OUT~! Some of the tfimage board decided to combine sonic bomber with prime AND ligerjack...and it works. Not sure if this combo will make it to the show but who knows? Either way its cool and it can be done!

That's a serious problem, most studios don't seem to see voice acting as a distinct talent. Movie stars are getting all the theatrical animation releases, despite lacking voice acting specific skills, and for television the trend is towards cheaper, less talented VAs. Added to this is the trend not to record VAs interacting with other VAs, instead having them read their lines out of context and alone in a recording booth.


Actually that's what they normally do when they record voices for a movie or a TV show. There are the unusual cases of when two or more actors are in the same booth, but by and large they normally record everybody seperatley (sp?), and then mix the voices together.


By my understanding this is a relatively new trend. Relatively meaning as of the early to mid 90's or so, but still.


I found Swerve at a small, ghetto Target in Austin, and must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps it's the color, but he just looks better then Tracks in bot mode. Maybe his head? It looks like it belongs on some sort of heavy weapons platform. I like the red plastic better than Windcharger, as well. It doesn't seem as thin and ready to break.

I found Swerve at a small, ghetto Target in Austin, and must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps it's the color, but he just looks better then Tracks in bot mode. Maybe his head? It looks like it belongs on some sort of heavy weapons platform. I like the red plastic better than Windcharger, as well. It doesn't seem as thin and ready to break.


Whats the best store that you've been to for transformers in Austin? I'm looking for a Grimlock or Wheeljack.

I found Swerve at a small, ghetto Target in Austin, and must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps it's the color, but he just looks better then Tracks in bot mode. Maybe his head? It looks like it belongs on some sort of heavy weapons platform. I like the red plastic better than Windcharger, as well. It doesn't seem as thin and ready to break.


Whats the best store that you've been to for transformers in Austin? I'm looking for a Grimlock or Wheeljack.


Good luck on Wheeljack...I still see Grimlock around at the TRU's.

I found Swerve at a small, ghetto Target in Austin, and must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps it's the color, but he just looks better then Tracks in bot mode. Maybe his head? It looks like it belongs on some sort of heavy weapons platform. I like the red plastic better than Windcharger, as well. It doesn't seem as thin and ready to break.


There are two Grimlocks @ the Target off of 183.. er... down by, Burnet, I want to say? It's the one being rebuilt.


if anyone needs grimlock i have the Binaltech on ebay , i can also pick up the alternators version they had it the other day at Toys R us , i think they also had Ravage and Overdrive. here is a great link to the review for BT Prowl.

Binaltech Prowl



As its a mass production, mainline toy, no die cast.

Fan to Fan took a blurry photograph of GF Soundwave at the Tokyo Toy Fair a few weeks ago. Here you go:



You know, I don't understand why they gotta release different scales of Transformer characters, I mean here's an example:

GF Starscream, he's a good 2-3 inches taller than 20th AV Prime, yet GF Megatron is smaller and even thinner looking than Starscream.

Vector Prime's a good 5 inches or more shorter than Starscream.....blah blah blah, you see where I'm getting at?

Why do they gotta do different sizes? Why not one size fits all?

You know, I don't understand why they gotta release different scales of Transformer characters, I mean here's an example:

GF Starscream, he's a good 2-3 inches taller than 20th AV Prime, yet GF Megatron is smaller and even thinner looking than Starscream.

Vector Prime's a good 5 inches or more shorter than Starscream.....blah blah blah, you see where I'm getting at?

Why do they gotta do different sizes? Why not one size fits all?


Its due to storyline. Starscream does indeed grow larger later(king starscream) on in cybertron, and his regular sized figure will be in a TRu exclusive as a repaint with vector prime in fall.

The sizes are mainly in relevance to the show. Transformers one way or another have always been out of scale, the G1 seekers were like 1/80 while the autobot cars were mostly 1/48s. Then you get someone like predaking whom noone knows what the hell scale he is.

For the most part, cybertron stands on its own and most of the toys are in the same scale as the show...for example, jackshot is not the same size as hotshot, and hotshot ain't as big as prime.

You know, I don't understand why they gotta release different scales of Transformer characters, I mean here's an example:

GF Starscream, he's a good 2-3 inches taller than 20th AV Prime, yet GF Megatron is smaller and even thinner looking than Starscream.

Vector Prime's a good 5 inches or more shorter than Starscream.....blah blah blah, you see where I'm getting at?

Why do they gotta do different sizes? Why not one size fits all?


Its due to storyline. Starscream does indeed grow larger later(king starscream) on in cybertron, and his regular sized figure will be in a TRu exclusive as a repaint with vector prime in fall.

The sizes are mainly in relevance to the show. Transformers one way or another have always been out of scale, the G1 seekers were like 1/80 while the autobot cars were mostly 1/48s. Then you get someone like predaking whom noone knows what the hell scale he is.

For the most part, cybertron stands on its own and most of the toys are in the same scale as the show...for example, jackshot is not the same size as hotshot, and hotshot ain't as big as prime.


Heh...and not to mention other than transformation inconsistencies during G1, there seems to be a "enlargement" and "shrinking" during transformation. Most obvious is Megatron who is the same size as Prime becomes into a small gun. And of course there's Jetfire who's slightly larger than Prime, is able to carry about 6-7 autobots including Prime in its cargo bay in ...urmm....valkyrie mode. :lol:

And Prime sometimes pulls a clowns in car act when the whole autobot brigade comes out of his trailer...when it should only fit 1-2 cars. :lol::lol::lol:

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