areaseven Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 I got my drive shaft mod for Windcharger early this week from an eBay seller. It took over a week to ship because it came all the way from Singapore and the package had no return address (guess he doesn't want Hasbro to know what he's doing). The package includes the drive shaft and a metal pin to secure it to the engine. Take note that you will need a small drill bit (I used one from an XMODS tool kit) to enlarge the hole for the pin to fit. It's also recommended to drill a hole on the end of the drive shaft to make it look more like a gun barrel. I expected the shaft to snap on to the undercarriage to properly secure the engine, but found out that it's much thinner in diameter than expected. I'll probably add putty to the brackets later this week and see if it solves the problem. Overall, the drive shaft makes Windcharger's gun look much more substantial. Get it while you can.
Guppy Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 can you post a pic when you're done? The last mod I saw on a BT made me buy it when before I didn't like it much (Sideswipe/Lambor's boot mod)
areaseven Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Guppy said: Can you post a pic when you're done? The last mod I saw on a BT made me buy it when before I didn't like it much (Sideswipe/Lambor's boot mod) I can, but my POS camera has absolutely no optical focus or zoom. It is unable to capture details at all. Perhaps I can borrow a better camera from someone this week.
trueblueeyes Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 areaseven said: I got my drive shaft mod for Windcharger early this week from an eBay seller. It took over a week to ship because it came all the way from Singapore and the package had no return address (guess he doesn't want Hasbro to know what he's doing).The package includes the drive shaft and a metal pin to secure it to the engine. Take note that you will need a small drill bit (I used one from an XMODS tool kit) to enlarge the hole for the pin to fit. It's also recommended to drill a hole on the end of the drive shaft to make it look more like a gun barrel. I expected the shaft to snap on to the undercarriage to properly secure the engine, but found out that it's much thinner in diameter than expected. I'll probably add putty to the brackets later this week and see if it solves the problem. Overall, the drive shaft makes Windcharger's gun look much more substantial. Get it while you can. I got my replacement drive shaft repro from a U.S. seller who can be found on the TF boards. ($7.50 shipped) A7, I don't know if it is your Windcharger or just the repro, but mine snaps securely on the brackets and holds the engine in place. I also didn't have to enlarge the hole for the pin to fit. It is possible that the recaster you bought from just used a larger diameter pin. If anyone wants, I can find my calipers and check the size since you should be able to find the brass rods at a hobby shop. I can snap some pictures later if anyone wants, but I haven't yet cleaned up the driveshaft and permanently installed it (just a small amount of flash and a barely visible mold parting line to sand away). It really does improve Windcharger looks, and it is a mod I highly recommend.
Hurricane29 Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 So just guessing, BT Windcharger, no driveshaft correct?
trueblueeyes Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Hurricane29 said: So just guessing, BT Windcharger, no driveshaft correct? The figure has been named Overdrive by Takara for the Binaltech release and hasn't been released yet. And although some recent pictures of BT Overdrive did feature the figure with the drive shaft intact, no one knows for sure whether it will actually be included with the figure or not.
Radd Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Definitely seems my Walmart has stopped carrying Alternators altogther, wich is strange since they sold so quickly whenever they did have any in. Stopped by Toys 'r Us and their Transformers section has been scaled back by a lot. They only had a single, sad looking Silverstreek. Target still has a small selection of Sideswipes and Silverstreek's, but has never had anything else. Looks like if I get them anywhere, it's going to be the internet from now on. I haven't gotten a single Alternator since Grimlock!
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Stupid noob question: So is silverstreak worth getting? I am tempted to just get it on impulse. I like Sideswipe despite the flaws (have it left in car mode) and am now wondering if I should get silverstreak. I like the look in robot mode how the front of the car becomes his chestplate. Is he better than smokescreen?
Fit For Natalie Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Yeah he is. As he is fully painted, he is the Alt that is closest to its BT counterpart in terms of appearance (Grimlock coming second). Far better than Alt Smokescreen. Paint is also pratically indestructible, too - which is probably why I prefer painted plastic over painted metal.
Hoptimus Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Silverstreak is awesome. He looks great and he is easier to transform than Smokey was.
JoLe727 Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Not sure if it had been posted before, but just want to share it with you. Check out the Alternators Custom - Mirage with custom box . It's posted in ebay. Click Here
zeo-mare Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 the robot looks pretty cool but the car looks like crap, it looks like a playschool toy, though the megatron on the back in robot mode looks freaking awesome thanks for the great link
zeo-mare Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 at the bottom of the auction there is a link mentioned to some great customs, i love the masterpiece megatron, there is also a cool alternators Wheeljack, way better looking than the official one and Bumblebee Transformers customs pages
Southpaw Samurai Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Jeez...when I posted that Mirage auction link a page back, it was only at @$120. Hopefully someone as HasTak will take note of the auction and how popular Mirage is and do up one that has a nice looking car mode. I do like that Bumblebee custom from that link, although I don't see why Bumblebee should get a gun that looks bigger than Optimus's He actually sort of reminds me of a cross between the cartoon version and how he appeared in the original US Marvel comic mini-series (just the way certain parts hang off him at points). While not accurate to either TV or original toy, I dig the alternating (no pun intended) yellow and black stipping on his legs. Wish VW would allow the Beetle...Bumblebee is the perfect character to use if a company wants to have a pacifistic, 'let's move away from our dark past' image and probably one of the few Alternators people wouldn't scream bloody murder if he didn't come with a weapon.
al0324 Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 it's interesting that they would bring out a 3rd remold of tracks. Aside from the fact that you have yellow and blue tracks AND battle ravage. i have ravage. the car is sleek, but i can't get over the panther head
Black Valkyrie Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Cool custom but why waste a MPC Convoy. Megatron is impressive
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Quote Paint is also pratically indestructible, too - which is probably why I prefer painted plastic over painted metal. I also like that the toy is more flexible and has more 'give' with its pieces when transforming it. Along with being better in terms of poseabilty, the cheaper price makes it hard to refuse meaning you end up buying more of them. Sure I want to get binal techs for display, but given that transforming them may chip certain areas and spoil the look over time means I am scared to play with it. I'm not a MIB collector as much as a guy who just apreciates the toy to take it out and handle it alot.
al0324 Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 i couldn't find a grimlock alt anywhere so i picked up a grimlock BT. LOVE HIM... LOOOOOOVE HIM! i love the heftier weight, and the fact that grimey is my fav bot next to optimus, having the BT is just awesome. I say if you have an absolute fav, splurge a little and get a bt version instead of alt. The box is so much nicer, and the manuals are much more detailed + concept drawing. Unfortunately, my girlfriend accidently smashed the box into a flattened piece of cardboard and dumped it in the garbage (including manual)... thinking that empty box was just an empty box... the alt's are great - you can abuse them to no end. the bt's require a little more delicate handling.
eriku Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I finally picked up a Windcharger and I think he may be my favorite one so far. It's my 4th Alternator, and with each one I get I become more and more sure that I like the Alts better than the BTs. I started out with BT and I love the BTs that I have, but the Alts just pose so much better from their lighter weight and seemingly tighter joints. The cheaper price has been nice too, especially with a new $$$girlfriend$$$ hanging out all the time. Overall I still think it's awesome that both lines exist and that people can pick and choose between them based on their financial situation and their interest in the character.
NSJ23 Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 eriku said: Overall I still think it's awesome that both lines exist and that people can pick and choose between them based on their financial situation and their interest in the character. I agree, I have 8 (4 Alt : Sideswipe, Tracks, Jazz, & Windcharger, 4 BT : Smokescreen #7, Hound, Streak, & Grimlock) I love having a choice based on my funds at the time of purchase.
Hoptimus Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Ehobby has pics of the final Binaltech Overdrive(US Windcharger) with the Gun Barrel. Obviously that was how it was going to be over there. Dang Honda USA. What a bunch of pansies.
mechatek Posted March 5, 2005 Posted March 5, 2005 trueblueeyes said: I got my replacement drive shaft repro from a U.S. seller who can be found on the TF boards. ($7.50 shipped) A7, I don't know if it is your Windcharger or just the repro, but mine snaps securely on the brackets and holds the engine in place. I also didn't have to enlarge the hole for the pin to fit. It is possible that the recaster you bought from just used a larger diameter pin. If anyone wants, I can find my calipers and check the size since you should be able to find the brass rods at a hobby shop. I can snap some pictures later if anyone wants, but I haven't yet cleaned up the driveshaft and permanently installed it (just a small amount of flash and a barely visible mold parting line to sand away). It really does improve Windcharger looks, and it is a mod I highly recommend. Could you please provide a link to them TF boards, trueblueeyes. I would like to arm my Windcharger. Thanks.
promethuem5 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 I dunno what you guys are whining about. I just got a Windcharger, and the amrs move, the knees bend, and he looks awesome. I love how much sleeker he looks... very cool. And yes, I WILL be getting a gun barrel.
eriku Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 (edited) promethuem5 said: I dunno what you guys are whining about. I just got a Windcharger, and the amrs move, the knees bend, and he looks awesome. I love how much sleeker he looks... very cool. And yes, I WILL be getting a gun barrel. Yep, Windcharger is probably the most refined and perfect of all the Bin/Alts. Car mode is awesome and has hardly any indication that it splits up into a bot, and bot mode is so sleek and slim, not to mention tall, that it does NOT look like it turns into the small and sexy car. And Yoda likes it, too! Edited March 6, 2005 by eriku
promethuem5 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Ahaha.... Grand Theft Auto: Dagobah. Very nice.
NSJ23 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 I picked up the Ravage Alt Yesterday, Much better than I expected. The thing I like most about him are his colors. The Black, Red, and Grey look great. Now I need to find Dead-end.
NSJ23 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 promethuem5 said: I dunno what you guys are whining about. I just got a Windcharger, and the amrs move, the knees bend, and he looks awesome. I love how much sleeker he looks... very cool. And yes, I WILL be getting a gun barrel. Yeah, I ordered one. I hope I get it soon.
Solscud007 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Here is my custom WST Soundwave. see that door badassed haha,
Black Valkyrie Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Nice work Solscud007, I still have the original one with die-cast, kinda loose and floppy now. NOW OFF-TOPIC SOME NEWS FROM TF THE LIVE ACTION MOVIE : From : TRANSFORMERS According to Inland Empire Strikes Back, producer Tom DeSanto confirmed that "Back to the Future" veteran Robert Zemeckis would direct the big screen, live action giant robot movie, and that the film would be distributed on New Line. They also say, "fter the revelation he noticed that I was quite shocked to see that he had volunteered that information so easily. Immediately he begged not to be quoted." They say the film "won't be ready until at least late 2006, most likely a December release." They also claims that the TV series' voice actors Frank Welker and Peter Cullen will reprise their duties for the new film.
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