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Plastic Aircraft Models: a Thing of the Past?


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Well, in spite of my semi-rant a few posts up, I'm still skeptical about the story. The issue may not be the airplane designs themselves, but the use of the manufacturer's name, particularly on box covers. Again, if the manufacturers really think they can charge licensing fees for the use of representations of their aircraft (instead of just their trademark company and--perhaps--product names), they should have a veritable gold mine in going after movie studios.

The car and truck makers would have an even bigger gold mine with the studios.

Also, does this mean the aircraft manufacturers can charge royalties from Tom Clancy and the publishers who put the B-1 or F-15 on the paperback cover?

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter
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The main problem with the IP laws are that they are pretty well voided by the expense of suing the companys that you worked for, or who 'stole' the idea. Most, well over 99.9999999 % of the companys out there(exclucing most companys under 10 personel), company's require you to sign a waiver(ie anything you design using ANY of our assets is ours) as part of your requirements of employement.

However the IP laws are a double edged sword. It's actually the legal system itself that makes the laws un-enforcable for the people without money. Don't needlessly blame the rich, since if you were in their shoes you'd be doing the same thing.

But all that aside. I also see the comission market growing to take up the slack. The internet has already helped hundreds of small businesses to exist.

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