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Displaying CM's Figs


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So, I finally found a way to store and display most of my CM's Macross figs.

Found an Imex 1/48 display case at a local hobby store for 8 bucks. Used some tacky wax to affix the figs so I would not have to use their lame ass stands.

Who's there? Well, I have all of the solid hair CM figs except the Minmay chase (expertly replaced by my Imai model) and I left out Sara and Mao who are arguably the worst of all the CM figs. I also left out Ishtar since she is in an impossible pose, and I haven't thought of a way to display her yet minus her stand. Also, I have the Minmay and Mylene toybook figs in there as well.


The only problem here was that big Focker. I'd either have to cut holes in the base, or make him a sunroof, cuz he's just too damned tall.

Just curious, how does everyone else have theirs displayed?

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i don't have any CMS figures but i tell you this, it sure looks a little crowded in there. :blink: i have a bunch of gashapons figures and other small stuff that i keep in a little acrylic display case by themselves.

for the most part, i try to keep everything thats along the same scale with one another. mixing scales always ends up being a headache to display cause you always have more VF toys/figures for character than another.

i.e. if i made a hikaru display, i'd have more hikaru related stuff than say millia. more max stuff than roy stuff, etc, etc, etc.

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So, I finally found a way to store and display most of my CM's Macross figs.

Found an Imex 1/48 display case at a local hobby store for 8 bucks. Used some tacky wax to affix the figs so I would not have to use their lame ass stands.

Who's there? Well, I have all of the solid hair CM figs except the Minmay chase (expertly replaced by my Imai model) and I left out Sara and Mao who are arguably the worst of all the CM figs. I also left out Ishtar since she is in an impossible pose, and I haven't thought of a way to display her yet minus her stand. Also, I have the Minmay and Mylene toybook figs in there as well.


The only problem here was that big Focker. I'd either have to cut holes in the base, or make him a sunroof, cuz he's just too damned tall.

Just curious, how does everyone else have theirs displayed?

Hello Mechamaniac, How did you make the figures stand without using the stands?

Like Hikaru and Minnmay. I know they couldn't stand on their own.

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I think that's the first built wind-up Minmay that I've ever seen. Not as impressive as I thought.

I didn't mind using the stands since they weren't that intrusive. I had mine displayed with my kubricks and gashapons. I don't typically mix figures and mechs.

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