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I rather take Jem'heddar and the Breen over your choice of Alien races @Podtastic

Hell... Give me the Borg Collective and  Hugh or a huge Battalion of Klingons. 

"Today is good day to die and go into Stovokor". :girl_devil:

Posted (edited)
  On 8/18/2021 at 6:09 AM, tekering said:

We know your mantra, Podtastic. "Alien antagonists or STFU."

We know. 😅


But humans are ok as well if they're wearing their helmets😂

Seriously though, Janeway?🤔

  On 8/18/2021 at 6:36 AM, borgified said:

Jem'heddar and the Breen


Hell I'd take those too, I loved the Dominion war.

But lets not forget the Gorn as well.

  On 8/18/2021 at 6:36 AM, borgified said:



They have nice ships. Never been able to take them seriously though.


OTH a well made Klingon and Jem'heddar would be a nice match-up. Never be as cool as say, an Idiran or Zentraedi soldier figure, but still worth a small spot in the collection.

Edited by Podtastic

Teased on Collectors Freak EXO-6 thread and also (just to tick you off @Podtastic) ... 

I'll most likely get Sisko (Avery Brooks) as I did watch a few episodes of the "Man called Hawk"





From a Hong Kong 1/6th supplier. Right after two versions of Freddie Mercury, this guys shows up.

For $1,380 HKD/ $177.11 USD/$223.50 CND (as of the exchange rate right now), to be out Sept - December of this year.

Note: You have to supply the body as Win C. will give you the kit plus the head sculpt.




Can’t wait to finish cleaning up the display cabinet for the end game cast. Where are you Rescue, Thor, Weathered Thanos, MK85 Damage Ver, Iron Patriot 2, Captain Marvel, and Hulk…


Posted (edited)
  On 8/18/2021 at 7:15 PM, borgified said:

Note: You have to supply the body as Win C. will give you the kit plus the head sculpt.


No body?

I guess the disembodied head could have made a "King Willy" accessory to go with your Predator 2 figure, but....

  On 8/18/2021 at 7:15 PM, borgified said:

$1,380 HKD/ $177.11 USD/$223.50 CND


...not with this price tag.

Edited by Podtastic

You can get a TBLeague for roughly that same amount of cash depending on which one. I liked their Narama, however it sold out at my local 1/6th store when I waffled on getting it. 

Now most of there present stuff "Egyptian Myth Themed" is getting over glorified.🙄  

  On 8/18/2021 at 7:15 PM, borgified said:

From a Hong Kong 1/6th supplier. Right after two versions of Freddie Mercury, this guys shows up.

For $1,380 HKD/ $177.11 USD/$223.50 CND (as of the exchange rate right now), to be out Sept - December of this year.

Note: You have to supply the body as Win C. will give you the kit plus the head sculpt.




I think he's missing one "essential " assessory.


@Kicker773 - It's a re-release of Marty from the first BTTF with Einstein with new headsculpt priced at 35k yen (Japan exclusive) or $320 USD. I had to dig in Collectors Freak just to get info in the BTTF - 1/6th DeLorean Time Machine thread. 

@mark-1s - The spliff. Even someone on another 1/6th thread that I'm in also mentioned that. 




Posted (edited)

I'm looking for worthy prey for my 1/6 Predators.

Can anyone tell me where can I can find decent 1/6 figs of ANY of the following?

  • Roman Legionary
  • Roman Gladiator
  • Napoleonic French Fusillier
  • Napoleonic British Coldstream Guard
  • World War 2 Russian Soldier
  • World War 2 Wermacht/SS Stormtrooper
  • US Marine/Seals/Army desert or Jungle camo
  • GI Joe Cobra Night-Viper
  • V Visitor Shocktrooper
  • 2000 AD Genetic Infantryman 

Ah, the cool figs we could have if only releases werent so random. Some stuff just doesnt exist other than as customs.😔



Edited by Podtastic

@Podtastic - Have you tried looking through Onesixthwarriors/Collectors Freak (under the GI JOE/Military/Historical thread) for the first 7 items on your list plus some of the 1/6 stores like Monkey Depot, One Sixth Kit, Timewalker Toys?  


For Onesixthwarriors, go into the new releases sub section and look though all the listings @Podtastic

There are some listings of military 1/6 products and if any thing interests you, then Monkey Depot, Timewalker, Onesixthkit and other 1/6 suppliers will possibly have it. 

  On 8/22/2021 at 10:04 AM, Podtastic said:

I'm looking for worthy prey for my 1/6 Predators.


Note that, since Hot Toys based their Predator figures on standard male bodies, they're not actually 1:6 scale.  Given the actual height of Kevin Peter Hall (2.18m), Ian Whyte (2.16m) or Brian A. Prince (2.08m), the Predator figures should be considerably taller. 

Note Robert Patrick is only 1.83m tall:


The Hot Toys T-1000 is an accurate 1:6 scale, but the Predators definitely aren't.  As it stands (or rather, as they stand), they're barely 1:7 scale... :unsure:

...and as somebody who likes their bad guys larger-than-life as it is, you should probably be looking for smaller-scale human "prey" to display them with. ^_^

Posted (edited)

Hmmm. Thanks that size seems right  20.32 cm vs 30.48 cm.  If I can find some that look convincing...

Not in scale maybe, but this excercise has helped me find some cool historical Imperial Trooper figs.







Edited by Podtastic
  On 8/1/2021 at 5:23 AM, Podtastic said:

They need to release the Imperial Deathstar/Naval Trooper.

We've been waiting for it since bloody 2016.


Be nice if they could give us some cool 1/6 Imperial vehicles as well.



I would say give up but it's Star Wars. They will eventually get around to it. Unlike 66 Batmobile and Batgirl. Prometheus Elizabeth, which after the sequel I guess no one really wants. Those Valerian characters. And others that I can't remember right now.

  On 8/30/2021 at 9:11 AM, JetJockey said:

They will eventually get around to it.


I dunno about that. Given that its the last and only classic Imperial Trooper they havent released I suspect there's either some confusion (note label below figure) or some spitefulness involved.

  On 8/30/2021 at 9:11 AM, JetJockey said:

Prometheus Elizabeth, which after the sequel I guess no one really wants


I can understand wanting an Engineer, but what on Earth would Elizabeth be good for? She has no interesting armour or uniform, no weapons, not even blue skin. Ellen Ripley you could at least arm or slot into a powerloader.

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