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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna go to kinokuniya to see if it's there, would be nice to offer it as a prize at MWCon... Halfan tried sending it to me but it didn't come out in time.


If my friggin' computer was working properly I would, but after installing a USB Bluetooth dongle last week both Outlook Express & Internet Explorer crash on opening. So at the moment, I can neither web surf or check my email from home. Tried uninstalling the bluetooth dongle, but the problem still exists. Damn Windows 98.

While I can do some limited web surfing at work, I can't really scan and post pics.


  Graham said:
If my friggin' computer was working properly I would, but after installing a USB Bluetooth dongle last week both Outlook Express & Internet Explorer crash on opening. So at the moment, I can neither web surf or check my email from home. Tried uninstalling the bluetooth dongle, but the problem still exists. Damn Windows 98.

While I can do some limited web surfing at work, I can't really scan and post pics.


Graham, why are you still using Windows 98?

  s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d said:
6 months since it's annoucement and now it comes in a form of a shipping notice from HLJ!

Don't you wish Macross Toys were like this?

Hey no fair I want a shipping notice!


OK, I got the Miyatake Design Works (MDW) book yesterday. It's 113 pages long, which makes it slimmer than the Kawamori Design Works (KDW) book, which had a page count of 157 pages. Paper quality of the MDW book is also different, being rougher than the more glossy pages of the KDW book.

Contents are as follows: -

Pages 3-14: Macross.

Pages: 15-30: DYRL.

Pages: 31-46: Macross Plus.

Pages 47-80: Macross 7.

Pages 81-94: VF-X/VF-X2.

Pages 95-109: Orguss.

pages 110-113: Interviews.

The Macross & DYRL sections of the book feature mostly lineart of ships and destroids. As with the earlier KDW book, both conceptual drawings and finished production lineart is featured. However, in these sections there was very little art that isn't already published in a dozen other Macross art books.

Things start getting a bit better with the Macross Plus section, which features some never before seen conceptual art of the Renegade Powered Armor, Ghost X-9, Guld & Isamu's flight suit designs and also early designs for the first Macross Plus poster. Location settings and buildings also feature. For some strange reason, the Queadluun-Rau is included in the Macross Plus section, rather than in the Macross or DYRL sections!

Moving onto the Macross 7 section, we get a lot of never before seen conceptual art of the Battle 7 ship as well as a lot of production line art of the other ships in the Macross 7 fleet and also the Varauta ships. This ship art is mostly the same as featured in the TIAS Macross 7 books though. Other highlights of the Macross 7 section include art of vehicles, mecha and buildings from Dynamite 7. Art and conceptual art of some of the Varauta mecha, lineart of Emilia's custom Q-Rau from D7 and some protodeviln and creature art.

The next section features ships and enemy mecha from 3 Macross console games (VFX, VF-X2 & DYRL). Included is some never before seen conceptual art of the Macross 13.

The next section covers mecha and ships from Orguss, followed lastly by an interview with Miyatake and Kawamori (in Japanese of course).

Not quite as good as I thought it would be and certainly not worth the 5 year wait IMO. If you have a large collection of Macross artbooks, then you will have most of the art collected here already. While there are a few gems of previously unseen conceptual art included, there's nothing really mindblowing, at least to me.

I was hoping that art of the City 7 Police Mecha from Macross 7 and the combining enemy mecha from the end of Macross M3 (Dreamcast game) would be included in this book, but perhaps they were not designed by Miyatake.

And before anybody asks, there is no Macross Zero artwork featured in this book.

Also, there are no color pages, like there were in the Kawamori book.

It is however, quite interesting to remove the slip cover and see the DYRL SDF-1 art underneath.


Guest Ghostbird

The book reveals some awesome things.

We now can confirm that the design for the Super Bird was previous released, though not identified as such. It appears that the QF-2001 was _THE_ original Ghost. The text says "Initial Type Ghost". Awesome stuff. New line-art. Check here and Nanashi's for more.


  Ghostbird said:
It appears that the QF-2001 was _THE_ original Ghost. The text says "Initial Type Ghost". Awesome stuff. New line-art.

What? I thought we already knew that. They were called "Ghosts" all throughout the original series.

And what is the Super Bird? :huh:

Guest Ghostbird
  Renato said:
  Ghostbird said:
It appears that the QF-2001 was _THE_ original Ghost. The text says "Initial Type Ghost". Awesome stuff. New line-art.

What? I thought we already knew that. They were called "Ghosts" all throughout the original series.

And what is the Super Bird? :huh:

We only knew that the QF-2001 came before the other Ghosts, we did not know that it was the first of the Ghost series.

Circa 1978-to-1980.... Super Bird a hypersonic lifting body design fighter bomber which had an unmanned version-this would later become the bases for the QF-3000E Ghost.

See: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospc.../superbird.html


Posted (edited)




Okay...who wants to rip these images so I can save them? :lol: Sutpid idiot turd and his making internet images he dosent own unsavable... you'd think he drew them all himself :rolleyes:

Edit: I'll start my own thread to avoid hijacking this one....

Edited by promethuem5

huh, finally paypal allows sending money from my country too.

result: spent $52 total (book + shipping) and it's already sent according the email I got.

now I only have to endure 7-10 days until it arrives...

(and I wish for a 3rd book(+4th if it doesn't fit into 1), collecting all the character designs from macross)

....dreams.... oh well in another 10 years or so it may become true...


Anybody know how long it takes HLJ to ship once a notice of shipping is sent.


  • 1 month later...
  briscojr84 said:
Anybody know how long it takes HLJ to ship once a notice of shipping is sent.



I just got my book from HLJ. So that makes it ten days since notification that the book was shipped. Hope that helps.


If you order by SAL like me it could take a couple weeks (like my copy did) to several weeks. Surface Air Lift (SAL) from what I've read works like this. Your package waits until there is room on a flight. When there is room it's flown over.


Mine showed up about two weeks later, thanks guys.

Very good book.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just got home from summer camp to find my copy sitting on my bed and all I have to say is: WOW. What a gorgeous book... I can't read the text, but the lineart is gorgeous and the rough sketches and variants are sweet.

  Damaramu said:
For those who frequent comic book shops, Miyatake Design Works is being offered in this months issue of PREVIEWS!!!


Yep she was! Glad I ordered it.

As was the Tenjin Hidetaka "Valkyries" book. :)

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