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custom canopies for 160 yamto's


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You could most certainly file it down smooth, but you'd have to repaint it. because Im pretty sure they arent cast in color.... even if they were you'd wreck the finish and STILl have to repaint it. The plastic seems pretty soft, I bet it'd file down rather easily.

Edit: Oh wait! you menat the clear canopies! I was talking about the heatield lol...well, sorry, cant help you there.

Edited by promethuem5
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The Future Floor Polish trick is fairly well established; although I have not used it personally, it has been stated here that it is successful in restoring scratched canopies to full shine.

Do a quick search for these, if the full topic is not available here, I'm sure some of the older hands would pop by to comment on this.

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sand off seam line--->wash canopy with detergent--->throw it into FUTURE--->remove and drain the excess--->let dry--->DON'T TOUCH!--->go sleep--->wake up the next morning--->touch it--->feel it--->see through it--->put it on your valkyrie--->do a test drop--->and be glad :p:D

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First off, Yamato didn't cheap out. The seam is there because the canopy bubbles out on the sides like a real canopy does. The needed to make a multipart mold to do this effect properly. It would be cheaper and easier for them to make a canopy that didn't flair, but it wouldn't look as good.

Toonz is right. Sanding it off and diping it in Future is the way to go. Here are some more details: If you do sand it, go to the hobby store and get varying levels of really fine sand paper. Start rough and gradually go to the finer stuff. To finish it off, get a buffing compound. While you're doing this, it will look all foggy, but as you go, it will get better. To check to see if the fog will go away when the Future is applied, dip the canopy in water. If it is crystal clear in the water, it will be crystal clear after the Future. If not, continue with the fine sanding.

To see this in action, take a look at the "How to Build Macross Model Kits" section of the forum and look for some build-ups by WM_CHEN. He illustrates this method and tons of others masterfully.

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DO 1/48 custom canopies  :p

I thought of that, but didn't think people would go fot the idea since you have to unglue part of the 1/48 to get the canopy on and off... if it was just a screw it'd be better.

If the canopy isn't possible, I will suggest aftermarket detailed cockpit, exhaust feets and canon size weapon set. drool...

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