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Posted (edited)

there's a few other muscle cars in it too, and my Mustang friend nearly cried bloody murder when I dug up the pic with the '67 that had the RB26 in it.

you can find the link for the trailer here.

Edited by Lightning 06

As odd as it sounds, Japanese people actually love American cars (especially classic american Muscle and gangster boats) but are generally reserved for those with deep pockets as its very expensive to import an American car. In fact the D1 drift Mustang got second place last year and an American sponsored G35 got first. I don't really see it as a disgrace to put a different motor in a Mustang, it's just the Japanese putting their spin on it, kind of like how people put LS1's in their RX-7's or 350 crate motors in their 240Z's.


I guess my chrysler would be classified as one of the "gangster boats", eh?

Posted (edited)

I can't believe that anyone who actually likes cars and has some respect for real motor racing would willingly watch any of the "Fast and Furious" movies. I was forced to watch the first one, and that was quite enough for me.

Edited by Phyrox
Posted (edited)

I watched the first one with my brother expecting something great but instead got a whole bunch of hyped up hollywood crap (20 minute quarter miles? shifting into first gear twice for no reason? The Hood shot of the Eclipse showed had no turbo but then has blow off when shifting? The Charger and the Supra were cool but that was about it). I only watched the second one for the Skyline GT-R but then after seeing that it was pretty much all CGI and then it gets wrecked, i walked out of the theatre. I own neither and caught the rest of teh second one on TNT.

I'm actually going to go see this one since 1) it's drifting, and I Love drifting 2) they're using cars from japanese based motorsport companies 3) Different director. Main reasons I may see a different movie is 1)bowow 2) F&F franchise, so it has the potential to be the absolute worst of the three.

Edited by emajnthis
  areaseven said:
BTW, as reported a few months ago, a 1967 Mustang fastback with a Nissan (the RB26DETT, IIRC) motor appears in the movie. I guess an American muscle car has to be attached to each movie, but putting a Japanese motor in a Mustang is just wrong in many ways.


No, it's one of the coolest car ideas ever. It manages to piss off both crowds, the import guys and the muscle car guys while still producing a cool car. Both parts of that car are awesome.

That said, the movie looks decent. That said, I'm one of the few car guys I've known that understood and appreciated the first F&TF for what it was. Of course the idea of drifiting on Tokyo freeways in competition is silly, and all that neon is silly and the fact that it looks like most of the Japanese characters are played by Chinese is silly too. Still, I bet it'll be entertaining and hopefully piss off all the car guys who take this thing too damn seriously.

Posted (edited)

Don't get me wrong, F&F is entertaining to watch (well the first one, the second one just seemed so long and half assed), but in terms of satisfying the car enthusiast appetite it really leaves you starving.

Edited by emajnthis
  emajnthis said:
Don't get me wrong, F&F is entertaining to watch (well the first one, the second one just seemed so long and half assed), but in terms of satisfying the car enthusiast appetite it really leaves you starving.


That's because they're action movies, not car movies.


that's true, but is it so hard to properly incorporate the two? I mean if you're going to show an engine shot of the Eclipse at least have a turbo in there, and if you've shifted into first gear once, there's no point in doing it twice.

It's not the action that ruins the movie, it's the details. I got the same experience from this that i got from a Rambo movie as a kid: Fast and the Furious gets you caught up in the action of it all but once the movies over, or you go to watch it again you laugh and point at all the inconsistencies. Much like how Rambo never reloads, or will have an injury in one scene and then the next scene he'll be perfectly fine. It's fun to watch, but would have satisfied the technical nut in you if they just put two seconds worth of effort into the material; it's as if they finished the movie and didn't watch it themselves.

Posted (edited)
  emajnthis said:
that's true, but is it so hard to properly incorporate the two?  I mean if you're going to show an engine shot of the Eclipse at least have a turbo in there, and if you've shifted into first gear once, there's no point in doing it twice. 

It's not the action that ruins the movie, it's the details.  I got the same experience from this that i got from a Rambo movie as a kid:  Fast and the Furious gets you caught up in the action of it all but once the movies over, or you go to watch it again you laugh and point at all the inconsistencies.  Much like how Rambo never reloads, or will have an injury in one scene and then the next scene he'll be perfectly fine.  It's fun to watch, but would have satisfied the technical nut in you if they just put two seconds worth of effort into the material; it's as if they finished the movie and didn't watch it themselves.


EDIT: I forgot to add "I agree"

Edited by Lightning 06

I took my A4 in for an oil change on thursday and rented an '06 G35 sedan for a day.

I was very impressed with the big V6 it had. my A4 still had some better features and definetly handles better but that car was nice as hell. had 700 miles on the odo.

Posted (edited)

Nissan Skyline, Aston DBSR9 add spice to SWC race at Sebring; prove to be well off the pace at the front of the pack though. Hopefully they'll see improvement as the season progresses...

In qualifying

Aston's fst time: 2:16.010

Skyline fst time: 2:17.284

avg fst time at front: 2:08.7 - 2:09.9

Apparently, neither finished the race, both falling out with mech problems...oh well, at least some new makes are coming to road racing here in the States. In the big show [12 hrs], it appears powerhouse team Multimatic has made Panoz [you read that right, Panoz] the class of the GT2 field, keeping the cars at the sharp end of the pack and pulling off a win; finally giving Series founder Don Panoz a nice feather for his cap [i wonder if it's a coincidence that actor Patrick Dempsey was there as a driver & grand marshal, hyping his efforts to the press about trying to produce a movie about sports car racing; and its premise would center around a Panoz winning at Sebring? hmm :huh:]. Risi made a good show for Ferrari's new F430GT, also one of the field's fastest; a shunt in the closing minutes of the race deprived them of 2nd place though. Could it be? Are other teams finally looking to put Porsche on notice?



Oh yeah, Audi wins. Again. <_<

Edited by reddsun1


News footage of the aftermath of the dumb fu-- crashing the Enzo on the PCH. I like the reporter's attempt at describing the car: "...it's an F60 Enzo, that means that this car could be worth up to a million dollars, and very few of these cars are made, so it's definitely a unique breed of Ferrari...."

No, you mean it WAS worth up to a million dollars. :lol:


I watched the first round of the GT champs with both the new Aston Martin DB9's and the lonely GTR34. Basically for every one Aston there were about 6 C6's and Vipers. Porsche had some old GT3's and a 911 Turbo and there were maybe two CTS-V cadillac's. Viper took first (Vette broke down with 5 laps to go) Cadillac took second and the Astons and the Skyline were somewhere in the twenty's (a couple places up from their starting position). The Aston's laid down some pretty good track times considering they were just put together not even a couple days before the race, you could tell they weren't quite setup right because they were having awful wheel hop in the corners. The Viper that won was smokin, same with the Cadillac, they were setup to perfection handling the tight corners and bolting out of the Apex's.

Really fun to watch, also caught the end of Formula 1 and saw that Renault won the track (Ferrari was in sixth and back) and BMW and various others in the ranks behind, kind of unusual, as when i normally catch F1 Schumacher wins with BMW close on their tail.


Yeah, that's gotta be frustrating for Lou Gigliotti[sp?]. Apparently, the Corvettes seem to have a bit of a problem with the heads grenading just shy of the 50 min mark in races [heard mention that this was a prob last season too?].

F1--and racing in general--tends to be cyclical in nature. Certain teams tend to have periods when they "get it all right," and beat all comers, while everyone else struggles to catch up. It seems safe to say that Ferrari's era of dominance is over [for now], and Renault will be taking up the mantle; for how long, who knows? Oh sure, they won't win every race, but they definitely are the team to beat for now. I was glad to hear Scott Speed's name mentioned--only got to see a few minutes of the race--as being among the field. Cool! America finally has a driver in F1 again!

Posted (edited)

You have to sympathize for him, because he had such a good race to have his cylinder heads go haywire.

For F1 i noticed that Ferrari hasn't been top tier for awhile though BMW stays pretty consistent (generally top three where abouts, with a win here and there). I'm still surprised to see Renault/Nissan leading the way, i haven't seen any of the other companies that are going to tout their F1 technology (Honda, Toyota) in top ranks, so it makes me wonder if it'll be worth it when their respective cars are released (NSX, LS-H).

Edited by emajnthis
Posted (edited)

It's been a long time since Honda has been in F1, so I wouldn't expect anything spectacular the first time out.

Where are you guys catching these races anyway? Can they be found on torrent sites?

Edited by Stamen0083

Speaking of Honda I just bought the new Civic Coupe over the weekend. I must say I was put off by Honda when they stopped making the Prelude. By far their best line. I owned one, 92 that was a bit tuned for more fun. ;)

The redesign on the Civic is saweet. Loved what they did to the body, and the SOHC VTEC engine is a jem! Haven't popped its cherry yet lol car only had 21 miles hehe...Here are a couple of pics I took real quick outside my job today.



  reddsun1 said:
Yeah, that's gotta be frustrating for Lou Gigliotti[sp?].  Apparently, the Corvettes seem to have a bit of a problem with the heads grenading just shy of the 50 min mark in races [heard mention that this was a prob last season too?]. 


That's a Chevorlet for you, always breaking something.

Posted (edited)
  reddsun1 said:
Oh yeah, Audi wins.  Again.  <_<


ofcourse! :D

  Zor Primus said:
Speaking of Honda I just bought the new Civic Coupe over the weekend. I must say I was put off by Honda when they stopped making the Prelude. By far their best line. I owned one, 92 that was a bit tuned for more fun.  ;)

The redesign on the Civic is saweet. Loved what they did to the body, and the SOHC VTEC engine is a jem! Haven't popped its cherry yet lol car only had 21 miles hehe...Here are a couple of pics I took real quick outside my job today.

no Si? you phail.

Edited by Poonman

That has to be the most embarassing thing I've seen in a while...

  areaseven said:
Congrats, Zor Primus. That Civic's looking pretty good. Any plans to modify it?


Hehe...maybe a few things here and there...for now I'm keeping it stock. The EX comes fully loaded so I can't complain.

Heheh..if I would have gotten the SI I'd be posting my first speeding tickets already...I've driven stick for about 10 years straight. Miami traffic sucks the big one11111 so I decided to take a break for a while. Wife's car is still stick so if I ever get the urge...

  Zor Primus said:
Heheh..if I would have gotten the SI I'd be posting my first speeding tickets already...I've driven stick for about 10 years straight. Miami traffic sucks the big one11111 so I decided to take a break for a while. Wife's car is still stick so if I ever get the urge...


You think Miami traffic is bad? Try driving in L.A. in the rain. I have to be extra cautious, as most Angelenos have no experience driving in the rain. And even with bad traffic, I'll never trade in stick for an auto.

The only thing worse than L.A. traffic is Manila traffic. Rush-hour traffic at 6 mph and no stoplights at the main road (must take designated U-turns instead of left turns).


On Sundays they show nothing but racing for most of the day on the SPEED channel. I really don't have free time during the week for TV so i'm glad i can catch big races on Sundays along with highlights of previous races.

  emajnthis said:
On Sundays they show nothing but racing for most of the day on the SPEED channel.  I really don't have free time during the week for TV so i'm glad i can catch big races on Sundays along with highlights of previous races.


They were showing a race last night too. My wife is a F-1 Aficionada. She's Colombian so she roots for Juan Pablo Montaya. Its funny she screams at the racers like how I scream when there's a botched play in football.

As for traffic, lol yeah LA is bad, but so is any big city ;)


Traffic sucks here in the District too. I love watching racing, but by the time Sunday rolls around i'll be lucky if i can stay awake through a race let alone scold drivers through the television.

  emajnthis said:

Actually it's 1990 technology vs. 1999 technology (if you're counting it by the Japanese release)

Wasn't the NSX debut in '89?

If technology was the issue then people wouldn't be comparing brand new exotics against the McLaren F1 for good measure (also built in 91).


The McLaren F1 is a million dollar supercar. It's not really a fair comparison. They held nothing back for that one, including the price tag.

Sure, a new Lan Evo can pull the same lap time and all that as the NSX, but it's a brand new machine with all sorts of fancy gear that the NSX doesn't have, but in 1989, what car can actually compete with it?

I understand your point that the NSX is getting really stale and not worth the money *right now*, but my point is that you can't say the same thing back then, and you probably won't be able to say the same thing in a few years.

Sorry to keep bringing it up, but as the NSX is my favorite car, it can't be helped.

Posted (edited)

Well let's start here: It's US debut was 91, and there's generally a year hold out from Europe Japan, so its official debut was 1990. It's biggest selling point was a monocoque body, maintenance so simple raw meat could do it for you, and a more civilized daily driver like feel with track car performance (as opposed to race car feel with super car performance) and in its 15 year run a consistent 90,000 price tag. The dispute is not whether the NSX is a "Good" or "Bad" car, but whether or not it's worth 90,000 dollars! In its specific time, there were plenty of cars that were much better than it (and consistently so even today) even at its debut.

In Japan, the 1989 R32 Skyline GT-R still posted better times than it in All categories at less than half of its MSRP, and by 1993 the Supra Twin Turbo also with better times (way better times, especially in the 1/4, i remember because i raced one: 13.1 vs 13.9) but at half of its MSRP, and both of which were not hand built production cars. Also in 93 you had the Twin Turbo RX-7 R1 which posted the same times as the NSX, and let's not forget about the Corvette which also posts better times at half of its MSRP. Even the 1990 300ZX Twin Turbo posted the same times as the NSX and that's only because it came with T-tops and a cast iron blocked motor (which was probably one of Nissan's worst motors to date).

Trust me when i say that i can go on (I didn't even get much into the domestic market), but with a whole slew of house hold car names from a slew of loved car companies i think i've made my point. The NSX is good at what it does, but not good enough to justify spending 90,000 dollars, especially when you consider the limits of which you can customize its performance (without spending another 90,000 dollars). Favoritism aside, this car is simply not worth it.

**(all times are based on the American version of the vehicle, the NSX showed no difference from the Euro/Japan based model to the American model, in fact it's actually worse in Japan because of the gentleman's agreement. You can be sure that most of the Japanese models (sans NSX) mentioned are far better in Japan, for instance their 300ZX's come in hard tops and their RX-7's are equipped with 280hp.)**

Edited by emajnthis
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