Lightning Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 bsu legato said: This thread is still open? scary, isnt it?
Sundown Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Aegis! said: It´s the japanese people who have some sort of fetish around women coming-of-age at an earlier stage of life...that and tentacles of course. The US really is not that far behind. Our teen, underage stars are constantly presented as sex symbols of one form or another, whether subtly or blatantly. The media certainly doesn't shield young celebrities from being treated or tought of as such. Yeah, the stars might give lip service that it's all just "cute" and "in fun", but it's pretty undeniable that the acceptable age of women as sexual objects in the media is getting pushed lower and lower. -Al
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) 1/1 LowViz Lurker said: Quote It´s the japanese people who have some sort of fetish around women coming-of-age at an earlier stage of life...that and tentacles of course. That's the reason the bridge bunnies in macross 7 love that exedol guy donchaknow? There's all kinds of crazy poo (pssst mass orgy) that goes on there when max is away. I have my own theories about women: Women want the older men. People wo act like kids are unappealing to girls cuz boys don't mature as quick, so they go after people older than themselves. They think that dirty minded old men won't try anything that younger men would. They want a father figure as well as a BF which will make them feel safe. What do you think? Should a survey be done to prove if my theory? Solution to getting women: act much older than you are. Hide the toy collections, the geeky sci-fiction novels and merchandise, the macross models, then when its too late and you've gotten married, that's when you can relax and be yourself. Women are like deluded princesses thinking about only romance and are vampires for attention not seeing the real world for what it is. You just have to keep up the illusion for as long as you can until they get old enough and it is too late for them to compete with younger women for attention so that they have no option but to stick with you. And keep reminding them that if they left you, they can't get any better than you and might have to settle for worse. Them being happy without you is all a fantasy. The way a women's mind works is that they treat the boyfriend like a fashion accessory. They want to show off what they caught to thier girlfriends or other women to make them feel more special than everyone else to make them jealous. You're just a pawn in thier little mind game. They rate you like lab rats in areas like love, romance, performance in bed, looks, but these are just an illusion. The quality won't last forever because nobody can keep up the romantic vision of being the perfect guy forever. The only way is to lower thier standards (when they ask you if "they look fat in this dress?", for goodness sakes be honest and say yes) and bring em down to earth where they belong instead of in the clouds. I really hope you are joking.................... If not you're by far the biggest idiot (and most likely a virgin if you haven't paid for sex or you are the miracle charity case of some sympathetic very dumb girl) on the history of this board regarding women. EDIT: This is me censoring myself so the mods stay happy. Edited June 11, 2005 by Jemstone
Abombz!! Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 1/1 LowViz Lurker said: Quote It´s the japanese people who have some sort of fetish around women coming-of-age at an earlier stage of life...that and tentacles of course. That's the reason the bridge bunnies in macross 7 love that exedol guy donchaknow? There's all kinds of crazy poo (pssst mass orgy) that goes on there when max is away. I have my own theories about women: Women want the older men. People wo act like kids are unappealing to girls cuz boys don't mature as quick, so they go after people older than themselves. They think that dirty minded old men won't try anything that younger men would. They want a father figure as well as a BF which will make them feel safe. What do you think? Should a survey be done to prove if my theory? Solution to getting women: act much older than you are. Hide the toy collections, the geeky sci-fiction novels and merchandise, the macross models, then when its too late and you've gotten married, that's when you can relax and be yourself. Women are like deluded princesses thinking about only romance and are vampires for attention not seeing the real world for what it is. You just have to keep up the illusion for as long as you can until they get old enough and it is too late for them to compete with younger women for attention so that they have no option but to stick with you. And keep reminding them that if they left you, they can't get any better than you and might have to settle for worse. Them being happy without you is all a fantasy. The way a women's mind works is that they treat the boyfriend like a fashion accessory. They want to show off what they caught to thier girlfriends or other women to make them feel more special than everyone else to make them jealous. You're just a pawn in thier little mind game. They rate you like lab rats in areas like love, romance, performance in bed, looks, but these are just an illusion. The quality won't last forever because nobody can keep up the romantic vision of being the perfect guy forever. The only way is to lower thier standards (when they ask you if "they look fat in this dress?", for goodness sakes be honest and say yes) and bring em down to earth where they belong instead of in the clouds. You are a retarded pig. I find it so farting amusing whenever someone speaks about women and relationship in MW, the place where 99% of the members measure their libido by the size of their toy collection. If you are joking, it ain't funny, and you should be smacked. If you aren't joking, then I sure hope you are shot.
Pat Payne Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Can we smack him, then shoot him? There hasn't been enough ultra-violence on this board since the debate thread died down
Father Jack Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) 1/1 LowViz Lurker said: The way a women's mind works is that they treat the boyfriend like a fashion accessory. They want to show off what they caught to thier girlfriends. The last time my girlfriend "Showed me off" her friend and I got completely loaded and then demanded my girlfriend go get us donughts. Her friend then proceeded to eat half of them in one go while I sat on the couch and demanded more liquor from her room mate. Then I didn't shave for three weeks. Yep she is still on the couch behind me. Guess I must be quite the catch. Edited June 11, 2005 by Father Jack
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) Quote You are a retarded pig. I find it so farting amusing whenever someone speaks about women and relationship in MW, the place where 99% of the members measure their libido by the size of their toy collection. Takes one to know one - why are you here then? I was agreeing and saying the toy colllections, the obsession a person might have, is probably something that goes between the GF and you (distractions) and so you need to hide it. Just as a woman might feel threatened by your 'love' for your car over her. Attention is what she wants. If she doesn't share the interest (and if you don't share the same interest as her) then its an obstacle. (unless they can share it with you) But women have an evil shallow side to them too just like men. They can be competitive, talk about guys with thier GFs and measure their qaulity, comparing thier BF with each other wishing they had more. Worrying about how that grass is not so green on thier side. They will want the challenge of seeing if they can get a guy just as a challenge too. Just like any 'pig' man will sort through the ugly fat chics in favour of the hot ones. They don't always want the nice guy, but the upfront honest one who treats them like a friend and that they feel they can confide in to get honest objective opinion from. The criticism from the harsh critic who has nothing to gain with a chic he is not attracted to then becomes a form of friendly intimacy for her - by not having the romantic attachment they can be themselves where they won't be judged by somebody that matters to them. Whatever that person will say, no matter how harsh-sounding might be advice they want to hear. But then that changes in time (they want something specific) and eventually women get to a point and want the reliable guy by a certain age who they want to marry. They will see some other couples with kids and wish they could have them too and settle down. If they have a career that gives them even less time. Attitudes change, and they no longer fall for the image of hapiness (that is they are a princess marying prince charming or MR. perfect) they had in thier minds and they begin taking practical things into consideration. They will see the older person as a figure that is stable. And when a man looks at another young woman, that's when a woman's age is a threat because they want to look like that for the rest of their lives - it's competition, this is why woman puts so much effort into looking good, not for herself but so you'll notice her. (ever heard the phrase looking "young and beautiful" as if you can't be beautiful and old?) Giving her attention unconditionally and being honest is more important than lying. Saying: "I don't care how you look, you'll be beautiful to me no matter what" is really what they want. Just as you'll present yourself nicely for a job interview they will try to look thier best to attract a mate. Attention is how they will get this. But if you give them that unconditionally, thier need is satisfied. They feel "protected" and safe - they got thier father figure and BF in one. They may even test you without you knowing. (perhaps they might set you up with someone else- I know it sounds strange but think about it, they got to know how easy you give into temptation to see how serious you are) Somebody said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Which I interpret as "love can be blind" because you never want to see the faults in your partner and just accept it. It's more than just physical beauty. There are different kinds of love. Some are talkng about how good the sex is, others are talking companionship because they are lonely and the nice things thier partner does makes them feel wanted, someone else might be reffering to thier partner as thier "soul mate" because they share so much in common. The beauty depends on what you are after. If people got to like themselves first, not just how hot they can appear and dress, they wouldn't care what other people think about them because naturally the type of people that like that upfront person will be drawn to you. You will at least know who hates you and who likes you from the begining and weed out the ones that don't match. A women becomes desirable when they just be themselves and aren't afriad to be honest. Men cater to that by giving them the attention, not to trick them, but to help them feel secure in themselves. Women care what other women think. To show the competition up, they need the man to defend and stick up for them the same way your gf would stick by you if you were hurt. Of course sometimes a guy doesn't want his GF helping him because it might be a sign of weakness, so similarly some women find it insulting and sexist that man wants to defend and protect her. (as if she can't do it herself) So hide those geeky sci-fi novels, pretend you have no interest in the toys, spoil them rotten with attention, and give them unconditional love. Tell them they are beautiful because of who they are rather than how hot they look in a specific dress and they will see what's important. You can relax once they feel comfortable enough to not fall for the hype of the perfect guy which is meaningless because the perfection can mean different things to different people. (the words themselves have no meaning because of how each person chooses to interpret them with a different ideal image in thier mind when the term comes up) When you look for a girl do you care about her collection of trashy romance novels? Call me a retard all ya want, show this post to your partner and see what they say. Maybe they will agree. If they don't, fair enough it was all just bullshit theory. But that's ok too, it was no skin off my nose. -Men go after young women because they see beauty in it. This is nature. -Women go after older men because of security and stability. Solution: act more mature and see what happens. I'm willing to accept it's a flawed but just try it. I don't think many girls/women will go: "Whoa your macross collection is huuuge this guy is perfect for me. I want to have your baby!" I bet they will be turned off it. This is all just my opinions, its not dogma. But remember this: whenever magazines do those 100 most hottest/beautiful men/women and people vote on them, how many will agree on who should be no.1? My point is all that was subjective and the winner is arbitrary, the ideal person varies amoungst people so much. The truth is how it is selected can all be bullshit. No one can agree, people then get cynical about it and fight. But each person is being honest:- when they are fighting over who should be higher on the chart, or lower on the chart, they are saying thier ideal of the perfect person is valid too. But it means the words "hottest/most beautiful" are meaningless. When people shed thier vanity and the real person comes out of thier shell, that is more likable because they are willing to admit thier flaws and still not care about what others think about them, which people respect more because they can see the person has integrity/being true to themselves. The people most hated on, are actually who many percieve as the "fake" people.(ie the shell/facade is there, and they want to see it, but then that's all they get to see only able to view the beauty from far away where they can't get a close inspection and scrutinise it in depth) Edited June 11, 2005 by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
yellowlightman Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Christ on crutches LowViz, you keep it up with long posts like that and Hurin will be on your ass for trying to ursurp his title of King of The Way-Too-Long Posts. I find it amusing the only time Jemstone and Abombz seem to poke their heads into the forum anymore is when anyone makes a sexist comment. That said, it's a 99% male populated forum. Not to mention a forum with a decidedly geeky slant, frequented by a lot of guys who have no doubt had very little experience with women, so they're bound to say some stuff about the opposite sex.
Abombz!! Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) 1/1 LowViz Lurker said: Quote You are a retarded pig. I find it so farting amusing whenever someone speaks about women and relationship in MW, the place where 99% of the members measure their libido by the size of their toy collection. blah blah blah I'm a retarded blah blah blah I know nothing about women, but I still run my mouth about it anyways blah blah blah To begin with, I'm not a guy, idiot. Second, you just reminded me why I gave up on guys all together, and why I'm choosing to stop posting here all together. You wouldn't know what a woman is even if she fell on your lap. Quote I find it amusing the only time Jemstone and Abombz seem to poke their heads into the forum anymore is when anyone makes a sexist comment. That said, it's a 99% male populated forum. Not to mention a forum with a decidedly geeky slant, frequented by a lot of guys who have no doubt had very little experience with women, so they're bound to say some stuff about the opposite sex. Oh yeah, smart ass? Please post links to my posts in sexist topics. Don't have any? Didn't think so. Yeah, this place is mostly male, but your idiot friend just showed why the hell there aren't more females here. And if you think I get offended because I'm a woman, alot of the male members get offended by this type of BS. Being in a place with mostly males doesn't mean you should be acting like a pig and pedophile. With that said, this place wasn't worth it 1 year ago, and it sure isn't worth it now. Edited June 11, 2005 by Abombz!!
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) yellowlightman said: Christ on crutches LowViz, you keep it up with long posts like that and Hurin will be on your ass for trying to ursurp his title of King of The Way-Too-Long Posts. I find it amusing the only time Jemstone and Abombz seem to poke their heads into the forum anymore is when anyone makes a sexist comment. That said, it's a 99% male populated forum. Not to mention a forum with a decidedly geeky slant, frequented by a lot of guys who have no doubt had very little experience with women, so they're bound to say some stuff about the opposite sex. For you 411, butthead, I still post otherwise and Abombz has been ALL over the Sci-fi section. Stop pulling poo out of that mouth of an ass of yours in attempts to make desperate retorts you can't justify. If you guys collectively wanted to run ALL females off the board to make MW a "boys only" joint by allowing stupid comments by Lowviz (judging by the lack of dissenting comments towards his post), congratulations!!! You are ALL well on your way. Other than Abombz, Myriad (when it's not Lebhead), trueblueeyes and I....... how many women do you know consistently post on MW? Have you ever wondered why so few when the RT boards are packed with female Macross fans? I didn't think so........ Lowviz is an idiotic pig and this thread is for pedophilic pigs that deserve to be locked up. That said I hope the mods enjoyed leaving it open. EDIT: Oh yeah, stupid, one more thing. Hurin is nothing when it comes to long winded posts and he holds no "title". That belongs to Edo Andromeda C, whom you obviously haven't been around long enough to know so your joke fell FLAT. Edited June 11, 2005 by Jemstone
akt_m Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Quote To begin with, I'm not a guy, idiot. Second, you just reminded me why I gave up on guys all together, and why I'm choosing to stop posting here all together.You wouldn't know what a woman is even if she fell on your lap. i though Abombz!! was a guy!! that´s surprising. i will make a bet: the topic won´t last more than 5 replies from here.
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 akt_m said: Quote To begin with, I'm not a guy, idiot. Second, you just reminded me why I gave up on guys all together, and why I'm choosing to stop posting here all together.You wouldn't know what a woman is even if she fell on your lap. i though Abombz!! was a guy!! that´s surprising. i will make a bet: the topic won´t last more than 5 replies from here. Why close it now when all the REAL fun just got started? It was bad enough when it encouraged pedophelia (even tho Mylene's not real) so how much worse can it get? Besides Pat wants to see blood splattered and I'm ready to go!!
Noyhauser Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) Jemstone said: If you guys collectively wanted to run ALL females off the board to make MW a "boys only" joint by allowing stupid comments by Lowviz (judging by the lack of dissenting comments towards his post), congratulations!!! You are ALL well on your way. In all honesty I, and I think a wide majority of MW don't read Low Viz's comments. When he first started posting, people told him to cut it down and he didn't, so people just ignore him go on with their daily lives. Usually it is on the verge of verbal tripe anyway, so why bother? Its really impossible to have a real discussion with him because he overloads his posts with information that is either far too basic, or has nothing to do with the issue... he just bores you to death with more and more uselessness. (edited for coherence) Edited June 11, 2005 by Noyhauser
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) Noyhauser said: Jemstone said: If you guys collectively wanted to run ALL females off the board to make MW a "boys only" joint by allowing stupid comments by Lowviz (judging by the lack of dissenting comments towards his post), congratulations!!! You are ALL well on your way. In all honesty I, and I think a wide majority of MW don't read Low Viz's comments. When he first started posting, people told him to cut it down and he didn't, so people just ignore him go on with their daily lives. Usually it is on the verge of verbal tripe anyway, so I don't bother reading it. Its really impossible to have a real discussion with him because he overloads his posts with information that is either far too basic, or has nothing to do with the issue, so why bother even entering into a discussion with him? So ka....... I always found A1's and Duke to be right on the money and I know A1 doesn't read his posts..... Never stopped him from getting the jist of something just from skimming it. Hell, do you think I read the whole thing? The first full paragraph was more than enough. That said he has not been the first to say really stupid things that have gone uncontested (feedback had a great discussion that needed "help" from me a couple months ago) and he shan't be the last, STOP WITH THE BS EXCUSES!!! Edited June 11, 2005 by Jemstone
Renato Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 akt_m said: Quote To begin with, I'm not a guy, idiot. Second, you just reminded me why I gave up on guys all together, and why I'm choosing to stop posting here all together.You wouldn't know what a woman is even if she fell on your lap. i though Abombz!! was a guy!! that´s surprising. Yeah, I did too. Huh.
Noyhauser Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Jemstone said: Noyhauser said: Jemstone said: If you guys collectively wanted to run ALL females off the board to make MW a "boys only" joint by allowing stupid comments by Lowviz (judging by the lack of dissenting comments towards his post), congratulations!!! You are ALL well on your way. In all honesty I, and I think a wide majority of MW don't read Low Viz's comments. When he first started posting, people told him to cut it down and he didn't, so people just ignore him go on with their daily lives. Usually it is on the verge of verbal tripe anyway, so I don't bother reading it. Its really impossible to have a real discussion with him because he overloads his posts with information that is either far too basic, or has nothing to do with the issue, so why bother even entering into a discussion with him? So ka....... I always found A1's and Duke to be right on the money and I know A1 doesn't read his posts..... Never stopped him from getting the jist of something just from reading it. Hell, do you think I read the whole thing? The first full paragraph was more than enough. That said he has not been the first to say really stupid things that have gone uncontested (feedback had a great discussion that needed "help" from me a couple months ago) and he shan't be the last, STOP WITH THE BS EXCUSES!!! Whoah... calm down, there is no need to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to get worked up about every idiot I see posting on the internet, because they seem to come out of the wood work on here. I study international relations, if I did go and correct everybody on their political statements, I'd be here for a century. Its not worth my, or your time to go and try to correct a 18 year old sitting in behind a computer screen. The guy is clearly not going to change his views, and really I find that people that are like him usually get what is coming to them anyways. Thats not even a karmic statement, I think if he actually thinks this in real life people will notice it and keep away from him like typhoid mary. Its much better to put the time and effort to people who matter on this board.
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Actually, I'm very calm but you people tend to be so dense I find myself constantly having to bold or enlarge things to help you read........ Amazing how delivery is decieving but then you can't see the expression on my face (which is just me shaking my head). I'm glad to know you aren't one of the fools I referred to. Be that as it may, there is no point in you trying to justify it either. I actually let ALOT of things slide. Guys will think I missed a thread or something but not the case. Lowviz should know better and needed to be told to shut up. Lest some poor high schooler listen to him. Sometimes you have to tell someone to shut up and this was one of them. Duke Togo get alot of crap for telling it like it is. We need more peeps like him because some of the stupid stuff said on here is out of control. I don't mind stepping up and saying it from time to time (which lately is alot).
Noyhauser Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Jemstone said: Actually, I'm very calm but you people tend to be so dense I find myself constantly having to bold or enlarge things to help you read........ Amazing how delivery is decieving but then you can't see the expression on my face (which is just me shaking my head).I'm glad to know you aren't one of the fools I referred to. Be that as it may, there is no point in you trying to justify it either. I actually let ALOT of things slide. Guys will think I missed a thread or something but not the case. Lowviz should know better and needed to be told to shut up. Lest some poor high schooler listen to him. Sometimes you have to tell someone to shut up and this was one of them. Duke Togo get alot of crap for telling it like it is. We need more peeps like him because some of the stupid stuff said on here is out of control. I don't mind stepping up and saying it from time to time (which lately is alot). Actually its kinda funny, because I think Duke Togo is one step above troll status on this board as well. I rarely see any worthwhile contributions from him, he's not funny, and most of the time he acts like an arrogant prick on the boards. Why is he here? Really? He doesn't even tell it as it is, like when he called Macross world a waste of money. He may not like M-7 but I don't need 2 pages of his pathetic attempts at comedic drivel to drive that in, and mess up a perfectly good discussion because he doesn't like it. Usually I let it slide for the exact reasons I do with Low viz. Why even bother getting into a pointless flamewar. And if you think some kid is going to get his ideas about women from a forum post by a long winded 18 year old on a discussion about a decade old anime on transforming robots, you have got to be kidding me. Let him believe his tripe, and so that he learns the hard way about how ignorant he is. Thats far more enjoyable than getting worked up about an argument with him. Not that you are getting worked up, but it must have pissed you off in some way to elicit your response in this thread.
Chas Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) Does anyone else find it amusing (read ironic) that a thread which began with a bunch of guys ogling provocative drawings of a cartoon character soon turned into a confessional about how they can't attract women and then out came the ideas of how women are shallow and have to be tricked into relationships? I mean if this thread were a T.V. show it would be Hilarious! Fellas There are no Tricks to meeting and attracting women That's your First Mistake! You've all heard it before JUST BE YOURSELF. Mistke number two: Women are not any particular way, Just as men are not any particular way -WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!. When you start to think about the opposite sex in terms of generalizations you stop relating to individuals and start relating only to the generalization. -YOU CAN"T HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GENERALIZATION. Oh yeah and in case you missed it LowVis, your ideas (I refuse to call them Theories!) are simplisitic, juevenile, inane, deluded, insulting, poorly thoughtout, lack any kind of intellctual rigor or thoroughness, and proceed on false logic. I think it would be best if you kept them to yourself. (Edit- Typo) Edited June 11, 2005 by Chas
Jemstone Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Noyhauser said: Not that you are getting worked up, but it must have pissed you off in some way to elicit your response in this thread. Not pissed. Just warding off those that might actually take him seriously. What I felt was a deep level of shame and pity for him.
Fortress_Maximus Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (edited) macplus said: Roy Fokker said: Probably the only redeeming quality in Macross 7. Not even Mylene could redeem that POS Macross 7 is. She's cute though! Agreed! *grabs popcorn and laughs at the flamewar.* Btw, Noyhauser I completely agree w/your Jun 11 2005, 09:15 AM post. And A1 thanks for the truly entertaining and educational blog! Can't wait for part two of the Mexico trip. *munches more* Edited June 11, 2005 by Fortress_Maximus
Dangard Ace Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 (munches on popcorn) Wow. That was fun. Anyways, stay on topic (mylene), Abombz is female, read A1's blog for dating tips and Chas got himself a custom title. (munches popcorn)
Duke Togo Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Noyhauser said: Actually its kinda funny, because I think Duke Togo is one step above troll status on this board as well. I rarely see any worthwhile contributions from him, he's not funny, and most of the time he acts like an arrogant prick on the boards. Why is he here? Really? He doesn't even tell it as it is, like when he called Macross world a waste of money. He may not like M-7 but I don't need 2 pages of his pathetic attempts at comedic drivel to drive that in, and mess up a perfectly good discussion because he doesn't like it. Thanks, dickfafce! So, ok, where are the bitches and the donuts?
JB0 Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Duke Togo said: Noyhauser said: Actually its kinda funny, because I think Duke Togo is one step above troll status on this board as well. I rarely see any worthwhile contributions from him, he's not funny, and most of the time he acts like an arrogant prick on the boards. Why is he here? Really? He doesn't even tell it as it is, like when he called Macross world a waste of money. He may not like M-7 but I don't need 2 pages of his pathetic attempts at comedic drivel to drive that in, and mess up a perfectly good discussion because he doesn't like it. Thanks, dickfafce! So, ok, where are the bitches and the donuts? I ate the donuts. I think the bitches were delivered to the wrong address again. FedEx has trouble understanding that we aren't
Pat Payne Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 I can see a locking for this thread in the future...
Duke Togo Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Pat Payne said: I can see a locking for this thread in the future... That would be a tragedy, locking the pedo thread. Look, I am shedding much tears. Damned trekkies...
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 (edited) Quote Mistke number two: Women are not any particular way, Just as men are not any particular way -WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!. When you start to think about the opposite sex in terms of generalizations you stop relating to individuals and start relating only to the generalization. -YOU CAN"T HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GENERALIZATION. I know you think that. But then why do stereotypes even exist then? For example somebody mentions only the 'japanese' men are this way or that way? (how do we know that story is even real? If it is I'd be scared.) Or how only certain geeks (99% of MW I've been told) hang out on X-type forums and measure themselves by thier collection, because they don't meet women? I don't think that is true. But its a good experiment to hear this, because if the poster who wrote it, is a regular on the board and thinks it, there is a 99% chance they might be one.. Or that people talking about porn collections and trading, and women, are somehow socially inept? (as if couples don't talk about it and watch porn together themselves ) People will generalise because there might be some truth to it despite a lot of it being bullshit. The pedophile thread about the cops profiling star trek nerds as being suspects is quite scary imo. They also mention left handed people are doomed. More generalisations about the community. As a reaction I think parents will generalise too to stay on the safe side (which they have a right to) because the ariticle is warning that anyone with a toy collection will be seen as a possible threat. The cops believe the old "offering the kid candy to get in the car" trick doesn't work so now the pedo might be using new tricks with toys. But you can neither be angry at this or insulted because if it is true, they are just trying to do thier job of catching offenders. But more than saying people with "toy collections are pedophile suspects" one other thing about that article that worries me is it might be used to actually justify child porn: (it's very subtle but read this snippet from that article) Quote ... But verifying the link that police believe exists between viewing and doing is no simple task. Although the current law prohibiting the possession, production and distribution of child pornography has been in place since 1993, most of the arrests have come only within the past five years. And so far, there is little hard evidence that the explosion of child porn on the Internet has created a more dangerous environment for our children. "It's clear that people have much greater access to child pornography than they used to," says Martin Lalumière, a University of Lethbridge psychologist. "But it's also clear that it hasn't led to an increase in assaults." Crime rates, including all types of sexual assaults, have fallen precipitously since their peaks in the early 1990s. In the United States, the number of juvenile rapes reported to police dropped 26 per cent between 1992 and 2001. And the number of substantiated sexual abuse cases reported to child protection authorities decreased by 40 per cent. In Canada, overall sexual assaults fell 36 per cent between 1993 and 2002. Comparable national figures for just child sex abuse aren't available, but a 2002 Ontario study found a 44 per cent drop in reports between 1993 and '98. In a first-of-its-kind study published this month in the journal Sexual Abuse, Michael Seto, a University of Toronto psychologist, and Angela Eke, who works for the Ontario Provincial Police's behavioural sciences section, tracked the records of 201 adult male child-porn offenders over a three-year period. The study found 34 (17 per cent) had reoffended. Among them, the biggest proportion were those with a prior record for molesting. Of the nine new "contact sex offences," just one was committed by a man who had been known only to look at porn in the past. "Our finding does contradict the assumption that all child pornography offenders are at very high risk to commit contact sexual offences involving children," the pair wrote. It almost gives the impression that child porn reduces crime since they've tried to point out that people looking at the child porn are less likely to become a pedophile and do a real act if they've viewed kiddy porn.. ignoring the warning sign that people are even viewing it online in the first place and that the people in the porn are victims. Could this be used as justification to try to legalise child porn in the future? That's the scary thing.. In future they might say "in order to reduce pedophiles taking innocent children as victims we should just legalise child porn". You'll see they are slowly trying to force kids to grow up quickly, so I can see real pedophiles using this as justification that the "child wanted it", and twisting it around saying children have rights of thier own seperate from the parent which we need to defend. You may think I'm crazy for saying it but there actually may be a hidden agenda here. They will then use science fiction fans' "general wierdness" as the scapegoats by linking them with pedophiles, and listen to what the psycologist says. The writer of the article might even be a pedophile. So, just as they've tried associating violent videogames with school shootings (we all know this is BS and VG are the new scapegoat in the mainstream media, criminals can get away from taking the blame by saying the game influenced them as an excuse) when it is more likely the unsafe mind-altering drugs the kids are prescribed which affect thier behaviour, then...similarly they'll need a scapegoat like trek nerds or star wars fans to be blamed for criminal behaviour and people will start to believe it if they can repeat it enough times until people buy it. Look if there was an "ignore poster" function on the board it would be a boring place. People are entertained that's why they keep coming back. Edited June 12, 2005 by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
promethuem5 Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 Girls make me cry and this thread is part of why.....
Duke Togo Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 promethuem5 said: Girls make me cry and this thread is part of why..... When Run says dance you do or die?
Dangard Ace Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 Once more, STAY ON TOPIC or I'm going to use some anti-perspirant on some of you.
nanashino Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 Mylene at beach with friends: rare pic...
Duke Togo Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 nanashino said: Mylene at beach with friends: rare pic... More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting.
JB0 Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 nanashino said: Mylene at beach with friends: rare pic... GUBABA!
nanashino Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 (edited) Duke Togo said: nanashino said: Mylene at beach with friends: rare pic... More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting. Hey, if you don't like Mylene or Macross 7what are you doing in this thread anyways? Stop looking if you don't like what you see. Edited June 12, 2005 by nanashino
Duke Togo Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 nanashino said: Duke Togo said: nanashino said: Mylene at beach with friends: rare pic... More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting. Hey, if you don't like Mylene or Macross 7what are you doing in this thread anyways? Stop looking if you don't like what you see. What a silly question. Anybody care to tell WJ why I am posting in this thread?
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