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OK, guys, I wanted to know what you think about the R1 release of the Macross II movie available from Manga...


First, is it complete? I mean, does it propose all of the footage from the OAV?

Second, is it well done? For example, one of our french version is purely horrible and seems to be a direct rip-off of the US Renditions master VHS tapes from 10 or 12 years ago, with big black rectangles to hide the US subtitles when some Marduks are talking (yeah, I swear... :ph34r: )

Third and finally, is there another (better) release available in DVD format than the Manga version?

Thanks in advance for any input :)


I had a version of Macross II on VHS that was the entire OVA cut together as a single movie. It had pretty much everything, just removing the opening and end credits, and the titles between episodes. I think most of the eyecatches were removed, leaving one of each (and I think there were only two eyecatches) in the entire movie.

I've not seen the DVD, but I think it is safe to assume it's the same thing, all the episodes squished into a single movie, or even the different episodes all just on a single DVD. Manga does not have a good track record as far as quality, I think we all know how their Macross Plus ME DVD was their VHS master dumped to DVD with the subs hardcoded. I am not a huge fan of Macross II to begin with, and the additional fear of getting a low quality DVD via Manga has kept me from picking it up even just so I could have all of Macross on DVD. However, if anyone else has seen the DVD and can vouch that it does not have these problems, I might consider picking it up after all.


Eye catches are short snippets of animation that come just before a show goes to commercial break or comes right back from one. They usually just have a shot of the main characters or mecha with the series title splashed over the entire thing.

If you bought the Animeigo Macross dvds, they did include the eyecatches. They were fun to watch as they lent a feeling of nostalgia and brought a greater sense of authenticity to a dvd compilation of a tv program.

  Radd said:
I had a version of Macross II on VHS that was the entire OVA cut together as a single movie. It had pretty much everything, just removing the opening and end credits, and the titles between episodes. I think most of the eyecatches were removed, leaving one of each (and I think there were only two eyecatches) in the entire movie.

It's been years since I've seen Macross II, but why would there be eyecatches? Macross II was an OAV series, not a TV series.

  Gui said:
First, is it complete? I mean, does it propose all of the footage from the OAV?

Second, is it well done? For example, one of our french version is purely horrible and seems to be a direct rip-off of the US Renditions master VHS tapes from 10 or 12 years ago, with big black rectangles to hide the US subtitles when some Marduks are talking (yeah, I swear... :ph34r: )

Third and finally, is there another (better) release available in DVD format than the Manga version?

It does contain all the footage from all the OVA episodes. The dvd is released as "the movie" and runs in one long sequence. The opening and end credits are cut off all the the middle episodes, but each episode retains it's eyecatch.

There's no huge black bars obscuring any foreign subtitles. The show is mostly soft-subbed, but does contain numerous hardsubs (music, Marduk language, etc).

Video and audio quality are ok. Nothing exactly great, but not terrible either.

As far as a better release... if you want English audio/subtitles, there isn't one. The R2 dvds are likely better video/audio quality wise.

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
I owe the Manga Macross Plus Movie Edition. What's wrong with it? Is there a better one available?

Pretty sure the biggest complaints are that it uses a VHS master and the subtitles are hardcoded onto the transfer.


It's pretty much a straight VHS dump from the old Manga VHS release of the movie edition.

All the eyecatches seem to be there, all the episode titles are there, the intro's & endings however are cut between episodes (only the beginning & end one are there, along with the regular inbetween episodes end credits following the final episode end credits).

All of U.S. Renditions/Manga's Marduk language hard subtitles are still there (as well as the hard song subtitles), which causes problems in a couple instances when they don't follow quite in time with the Japanese dialogue & regular soft Japanese subtitles.

Overall, I'd say it's a better quality job than Macross Plus Movie Edition, though still not as good as it could be. I doubt there's any better (non-R2) release out there, and since there's no footage missing, might as well pick it up.


Wow! I didn't expect so much... :p

Thanks for all these replies, guys, muchly appreciated: it seems this R1 release will be far better than my actual french R2 (sometimes I can't even see half of the picture: I almost got a heart attack... :ph34r: )

  Keith said:
might as well pick it up.

Wow! Keith suggesting you should pick up the MII DVD! Unheard of!

Anyway, yes I liked the disc a lot when I first got it. It's nothing spectacular. A very fun thing to do is to turn on the subtitles (most of them are soft subs) while running the English language track and seeing how different they are.


What's so surprising about that? I own both Macross II & The Sentinels (and space Gandam V for that matter)....


You traitor!!! :ph34r:

j/k: I also own the Sentinels tape :p

  Keith said:
What's so surprising about that? I own both Macross II & The Sentinels (and space Gandam V for that matter)....

I think he was referring to your hatered of Macross II. Back in the days of AFM it probably would have surprised me that you own a copy. Though, I don't know about you anymore, as far as your dislike for Macross II goes...anyway.

I'm gonna join the bandwagon and say that I too own a copy of The Sentinels. Watched it once, never plan on watching it again.

  Oihan said:
  Keith said:
What's so surprising about that? I own both Macross II & The Sentinels (and space Gandam V for that matter)....

I think he was referring to your hatered of Macross II. Back in the days of AFM it probably would have surprised me that you own a copy. Though, I don't know about you anymore, as far as your dislike for Macross II goes...anyway.

I'm gonna join the bandwagon and say that I too own a copy of The Sentinels. Watched it once, never plan on watching it again.

How could I hate Macross II if I haven't seen it, of course I own it. Hell, I even own the SDF Macross VHS dub of DYRL. I'm a Macross fan, and all of the stuff I've listed is worth owning just for the kitch alone.

  Gui said:
OK, guys, I wanted to know what you think about the R1 release of the Macross II movie available from Manga...


First, is it complete? I mean, does it propose all of the footage from the OAV?

Second, is it well done? For example, one of our french version is purely horrible and seems to be a direct rip-off of the US Renditions master VHS tapes from 10 or 12 years ago, with big black rectangles to hide the US subtitles when some Marduks are talking (yeah, I swear... :ph34r: )

Third and finally, is there another (better) release available in DVD format than the Manga version?

Thanks in advance for any input :)

I would get the Japanese Region 2 Macross II DVD collection (2 DVD-set) Its much better than the US release.

Here is a capture I took (cropped with auto-contrast applied) :



Meh, just don't care enough about Macross II to pay R2 prices. Though I did import Macross Plus Movie Edtion, since Manga botched the R1 so badly.


I'd take the R2 version if only I could understand japanese :) In fact, I'd import every anime I wish to see if I could get a single japanese word... :p

  Oihan said:
  Keith said:
  Oihan said:
Where can one find a R2 DVD?  I'm having no luck finding anything online.



Wait a minute...are you telling me you've hung around afm & macross world all this time, and never heard of cdjapan?

  Keith said:
  Oihan said:
  Keith said:
  Oihan said:
Where can one find a R2 DVD?  I'm having no luck finding anything online.



Wait a minute...are you telling me you've hung around afm & macross world all this time, and never heard of cdjapan?

Heh...that's correct.


Surprisng, while you're there, pick up the Macross Plus Movie Edition, far superior to manga's release.

  Keith said:
Surprisng, while you're there, pick up the Macross Plus Movie Edition, far superior to manga's release.

$75+ is worth it over Manga's? And I can't find Macross II anywhere on that site.


Hmm, looks to be true, you missed the production run. Chances are there will be a re-release eventually though.

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