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Hey, I have a wacky idea. Let's take everything that made "Doom" Doom, and remove it. Then we'll add in all sort of "first person" shots, and crappy sfx (yes I'm declaring them crappy already) and chill until the summer of 2005. Serves 10-15 million at the BO.


They took a reletively unique story and made it into a cheap Resident Evil ripoff. Awesome!

Heck, even Half-Life ripped off Doom's original story!

Vostok 7

Posted (edited)

sigh, how hard could it be to keep to something as relatively straight forward in sci fi as in doom.

*SPOILER WARNING* for those who haven't played doom for its story yet


The only reason why I'd ever watch a doom movie was to see the devil himself as a half Goat half mechanical being walking around firing missiles. That and him getting roasted by the BFG5000... sigh.

Edited by Noyhauser
  Noyhauser said:
sigh, how hard could it be to keep to something as relatively straight forward in sci fi as in doom.

*SPOILER WARNING* for those who haven't played doom for its story yet


The only reason why I'd ever watch a doom movie was to see the devil himself as a half Goat half mechanical being walking around firing missiles. That and him getting roasted by the BFG5000... sigh.

EXACTLY!? How hard is it to ruin: Space Marines on Mars. Transdimentional gate opens up, creatures from Hell pour in. Space Marines go ape on Creatures from Hell.

Wow, that's so complicated! I know what's easier! Let's make it some crazy virus that brings people back from the dead! And forget Mars, let's have it on modern day earth! And forget Space Marines, they should be SWAT type dudes! Everyone loves SWAT type dudes! No one's ever done that before I'm sure!!

Vostok 7


I wanna know what exactly is wrong with:

Space Marines on a research facility on Mars

Demons from Hell come through their "gates" that they make

One man(Hell, even a squad) kills many of them

As they go deeper into the base it starts to be all... hell-like

I mean come on, one of the reasons the first Doom was so awesome was because of the story. I mean, the story was kind of weak, but it certainly wasn't just tacked on and it really wasn't bad either.

Posted (edited)
I wanna know what exactly is wrong with:

Space Marines on a research facility on Mars

Demons from Hell come through their "gates" that they make

One man(Hell, even a squad) kills many of them

As they go deeper into the base it starts to be all... hell-like

I mean come on, one of the reasons the first Doom was so awesome was because of the story. I mean, the story was kind of weak, but it certainly wasn't just tacked on and it really wasn't bad either.

Nothing at all. Actually its what made it so great. But look at the budget, 70 million?... its not really all that much for a sci fli flick that doom should have. Something tells me that the budget for the latest doom game was probably more (or I could be wrong here....). So they probably couldn't have really intricate deamons, special graphics, great actors or unique sets. So its they probably changed the story to make it cheaper.

50$ says that the big "tie in" with doom will be someone picks up a shotgun half way through the movie and lays down some serious lead. At that point the super Doom geek fans will be "ooooh... its the shotgun" and snicker themselves silly because they think that they alone understand the significance of it.

While I will have exited the movie 30 minutes ago to sneak into another theater after I saw how badly my childhood has been raped.

Edited by Noyhauser

To quote a popular webcomic,

"In other news, look out for the Metroid movie, about a rowdy team of baseball players who discover the true meaning of Christmas from a robot cowboy angel!"

  Hikuro said:
Resident Evil movie didn't really do that either :p

RE - Virus *check*, Modern day earth *check*, Swat type dudes *half check*

Your point? :p

Vostok 7

  Seven said:
Well, at least Eomer is in it. Wasn't The Rock attached to this project for a while?

He's attached as Karl Urban's CO. Of course, considering this little tidbit about the movie, I might as well rent Resident Evil. No Mars + no Hell = no fun.


Look for my feature length adaptation of Castle Wolfenstien in 2006. It's a hillarious rom-com set on a tropical resort island with a cast of trained poodles in the lead roles. And if that doesn't get your asses in the theater seats, then you'll be thrilled to learn that I've secured none other than Andy Dick to provide the voice of BJ Blazkowitz!!

Posted (edited)
  Druna Skass said:
Doom with no Hell is like Macross without Valkyries and a big transforming battleship.

In that one move they've totaly destroyed it, this sh!t is not Doom.

Doom with no Marines (check out avatar) is like Noriko without the Gunbuster. If Id approved of what will turn out to be a massive shee-it sandwich which most of us here will take a bite from, then I think we should show them what the true forces of Hell look like.

Edited by Noriko Takaya

Shadup yo mouth you fanboys.

If this thing is a hardcore violence festival, it will rule.

  Agent ONE said:
Shadup yo mouth you fanboys.

If this thing is a hardcore violence festival, it will rule.

but arnold wont be in it, how cud it possibly rule? ;):p

the probly got rid of the hell idea to be more politically correctparents would sooner let their children see a movie about virus zombies then one about demons from hell


I have a question.

WHY make a Doom movie to begin with?

Think about it.

It's one guy with a lot of guns shooting a bunch of zombie marines and demons.

There 's no room for any character development or story advancement. It's just a gorefest.

This is why game movies don't work, as a general rule.

You either remain faithful to the material, and turn out a REALLY boring movie(watching a game IS NOT fun), or you rewrite things and alienate the core fanbase you're relying on for initial ticket sales.

  JB0 said:
I have a question.

WHY make a Doom movie to begin with?

Think about it.

It's one guy with a lot of guns shooting a bunch of zombie marines and demons.

There 's no room for any character development or story advancement. It's just a gorefest.

This is why game movies don't work, as a general rule.

You either remain faithful to the material, and turn out a REALLY boring movie(watching a game IS NOT fun), or you rewrite things and alienate the core fanbase you're relying on for initial ticket sales.

This is why you just don't make game movies in the first place.

They should have learned this from all the other failed game adaptation movies... Street Fighter... Mortal Kombat... 90210 In Spa... I mean Wing Commander *shudder*... Resident Evil...

Sure, some of those have cult followings (Mortal Kombat) but for the most part, they have been a huge flop at the boxoffice.

Honestly, I don't know why there was a change in the story line. Doom's storyline would have been no harder to make into a movie than any regular gore-fest movie.

I could only see changing the storyline so much if they were trying to push for a PG-13 rating.

Vostok 7


The site made it sound like that's an "accepted" name.

Is that what it's called in Doom 3 or did they just make it up?

Definitely sounds like a PG-13 push to me <_<

Vostok 7

  Druna Skass said:
  Agent ONE said:
Shadup yo mouth you fanboys.

If this thing is a hardcore violence  festival, it will rule.

So if they re-made Terminator without Ah-nold but there was far more gore and violence, it would rule?


May CROM tear out your eyes!

You cannot compare the two... Terminator is already a movie, Doom is a game.


Nevr cared about Doom and thought the original game's story was the perfect formula Hollyweed cared about these days as far as big action blockbusters go. I just don't see how even they can screw it up. To even the playing field they coulda just thrown some female Marines in there ala Vasquez. I will simply mourn for Karl Urban as far as this film goes now. Unbelievable how such a simply but certain $$$ formula can be overlooked.....

Posted (edited)
  Agent ONE said:
  Druna Skass said:
  Agent ONE said:
Shadup yo mouth you fanboys.

If this thing is a hardcore violence  festival, it will rule.

So if they re-made Terminator without Ah-nold but there was far more gore and violence, it would rule?


May CROM tear out your eyes!

You cannot compare the two... Terminator is already a movie, Doom is a game.

You still haven't answered the question...

Though if you need for me to clarify, the point of that question is that Doom without Hell is like Terminator without Ah-nold. It's just wrong no matter what.

Edited by Druna Skass
  Vostok 7 said:
The site made it sound like that's an "accepted" name.

Is that what it's called in Doom 3 or did they just make it up?

Definitely sounds like a PG-13 push to me <_<

Vostok 7

I've seen about old strategy guide type books back in the day for Doom 1 and 2 calling it Big F*cking Gun.

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