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Posted (edited)

Nah Outpatient, pretty much any four-letter curse you can think of is used to describe robotech.

See you back on Arcadia,



Edited by Seto Kaiba
  outpatient8 said:
Do you know what episode it was? I have a few SF episodes on vhs laying arroud. I'll suffer through them and see if I can spot that part.

Oh and wat is this "Rawbooteck" is it like a derogatory slag for robotech?

Oh yeah, just like Robocrap

By the way, I always keep my cool, I was just indicating you were using an in correct term to refer to the mecha. I am sorry if it appeared rude to you but it was not my intention to be rude.

  outpatient8 said:
Do you know what episode it was? I have a few SF episodes on vhs laying arroud. I'll suffer through them and see if I can spot that part.

Oh and wat is this "Rawbooteck" is it like a derogatory slag for robotech?

it was an episoe where superman was flying in space. he passes a jupter type planet and an alien space station(breif second) that spacestation is the sdf-1 head

Posted (edited)

I can't promise I have this issue still (got rid of some issues due to space problems) but in one fairly recent (1999 or so) issue of Uncanny X-Men, a massive Shi'Ar ship has two Macross bridge towers jutting from its underside...

And only slightly related....in another X-Men issue from 1978-79, Bobby Drake (Iceman) has a Space Battleship Yamato poster in his dorm room.

Edited by Pat Payne

This is not entirely Macross, but rather Genesis Climber MOSPEADA. Apparently in the 1980s, the creators of the GoBots toy line created a series of Imai/Monogram models, two of which were based upon the AHC-01 Legioss/Alpha, as the jet fighter character LEADER-1, and the VR-041 Blowsperior/Saber, as the motorctcle character CY-KILL.





I'm sorry too man. Didn't mean to get all defensive. I don't have the underlying hatred of RT that many members here seem to have. I like robotech, macross, megazone, orgus all that crap. Wrong or right I have been calling them VTs since I was a kid. So, it's nothing personal it's just habbit. If I offend anybody, I'm sorry.

Also, in an old (like '88-'89) issue of Warhammer 40k magazine there where rules on making combat robots. There where 2 or 3 sample designs and one of them was a very close semblance to an Raider X. It had the RX's body but one arm was from a Gladiator and the other was from an Excalibur.

It's funny where robotech/macross stuff pops up. There was this side scrolling arcade game from the mid 80's (can't remember what it was called) and you played a Veritech. You could transform from jet, to guardian, to battloid mode. The enemys also looked familar but did not come from robotech.


There was an older arcade racing game that if you did well enough you could choose a special stage with one of three different cars; Fire Bomber, Diamond Force, and Emerald Force. Damned if I can find the game or its title, I just remember playing it a few years back in the student union at our local college (I was in highschool at the time).


There's a couple of Defender based mecha in a couple of Battletech and Gurps books. And I don't meen the Rifleman II-C and Phoenix Project versions. The Battletech on had single barreled arms and the Gurps had a large single barreled energy cannon and missile launchers. The Phalanx and Male Power Armor also make an apearence in the sam book. The Alpha also made an appearence in a Battletech Comic/Game book. I could try and find the book names if anyone's that interested.

  outpatient8 said:
I completly forgot about my Monogram model of the Go-Bots Cy-Kill, it's a big ass Saber Cyclone.

isn't that based off the motorcycle armor from mospeada? and the monogram leader-one was a legioss..

Posted (edited)

Leader one was basically a re-box of the red legioss that was molded in a very fugly shade of aqua. It even included the Jupiter Base decals and all the same metal, rubber, and nylon bits. At the time when they were released I remember seeing them in store, but I never associated the box image with the then Robotech New Generation Alpha fighter (it was 1985-6 so I didn't know about the true origins of the shows butchered to create Robotech)...all I could see was the name Go-Bots on the box, and I hated Go-Bots.

Edited by mechaninac

WTF!? isnt that emblem copyright protected? its the version used on the destroids. in macross the red kite in the white circle its for the UN ARMY. the mecha its on isnt even macross related

  HWR MKII said:
WTF!? isnt that emblem copyright protected? its the version used on the destroids. in macross the red kite in the white circle its for the UN ARMY. the mecha its on isnt even macross related

Yeah, I have this book. Thought it was kind of funny when I saw it. Makes me wonder if HG has something in the works with Guardians of Order for an RT mecha book.

Posted (edited)

no offense to any RT fans out there but if HG wants anyrespect here i hope they just choose to use their own brand new designs on this new show they supposedly are making. you want people to watch it then give them something new dont make quality anime into 60s and 70s quality kung fu dubs by ripping the visuals and trying to fit your own story. i have seen the VF-1 design used in so many places i cant count. i keep an eye out on other anime to see its cameo.

one place i saw alot of macross mecha cameos was in the old show exo suad. they were always in the background for uick shots. the toys were even repackaged tomahawks and defenders and the enemy character toys were repackaged mospeda toys.

Edited by HWR MKII
Posted (edited)

Heres an obscure one - several years ago, Marvel Comics ran a parody comic called "What The?!" ("OhmiGod! We forgot the FIGHT SCENE!" and that kind of thing).

One of the strips took a pop at Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Depicted were some S.H.I.E.L.D "air-cars", which were an exact match for the Zentraedi non-combat shuttle pods as shown in Macross TV...! :blink:

Marvel would repeat a similar trick years later when it introduced a Sentinel variant that bore more than a passing resemblance to mecha from Evangelion...

Edited by F-ZeroOne
  HWR MKII said:
no offense to any RT fans out there but if HG wants anyrespect here i hope they just choose to use their own brand new designs on this new show they supposedly are making. you want people to watch it then give them something new dont make quality anime into 60s and 70s quality kung fu dubs by ripping the visuals and trying to fit your own story.

I believe they are using designs from the New Generation...


I have all of the ExoSquad episodes on dvd. I do seem to remember a few battlepod-esq and fighterpod-esq ships in the series. I also quickly ran out and bought every one of the "Robotech Defenders" ExoSquad line of toys. They mand but never put out a "Heavy Assault Eframe" that is the spitting image of a Battletech Clans Timberwolf.

That HL shot looks like a mod to me. A mod I ould not mind having.


In the first Armored Core game for the Playstation, you fight an enemy that looks similar to the VF-1S in battloid. It even has the skull markings.

Also from Battletech were the Ostscout, Ostosol, and Ostroc. Though their line drawings were a bit off, I think they were supposed to be battle pods, or at least based off of them.



Lost Prophets - UK numetal band

Lost Prophets first album featured not only a VF-1S (I think the harsher edged copy from Battle-Tech,) but also the Elgerzorene from Mac7. (Back or Inside......I forget.)

I emailed them about it to find out if they were Macross fans but never got an answer


Yesterday, while going to Toys R Us, I saw a Toyota sports car (I think it was a Toyota) with a outline sticker of a Valk in its window.


I knew about the exo-squad figs of teh Destroids, but whats this about Mospeada guys? I wants....

www.brianscache.com has all the Macross and Dougram mecha in Battletech...Brian's a cool dude and his website is great....

The Go-Bots model kits are killer! I want those too....Ive never seen those before.

What always amazes me abhout these kidna things are all the liscensing concerns....you would never be able to do anything like that now...you would have adozen lawyers pounding you in the ass before you even released them...

  • 1 month later...

I know this thread is old but i found another. In Starship troopers at the end. The lone soldier who blows the top off a hill with a big rifle in the last propaganda shot of the film is firing the YF-19s gunpod.

  Pat Payne said:
Yesterday, while going to Toys R Us, I saw a Toyota sports car (I think it was a Toyota) with a outline sticker of a Valk in its window.

LOL, I don't know if I would call the Celica a sports car, more like a "sports coup".


To me a toyota is a speedbump.(goes out to adjust track tension on tank) :p Cant go wrong with 7 tons of jaguar powered all road fun.(CVRT scorpion)he he :D

I know its off topic but i couldnt help.

  Skippy438 said:
Let us not forget the recent threads on Megas XLR and UY that just popped up. And the naked Misa from Orguss.

Speaking Megas XLR did you see that one episode where Coop presses a button and the Macross' main cannon from the movie pops out of Megas' chest. That was too funny. Someone on that show loves Macross. :lol:

Posted (edited)
  outpatient8 said:
There was this side scrolling arcade game from the mid 80's (can't remember what it was called) and you played a Veritech. You could transform from jet, to guardian, to battloid mode. The enemys also looked familar but did not come from robotech.

I think it was called Thexder by Sierra, I used to play it.


Edited by Chowser

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