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George Sohn speaks out


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I think they only way they could get it right would be to hire John M. A.K.A. Captain America to start over and finish his Legioss (Alpha) and work a beta off of it. I Don't own, but have examined the Toynami Alpha and I fail to see any connection points built into the Toynami Alpha to accomodate the addition of the Beta. I was also fairly unimpressed with the feel of the transformation and the durability of the Toynami alpha, it felt like it wanted to break during transformation and the joints, seemed unreliable some super tight, others borderline floppy, like with any repeated transformation you would end up with a floppy toy.

If they come out with a Beta I will probably break down and buy and Alpha though..... Even though I don't believe they are worth the retail price.

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I'll buy a beta I just don't know where Toynami is gonna steal the molds from?  :rolleyes: If they make it, it better not be the Gakken style beta although rare it looks like crap and most likely Toynami tends to lean on whatever is easier for them to produce. If it's not a remake of an old toy then this would probably be the first original Toynami product we've seen, I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I have to agree with sithlord on this. If/When Toynami makes the Tread/Beta, I would hope it will be a new design. Given their track record for stealing molds, I wouldnt put it past them for stealing it from Gakken's old mold.

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given what a fickle beast the MPC alpha has turned out to be, I actually shudder to think what the beta would be like.

I mean, they botched this one up pretty badly, and there have been so-so successful toys for them to plunder and some proven designs.. but the beta, that's uncharted territory.. plus they got to make it link up?

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Question, is the MPC VF series really a "stolen" mold? I mean, the mechanics for it are the same as the Bandai's, but mold? Don't think so. Same for the Alpha MPC.

Personally, I think doing a Beta for them would probably be the easiest toy to design and produce. Come to think of it, how difficult is the transformation of a Beta? If I remember correctly, that thing what quite simplistic in its transforming process and shouldn't be too much trouble. Toynami would have great success doing that as I'd buy that for sure, and I think it'd actually be a better toy than the VF and Alpha series put together.

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Becuase the Beta will be their first project in which they have NOTHING to copy off of!

So who knows, maybe they're trying to scrape up enough cash to employ the services of John Moscato ;)

Don't say NOTHING. And no they haven't been emailing me. Atleast not yet.

And I sure HOPE you are right about John Moscato. I wonder if he could say anything if you were.


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how about George Sohn shows us where the frick the Beta is suppose to connect, then I'll believe it. So far I dont see any logical connection point. With all it's shortcomings I don't think it that bad of a toy, and I'll support the sh!t out it when I feel like they're not lying to us as they did before.

Which lie are you talking about? Just curious.

Anyways, I been thinking about the connection point problem. I'm half expecting that if they do release the Beta it will come packaged with a slightly modified Alpha and it won't connect to the current Alphas. You'll have to get a new one. I don't know that. It's just a guess on my part but it would seem consistant with the way they do things if you ask me.


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Just for the record, neither George Sohn nor Toynami have ever threatened me regarding the Legioss... Or anything else, for that matter: the warning to take down the MW frontpage Legioss update pre-order came directly from the offices of Harmony gold. Apples & oranges.

Also, George Sohn had simply called me & asked me to provide an estimate for my services to work on their Legioss project. They passed. That's all there is to it.

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how about George Sohn shows us where the frick the Beta is suppose to connect, then I'll believe it.  So far I dont see any logical connection point.  With all it's shortcomings I don't think it that bad of a toy, and I'll support the sh!t out it when I feel like they're not lying to us as they did before.

Which lie are you talking about? Just curious.

Anyways, I been thinking about the connection point problem. I'm half expecting that if they do release the Beta it will come packaged with a slightly modified Alpha and it won't connect to the current Alphas. You'll have to get a new one. I don't know that. It's just a guess on my part but it would seem consistant with the way they do things if you ask me.


The incorrect info about the original MPCs Veritechs are well documented and have been discussed throughly on this site.

For the record, it's been said over and over again that you will NOT need a new Alpha to connect to the Beta IF it was ever produced. The last time it was Tom Bateman that said it in front of the AX Panel and the SDCC panel.

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Question, is the MPC VF series really a "stolen" mold? I mean, the mechanics for it are the same as the Bandai's, but mold? Don't think so. Same for the Alpha MPC.

I thought the VF-1 MPC was based rather closely on the Bandai HCM (though scaled up from 1/72 to 1/55), while the Alpha MPC was based on the Imai 1/48 Legioss. It's been noted/claimed that the Alpha MPC isn't even really 1/55, but 1/48, just like the Imai.

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The MPC was originally planned to be 1/65 scale. It was also set@80$ however possibly due to fan reaction@ their unveiling one july a few years ago, they were scaled up and had numerous adjustments, for better or worse that were made.


-Longer nose


-Back of fighter mode still sticks up in air

-REMOVAL of plastic peg interlocking system for legs and use of weak magnets in place of the former

-WORSE proportions than original proto other than the nose.

-1/55 overall size, some limbs merely STRETCHED rather than tweaked to true 1/55 scale. (Some members note that the legs are merely stretched rather than actually made to scale with rest of the body on the toy....)

IMHO the 1/65 proto, aside from the nose, looked MUCH better. Wait that backpack too

It's mainly 1/55 sized, and HCM and 1/72 imai kit based. (Imai had the ladder just in case anyone was wondering)

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It seems to me that Toynami should have more than enough cash to fund a Beta project. They are getting at least 2x more profit on the Alpha and the VF-1 than they really should be (due to the fact that their customer base is fairly price insensitive). In addition, they are getting 3.5 Alpha products out of a single design and they have gotten 6 VF-1 products out of another design. Heck, I imagine that they would still make a profit even if they sold the remaining VF-1 stock at half price. Where is all of this revenue going? Is their office more than they can afford? Are they paying to much to the factories in China? Are they being raped on the freight charges? Are they paying exhorbitant license fees? Is their staff too large? Do they spend too much on salaries? Are they losing too much money on unsuccessful/low volume lines like Thundar and Herculoids (figure collectors seem to be more price sensitive since there are a lot of figure lines to choose from)?

I've picked up a handful of products from Toynami over the past few years and I've never felt that I'm gotten my money's worth. I think it is time for me to look for other things to spend my money on. I do hope that the company finds a way to succeed since I hate to see any company fail. If things improve, I will certainly give them another look.

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The incorrect info about the original MPCs Veritechs are well documented and have been discussed throughly on this site.

I'm familiar with the metal content info. To be honest I haven't tried to wade through all 109 pages of the pinned MPC thread here. I want to... but it's 109 pages. I was wondering if there were other lies I wasn't aware of.

For the record, it's been said over and over again that you will NOT need a new Alpha to connect to the Beta IF it was ever produced.  The last time it was Tom Bateman that said it in front of the AX Panel and the SDCC panel.

Thanks. I wasn't aware that had been specifically said. Still they have lied before and I wouldn't put this one past them. It just appears to me that this Alpha wasn't designed with ability to connect with the Beta in mind. If they do want to release the Beta I just think it might be easier for them to break their word then to get something that will work with this Alpha. I can just hear it now "Sorry folks... we tried to make the Beta work with the current Alpha but we had to make a few improvements so we thought we'd bundle a new and improved Alpha with each Beta." Think about it, if they were to say that now it would hurt current sales of the Alpha. So if Tom Bateman was asked the question "Will we need a new Alpha should a future Beta be released?" I doubt he could say anything aside from what was said above. Then again if he offered that info without being asked the question I might just put a little more weight behind it. It reminds me of the remastered Robotech DVDs. They said (though I think it was a different they) that it would never be remastered while they were still trying to sell the original Robotech DVDs. Again... I'm just guessing but at this point I wouldn't put it past them. Business is business, I expect them to do what ever they think will make them the most money.


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I think Carl could be on the right track. If Toynami does the Tread it will take a lot more development then they had to put into the Alpha (which is clearly based on the 1/48 IMAI model) If they have the money to spend on that they will overcome the connection point....either a replacement piece, and add on piece, or a bottom latch connector. In the end, I suspect most people will complain that it's not perfect transformation...which it won't be (my guess) If it does happen though, Ill be happy...Ill even buy 2 or 3...after all I'd want one in fighter, one linked in fighter, and one linked in battroid.... :)

Another good point is the new Alpha...that would let Toynami make more money and overcome the connection point. Did they promise a lack of need to buy a new Alpha? Sure...but so did Yamato with the 1/60's. In the end they will have to make a choice functionality vs cost....good fast and cheap...pick 2 I always say. As long as the choice involves doing the Tread they "had me at hello". :rolleyes:

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Bring on the the beta.....at ANY cost..

i wonder if John M. simply contacted George with a reasonable offer...George may consider hiring his as at least PART of the design team for the beta..

John ..are you really more expensive then their current sculptors..i find it diffucult too belive they are paying these guys THAT MUCH less they they would offer you for your services..

certainly better than wal-mart/mcd' employees are making right??????????? ;)

just a thought.

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Bring on the the beta.....at ANY cost..

i wonder if John M. simply contacted George with a reasonable offer...George may consider hiring his as at least PART of the design team for the beta..

John ..are you really more expensive then their current sculptors..i find it diffucult too belive they are paying these guys THAT MUCH less they they would offer you for your services..

certainly better than wal-mart/mcd' employees are making right??????????? ;)

just a thought.

I think John's services are reasonable, but for the realm he works in. Saying sculptor is a sculptor is kinda like saying all Lawyers, Doctors, PC People etc should be paid the same and do the same level of work. John's work is far superior, takes a lot longer, and thus costs more. Toynami is obviousley looking for a cheaper product. Cheaper means in costs and quality. Its a simple triangle... Good Fast and Cheap...but you can only pick two.

I don't claim to be an expert, but from my view thats what is up. John is working at an extreme level of detail...Toynami isn't looking for something that competes with the Yamato 1/48...they are competeing with the old 1/55's.

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yet i wonder if john is at all flexable when it comes too the level of detail that he is WILLING too work in..

does anybody know about the japanese sculptors for the legioss toy??

the names are :

- Daiske fukuda

-Shin tanabe

since they seem too know what they're doing ...i dont think they work for penuts and rice...

i mean...how much of a cost discrepency could we be looking at here?????

i'd love too see john somehow involved! :D:D

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It's not really an issue of detail: a sculpt is done with a fixed objective in mind. In the case of a toy, you have to take a different approach than you would for a model/model kit.

On a toy, you have to think about sturdiness and functionnality: gear bay doors and landing gear have to be solid & over-designed, so do joints. You also have to think about partition lines for the dies, etc. Also, because if the type of plastic used, you can't have very fine detail. I know all about this, I designed toys for a living. Truth be told, you can still make a visually-superb toy, even without very fine detail or high metal content. It's not the materials, it's about how you use them.

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the master speaketh.. B))

...... thanks for the imput capt.A

- we all think toynami would really benifit from your expetise and overall understanding of variable design...one look at your legioss should silence any dis-belivers.

George Sohn could really use some good publicity for the tread..and your the man for the job..

do you think HG/Toynami may consider you for the beta ..-or is the $$ discrepency too great for you too consider working on this for them?????

we all have fingers crossed for this :unsure:

thanks again,man! :D



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