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Just wanted to say THANKS to Graham for taking care of me AGAIN in Hong Kong.

Its been the 3rd or 4th time he spend his time taking me out for shopping and hunting Macross toys around HK. Well this time I bought only two Macross Items… heh

Once he even took me out with my baby and wife! That is saying too much. Believe me. :rolleyes:

It is great to have a site like MW, where members are willing to help others without asking anything in return. People they barely know, or just don’t know at all.

I am truly thankful to this site for letting me meet friends on line, and later be able to meet them personally just to find we have some wonderful people here (well that do not applies to everybody.. some guys are just into drinking and never finishing millias customs, but ho well).

On the other hand I am kind of missing some things on the site. In the last months things really changed here.

Funny how our holy Kawamory and his Froating head lost his holiness in about a month.

Takas and bandais… Chunky Monkeys.

And Yamato… on the way down (they may deserve it anyways)

First the post of the toys section outnumbered the Model section, and then I can see lots of new threads in the Other Anime and Sci-Fi forum, but only there.

Looks like we are loosing something important here… as we are loosing the old members.

Sorry about my comment, but looks like the only thing we do well lately is to complain about everything. And we are forgetting to keep what is important.

Anyways, Thanks again G-Man. Your site and you are a great find for me and I really appreciate both.

Shawn… where the hell is Shawn?

Anthony, sorry man I did not call you. I could not find you mobile number!

And Guppy, I do hate you. I am carrying a HUGE amount of your toys; my trip back to Shanghai was a nightmare. :angry:


By the way.

Anybody knows about this figure???

It is made by Romando. While it is painted and everything you still need to add the policaps. And is a pain in the ass.

I got it for dirt cheap in the HK airport, about 120 HKD.

The finishing is quite impressive. I saw this guy in Romando web Site. It is out of production and the price was about USD 100. Looks like I got a good deal!


haha, thanks for picking up those toys for me. Now stop posting on MW and get down to the post office! :p

Posted (edited)
Looks like we are loosing something important here… as we are loosing the old members.

Yup! We are, I missed a few old members like TSKOH. Some active old members had become less and less active.

First the post of the toys section outnumbered the Model section, and then I can see lots of new threads in the Other Anime and Sci-Fi forum, but only there.

Yup! It is. Mainly because there are more and more new anime and they come out fast to keep the heat on. Macross just come to slow, be it anime or toys; luckily we have the models to at least holding on. Sorry guys/gals, I know quality is important, but as well as timing...

In view of the slowing down, could I proposed that we have dedicated sections for scratch built/kit bash and/or VF designs by fans? The aims are to encourage people to show off their imagination and ignite new enthuasism. Currently, the Fan Works section is too broadly defined and models and toys section has been restricted by the variety and availability of the models/toys. If there is less models and toys coming out, the sections will become stagnant.

All in all MacrossWorld is a great place.

Edited by Firefox
  Guppy said:
haha, thanks for picking up those toys for me. Now stop posting on MW and get down to the post office! :p

Hu? you better pay first. <_<

Did I mention there is 20% for my hunting services?? ho and also a 10% extra for carring your boxes all arround HK.



You should pay ME the 10% for carrying the boxes around. You need some excercise to work off all the excess weight from you nice desk job! :p

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