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Any word on the PG Strike


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i heard it is either coming out on the 18th or the 20th of this month, very soon. I cannot wait I am definetly getting one :)

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Man I REALLY wish I could PO one of those....DAMN MY COMPUTER!!!!

how come you cannot preorder on your computer?

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Computer is down, no OS, no internet connection, nothing, the computer is FRIED. All the posts I've been making in the last month has been at my work terminal and you get fired from shoppingonline :p

:o that sucks bad do you know who long before you get a new computer? also if the release date stays true the PG Strike should be out this week.


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looks like the PG strike is out there is a few up on ebay, the box does not look as good as the original with the writing on it that we saw in the promos. here is the link.

edit: i did not realize the new sword is called the Gand slam :lol:

Ebay PG strike Gundam


Edited by zeo-mare
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to be honest...i really wish bandai used this box

i might be alone on this one though...

you are not alone I mentioned it as well. the new box is not as nice as the prototype box, i cannot wait to get it though, it looks freekin awesome.


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having the strike out there on the box doing some kinda pose sorta makes the box look cheesie...and this box is straight forward...if they were gonna do some kinda box art bandai should've had a painted picture much like hasegawa's boxes for their VF's...but that's just my opinion

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having the strike out there on the box doing some kinda pose sorta makes the box look cheesie...and this box is straight forward...if they were gonna do some kinda box art bandai should've had a painted picture much like hasegawa's boxes for their VF's...but that's just my opinion

i agree most of the box art i have seen for the pgs were good the GP01 and MKII had great art the CGI on the Dendrobium was real good to, this box looks generic, i would rather have the simple writing of the protype box, or like you said a nice hand painted or CGI picture. I usually use the boxes on my shelves for display the proto looked cool but i do not think i am going to display this box anymore,

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I like the proto type box too,, I even wish they include those kind or ARt work of Strike as some wallscrolls. Similar to the 3 they show handing on the wall of the display booth.

i wish it came with a display stand , there was a cool one in those pics it was just a flat peice but it had the fancy writing on it and the strike looked cool on it. i hope the Aile pack comes with some sort of nice display stand like the MG freedom, (I doubt it will) but it would look awesome on a stand

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it looks like hobby search has all the pics up including the parts and the instructions. it looks like the all the fingers are now on one peice (yay!)

Hobby search strike Gundam ,

Edited by zeo-mare
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speaking of Hobby Search, I orderd some supplies a couple of months ago which were shipped SAL a month ago. I haven't seen anything yet, meanwhile, I've got two separate orders from HLJ last month, and each SAL packages took less than two weeks to get here. And I needed the stuffs!!

So far its been slow for me everytime..

Does anybody ever has this problem?

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you'll get charged within the next couple weeks (or up to a month later <_< )...i just ordered some stuff last week and i got an email stating that my stuff has been shipped...this is expected of hlj...don't worry about it :p

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!
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Is it going to take a month?

I honestly don't know...SAL is funny like that <_< If you're in the US it could take up to a month for delivery. I live on the westcoast (and just 2 and a half hours from Los Angeles) and it takes up to a month for me to recieve my order. For some products, EMS is actually cheaper than SAL.

After looking at HLJ, it looks like EMS and SAL are pretty even...there's only a few dollars difference between the two...

EMS: 5,400 yen, SAL: 5,000yen

There's the shipping estimate HLJ gives for the PG Strike Gundam.

I could understand you using SAL since HLJ didn't give any cules to shipping. I feel for you though. When you try to get something you've waited for so long and when it's finally in your grasp, stuff like this happens... <_<

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Hmm, couple of months ago from hobbysearch? O_o Mine came in a week's time, so I was pretty impressed with them (despite the fact that they stated it'd take a month or two). Probably depends on where you are.

Maybe its just me then.

just reading you guy talking about to pg strike make me want one, but I think I'll wait till x'mas or later since will probably won't open it until next summer. besides, i bought more than I should have this month, thanks to hlj putting them on sales, plus I'm out of storage space.

Could someone do a open box review once it arrived?

HLJ is charging about $3 more for shipping EMS vs SAL, that a easy choice. They shipped me a pg mk2 with EMS a while back because it was cheaper than the SAL option I selected, and the postman shown up on Saturday morning. I live in the SE US, it took five business days for EMS, and SAL from HLJ has never took more than 2 weeks.

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........You know I can get it from HLJ....I'm willin to wait.....its just......dammit I can't buy from online without getting caught and fired >< GAH! Someone wanna put up the order so than I can just do the Money Order bussniess? :p

they do paypal

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i guess there's a wire in the fingers to help it hold stuff...i'm actually surprised bandai hadn't thought of it earlier :p

All pg fingers come they way, I haven't figure out how exactly they do it, but they look like there are mulituple trees pre-assemble together. kinda like the homemade ones modeling mag used to show us. I thinks its pretty cool, print them might not be too much fun since they seems to be made out of the stuff of the pc parts, at least for the ones I've got

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The new finger style should be nice. I just love all the new things they are doing with the PG kits. I can't wait to for next PG kit. What do you guys think it will be?

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The new finger style should be nice. I just love all the new things they are doing with the PG kits. I can't wait to for next PG kit. What do you guys think it will be?

I'd say either the Freedom, or the Hyaku-Shiki are next in line.

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