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Posted (edited)

I bought KILLZONE a few days ago and I'm loving it. It's linear, the death physics are strange and sometimes objects in the distance take awhile to materialize, but other than that I see nothing that seriously detracts from my enjoyment of the game. The visuals are very appealing. The locales and weaponry look great, not to mention the Helghast soldiers (even if they do look like Jin-Roh clones). The audio is awesome! The howling of the wind, footsteps, spent casings clinking to the ground and the satisfying, substantial sound and feel of the weapons as you fire and reload are all excellent. The story is pretty standard, but the opening scene sucked me in immediately. KILLZONE isn't perfect, but the sound, visuals and musical score do a wonderful job of pulling you into that dark and desperate world. Comparisons to HALO/HALO 2 are inevitable, so I won't get into that. I'll just say that this game stands perfectly well on its own.

It's too bad, really. KILLZONE is an immersive, fun game that was foolishly dubbed by the press as the "Halo Killer," which I don't think any game except perhaps Half-Life 2 could pull off. The reviews were decent, but not great. Chalk 'em up to the game being a victim of its own hype. Don't believe the hype or the reviews. Go out and rent the game. See what you think of it. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Edited by Drad

I still don't see what's so great about Halo. To me, the graphics have always looked like a PC FPS from about 4 years ago, and everything's too damn bright.

I think Killzone looks great. The gritty realism is more appealing to me than the world of Halo which looks like it was designed by Joel Schumacher.


Killzone's two biggest problems are that it was actually Sony who was billing it as a Halo killer to get it more attention, and that it was made for PS2. Don't get me wrong, I like my PS2, and I think it's great for games like Ace Combat, which just looks gorgeous on it. But it's not so hot for FPS. And then, when people finally play the game, they find it's nothing really like Halo... more like Medal of Honor in the future.

  mikeszekely said:
.. they find it's nothing really like Halo... more like Medal of Honor in the future.

Yeah. That's why I like it. Halo's a fine series, but it didn't grab my attention the way KILLZONE did. Both games are good. I'm just more interested in this one.

Halo Killer? No. But still an enjoyable game that I don't regret buying. Shame on Sony for putting that kind of pressure on it. <_<


Not likely. Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history.

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

  Gaijin said:
Not likely. Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history.

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Oh, I don't know about that. It probably would have released a lot sooner, and not looked so dated by PC standards. Also, Bungie would have done it right. The mediocre PC version of Halo was mediocre because it was a port handled by some third party.

Posted (edited)

I've just finished level 5...damn those docks were long. I think Luger and Rico are the most interesting to play as. Templar seems blah, and Hahka is interesting but, not in the vain as "SnakeEyes/Sam Fisher" Luger or "Drake/Vasquez" Rico. Love the rocket launcher on his gun. :D

Maybe it's because Luger and Rico have specialized weapons unique to them that makes them more fun. I'm really starting t o like this game's storyline...it's nothing novel worthy but...I'm sucked in...


Edited by Gaijin
  mikeszekely said:
  Gaijin said:
Not likely.  Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history. 

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Oh, I don't know about that. It probably would have released a lot sooner, and not looked so dated by PC standards. Also, Bungie would have done it right. The mediocre PC version of Halo was mediocre because it was a port handled by some third party.

i've read a few more posts from you man, it doesn't even sound like you have an xbox. actually play halo sometime and i think it'll change your mind.

Posted (edited)
  Panzer said:
  mikeszekely said:
  Gaijin said:
Not likely.  Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history. 

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Oh, I don't know about that. It probably would have released a lot sooner, and not looked so dated by PC standards. Also, Bungie would have done it right. The mediocre PC version of Halo was mediocre because it was a port handled by some third party.

i've read a few more posts from you man, it doesn't even sound like you have an xbox. actually play halo sometime and i think it'll change your mind.

Boo hoo,...Dude, I have the Halo Xbox bundle. I like Halo and have played through it when it came out and then when I bought the green Box. But I'm not into the FPS as much as most( it's rare that I play FPS's so for me to play HALO and Killzone is an idication of how much I like them)...where did I put it down? I only stated some facts. :rolleyes:

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:
Not likely. Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history.

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Well, of course, if it had come out on Mac/PC when it was supposed to (what was it, 2, 3 years before it finally came out on Xbox?) it would have been cutting edge. But because they waited so damn long it was lapped many a time.

Vostok 7


I thought this was a KILLZONE thread.

My mistake, I guess.

  Panzer said:
  mikeszekely said:
  Gaijin said:
Not likely.  Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history. 

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Oh, I don't know about that. It probably would have released a lot sooner, and not looked so dated by PC standards. Also, Bungie would have done it right. The mediocre PC version of Halo was mediocre because it was a port handled by some third party.

i've read a few more posts from you man, it doesn't even sound like you have an xbox. actually play halo sometime and i think it'll change your mind.

Are you implying that Gaijin doesn't have an Xbox, or me? Because I most definately have an Xbox, and I've most definately been playing Halo 2.

Anyway, to get this thread back on track, I think the thing I was dissapointed with as far as Killzone goes is the pop-up and spotty hit detection. When I shoot someone in the head, I expect them to go down, dammit!

  Gaijin said:
Hmmm..level 8...the laser designator is wicked cool. How many levels were there supposed to be?

Eleven levels, each one subdivided. You're almost there.

  Gaijin said:
Not likely. Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history.

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Most of the original Halo work was done on PCs. Halo was shown privately at E3 99 before the public MWNY 99 demo running on PCs. They didn't even have a working Mac demo a week and a half before MWNY 99 (revealed in a video interview with Jason Jones filmed on the MWNY 99 showroom floor). They had to show Jobs the demo running on PCs but they were able to get the Mac demo up and running in time.

I've also read in some interivews that Bungie actually approached Microsoft about the buyout first.

  a2daj said:
  Gaijin said:
Not likely.  Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history. 

Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.

Most of the original Halo work was done on PCs. Halo was shown privately at E3 99 before the public MWNY 99 demo running on PCs. They didn't even have a working Mac demo a week and a half before MWNY 99 (revealed in a video interview with Jason Jones filmed on the MWNY 99 showroom floor). They had to show Jobs the demo running on PCs but they were able to get the Mac demo up and running in time.

I've also read in some interivews that Bungie actually approached Microsoft about the buyout first.

It doesn't really matter if Halo was original being developed for Mac or PC... the fact is, that had it come out back then, it wouldn't have looked so dated next to other PC FPS (although I thought it looked fine on Xbox). And the fact that the eventual PC version wasn't reviewed very well has little bearing on if Halo was originally released on PC, because Bungie didn't do the PC version, it was a half-assed port.


The accolades I were referring to was the fact that released for a console, it like Goldeneye was the FPS for the masses. If released on Mac or PC back then...sure terrific and what not...but being released on console at that time in the videogame industry...right product, right place, right time.

And now back to the show... ;)

  Gaijin said:
The accolades I were referring to was the fact that released for a console, it like Goldeneye was the FPS for the masses. If released on Mac or PC back then...sure terrific and what not...but being released on console at that time in the videogame industry...right product, right place, right time.

And now back to the show... ;)

Okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, Halo was very accessible to the console gamers, hence it's popularity. There's a lot more to compete with out there on PC. Still, Halo has a certain charm to it... the way the names of the levels come up, the interaction with the Marines ("Purple Hearts for everyone!"), etc. It might not have been hailed as highly as, say Half-Life, but I'm sure it would still have gathered a fanbase.

Anyway, since I finished Halo, I need something to play until KOTOR II. I might pick up Killzone, or NFSU2.

Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:
  Gaijin said:
The accolades I were referring to was the fact that released for a console, it like Goldeneye was the FPS for the masses.  If released on Mac or PC back then...sure terrific and what not...but being released on console at that time in the videogame industry...right product, right place, right time. 

And now back to the show... ;)

Okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, Halo was very accessible to the console gamers, hence it's popularity. There's a lot more to compete with out there on PC. Still, Halo has a certain charm to it... the way the names of the levels come up, the interaction with the Marines ("Purple Hearts for everyone!"), etc. It might not have been hailed as highly as, say Half-Life, but I'm sure it would still have gathered a fanbase.

Anyway, since I finished Halo, I need something to play until KOTOR II. I might pick up Killzone, or NFSU2.

Can't go wrong either way...or wait till MGS3.

I haven't played my Halo 2 much...just purchased an HDTV so am waiting to play it on that.

On the last level of Killzone for me...fine ride it's been so far.

Edited by Gaijin

Does anyone know how to get into the fire base on the second leg of level 6? You're supposed to sneak in, flip a switch and operate a crane, but I can't seem to find the way in. I've been at it for a while now, and so far I keep coming up with nothing.

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