VortexVFX Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) The Boston Red Sox have finally won the World Series after 86 looooong years by sweeping the St. Louis Cardinals in game four. Man, I am impressed. Your new champs Edited October 28, 2004 by VortexVFX
Opus Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Couldn't have happened to a better team. I bet Nomar is kicking himself in the ass right now. The thing that sucks is my brother is a huge Boston fan but he's stuck in Iraq right now. They air the game live for the GI's over there but the game starts at 3 AM and his duty shift starts at 1AM. Poor bastard.
lt.actionjackson Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse
BoBe-Patt Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 haha, my coworker's gonna be very happy when he comes in to work tomorrow but at the same time our other coworker will be weepin his eyes out as he's a huge Cardinal's fan. All I wanted to see was a dodgers vs angels world series, now that would've brought all of california to a hault!
zeo-mare Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I am from MA it is about F'ing time I am very proud of our home team , WAY TO GO REDSOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yellowlightman Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 haha, my coworker's gonna be very happy when he comes in to work tomorrow but at the same time our other coworker will be weepin his eyes out as he's a huge Cardinal's fan. All I wanted to see was a dodgers vs angels world series, now that would've brought all of california to a hault! Needs more NorCal. Like an Athletics/Dodgers game.
GreenGuy42 Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Whoop-de-friggen doo.. I guess everyone's gotta win sometimes.
buddhafabio Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 i am a cards fan an i have to say i am glad boston won. they would have done so alot sooner had they not put any fear and merit to the "Curse"
CoryHolmes Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse The NHL lockout is the second sign
Felix Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse The NHL lockout is the second sign Now if the cubs win a pennant next year isn't that the third????? Quotes ancient texts, " When the small bear from the windy place takes the flag the end is nigh........" Oh Yeah: Great job Red Sox from a Braves fan........
CoryHolmes Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse The NHL lockout is the second sign Now if the cubs win a pennant next year isn't that the third????? If it's not the third sign, I'd accept it as 2.5
Mechamaniac Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 As they say in Boston. or in Mass generally, at least when I was stationed there... PISSA
GRAND CANNON Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 First the PATS and now THE SOX!!!! YEAH, BABY!! What a time to be from TAXachusetts!!! Now I can finally get some sleep! ...oh and screw No-MAH!!!
Jemstone Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I can't stand the Yankees more than I care for the Sox so I've been on cloud 9 since they choked and may have ushered in the "Curse of A. Rod". This just sweetend everything. I didn't get any sleep last night because relatives back in Boston kept me phone ringing off the hook all night (and I have to eb up at 7 am every monring). I admit I'm somewhat upset I couldn't be in my hometown to enjoy it last night but afre further thought I think it's a good thing I'm not in Boston. The next couple of days will be surreal for them. BoSox fans will be wandering the streets in a haze not quite sure what to do with themselves after it has all sunk in. Now itt's tiem for the White Sox and Cubs. Whites haven't won since 1917 and the cubs.... well it's been 96 years since their last World Series. But damn, I ahd a greta night last night. First Peter O'Toole gives me permission to call him "Shamus" then the Sox win under a lunar eclipse. Don't get any better than this.
Mobyrz Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 You know being in Boston is WICKED....I was around Fenway Park last night, crazy time in bars around the park, but a lot of people were concerned with all of the previous nights incidents with the crazy fans and the pepper-spray bullet incidents. Most of them were just BU and BC student looking for an excuse to drink and go crazy. The funny thing is, someone on the news predicted that the obituary section of the papers would be full, with all the people finally being able to pass on in peace. And noone's working right now, everyone's getting their spot for the parade.
JsARCLIGHT Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 OK, just a question from one who is not a baseball fan to those who are... who did not see this coming? I mean, the Sox come back from 3 games down and beat what many consider to be one of the best teams in the game (the hated Spankies) while the Cardinals struggle to beat a wildcard team. If you ask me the Cards making it into the World Series was inconsequential as the Sox picked up so much steam from killing America's (hated) Team that no matter who they played they would have brutalized them.
Capt Hungry Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) As they say in Boston. or in Mass generally, at least when I was stationed there...PISSA Think that oughta be "Wicked Pissa!" The streets in Boston were pretty crazy last night. I was safely away from it all in Somerville. I am still processing that they finally won for once. For JsArclight - I'm a fairweather fan meself, but they have a habit of blowing it (or had a habit?) I was still sure that something could come along and break this streak. I am glad that the Sox held it together and stayed strong. Edited October 28, 2004 by Capt Hungry
Jemstone Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 OK, just a question from one who is not a baseball fan to those who are... who did not see this coming? Yankees and their fans.......
GRAND CANNON Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 OK, just a question from one who is not a baseball fan to those who are... who did not see this coming? Yankees and their fans....... And, yes, NEVER assume when it comes to the Sox. Until now?!?!? And noone's working right now, everyone's getting their spot for the parade. Just drove around Fenway and they're actually all lined-up for the Souvenier Shop ... all the way up Yawkey and around onto Brookline!!! THEN they'll get their spots.
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 the red sox suck! finally after some 86 years the curse has been broken but they won't be going to no world series next year. no way they're gonna have the loot to keep everyone on the team and even if they do, another team(like my beloved yankees) will defeat them. yeah the red sox held them off but it was a fluke, my team wasted all those hits in game 3. so to you the red sox fans, you can suck my......
Feyd-Rautha Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 the red sox suck! finally after some 86 years the curse has been broken but they won't be going to no world series next year. no way they're gonna have the loot to keep everyone on the team and even if they do, another team(like my beloved yankees) will defeat them. yeah the red sox held them off but it was a fluke, my team wasted all those hits in game 3. so to you the red sox fans, you can suck my...... haterist..you are such a loser. ...the yankees got their @$$ handed too them! ...they had a chance too be world class...and failed!!!!(cause they suck) ...so go get a fuk!n clue!!!
Warmaker Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 the red sox suck! finally after some 86 years the curse has been broken but they won't be going to no world series next year. no way they're gonna have the loot to keep everyone on the team and even if they do, another team(like my beloved yankees) will defeat them. yeah the red sox held them off but it was a fluke, my team wasted all those hits in game 3. so to you the red sox fans, you can suck my...... The Yankees had such a commanding lead over the Red Sox and lost it! It is the equivalent of this: You have your opponent beaten on the ground, bloody, barely moving. You're applying pressure with your boot on their throats. They're choking... and somehow find a way to get your own a$$ whipped? The Yankees had their chance at glory and grew overconfident. I wouldn't have been surprised if Yankee fans in NY were thinking themselves as WS champs just before the Red Sox turned it round. I have no beef with St.Louis, but the Red Sox were clearly the better team. They stuck through it and won it all. Congrats Boston!
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 the red sox suck! finally after some 86 years the curse has been broken but they won't be going to no world series next year. no way they're gonna have the loot to keep everyone on the team and even if they do, another team(like my beloved yankees) will defeat them. yeah the red sox held them off but it was a fluke, my team wasted all those hits in game 3. so to you the red sox fans, you can suck my...... haterist..you are such a loser. ...the yankees got their @$$ handed too them! ...they had a chance too be world class...and failed!!!!(cause they suck) ...so go get a fuk!n clue!!! actually you're the loser, in a loser town, on a losing team pal! how many times have the yankees won the ALCS? how many times have the yankees won the WS? how many have the red sox won the ALCS? how many times have they won the WS? in case you red sox fans don't know, the yankees have won the world series more times than the red sox have won an ALCS. more times then them making past the second round of the playoffs, maybe even the first round? it took your team 86 years to get where they are, the yankees have been sitting on that throne for more than a quarter of a century. go do your math, then talk to me about which team is been superior fool!
Feyd-Rautha Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) actually you're the loser, in a loser town, on a losing team pal! great comeback there... Edited October 28, 2004 by Feyd-Rautha
Opus Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Bah, the Yankees are for posers. Real baseball enthusiasts in NYC are Mets fans.
GRAND CANNON Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) OWNED Edited October 28, 2004 by GRAND CANNON
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) i live in the capital of the world NYC, bostons the arm pit of america. nice comeback yourself buddy since you don't have a single fact to prove your claim. when your team wins half the amount of times the yankees have won the WS, then you can talk to me about which team is better. sure your team was better this year, but my teams been dominating the sport since the conception of baseball. get a clue fool, its all about the yankees, its always been about the yankees. boston's nothing but a pitstop on the way to canada. then again, bostons got MATT DAYMON! Edited October 28, 2004 by haterist
agass4u Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse No, the first sign of the Apocalypse would be if the Cubs won, so I think we are safe for now. I am happy that the Sox won though. They deserved it.
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Bah, the Yankees are for posers. Real baseball enthusiasts in NYC are Mets fans. actually, thats just rednecks and people from jersey.
bandit29 Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 bostons the arm pit of america. I always thought that was New Jersey.... ah your boys choked..congrats Boston And don't worry about the Cubs, we have the worst ownership in all of professional sports. As long as the stands are full at Wrigley. Speaking of Chicago sports teams, our baseball, football, basketball and hockey(but nobody cares even if they win) all are garbage.
Feyd-Rautha Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 haterist..your a sucka mc. ...and being macross fanboy or yankee ball-washer will not help this
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 haterist..your a sucka mc....and being macross fanboy or yankee ball-washer will not help this if you got no facts, you can't make a point. boston 1 in 86, new york, the most winningest team in basball ever!
Feyd-Rautha Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 well i don't even care for the game... .........sports stats are about as interesting as plaid slacks!!!!! quite simply,i have no point too make -other than boston just beat your precious team!
Warmaker Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 (edited) I won't deny what the Yankees have done... IN THE PAST. But you can't deny this also, for it is FACT, for this RECENT SEASON: The Yankees had a huge, dominating series lead over the Red Sox. AND BLEW IT, allowing the Red Sox to be the 1st team to come from behind on such an overwhelming deficit, win the series, going on to the World Series, and sweeping the Cardinals. The Red Sox are the Champs this year. NOT THE YANKEES. That is fact. Edited October 28, 2004 by Warmaker
do not disturb Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 boston fans are just like that guy you play a game of chess with that you always beat. but when he beats you once, he claims himself to be the all time champ. you boston heads can have your 1 day....finally but lets see what happens to your team next season. if you they win 2 back to back WS, i'll eat my valk.
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