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  promethuem5 said:
Also, anyone see the news article on gamespot about PSP getting an emulator that runs PSOne games and Flash game support on the internet?  And possibly a second PSP with internal Flash memory.  I am soooooo excited already.  PSOen emu on the PSP is probbaly the coolest thing I've heard in a long while.


WOW! That's great news 'cause that means i'd be able to play a Macross game on the PSP. (I never owned a PSOne :( ).

Posted (edited)

i am wondering if this is true, there is a playstation 1 emulator already on the web for your pc but it is not completly working yet and requires a high powered pc, i am not sure if the PSP can handle it yet, most of the emulators for arcade games were running slow still. and i do not recall hearing about a PS1 emulator full working yetor even halfway working. you will also need to find the roms and Iso's for the games which is getting hard for certain PS-1 games. it sounds neat but i am pretty certain this is still way off.


Edited by zeo-mare
Posted (edited)

Zero-Mare, you're almost right. ePSXe is a PSOne emulator, considered finished a while ago, which has almost flawless PSOne emulation on not too powerful computers. The same crew is working on a PS2 emulator, which sounds like what you're thinking of. They can get a few games working but the requirements are still wicked and they haven't gotten gamepad support or widespread compatability yet. I use ePSXe though, and I can buy/download any PSOne game and play it either as a CD image or straight from my CD drive.

Check it out:



EDIT: And I'm wondering if the emulator will simply use PSOne CD images like you use for ePSXe, or special versions that Sony releases, or simply UMDs with PSOne games on them. I'd buy them either way, but UMDs are expensive. The thing is, you'd only be able to fit one or two games at the most on the 1Gb memory card in their current form so I wonder how they will handle it...

Edited by promethuem5
  Radd said:
I recall reading an interview with Koji Igarashi, the creator of Castlevania. He stated he'd love to do SotN for the PSP, but does not believe Sony will let him.


I just noticed this post, but Igarashi is not the creator of Castlevania. His first Castlevania game was SoTN.


I'd love to see and English version of Gundam Battle Tactics and a SotN port, too.

But for games that are available now, has anyone else checked out Megaman Powered Up? I'm digging how, in New Style, you can "rescue" the Robot Masters if you kill them with your arm cannon, and then make them playable characters.

I really hope Inafune decides to do more in the Rockman Rockman/Powered Up series.


Got Syphon Filter Dark Mirror today. After playing with the three controls settings, I'm in business and this game is awesome. It's MGS with just a little less stealth. In MGS, you simply CANNOT run and gun thru the game, but here, it's up to you. I was hoping for a little more MGS stealth, but oh well, this game is still awesome. I actually like it better than SOCOM.

And YES! Please please please bring over an America Gundam Battle Tactics.


I picked up Initial D Street Stage and Megaman Power UP, now I played Megaman Power UP demo for IHX, and I didn't think it was bad, sort of cute, but Initial D was a risk cause I only know the arcade game is suppose to be good.

Well.......this game sort of sucks......the controls are so sensitive no matter what your drifting on a turn no matter how insignificant the turn may be, and you slide from one end of the road to another and ram into EVERYTHING..........and the music tracks are a lack luster......:( oh well, maybe it'll grow on me.


Anyone looking for Armored Core cheaper for the PSP?

Amored Core PSP 19.90 Asian version

Mine showed up yesterday. Everything appears to be in English. You can select manual or A.I for your mech. The instruction manual is in English. Comes with Chinese operation sheet.

Samurai Warriors for the PSP is much improved over Dynasty Warriors for the PSP. Of course core gameplay is basically the same but al least you have the full screen now.

  dejr8bud said:
Anyone looking for Armored Core cheaper for the PSP?

Amored Core PSP 19.90 Asian version

Mine showed up yesterday. Everything appears to be in English. You can select manual or A.I for your mech. The instruction manual is in English. Comes with Chinese operation sheet.

Samurai Warriors for the PSP is much improved over Dynasty Warriors for the PSP. Of course core gameplay is basically the same but al least you have the full screen now.


Wasn't that version of Armored Core turn based? Someone told me you don't actually fight during the battles.

BTW. Who's got the US release of Me and My Katamari?

Posted (edited)

There IS a difference between the US and JP Armored Cores... in the JP version, ALL you do is program the AI and mount the weapons, then the AI fights without your input. In the US version, you can opt to control the mech yourself... adn yet, it's still not supposed to be that much fun. I don't understand why Armored Core switched from a free-play merc military game to a lame-o arena dueling game.

Oh and, Syphon Filter's multiplayer is a hundred times better than SOCOM. Faster, easier to setup, and much less painful..... plays a bit like Countr Strike.... including the absurd amount of unbeleveiable headshots. :rolleyes:

Edited by promethuem5
  Black Valkyrie said:
  yellowlightman said:

I just noticed this post, but Igarashi is not the creator of Castlevania. His first Castlevania game was SoTN.


Every body should know that.


My mistake. I ought to know better than to trust anything I've read in EGM.

Posted (edited)
  promethuem5 said:
There IS a difference between the US and JP Armored Cores... in the JP version, ALL you do is program the AI and mount the weapons, then the AI fights without your input.  In the US version, you can opt to control the mech yourself... adn yet, it's still not supposed to be that much fun.  I don't understand why Armored Core switched from a free-play merc military game to a lame-o arena dueling game.

They rereleased Amored Core for the PSP in Japan. Its now called Amored Core Formula Front International. It's like the US version now.

And the Asian version of AC (region 3) I have is like the US version. You can control your AC or program A.I., which is very boring. Overall, it's a decent game. All arena matches though. Controls are still clunky as ever. Even worse with the PSP, I think.

There's also rumors floating around of 3.0 update coming Mar 24th. Probably just BS.

Edited by dejr8bud

I recall 'program your bot and release it against another' style games dating all the way back to the DOS-era, where your robot was one letter, and the enemy bot was another letter, and they'd beat each other to death with punctuation marks and asterisks. However small the market for that style of game is, there are people that could appreciate it if done well.


Hooray Metal Slug Collection coming to the PSP this September :)

SNK Playmore to shoehorn six installments of 2D arcade shooter series onto one UMD this fall.

In meetings with GameSpot, SNK Playmore this morning confirmed that it will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its Metal Slug series of 2D shooters with a PSP compilation set for release this fall.

The Metal Slug Collection will include six full games on one UMD: the original Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, and Metal Slug 5. SNK Playmore is promising perfect translations of the arcade classics, as well as wireless support for two-player action.

Originally released on the NeoGeo home-and-arcade platform, the run-and-gun action franchise has found its way onto the Sega Saturn, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. It's no stranger to gaming on the go, either, having received makeovers for mobile phones, the Game Boy Advance, and the NeoGeo Pocket Color.


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