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  twich said:
I think that if it is a launch PSP, then it is preset at 1.0....you have to download the firmware updates, so I guess that if they are launch PSP's, then you are all set.



no he is asking how can one tell which version a PSP whe they buy it? and without opening the box? I heard soemthing about the serial number

  Solscud007 said:
  twich said:
I think that if it is a launch PSP, then it is preset at 1.0....you have to download the firmware updates, so I guess that if they are launch PSP's, then you are all set.



no he is asking how can one tell which version a PSP whe they buy it? and without opening the box? I heard soemthing about the serial number


exactly how to tell with out opening the box

and thoughts


OK, the question on my (and possibly a lot of people's) mind right now:

How is GTA: Liberty City Stories?

Did I sell my PSP too soon or is it a steaming pile of rushed crap like all the reviewers seem to be indicating?

  pfunk said:
shurly a stupid question, but can you play regular playstation games on the psp


Nope. CD/DVD's are too big. You need UMD media games (which are basically tiny DVD's in a plastic encasing).

As for me, I love my PSP. Picked up SSX On Tour and Sega Tennis for PSP and I'm playing both games more then I'm playing PS2 Colossus, which I picked up at the same time.


oh yeah... SSX for the PSP is great fun... I've been playing X-Men II lately and before that I burned through Gundam Battle Tactics which was good giant robot fun

  JsARCLIGHT said:
OK, the question on my (and possibly a lot of people's) mind right now:

How is GTA: Liberty City Stories?

Did I sell my PSP too soon or is it a steaming pile of rushed crap like all the reviewers seem to be indicating?


Aren't all GTA games rushed out crap? :lol:

Actually it seems to be getting some really good reviews but I won't be buying it.



Lately I've just been playing Guilty Gear XX# Reload and Tenchu Shinobi Taizen for my PSP. Tenchu could use some polish if it comes out in the US. I might go buy Burnout Legends for the PSP but for 50.00 I might as well buy one of the PS2 versions. Armored Core for the PSP is coming out in a few weeks.


I am impressed they made it multiplayer capable even with the issues it has. Im not impressed with the 3rd party multi thief auto for the other games (too easy to cheat and buggy)

  Otaku-Smeghead said:
so does any one have any ideas on my question.

How can you tell if a PSP can play NES rom games by simply looking at the box??


i do not think you can tell, if i recall you can download a file that can let you downgrade to the proper Ver. so you can play roms. right now I have tons of roms on mine including PC Engine CD games like Dracula X and Spriggan as well as Neo Geo CD, SNES, Gameboy Advance and many others.


Posted (edited)

Alright guys is there any real real diffrence between psp game and a ps2 game . I have to debate if I should get the game for my psp or ps2. Since a psp game is now 50 bucks. For example the new ssx game that came out is there any diffrence between the psp version and the ps2 version? Are they exactly the same? I'm playing grand theft auto for the psp I like it. Its just like the original for ps2 it also comes with the software up date 2.0 with web browser you use the analog joy stick as the mouse. I also pickup the nyko from frys electronics for 70 bucks.

Its pretty cool

bulit in speakers that are really loud

has bulit in rechargable battery 5hr life span

has port for 2 ear phones

also charges the psp while it s charging it self(docking station)

comes with wires so that it doesn't have to be docking while you play.

The bad

its one of those rechargable battery that you shouldn't over charge or let is un charge all the way.

Say you want to use the speakers on the nyko but its out of battries so you would think that is would use the battery power from you psp but it doesn't. So you have to have some power in your nyko in order to use the speakers.

also the battery depleats its self reguardless of useage. So if you don't use it still runs out of battery.

usually when you have the ac adaptor pluged in to you psp it still works but say your nyko is out of battery you plug in the ac adaptor you have to let it charge some time or else if you try to use it while its pluged in it still dies out since the out put is greater than the input.

very compact just fits your psp so you have to take off your little white wrist strap for the psp.

from Rich

Edited by goldenboy_forever
  dejr8bud said:
Anyone try Sony's new PSP media software? Download is 19.95 and 24.95 for a boxed version.


Sony should have made this free for PSP owners.


Okay now that's just BS. No way I'm "paying" for software that should've been included when I forked out cash for a PSP. I'll continue using PSPVideo9, thank you very much.

For example the new ssx game that came out is there any diffrence between the psp version and the ps2 version

No idea. I don't have SSX Tour for the PS2. Maybe I'll rent it one of these days. For now, all I know is I really enjoy being able to play SSX on the go. :p


meh. the psp was supposed to be a gaming a gaming device first and foremost and a movie playback deal second. Everything else is just a bonus. You don't need that software to access the capabilities of the PSP and Sony hasn't tried to stop the freeware at all so what's the complaints about?

No one is making you buy their slow and bloated interface, I certainly won't but it's not like they're the devil for offering it.

  cobywan said:
I would rather carry two memory sticks.  Although a 20G harddrive would make that tempting.  But the buk is detracting.


The last I heard the PSP won't read anything larger than a 4 gig... they tried installing larger micro drives but it was no go.


there's some group out there making a mulitcard reader for the psp...i think it has cf, sd and regular memory stick slots

  yellowlightman said:
I'm curious as to why someone hasn't made a USB adaptor for SD or CF cards yet for the PSP. SD and CF is waaaaaay cheaper than Sony's Memory Stick.


I think there would need to be some kind of homebrew app for that to work.

  cobywan said:
  yellowlightman said:
I'm curious as to why someone hasn't made a USB adaptor for SD or CF cards yet for the PSP. SD and CF is waaaaaay cheaper than Sony's Memory Stick.


I think there would need to be some kind of homebrew app for that to work.


Well, yeah, I'm just surprised there hasn't been any products like that released given how much more affordable SD/CF cards are and the larger sizes they offer.


Just a question for those who know:

I'm not sure if someone brought this up already (50+ pages to look over is a tad long to browse) but one of my guys at my office came in this week with a white PSP. He said it was the japanese release. Are these just like the american PSPs? Are there any differences between the two? His display was in all english from what I could tell. I asked him about the AC power adaptor and if it was US compatable and he did not really answer me.

It was quite freaky looking, looked like a huge Ipod or something... Anyone here have one of those?

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Just a question for those who know:

I'm not sure if someone brought this up already (50+ pages to look over is a tad long to browse) but one of my guys at my office came in this week with a white PSP. He said it was the japanese release. Are these just like the american PSPs? Are there any differences between the two? His display was in all english from what I could tell. I asked him about the AC power adaptor and if it was US compatable and he did not really answer me.

It was quite freaky looking, looked like a huge Ipod or something... Anyone here have one of those?


are you talkin' about the white psp's? those are just a japanese release (for

now)...and that has the the 2.00 firmware while the us has either the 1.5 or later firmware...they're basically all the same there's no real difference between the two except case color


Other than that are they exactly alike? I know the PSP is supposed to be "regionless" when it comes to games but I think he said something like it would only play "region 2" UMD movies. Are UMD movies region encoded? I also would think it runs the Japanese 100/ power rather than american 120/... anyone know?

I just thought the thing was so freaky... all white... it just looked "wrong". Made me think of the South Park gold PSP.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
I also would think it runs the Japanese 100/ power rather than american 120/... anyone know?


I think Japan is actually 110volts? Either way, it doesn't matter too much. I plus my Japanese PS2, laptop and cell phone into my 120v wall sockets all the time and I haven't had any problems.

  yellowlightman said:
  JsARCLIGHT said:
I also would think it runs the Japanese 100/ power rather than american 120/... anyone know?


I think Japan is actually 110volts? Either way, it doesn't matter too much. I plus my Japanese PS2, laptop and cell phone into my 120v wall sockets all the time and I haven't had any problems.


It doesn't matter, the PSP's transformer is dual voltage.

My PSP charges up just fine in the US, Korea&Japan and europe

Posted (edited)

So technically then there is absolutely no difference between the white japanese PSP and the black american one?

Edit: other than the color, durhey.

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
  JsARCLIGHT said:
So technically then there is absolutely no difference between the white japanese PSP and the black american one?

Edit: other than the color, durhey.


the only differences I noticed were that the power button slides a little easier and that the analog pad has more resistance initially.

all the talk about the screen being better seems pretty bogus... at least I couldn't see any difference and the silver edging is still plastic.


I think the guy at my office bought it just to be different... the other squirrels all have black PSPs. I wonder how the white plastic will hold up over time? Will it yellow?

And on the note of UMD movies, who here actually buys and watches them? I don't know a single person who has any, aside from the one guy who got Spiderman 2 with his unit.

Oh and I got to play GTA: Liberty City Stories on a friend's unit (the guy who had the white one actually). Wow that game gave me a headache... what is up with the "streaking" that it seams to have? It appeared to me like the image goes ever so slightly out of focus whenever the game screen moves. After a while it started to give me a headache. Can anyone else comment on that? Is it just me?

  yellowlightman said:
Well, there's different regions for movies, right?


yeah, europe and asia are one region and the US is another... not a big deal. if you really like the movies you can import them with outfits like lik-sang

The novelty of the movies wears off though. haha. just get a 1gig memory stick and rip your own/


I own a white jap PSP. There is a smal difference between the black and the white one . The square button has been modified a bit. :D




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