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Posted (edited)

Normally, I'd post a poll on the subject, but then I realized that there are WAY too many movies to mention. Anyway, of all the bad film adaptations of comic books (superhero or non-superhero), name the ten worst.

Here are the possible candidates (many of them aren't really bad, but some people just hate them). If I missed anything, go ahead and post them.

Official Movies

Barb Wire (1996)

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman & Robin (1997)

Blade (1998)

Blade II (2002)

Blade Trinity (2005)

Brenda Starr (1989)

Captain America (1978)

Captain America (1992)

Catwoman (2004)

The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

The Crow: Salvation (2000)

The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2004)

Daredevil (2002)

Elektra (2005)

The Fantastic Four (1994)

The Fantastic Four (2005)

The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)

Green Lantern (2011)

Ghost Rider (2007)

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012)

Howard the Duck (1985)

The Hulk (2003)

Jonah Hex (2010)

Judge Dredd (1995)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)

Mystery Men (1999)

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998)

The Phantom (1996)

Popeye (1980)

The Punisher (1989 - with Dolph Lundgren)

The Punisher (2004 - with Thomas Jane)

Punisher: War Zone (2008)

The Shadow (1994)

Spawn (1997)

Spider-Man (1977 - with Nicholas Hammond)

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

The Spirit (2008)

Steel (1997)

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Supergirl (1984)

Superman III (1983)

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

Superman Returns (2006)

Tank Girl (1995)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles in Time (1993)

Wonder Woman (1974 - with Cathy Lee Crosby, not Lynda Carter)

X-Men (2000)

X2: X-Men United (2003)

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Unofficial Movies - Shouldn't really count, as they're unsanctioned by the original comic book companies.

3 Dev Adam (a.k.a. Turkish Spider-Man vs. Captain Turkish America) (Turkey, 1973)

Alyas Batman en Robin (Philippines, 1989)

The Indian Superman (India, 1987?)

Edited by areaseven
  Vostok 7 said:
WTF, Mystery Men kicked ass! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

Vostok 7

Like I said, many of them aren't really bad, but some people just hate them. Personally, I enjoyed Mystery Men when I bought it on DVD; everyone else on my neighborhood didn't.

  areaseven said:

Barb Wire (1996)

Blade (1998)

Blade II (2002)

Blade Trinity (2005)

Catwoman (2004)

Daredevil (2002)

The Fantastic Four (1994)

Mystery Men (1999)

Popeye (1980)

The Punisher (2004)

I quoted the retarted ones... Some others you listed were bad movies but they came from stupid comics so you can't really call the adaptation BAD. Examples of this would be Captain America, and Supergirl.


Hmmm....there's a lot of crap in that list, but I think you could seperate them into sub categories. How can you compare something like the 1992 Captain America (a piece of low budget Z-Grade trash) to a big budget mega-bomb like Batman & Robin, possibly the most openly gay action movie to date? I guess it's all crap no matter how you look at it, but I just wanted to make that distinction.

  Vostok 7 said:
WTF, Mystery Men kicked ass! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

Vostok 7

Wow, I thought it was terrible. It was 2 hours wasted in my opinion. Same underdog overcomming obstacles to save the day, kind of plot we have seen 100x before, just this time it was more annoying.


Barb Wire (1996) [Never saw it looked like garbage, Pam Anderson makes me ill]

Batman Returns (1992) [Could have been better, but not terrible]

Batman Forever (1995) [Done way too over the top, had potential with a good cast but way too overdone.]

Batman & Robin (1997) [Terrrible, complete garbage]

Blade (1998) [i actually liked it, may nto have been a great adaptation but I liked it.]

Blade II (2002) [see Above]

Blade Trinity (2005) [Haven't seen yet, but will]

Brenda Starr (1989) [Never heard of it]

Captain America (1978) [it was made in the 70's of course it was a bad superhero movie]

Captain America (1992) [Yes very bad]

Catwoman (2004) [Never saw it have no intent to, looked carp]

The Crow: City of Angels (1996) [The original was ok, but the sequels never saw all lookd bad]

The Crow: Salvation (2000) [see above]

The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2004) [see above]

Daredevil (2002) [Very bad, totally miscast]

Elektra (2005) [No interest]

The Fantastic Four (1994) [This actually was released, I saw a really laughable trailer but that was it]

The Hulk (2003) [Never saw, no intent to either]

Mystery Men (1999) [i thought it was funny]

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998) [Ok David Hasslehoff as Nick Fury the coolest sercret agent since James Bond, do I have to go on about what else makes it terrible?]

The Phantom (1996) [i liked it, guily pleasure I know]

Popeye (1980) [Loved it as a kid, haven't seen it in so long I have no idea how it was anymore.]

The Punisher (1989) [Guilty pleasure of mine, I liked it]

The Punisher (2004) [Haven't seen it yet, haven't had a chance]

The Shadow (1994) [Wasn't terrible, but from what Grandpa says it was pretty close to what the character was supposed to be.]

Spawn (1997) [it was fun, but again horribly miscast in several places, could have been much better.]

Steel (1997) [shaq tries to act, sorry but no thanks]

Supergirl (1984) [Yes very bad]

Superman III (1983) [pretty bad if memory serves]

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987) [see above]

Tank Girl (1995) [fun movie, but no idea how well it was adapted]

X-Men (2000) [i liked it, with a bigger budget could have been even better]

X2: X-Men United (2003) [again I liked it but somebody please feed Famke she looked horrible in this one]

Posted (edited)

While I myself am not much of a superhero movie fan I have noticed a lot of superhero/comic movies not on your list that I would have on mine... where all the others left out because you yourself consider them "too good to be bad" or did you just forget some?

Edit: Three comic/superhero movies I personally loathe but people seem to like that are NOT on your list...

Batman (the first Tim Burton one AND the campy late 60's movie)

The FIRST Crow (Brandon Lee blah blah blah blah the movie sucks)

Hellboy (just didn't like it... Ron Pearlman is mostly to blame)

I can name more but I'll only make people angry... not liking the "good" comic movies can make you a marked man around the internet. :ph34r:

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
  JsARCLIGHT said:
While I myself am not much of a superhero movie fan I have noticed a lot of superhero/comic movies not on your list that I would have on mine... where all the others left out because you yourself consider them "too good to be bad" or did you just forget some?

The first peson who talkes smack about the first two Superman movies will get a kick in the mommy-daddy parts from me. :D

  JsARCLIGHT said:
You have to admit that stuporman 3 through whatever sucked dolphin though.

Oh most certainly. The producers of Superman III and IV probably spent their weekends teasing cancer patients in the childrens hospital, and finished the day off by suckerpunching a nun or two. <_<

Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
The producers of Superman III and IV probably spent their weekends teasing cancer patients in the childrens hospital, and finished the day off by suckerpunching a nun or two.  <_<

With their good buddies George Lucas, Michael Eisner and Jerry Bruckheimer.

Edit: OOOOOOOOOH I just remember the KING of all craptastic comic to movie movies: Howard the Duck. Peeee-yoooke.

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
  Max Jenius said:
Does Unbreakable count? I heard a lot of people didn't like that one. (Personally, I liked it.)

I don't think Unbreakable was an adaptation, though.

I concur that the first Batman should be on the list. Tim Burton is, in my opinion, a great director, and Batman is potentially the best superhero ever. But that movies blows chunks. The action sucks, the pacing is too damn slow and (many of you already know my opinion on this) Jack Nicholson's fat-ass Joker made me sick.


How could you have forgotten to add The Incredible Hulk and The Amazing Spider-Man, both of which were television movies in the 70's before they became craptastic television shows.

And don't forget Red Sonja. That movie may have had Ahnuld in it, but even he could not save that disaster.


don't forget Felix the Cat, From Hell, League of Extrodinary Gentelmen, and Road to Perdition...not exactly superheros, but they all spawned from comics.

And if Brenda Starr and the Phantom are on the list...then you should add Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, and Garfield: the movie...which also spawned from newspaper funny pages.

  the white drew carey said:
  Max Jenius said:
Does Unbreakable count? I heard a lot of people didn't like that one. (Personally, I liked it.)

I don't think Unbreakable was an adaptation, though.

I concur that the first Batman should be on the list. Tim Burton is, in my opinion, a great director, and Batman is potentially the best superhero ever. But that movies blows chunks. The action sucks, the pacing is too damn slow and (many of you already know my opinion on this) Jack Nicholson's fat-ass Joker made me sick.

True, but I only read the title. D'oh... :p


flash was the shiznit, fantastically terrible :D

i think that the most recent punisher was so terrible that i can't thinkg of anything else that comes even close in any way shape or form of pure uncensored

crap :blink:

  areaseven said:
Barb Wire (1996)

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman & Robin (1997)

Brenda Starr (1989)

Captain America (1978)

Captain America (1992)

Catwoman (2004)

The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

The Crow: Salvation (2000)

The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2004)

Daredevil (2002)

Elektra (2005)

The Fantastic Four (1994)

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998)

The Phantom (1996)

Popeye (1980)

The Punisher (1989)

The Punisher (2004)

The Shadow (1994)

Spawn (1997)

Steel (1997)

Supergirl (1984)

Superman III (1983)

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

These movies are a product of the devil's ass. :angry:


...and don't forget Howard the Duck, the 1986 movie based on the Marvel character, executive produced by George Lucas. He really had a thing for cute, vertically-challenged underdog characters in the 80's.

  MSW said:
don't forget Felix the Cat, From Hell, League of Extrodinary Gentelmen, and Road to Perdition...not exactly superheros, but they all spawned from comics.

And if Brenda Starr and the Phantom are on the list...then you should add Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, and Garfield: the movie...which also spawned from newspaper funny pages.

Like I said: whatever I missed, go ahead and add.

Was there ever a live-action Felix the Cat?

I didn't have The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen because I don't remember ever seeing an LXG comic. As for Road to Perdition, I've only read nothing but good reviews on it.

BTW, Flash Gordon rules, and Dick Tracy is actually pretty good. No comment on Garfield.

Oh, and how could I forget these stinkers?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles in Time (1993)

  bsu legato said:
Oh most certainly. The producers of Superman III and IV probably spent their weekends teasing cancer patients in the childrens hospital, and finished the day off by suckerpunching a nun or two. <_<

Oh God, all the bad memories of the last two Superman movies...

Superman III

Why WB decided to make this one a comedy is beyond me. They could've picked up a major villain from the comics to battle Supes, but no - they made Supes sniff crack and get drunk.

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

I drew the line on the third film's blunders and I thought the fourth one would be better. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

It was a horrible mistake for WB to have Golan-Globus/Cannon Films helm this project. Christopher Reeve (God rest his soul) and Gene Hackman completely wasted their time on this turd.

For the longest time, I thought DC movies couldn't get any worse. That was until Steel came out...

  Max Jenius said:
Does Unbreakable count? I heard a lot of people didn't like that one. (Personally, I liked it.)

Unbreakable is just one of Shyalaman's BS stories inspired by comic books. After putting up with that and Signs, I'm not gonna fall for M. Night's inane storytelling anymore.


What, nobody listed the old Spiderman movies (70sish).

I'd list the names, but I think I'm actively blocking those perfect examples of celluoid waste from my memory.

Posted (edited)

You all forgot Ghost World, which I personally liked, but I am sure someone hated it. If you think the previous list is bad, check out http://www.comicbookmovie.com/ and see what is in our future. The horror!

I liked the first Batman, The Crow and Hellboy. Oh and the first Blade was good too.

Don't forget that Sin City is coming out, but there is still hope for the movie. Becuase it is directed by Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino (co-dir.), and finally the all mighty Frank Miller (co-dir.) If that won't make a good movie, I don't know what will. B))

Link appears to be down for the moment.

Edited by agass4u

The 1992 Captain America had the best costume aside from the fake ear. And matt Salinger looked the part. The Red Skull looked good also. Too bad they cut the budget to the point where they should have finished the movie.

Never seen the Punisher, but I can pass anything with post Pulp Travolta...

The Hulk wasn't bad, it just didn't live up to the caliber of the filmamker and the actors.

I gotta agree though the 70's Spider-Man with Nicholas Hammond was the worst. It was just Spidey running around. No wall climbing, no swinging. And stupid bracelets.

There was also a 70's version of WOnderwoman I posted before...

At least the 70's had drugs, low budgets and no CG as an excuse... all we have left now is drugs and that's not a good enough excuse.

  areaseven said:
It was a horrible mistake for WB to have Golan-Globus/Cannon Films helm this project.


about the only 'decent' Cannon Film ever was the first Delta Force...if you can get past the stupidity of them using mini-Uzi's and motorcycles with rockets, mortars and sub-machineguns. Of course compared to MegaForce...... ;)


Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman & Robin (1997)

Blade (1998)

Blade II (2002)

Blade Trinity (2005)

Brenda Starr (1989)

Captain America (1978)

Captain America (1992)

Catwoman (2004)

The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

The Crow: Salvation (2000)

The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2004)

Daredevil (2002)

The Fantastic Four (1994)

The Hulk (2003)

Mystery Men (1999)

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998)

The Phantom (1996)

Popeye (1980)

The Punisher (1989)

The Punisher (2004)

The Shadow (1994)

Spawn (1997)

Steel (1997)

Supergirl (1984)

Superman III (1983)

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

Tank Girl (1995)

X-Men (2000)

X2: X-Men United (2003)

all these movies sucked outside of mystery men(i found it funny) and popeye....how is anyone gonna hate on popeye?

  Noriko Takaya said:

And don't forget Red Sonja. That movie may have had Ahnuld in it, but even he could not save that disaster.

As much as I hate to say it, you are right.

  areaseven said:
  Max Jenius said:
Does Unbreakable count? I heard a lot of people didn't like that one. (Personally, I liked it.)

Unbreakable is just one of Shyalaman's BS stories inspired by comic books. After putting up with that and Signs, I'm not gonna fall for M. Night's inane storytelling anymore.

Hey man. They entertain me.

  agass4u said:
Tank Girl?

Thats on the list... I actually liked it. But I haven't seen since it came out. Maybe I'd feel different today if I saw it.

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