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I almost forgot another I wasted a lot of man hours on: Combat! for the Atari 2600. The best multiplayer game I can remember playing from my childhood. Well, the best before the original Gauntlet.

OMG... I've come up with one... Yarr's Revenge... Atari 2600 rules!


i almost frogot about space junkie, its basicly like space invaders cept the ships dont drop down and they move in different patterns instead of speeding up each level, i cud play that game for hours on end and i never even registered for the full version, in fact, here it is:

note, the registration field claims that it expires after 30 days but ive had it for like 5 years and it hasnt expired, dunno why


Golden Eye for N64 is indeed a great game.  Most new games I just rent one week is all you really need for most games.

I'll so add Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES I'm not sure if anyone else has heard about this game but it's so good I bought a copy and dusted off my old SNES to play it.

I have Uncharted Waters New Horizons (or Uncharted Waters 2) for PC and KOEI did make Uncharted Waters 3 and 4 for PC

Uncharted Waters 4 is as fun as Uncharted Waters 2. :lol:

Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES is a classic, improved graphcis from the PC version.

Which trading route did you usually use? or you are a pirate? :lol:

Did you go to Japan and buy the "100 cannon" battleship? (I don't remember the name)

I basically go discover something rare, get paid, place the money in the bank, sail around the sea doing a little trading and piracy.

Are the other Uncharted Waters games in English or Japanese.


Super Mario Bros. - NES

Super Mario 3 - NES

Contra - NES

Gradius - NES

Zelda: A Link to the Past - SNES

Street Fighter Series - Various

Gunstar Heroes - Genesis (Treasure)

Guardian Heroes - Saturn (Treasure)

Ridge Racer Revolution - PS1

Counter Strike - PC (the new CS Source is awesome)

Donkey Kong Junior - Old Game & Watch (also on Gameboy)

Gradius V - PS2 (Treasure)

Those are the games I fire up via emulators/systems etc all the time. Treasure games are real favs of mine; Well, they did make most of those classic NES Konami games =) Anyone else who digs Treasure should really check out Astro Boy on the GBA. Its a really really good 2D action game by Treasure...really surprised me.


i luv fallout 1 and 2 im always finding something new. shame there wasnt a multiplayer version b4 the company went belly up or something.


I haven't had the time to sit down and learn a new game in years. The last was probably XCOM and I really enjoyed that game. I'd love to play more of it and I have XCOM2 and XCOM3 but haven't had the time to get to them.

My favorite game that I keep going back to is Global Conquest. I've been playing that game for 15 years now (or something like that) and it never gets old.


I have no idea why but Pilot Wings for the 64. I would sit there and play that game for HOURS just flying around. Good god. :rolleyes:

you ain't the only one pal! :p my friends and i took a bunch of...stuff, and played for like 70+ hours straight! we'd all go home at some point, then race back to my friends house to feed our addictions....yeah, both of them. ;)

Posted (edited)

You're all a bunch of console weenies!!! :lol:

But a big "right on" to those of you who mentioned computer games such as Civilization and Pirates.

Right now, I'm addicted to Rome: Total War.


Edited by Hurin

Pacman, Tetris, and PDA Solitaire.

I have no idea why but Pilot Wings for the 64.  I would sit there and play that game for HOURS just flying around.  Good god.  :rolleyes:

you ain't the only one pal! :p my friends and i took a bunch of...stuff, and played for like 70+ hours straight! we'd all go home at some point, then race back to my friends house to feed our addictions....yeah, both of them. ;)

Well I was just a kid so no crazy...stuff...for me then but I could not stop flying around and taking pictures of polygonal buildings. I remember I would take the propeller hanglider thing and just drive around the towns. Dang, I need to track that game down... :lol:

Posted (edited)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - I still go back to this game when I need some time to cool off by rampaging through the city like a crazy hooligan. This is the first game I ever played that I said "perfection" while playing it.

Resident Evil - be it the original, the director's cut or the Gamecube rehash this game just keeps pulling me back in to play it again and again... I have no clue why, it just does.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - this game just sucks me in... you just must replay it again and again with a different "path" just to see what changes.

Metal Gear - be it the first one, the second one, the PS1 or 2 and even the terrible Sons of Liberty... I keep re-buying and replaying these games.

... There are a lot of other games that I liked but I just don't feel that "urge" to keep going back and replaying them. Games like marios, zeldas and the like I just don't like replaying for some reason.

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
I have no idea why but Pilot Wings for the 64.  I would sit there and play that game for HOURS just flying around.  Good god.  :rolleyes:

you ain't the only one pal! :p my friends and i took a bunch of...stuff, and played for like 70+ hours straight! we'd all go home at some point, then race back to my friends house to feed our addictions....yeah, both of them. ;)

Well I was just a kid so no crazy...stuff...for me then but I could not stop flying around and taking pictures of polygonal buildings. I remember I would take the propeller hanglider thing and just drive around the towns. Dang, I need to track that game down... :lol:

my favorite was the parachuting, that and trying to land the damn plane! :blink: man that crap was hard as hell....the whole game was mad hard come to think of it. :huh: it was a miracle whenever someone completed something, everyone would scream and there'd be a bunch of high fives all around. i gotta track that one down too, my friends would be so psyched if i got it. :D


I still keep coming back to arcade games like Samurai Showdown 4, Capcom's Aliens vs Predator, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, and DoDonPachi. At home, just let me sit with my Dreamcast, a pair of Twinsticks, and I could play Virtual On all day. But I think I'll still be playing Pac Man when I'm old and gray.


There's so many...where to begin. I'll just post the games I remember off the top of my head and beg forgiveness to the programmers of those fantastic games I forgot :)

Fallout (PC) - By far one of the best turn based RPGs on any platform. Amazing open ended exploration, a fantastic game engine, a skill system still used by many RPGs to this day, and atmosphere to burn. Everything from the opening score, to the voice acting, to the game play was brilliant.

Soul Edge/Soul Blade, Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur II (Arcade, PlayStation, Dreamcast, X-Box) - This series grabbed hold of me in my early college days and I've never let go. I probably would never have become a Halo fan if I hadn't loved this series and purchased an X-Box just for SCII :) THe best weapon fighter I've ever played.

Starcraft (PC) - Six years after its release, this Real Time Strategy game is never included in Windows alerts as an unused desktop item. Played the single player campaigns for both Starcraft and Broodwar, start to finish, at least four times over and spent almost a year at online play. Definitely a classic.

Unreal Tournament and Quake II (PC) - I put both of these fantastic First Person Shooters together because they represent the first and last time I put in what I call "competitive hardcore" online play. I put in over two years of straight UT online play and for a period of 6 months, I was so good at Quake II, US tournament players were actively seeking one-on-one challenges with me. Luckily school came along and saved me before I landed in a support group :)

Halo (X-Box) - An instant classic. What can I say about this great title that hasn't already been proven by the endless hours I spend gaming? A great story, fantastic music, an original setting, and some true FPS innovations made this a sure fire hit with me.

Street Fighter II (SNES) - One of the reasons I still own my SNES is this fantastic game from Capcom. The game that popularized the whole fighting genre, I played this at the arcade, on the SNES, the PC, and all the variations that came out. One of the best.

Star Control II (PC) - I've played the full game of this masterful RPG/Adventure/Arcade hybrid six times over and anyone who has played it knows what an accomplishment that is. The best music of its era, fantastic gameplay, intriguing story, truly epic scale, insanely amusing, and the most fun I've had playing a game of its type...mainly because it was 100% unique and has never been duplicated since.

Half-Life (PC) - The freakiest FPS I ever played. Though the multiplayer component never really grabbed me (yes, my friends already torture me with my lack of fondness for one of the biggest running online communities of all time) I can play this game over and over again. Take a great FPS game and merge it with the best elements of the James Cameron film "Aliens" and the paranoia TV series "The X-Files." Gaming heaven!

Mechwarrior 2 and Mechwarrior 4 (PC) - Despite my love of anime mecha and Macross, heavily armored, lumbering ground mecha blistering with guns still hold a special place in my heart. I'm still an active Mechwarrior 4 player to this day. I can play these games any time.

Master of Orion I and II (PC) - The first and last series of turn based 4X strategy games I ever played. Nothing else came close, not even Alpha Centauri. No other game made me feel like the Empire of Star Wars when I made a Doomstart and literally erased my enemies from the galaxy.

Super Castlevania (SNES) - Though many argue the other Castlevania games were better, I played this one the most. Fantastic gameplay, plenty of great ways to use the whip in a uni-directional manner, best use of the SNES capabilities, and the perfect difficulty level.

Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, DFII: Jedi Knight, Jedi Academy (PC) - For me, most of these mid-life franchise games worked as both entertaining for the Star Wars fan and as innovative PC games. Still playing these fellas today.

Well, that's about it. A great trip down memory lane :)


Civilization III - I saw my room-mate playing it once and I got hooked. We got Play the World as well, but as of yet have not done more than a few minutes of multiplayer.

Sim City 4 - I don't know why, but I love making my little city, then watching it decay and eventually destroying it with assorted natural disasters (highest pop I could ever get to was 50,000... that's smaller than my hometown Anchorage, Alaska... so I'd be a pretty piss-poor mayor by SC4 standards lol)

City of Heroes - So addicting... I've been playing it since May. The thing of it is, when I get bored... I take a little break but in less than a few days it grabs me again. I would really like to be able to get up to the later content. :)

Final Fantasy 3 - I can't stop playing this because I have never beaten it. Something always happens that makes me lose my damn save. Usually after the opera...

Zelda LttP - See above.

Contra III - I love this game. Even more than the original... the only true Contra sequel IMHO.

Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 - I frequently make attempts to beat this game even today.

Megaman 1-3 - I usually bust these out to show off to my friends that I can beat them in like 30 min each. Plus, I love Megaman, despite the rehash-itis.

MegaMan X, X2, & X4 - Love these. Badass games.

Soul Calibur II - Got into Soul Edge early on(bought it the day it came out and had played it to death in the arcades... bad.ass.) Soul Calibur took this formula and tweaked it for the better making it faster and more intuitive... Calibur II does to SC what SC did to SE. There's enough moves in the game to constantly keep your strategy in flux to meet the opposition. The only problem I have with this game is that there are too many people out there that just flat out suck, but they think because they spam one move and it kills their friends that they are good. Then they try it on me or someone I know and they think we're gods...we're not gods... we just know how to Guard Impact and use a variety of moves in the proper situations. Duh..

Street Fighter Alpha series - Best thing to happen to Street Fighter since SFII.

Naruto Gekkitou Ninja Taisen II - 4 player battle mode... simple to learn, but takes a lot of strategy to be good. Each character has a pretty unique style as well (this is despite the simple system).

Command and Conquer series(except Tiberian Sun...blech)- I love strategy games... but most of the time I find myself playing WCIII... the thing of it is that I am kind of sick of the fantasy scene... enter C&C. These games draw me because micromanagement is kept to a minimum(I like how they incorporated it into the new one) and the overall game just seems faster. I looooove Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Red Alert 2 and Generals. I can only hope that they make another Red Alert game using the Generals engine... *drools*

That's about it for me lol... I'm sure I'll remember more later.

Posted (edited)

Heh... long list. Maybe.

Shin Samurai Spirits (Samurai Shodown II)

Soul Calibur II, et al.

Street Fighter Alpha 2

X-Com: UFO Defense

X-Com: Terror From the Deep

Civilization III

Rogue Spear (LAN only, though)

Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 10 (didn't like 9)

Final Fantasy Tactics


Star Wars: Battlefront (might wear off soon, though)

Tekken 3 (best of the lot, afaic)

Rival Schools, Justice Gakuen 2

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Dragon's Lair I & II (got these on DVD now)

That's all I can think of now....

Edited by gnollman
Golden Eye for N64 is indeed a great game.   Most new games I just rent one week is all you really need for most games.

I'll so add Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES I'm not sure if anyone else has heard about this game but it's so good I bought a copy and dusted off my old SNES to play it.

I have Uncharted Waters New Horizons (or Uncharted Waters 2) for PC and KOEI did make Uncharted Waters 3 and 4 for PC

Uncharted Waters 4 is as fun as Uncharted Waters 2. :lol:

Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES is a classic, improved graphcis from the PC version.

Which trading route did you usually use? or you are a pirate? :lol:

Did you go to Japan and buy the "100 cannon" battleship? (I don't remember the name)

I basically go discover something rare, get paid, place the money in the bank, sail around the sea doing a little trading and piracy.

Are the other Uncharted Waters games in English or Japanese.

the new Uncharted Waters games are in Japanese or chinese. It is sad that KOEI never translate their newer PC games into English. :(


I'm going to piss off everyone who said anything made by Sid meier in this thread. I'm good buddies with his son, and I know him well. I've been to FIraxis's office god knows how many times. I saw Civ 3 when it was in development, tested it in teh office, and gave feedback.

Posted (edited)

Aaah... what a good topic....

Blinky for Atari 800XL

Bruce Lee for Atari 800XL

Moctezuma for Atari 800XL

F-15 Simulator for PC (mid 90s)

F-117 flying simulator for PC (mid 90s)

Super Metroid SNES

Star Fox Series

Super Mario World

GTA Series (2,3 and VC ... i never played the 1st one)

CS of course

Street Fighter series

Killer Instincts SNES (spent 1000s of hours perfecting combos)


PS For some reason it took me 2 hours to sell my SW Battlefront :huh:

Edited by Tico0001
Posted (edited)

Street Fighter 3

Marvel Super Heroes

Strider 1 & 2

Mario Kart

Macross VF X2

Metal Slug 3

KOF 2000

Aliens VS Predator 2

Age of Empires/Myth

F Zero


Hanagumi Taisen Columns

Ys Eternal I & II

Metal Gear Solid 2

Sega Touring Car Championship

Sega Rally 2

Virtua Fighter 4

Sengoku Blade

Edited by halfan
Posted (edited)

Pretty short list. Many games have caught my attention but very few I could play non-stop.

The Legend of Zelda A Link to The Past: I had beaten this game like 20 times before I even realized you could talk to certain trees among others things.

Super Mario Bros 3 It doesn't matter if it's 1 player mode or 2 players mode playing old Mario Bros style mini games. It never gets old.

Most Megaman/Rockman games excluding Legends and EXE I once played a Megaman marathon starting if Megaman 1 thru 8 then the X series thru 5. Could do it again easy.

Street Fighter II series Don't think I need to explain. How many years was it before the official sequel simply titled "Three" came out?

Contra 1 My sis and I have spent 8 hours straight replaying it over and over and over....

Super Smash Bros Melee multiplayer/tournament mode It really is the only way to get the most out of this game.

Tetris virtual crack!

Edited by Jemstone
Posted (edited)

The adventures of bayou billy! :)

Well... its kinda GTA concept... you can fight, drive, and shoot with your controller and zapper!

Edited by Kin
I have no idea why but Pilot Wings for the 64.  I would sit there and play that game for HOURS just flying around.  Good god.  :rolleyes:

you ain't the only one pal! :p my friends and i took a bunch of...stuff, and played for like 70+ hours straight! we'd all go home at some point, then race back to my friends house to feed our addictions....yeah, both of them. ;)

Well I was just a kid so no crazy...stuff...for me then but I could not stop flying around and taking pictures of polygonal buildings. I remember I would take the propeller hanglider thing and just drive around the towns. Dang, I need to track that game down... :lol:

my favorite was the parachuting, that and trying to land the damn plane! :blink: man that crap was hard as hell....the whole game was mad hard come to think of it. :huh: it was a miracle whenever someone completed something, everyone would scream and there'd be a bunch of high fives all around. i gotta track that one down too, my friends would be so psyched if i got it. :D

I enjoyed that one too. I got Perfect on everything. B))

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