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Posted (edited)
  Ladic said:
Link Contains ***Spoilers***

Revenge of the Sith Novelization Summary


Very interesting, if true. Lucas must have read his history when writing this movie because... Spoiler Spoiler, highlight to read:

The way they describe the whole rise to power and formation of the Empire seems to paralell the rise of Hitler in Germany, particularly the use of attempts on his life as a justification for the final purge that consolidates all power behind him. I wouldn't be surprised that a good chunk of senators and other Palpatine opponents also meet their end along with the Jedi.

But WHY would Yoda say "don't train them as Jedi" and then later on go ahead and train Luke as a Jedi in ESB? wouldn't he instead make it something like "When old enough they are, train them I shall, so that Jedi Order restored can be is."

Edited by Pat Payne

He could have simply been worried that since they were Anakin's children, they could easily follow the same path. To much risk maybe.


We are very close to someone just blowing a major spoiler in this thread. Please, everyone, if you are going to post something major, follow Pat Payne's lead. That's how its done.

  Duke Togo said:
We are very close to someone just blowing a major spoiler in this thread. Please, everyone, if you are going to post something major, follow Pat Payne's lead. That's how its done.

*real deep voice*

YEAH. What he said. YEAH.

  bsu legato said:
I think you guys are already setting yourselves up for a disappointment. "Darth Vader" does indeed kick mucho Jedi arse in this movie, but by all accounts (and more than one spoiler report) Darth Vader plus the black suit only appears in the last reel of the movie.

According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes .

The interview was done around the time the Star Wars OT DVDs were released. Hell snippets of the article were directly linked off of AOL's start up page. So much for secrecy. I posted a link to it in the thread about the DVDs along time ago.....

  dejr8bud said:
According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes .

That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy!

  bsu legato said:
  dejr8bud said:
According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes .

That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy!

Ah they'll let David Prowse do it. Finally he'll be heard :lol: And then maybe he can stop bitching at the conventions.

  bsu legato said:
  dejr8bud said:
According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes .

That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy!

I believe I've seen an interview where JEJ has confirmed that he is doing the voice. He finishes by saying, "who else are they going to get?"

And I've seen nothing but confirmation about what the spoiler states.


Though seeing Lord Vader in full armour will be neat, I'm far more interesting in seeing Anakin's transformation INTO that. I want to see his descent to darkness before the armour seals him off.

I want to see Anakin as the badass, as well as Vader.

  Prime said:
  bsu legato said:
  dejr8bud said:
According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes .

That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy!

I believe I've seen an interview where JEJ has confirmed that he is doing the voice. He finishes by saying, "who else are they going to get?"

And I've seen nothing but confirmation about what the spoiler states.

Didn't Prowse do Vader's voice for a couple of video games? Like the Super Star Wars games (I know it wasn't James Earl Jones) and who did his voice in the original Tie Fighter?


Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read)

Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image. The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader.

Does that make sense?

Posted (edited)


Kenobi has always been my favorite Jedi... I mean he was played by one of the greatest actors of all time (in my mind at least), and I think Ewan McGregor may have been one of the best casting moves that George Lucas has ever made, with the exception of Han Solo, and BILLY DEE WILLIAMS (actually I had to throw that one in there because of the mad TV skit)

Here is my thoughts about the climactic battle.

Not really a spoiler

I'm curious how Obi kills (or almost kills) Vader. because in episode 4, Vader certainly has him beat though he is much older by that point. It makes me wonder, was he a very underrated Jedi? Thats the thing that pissed me off the most about metaclorines, they almost made it like who has the most metaclorines win... which ruined the ideas of jedis for me... (and for many other people) It would restore a lot of faith in the storyline if Lucas let Kenobi beat Anakin fair and square, not one of those cliche emotionally weak scenes where he beats him where Anakin is mentallly unbalanced and Obi takes advantage of that... that would ruin the film for me. It would also in my mind be fundamentally against what a jedi stands for... which is not to take advantage of your opponent.

IF Kenobi wins fair and square, the death star rematch in episode 4 would take on a whole different light in my eyes. I think you could make an argument that he simply gave up for luke's sake. OR maybe he was just old.

Edited by Noyhauser
Posted (edited)
  Noyhauser said:

Kenobi has always been my favorite Jedi... I mean he was played by one of the greatest actors of all time (in my mind at least), and I think Ewan McGregor may have been one of the best casting moves that George Lucas has ever made, with the exception of Han Solo, and BILLY DEE WILLIAMS (actually I had to throw that one in there because of the mad TV skit)

Here is my thoughts about the climactic battle.

Not really a spoiler

I'm curious how Obi kills (or almost kills) Vader.  because in episode 4, Vader certainly has him beat though he is much older by that point. It makes me wonder, was he a very underrated Jedi? Thats the thing that pissed me off the most about metaclorines, they almost made it like who has the most metaclorines win... which ruined the ideas of jedis for me... (and for many other people) It would restore a lot of faith in the storyline if Lucas let Kenobi beat Anakin fair and square, not one of those cliche emotionally weak scenes where he beats him where Anakin is mentallly unbalanced and Obi takes advantage of that... that would ruin the film for me. It would also in my mind be fundamentally against what a jedi stands for... which is not to take advantage of your opponent.

IF Kenobi wins fair and square, the death star rematch in episode 4 would take on a whole different light in my eyes. I think you could make an argument that he simply gave up for luke's sake. OR maybe he was just old.

IMHO Obi Wan wasn't killed by Vader in Ep 4, he handled the fight pretty well, he was just too old, every jedi that dies of natural ways desapears, he did that, so I guess it was his moment, Vader was a second late to kill him. Maybe it sounds absurd but if that's not the reason why every jedi that is killed doesn't desapear?? Vader died fro his injuries at the end, same as Qui gon... feel free to elaborate on my comment B))

Edited by macplus
  azrael said:
Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read)

Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image. The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader.

Does that make sense?

Well of course:

A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales)

B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed"

  Noyhauser said:
Thats the thing that pissed me off the most about metaclorines, they almost made it like who has the most metaclorines win... which ruined the ideas of jedis for me... (and for many other people)

Fans are the ones that took midichlorion count as that. I always thought of it as a litmus test for force sensitives.


Yup, the midichlorians are merely a physical manifestation for "the Force is strong in my family." Causality has never been established... merely correlation.

  Max Jenius said:
  Noyhauser said:
Thats the thing that pissed me off the most about metaclorines, they almost made it like who has the most metaclorines win... which ruined the ideas of jedis for me... (and for many other people)

Fans are the ones that took midichlorion count as that. I always thought of it as a litmus test for force sensitives.

I agree. We always knew that the Force was genetic, its made quite clear in the original trilogy. Any fan who comes out with "It was better when you thought anybody could use the Force" just wasn't paying attention. Now they want to use midichlorions to make it seem like the Jedi are Nazis.

  Pat Payne said:
Very interesting, if true. Lucas must have read his history when writing this movie because... Spoiler Spoiler, highlight to read:


But WHY would Yoda say "don't train them as Jedi" and then later on go ahead and train Luke as a Jedi in ESB? wouldn't he instead make it something like "When old enough they are, train them I shall, so that Jedi Order restored can be is."

I think the answer(s) to this is probably best found in ROTJ. Listen to the conversation from Yoda and Obi-wan. The answers and conclusions you can draw are in those 2 conversations.

  Uxi said:
Yup, the midichlorians are merely a physical manifestation for "the Force is strong in my family." Causality has never been established... merely correlation.

Not to mention that it was Qui-gonn who believed in the importance of midichlorians when testing force-sensitives, and Qui-gonn was considered not quite an outcast but certainly unique in his beliefs among the Jedi.

  lord_breetai said:
  azrael said:
Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read)

Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image.  The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader.

Does that make sense?

Well of course:

A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales)

B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed"

Darth Bane started it after the Sith civil war.

He was after Exar Kun, Malek and Revan were after him.

Darth is more of a title given to Sith Lords.

  Chewie said:
  lord_breetai said:
  azrael said:
Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read)

Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image.  The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader.

Does that make sense?

Well of course:

A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales)

B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed"

Darth Bane started it after the Sith civil war.

He was after Exar Kun, Malek and Revan were after him.

Darth is more of a title given to Sith Lords.

Sith Cival war? That was in tales right? I don't think I ever got that far... I'm trying to track down all the comics now. But I only have up to the Freedon Nadd Uprising. (BTW I consider Tales and Kotor to be cannon since they are so far int the past that Lucas can't screw with them).


Don't wory, those "Tale Of" comics are canon, or at least as canon as any other EU material can be. The Sith War series featuring Darth Bane has particularly strong ties to Lucas' films because it is directly based on material developed by Lucas and Terry Brooks for the Phantom Menace novel.

And from what I've recently read, Midichlorians may play a small but significant role in ROTS. If the spoiler report turns out to be true then I think most fans will agree with their inclusion in TPM.

  Uxi said:
Yup, the midichlorians are merely a physical manifestation for "the Force is strong in my family." Causality has never been established... merely correlation.

After all the crazy contraptions form earlier EU sources used to detect Force-sensitivity, I was kind of happy to see it could be determined by a simple blood test.

  Prime said:
  Uxi said:
Yup, the midichlorians are merely a physical manifestation for "the Force is strong in my family."  Causality has never been established... merely correlation.

After all the crazy contraptions form earlier EU sources used to detect Force-sensitivity, I was kind of happy to see it could be determined by a simple blood test.

What was wrong with Luke's "reflex" test or the Empire's force scanner?


I suspect Obi-Wan and co. will run a blood test on baby Luke and Leia and find that Luke's midichlorian count is higher than his dad's.

  Jolly Rogers said:
  Anubis said:
I suspect Obi-Wan and co. will run a blood test on baby Luke and Leia and find that Luke's midichlorian count is higher than his dad's.

His dad being Obiwan? ;)

Higher than Anakin's. Duh.


Desription of the new Trailer over at TF.N

The trailer begins with the following exchange:

Palpatine: "The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

Anakin: "Is it possible to learn this power?"

Palpatine: "Not from a Jedi."

We are then introduced to the political maneuvering of Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Mace Windu. All of them actually want to use Anakin as a pawn in their game (Palpatine makes Anakin his "personal representative on the Jedi Council" while Obi-Wan wants him to "report on all the Chancellor's dealings"). The first minute or so is surprisingly heavy on dialogue and consists mostly of shots of various characters speaking to each other (intercut with short glimpses of evil droids, space battles etc.). We even see how Mace Windu and three other Jedi attempt to arrest Palpatine (he grabs the lightsaber and confronts them). When Mace Windu tells Anakin "You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of Master", Anakin loses it and joins the Dark Side (Sidious: "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic"). At least that's how the trailer makes it look.

Then the more "visual" half starts with some very neat scenes like a low angle shot of Anakin marching in front of a Clone trooper army. We see Wookiees on some kind of war machine, the duel in the volcano field, gigantic 10-wheel military transports and actual destruction of the Senate chamber. Everything is very dramatic, several deaths are implied, Padme is seen crying loudly and music from the Emperor duel (ROTJ) is heard.

Overall, the first half of the trailer is surprisingly specific, making no sense whatsoever to people who don't know Star Wars well. The second half is very dark and dramatic, but with lots of action. Bad guys (apart from Sidious) only appear for a fraction of a second and have no lines. The final seconds consist of Obi-Wan shouting "You were the chosen one!", fighting Anakin while both dangle from some ropes/wires. After the closing titles, there is a bonus shot of Vader and Sidious standing side by side, accompanied by Vader's breathing.

This is a preliminary version with effects and sound not quite finalized. One part of the trailer is actually without music (either for dramatic effect or John Williams' new score will be inserted here?). The length is little under 2:30.

When further questioned about the "evil droid", our source confirmed that it wasn't General Grievous but one of the bodyguards:

There is some evil-looking humanoid droid with a cape around his head and torso, flanked by two classic battledroids (from Episode I). He seems to hold a lance in his hand. Later, Obi-Wan is seen swordfighting with a humanoid droid but he's only seen from back and moving quickly. Anyway, both of these shots are VERY brief (about half second).

  bsu legato said:
Desription of the new Trailer over at TF.N

Do you know what movie this will be shown with or when it will be released?

  Chewie said:
  bsu legato said:
Desription of the new Trailer over at TF.N

Do you know what movie this will be shown with or when it will be released?

No idea. There were rumors of a January release, but its looking like that won't happen. I'm betting it will be fairly soon though. Only 4 months to go!

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