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  bsu legato said:
  Effect said:
I always thought AOTC cleared this mess up.

You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones. :rolleyes:

I don`t think that they are all clones, may be it depends on situation because I read before in some magazine.

  Coota0 said:
  lord_breetai said:

but 40 years later in the KOTOR games... Jedi are not allowed to marry and not allowed to have children. this is in response to the Sith wars of TOTJ to try and deal with the problem of Jedi turning to the darkside.

What makes you say that? In KOTOR it seemed as if ny character was coming on to the girl pretty strong and she wasn't exactly rejecting my guy.

Bastila tries to resist at first. "No this is wrong... we are Jedi... we need to control our feelings... oh... forget it... kiss me.... no... that was wrong... lets never talk about it again."

  bsu legato said:
  Effect said:
I always thought AOTC cleared this mess up.

You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones. :rolleyes:

Primarily because it's a dumb idea to have the entire Galactic Army to be nothing but a bunch of nerfed Boba Fetts. But in either case, it's neither been denied or confirmed absolutely (other than some Lucas offhanded commentary, which sometimes changes depending on what state of mind he happens to be) that the Stormies are all clones, all recruits, or some mixture of the two. The only thing we know for sure from AOTC is that the Clone Troopers were the progenitors of the Stormtrooper divisions. Whether they retained the cloned aspect 20 years later isn't something that's been revealed yet. We shall see.


  Sundown said:
  bsu legato said:
  Effect said:
I always thought AOTC cleared this mess up.

You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones. :rolleyes:

Primarily because it's a dumb idea to have the entire Galactic Army to be nothing but a bunch of nerfed Boba Fetts. But in either case, it's neither been denied or confirmed absolutely (other than some Lucas offhanded commentary, which sometimes changes depending on what state of mind he happens to be) that the Stormies are all clones, all recruits, or some mixture of the two. The only thing we know for sure from AOTC is that the Clone Troopers were the progenitors of the Stormtrooper divisions. Whether they retained the cloned aspect 20 years later isn't something that's been revealed yet. We shall see.


Oh come on now. Barring EU for the moment, look at what the films show us. Episode 2 shows the Republic debating about and eventually recieving an army of clones in white armor. From what we've seen of Episode III, these are the same clones that fight through the entirety of the Clone Wars (played by both Temura Morrison and Bodie Taylor) in armor that bridges the two existing designs. Flash forward 20 years to Episode IV, and when the familiar white-clad troopers show up on screen the audience is suddenly expected to intuit that these are now recruits or conscripts? I don't think so. Particulalry when no further mention of them is made? No, they're clones. Its established in AOTC, reinforced in ROTS and by the OT its old news.

Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
Flash forward 20 years to Episode IV, and when the familiar white-clad troopers show up on screen the audience is suddenly expected to intuit that these are now recruits or conscripts? I don't think so. Particulalry when no further mention of them is made? No, they're clones. Its established in AOTC, reinforced in ROTS and by the OT its old news.

Even ignoring EU and all sorts of difficulties that arise, we still have problems from onscreen camera evidence, supposedly considered "most canon". Different heights, different voices, troopers having conversations amongst themselves about inane things, with different voices, that just makes the scene work oddly if they were just identical copies of each other, born, bred, and tailored only to fight.

It's obviously not "established" when we have to make assumptions based on lack of evidence and further reference. And obviously what exists allows for different interpretations, as evident in the uncertainty and arguing amongst fans. If it's not established explicitly, and there's still room for this amount of speculation and confusion, and there's no more forth coming... then it's bad story-telling. Not to mention that it takes away both something from the OT and the Clone Wars if the villians are still just clones. Nothing is unique or special or outstanding about the Clone Wars, set apart from the Galaictic Civil War, despite its nomer. But that's just my narrative opinion.

I would also like to think that the Stormtroopers grew into something else beyond the batches of clones they started as. You know, development. Just because their armor bears a striking resemblance doesn't necessarily mean that the soldier underneath has to be absolutely the same, a clone. It does denote the heritage and origins of their units. I suppose the argument could be made that it strengthens their status as clones, by their visual similarities, but I don't think it's definitive enough to bank on, mainly because it wouldn't strike me as any more unbelievable to find that the Stormtroopers aren't clones.

I'm not certain myself either way, and I just hope for Lucas's sake that he doesn't retroactively make the masses of villians in the OT nothing more than retarded versions of one of the most overrated characters, who had something like 10 minutes screen time in three movies, was mostly a bit role, and then was elevated to uber-god status because fans thought his armor looked somewhat neat.

It's simply not set in stone yet, and that the stormtroopers are clones through and through is not the only valid conclusion that can be made with present evidence. And it's obvious in the OT that Lucas himself was mostly indecided about whether the Stormies were clones or not (most likely not), by the way the old scenes play and read. Of course he might claim otherwise now, but I find that hard to buy into.


Edited by Sundown

I don't see how the OT troopers being clones in any way takes away from whatever "mystique" they might have had in the films. They were essentially cannon fodder for the heros to mow down anyway, so clones or recruits doesn't affect their place in the story. However, I don't think we're supposed to take the OT troopers (if they are indeed clones) as being from the same batch as the Clone War era clones. When asked about the differences in the OT troopers, Lucas shrugged and merely said they were from different donors. And what will set the Clone Wars apart from other galactic conflicts will be the sheer scale of it, not the fact that the Clone Troopers become known as Storm Troopers. AS we're supposeldy going to see in Sith, no part of the galaxy will be left untouched. That, IMO, is worthy of holding the Clone Wars in some regard.

Of course, this whole arguement would probably not even exist if the EU has just left them alone in the first place, like they should have. Initially the Storm Troopers were this mysterious, faceless bunch (who, believe it or not, were rumored to be clones as far back as 1978). Then Kevin J Anderson showed up with his "Caridia" and his "Sun Crusher" and all of a sudden we're treated to Stormtrooper academies and recruits and cosncripts throughout the EU.


In the OT we see officers which are definitely not clones, so why do we assume that all stormies are clones? If they are all clones then I doubt that they are still all clones of the same man, more then likely they are clones of multiple, probably thousands of different soldiers, but with the same programming ingrained into them. Let's face it, the sheer number of troops needed to subjegate a galaxy would make a strictly cloned army a logistical nightmare. Instead you start with your clones, recruit from the locals to build support and slowly pull the clones back to more essential positions. The clones were perfect for establishing the empire, as they were preprogrammed to be loyal to the emperor and were spread out all over by the clone wars. But in order to maintain an army the size that we are to assume exists you need to recruit from the locals, or at the very least build hundreds, if not thousands of more cloning facilities, which raises logisitical concerns of its own.

  bsu legato said:
  Effect said:
I always thought AOTC cleared this mess up.

You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones. :rolleyes:

I still like the idea of it being a mixture of clones and recruits (among other things I accept that are not proven or disproven in the movies, like Jedi getting married up until just before the prequeals or that Anikin is not emmaculante(?) his mom was just a slurm or got confused by a Jedi mind trick)


I like the idea of the Clone Troopers as the first batch of stormies, and then the subsequent Storm Troopers as being recruiter/conscripted. As an economical device if nothing else. Cloning, housing, and raising a complete human being, no matter how quickly they're matured simply can't be cheaper than recruiting a mostly-adult person anyway.

And as Sundown pointed above, there's on-screen evidence that there are DIFFERENT stormtroopers in the films. That lends big creedance to the mixed group idea.

Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
I don't see how the OT troopers being clones in any way takes away from whatever "mystique" they might have had in the films. They were essentially cannon fodder for the heros to mow down anyway, so clones or recruits doesn't affect their place in the story.

I've always found troopers being recruits, "reprogrammed" to be completely loyal to the Emperor to be a much more interesting an idea than clones. Whether they're clones or recruits might not affect how the actual story plays out, but the ambience, nature, and feel of the on-screen villianous hordes changes some, or at least it does here.

I'm a little bit more comfortable with Stormies being of all different stocks and donors. I just personally hate the nerfed Boba idea.

One of the things that's bugged me about Star Wars is that previous to the Prequels, the Star Wars universe felt so big, with background described in vaguarities that spawned your imagination. Although some of the characters seemed to share backgrounds, or had connections of some sort, it still felt as if most of the main characters crossed paths by chance. But when the Prequels came out, we found that everyone really knew everyone else already, that no one encountered each other by chance, that it was one big incestuous pool of characters (beyond Leia and Luke) who then spawned other characters, ie, Boba and the Clones, and then the Troopers... Anakin and 3PO-- using one character to explain another, when it just wasn't needed... it all just felt contrived, as if Lucas didn't have any new ideas left over, and wasn't willing to spend any time creating new and real characters that stand from scratch on their own, without having anything to do with the OT.

Every single character introduced as new feels largely inconsequential, and the only ones that have any worth in terms of character development are the old ones... and they stand only because of what was in the OT. It feels as if Lucas is relying on the audience's attachment and fondness for the existing OT characters alone, and milking it by plugging them in other places willy nilly, regardless of how it effects the story as a whole.

With the Prequels, the Star Wars universe shrunk. And I guess Stormtroopers being clones of Fett carries some of that with me. But it would be a stronger telling if the genetic stock of the troopers did expand over the years. Or if they started incorporating recruits as a economic measure in order to build a large enough army to subjugate the entire galaxy, and to involve the citizenry in these efforts for the order, law, and glory of the Empire or some such.

I still like the idea of it being a mixture of clones and recruits (among other things I accept that are not proven or disproven in the movies, like Jedi getting married up until just before the prequeals or that Anikin is not emmaculante(?) his mom was just a slurm or got confused by a Jedi mind trick)

Or Sith mind trick. *cough* Palpatine *cough*

Wouldn't be the first time, and it'd sure complete the incestuous character circle.


Edited by Sundown

Oy, so many comments on what was supposed to be a simple, flippant remark.

In the OT we see officers which are definitely not clones, so why do we assume that all stormies are clones?

Your problem lies within assuming those officers are stormtroopers in the first place. Nobody has said that the fleet officers, Death Star crew and shield bunker personel were clones. Just the guys in the shiny white armor.

I like the idea of the Clone Troopers as the first batch of stormies, and then the subsequent Storm Troopers as being recruiter/conscripted. As an economical device if nothing else. Cloning, housing, and raising a complete human being, no matter how quickly they're matured simply can't be cheaper than recruiting a mostly-adult person anyway

You can't argue the economical aspects of a clone army in the Star Wars universe. the films were never intended to stand up to that kind of scrutiny. Just look at that comic posted last week about the feasibility of a city planet like Coruscant for example. This is fantasy, man, not Star Trek. Besides, you wouldn't have to pay a clone army, since they're all sheep. And this is also the empire that built not one, but TWO moon-sized space stations. Do you think Palpatine would be concerned about petty things like the cost-per-clone expenses. He'd just raise your taxes and blow up your planet if you complained too loudly.

I've always found troopers being recruits, "reprogrammed" to be completely loyal to the Emperor to be a much more interesting an idea than clones. Whether they're clones or recruits might not affect how the actual story plays out, but the ambience, nature, and feel of the on-screen villianous hordes changes some, or at least it does here.

Again, it all depends on how deeply you're willing to pay attention to this. If you want a compelling enemy, well that's why Vader was in the OT.

One of the things that's bugged me about Star Wars is that previous to the Prequels, the Star Wars universe felt so big, with background described in vaguarities that spawned your imagination. Although some of the characters seemed to share backgrounds, or had connections of some sort, it still felt as if most of the main characters crossed paths by chance. But when the Prequels came out, we found that everyone really knew everyone else already, that no one encountered each other by chance, that it was one big incestuous pool of characters (beyond Leia and Luke) who then spawned other characters, ie, Boba and the Clones, and then the Troopers... Anakin and 3PO-- using one character to explain another, when it just wasn't needed... it all just felt contrived, as if Lucas didn't have any new ideas left over, and wasn't willing to spend any time creating new and real characters that stand from scratch on their own, without having anything to do with the OT.

Well that's almost another whole argument altogether (and I don't entirely disagree with you either) but in the pre-EU days there were rumors of a Boba / Stormtrooper connection. Much of this probably grew out of the fact that in preproduction for ESB, Boba was actually going to be one of a whole new class of Stormtrooper. This got shelved and he evolved into the overrated tertiary character we all know today.

"Aren't you little short for a Stormtrooper?"

"Huh? Oh, the uniform!"

Well that's almost another whole argument altogether (and I don't entirely disagree with you either) but in the pre-EU days there were rumors of a Boba / Stormtrooper connection. Much of this probably grew out of the fact that in preproduction for ESB, Boba was actually going to be one of a whole new class of Stormtrooper. This got shelved and he evolved into the overrated tertiary character we all know today.

But didn't his apperances as a Bounty Hunter in The holiday Special and Droids pre-date his apperance in ESB? and nah... the Mandolorian armor as a trooper uniform? Maybe the Jango version but not Boba's it just wouldn't work.

Posted (edited)
  lord_breetai said:
But didn't his apperances as a Bounty Hunter in The holiday Special and Droids pre-date his apperance in ESB? and nah... the Mandolorian armor as a trooper uniform? Maybe the Jango version but not Boba's it just wouldn't work.

Work on Boba seems to have begun almost immediately after preproduction for ESB started. Whatever involvement the "Supertroopers" (as I've seen them referred to) would have had in the film, it must have been discarded in the earliest scripts.

And in a related topic, Star Wars.com says Merry Christmas, fanboy. :lol:

damn, can't link to the stupid flash 'toon. Just click on the wampa at the bottom of the main page.

Edited by bsu legato
Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
  lord_breetai said:
But didn't his apperances as a Bounty Hunter in The holiday Special and Droids pre-date his apperance in ESB? and nah... the Mandolorian armor as a trooper uniform? Maybe the Jango version but not Boba's it just wouldn't work.

Work on Boba seems to have begun almost immediately after preproduction for ESB started. Whatever involvement the "Supertroopers" (as I've seen them referred to) would have had in the film, it must have been discarded in the earliest scripts.

And in a related topic, Star Wars.com says Merry Christmas, fanboy. :lol:

damn, can't link to the stupid flash 'toon. Just click on the wampa at the bottom of the main page.

but it my supererior skills... I can link directly to the video!

yeah, I'm showing off... not that it's anything special ;p. just clicked on the picture for the individual video and opened in ne window. ^_^

Edited by lord_breetai
Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
You can't argue the economical aspects of a clone army in the Star Wars universe. the films were never intended to stand up to that kind of scrutiny. Just look at that comic posted last week about the feasibility of a city planet like Coruscant for example. This is fantasy, man, not Star Trek.

Don't say that over at stardestroy.net. *cackles*

Again, it all depends on how deeply you're willing to pay attention to this. If you want a compelling enemy, well that's why Vader was in the OT.

Too bad his compellingness is just a little bit undermined by his whiney teenager self. I've just always imagined Anakin as honorable and noble, albiet enjoying his popularity a tad much... and who everyone else was enamoured with (not merely tolerate with dark reservation). Who for all intents was genuinely good. Would have made his fall more dramatic, even if we knew it was coming.

Instead, it just feels like the Jedi are a bunch of idiots, coddling a whiny angst-ridden teenager. The character is just not genuinely likeable, and there's no point where you actually root and hope against hope for the fella. There's also no presence of any real struggle in the character between light and dark before he commits to an action, like there was in the OT with both Vader and Luke. He only has tantrums, slaughters at will, and cries about it later... it just doesn't feel like Vader, or resembles the old Anakin redeemed. But I suppose that's why Lucas trimmed down old-Anakin-Shaw in ROTJ some. But that's a whole other can of worms, ie, the one labeled "Why I'm largely annoyed by the Prequels thus far."

Well that's almost another whole argument altogether (and I don't entirely disagree with you either) but in the pre-EU days there were rumors of a Boba / Stormtrooper connection. Much of this probably grew out of the fact that in preproduction for ESB, Boba was actually going to be one of a whole new class of Stormtrooper. This got shelved and he evolved into the overrated tertiary character we all know today.

Tell you the truth, I did actually like the insinuated connection with Boba's armor in some preproduction art resembling Trooper armor more than it does on film. Maybe it's not entirely the idea of their connection that bugs... just the way it was handled and its presentation.


Edited by Sundown

Most Stormtroopers/TIE Pilots are clones. Cannon fodder. The elites, commanders, TIE Aces (Such as Baron Fel) are all people who had joined the Imperial Navy or were forced to. It was in the TIE Games as well: "The Stelle Chronicles" and other places. Most of them joined of free will and prospered or they were force fed Imperial Doctrine until it was nothing but a fanatical thought in their heads.

I'm not going to get into the canon debate because I love it all and think people who only go by the indecisive/inconclusive information in the movies are in a word....tools.

It was stated in a book that Stormtroopers were clones by a ST commander....that only he and a few others weren't clones because (being that the empire was running on old stock) they tested higher and were better and all that junk. There were also some clones that were in a Zahn book that helped Luke and Mara and explained they were copies of Fel and hidden for when the Empire needed them.

As for the height differences in the OT... It has been stated by Lucas: (and I am paraphrasing) "They weren't the same heights simply because in 1976 I didn't have the time to look for 3 dozen people who were all the same build/height/weight etc."

Not going to argue here and we should all get back to posting info on EP. III. =)

- Chewster

  Chewie said:
As for the height differences in the OT... It has been stated by Lucas: (and I am paraphrasing) "They weren't the same heights simply because in 1976 I didn't have the time to look for 3 dozen people who were all the same build/height/weight etc."

Dubious. Soo... He was also too busy to find one single voice actor to dub all the stormtrooper dialogue (and there wasn't much), so that they'd sound the same, being you know, clones... and yet had enough time to find multiple actors to dub different Stormtrooper lines?

Hard to buy into.

EU material is helpful, but one EU source will describe Stormtroopers as all being clones while the next source will contradict it. Relying on EU too heavily poses problems, as Lucas has already invalidated many EU books on one point or another with the Prequels, and I doubt it'll be any different with Ep III. (See, back on topic!)


  Chewie said:
Most Stormtroopers/TIE Pilots are clones. Cannon fodder. The elites, commanders, TIE Aces (Such as Baron Fel) are all people who had joined the Imperial Navy or were forced to. It was in the TIE Games as well: "The Stelle Chronicles" and other places. Most of them joined of free will and prospered or they were force fed Imperial Doctrine until it was nothing but a fanatical thought in their heads.

I'm not going to get into the canon debate because I love it all and think people who only go by the indecisive/inconclusive information in the movies are in a word....tools.

That's EU, not film canon. Like it or not, them's the facts.

Posted (edited)

So far, the current comics are depicting the Stormtroopers as a mixture of Fett clones & conscripted/recuited personnel. To me, that makes the most sense for the same reasons Sundown has pointed out. I like the prequels as much as the OT, but Lucas should make more definative statements/answers to people who ask him these questions. Though I believe the Stormies are a "mixed nuts" sorta army, I can also see bsu legato points just as clearly. & I also understands some peoples' hestitation in bringing the EU material into consideration.

But no matter how terrible people think the Prequels are, they are still many times better than the last 4 Star Trek films.

stardestroyer.net is a pretty good fan site, but has a not so great message board.

Edited by Mechwolf
Posted (edited)
  Chewie said:
Most Stormtroopers/TIE Pilots are clones. Cannon fodder. The elites, commanders, TIE Aces (Such as Baron Fel) are all people who had joined the Imperial Navy or were forced to. It was in the TIE Games as well: "The Stelle Chronicles" and other places. Most of them joined of free will and prospered or they were force fed Imperial Doctrine until it was nothing but a fanatical thought in their heads.

I'm not going to get into the canon debate because I love it all and think people who only go by the indecisive/inconclusive information in the movies are in a word....tools.

It was stated in a book that Stormtroopers were clones by a ST commander....that only he and a few others weren't clones because (being that the empire was running on old stock) they tested higher and were better and all that junk. There were also some clones that were in a Zahn book that helped Luke and Mara and explained they were copies of Fel and hidden for when the Empire needed them.

As for the height differences in the OT... It has been stated by Lucas: (and I am paraphrasing) "They weren't the same heights simply because in 1976 I didn't have the time to look for 3 dozen people who were all the same build/height/weight etc."

Not going to argue here and we should all get back to posting info on EP. III. =)

- Chewster

No, in the Zahn books, those clones were made special by admiral thrawn so he could have enough troops for that big lost dreadnaught fleet (wasn't it called the katana fleet? absolutely lame name for a fleet in a different universe a long time ago)

Remember? thrawn had to go to that warehouse planet, deal with the crazy jedi clone, get the cloning things out of storage and make his clones. And even then, half the time luke is yammering on about how the cloned troopers felt weird to him by the force.

Besides, you shouldn't use the books/comics/radio dramas/games to back up any claim of what is canon and what is not, as lucas pretty much ignores all that stuff anyways.

And here it is from starwars.com: http://www.starwars.com/databank/organization/stormtroopers/

The military soldiers unswervingly loyal to the Emperor, stormtroopers represented the most visible extension of Imperial might. They were shock troopers meant to strike with speed and accuracy, putting down insurrections and maintaining order on the farflung worlds of the Empire. Stormtroopers served both the ground-based armies of Palpatine's forces, and the space-based Imperial starfleet.

Stormtrooper training stressed complete indoctrination in the tenets of the New Order, and individuals would obey their officers without question, without regard to the rights of others or even to their own safety.

Stormtroopers abandoned individuality in exchange for their loyalty. They are completely encased in a white armored spacesuit shell, and are armed with blaster pistols or blaster rifles. Their helmets contain comlinks for long-range communications. Officers were denoted with colored shoulder pauldrons. Specific environments called for specially trained and equipped stormtroopers, such as the snowtroopers that besieged the ice world of Hoth and the lightly-armored scout troopers that patrolled the forests of Endor.

seems pretty clear, stormtroopers, are just normal folk who are dressed up in worthless armor and trained how to not shoot at their targets.

Edited by eugimon
  eugimon said:
seems pretty clear, stormtroopers, are just normal folk who are dressed up in worthless armor and trained how to not shoot at their targets.

Sounds like enemy soldiers in EVERY movie made to date :)

  Graham said:
  eugimon said:
They were shock troopers meant to strike with speed and accuracy

'Accuracy'...........Stormies, yeah right ;):p


Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4?


After the whole clone-debacle came out, I've just assumed that they started as clones, then went to recruits once the Jedi or Seperatists took out Kamino (and you can't tell me that Kamino would have been spared in the Clone Wars, it's TOO important to either side)

Oh and Mechwolf....I'll agree with you on all but First Contact, aside from minor quibbles, I've thought it was the best of the new batch and definately up there with (or prob'ly above) the SW prequels, but that's getting OT ^_^

  Jolly Rogers said:
  Graham said:
  eugimon said:
They were shock troopers meant to strike with speed and accuracy

'Accuracy'...........Stormies, yeah right ;):p


Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4?

"These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise"

"These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise"

I guess crazy 'ol ben kenobi had never seen the emperor's best legion of troops try to take out a group of 2 foot tall bears with slingshots and rocks.


Adding my Two Cents, "Accuracy and Storm Troppers" are just two words that do not mix well.

Just take a look in Ep 4 when a whole bunch of them are chasing Luke and Leia in the Death Star, none of them even made a scratch and talk about accuracy!

Andy :)

  Valk009 said:
Adding my Two Cents, "Accuracy and Storm Troppers" are just two words that do not mix well.

Just take a look in Ep 4 when a whole bunch of them are chasing Luke and Leia in the Death Star, none of them even made a scratch and talk about accuracy!

Andy :)

well there was this one fanmade recuritment video for the empire... it showed a bunch of Storm Troopers shooting at a riffle range and none of them were hiting the target then one trips and gets a bullseye and the instructor declares "Expert Marksmen... get this man a sniper rifle".

  Jolly Rogers said:
  Graham said:
  eugimon said:
They were shock troopers meant to strike with speed and accuracy

'Accuracy'...........Stormies, yeah right ;):p


Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4?

IIRC, wasn't Obi Wan referring to the blast points on the Sand Crawler, not the blast points on the Jawas. I mean you don't really have to be very accurate to hit something the size of a Sand Crawler :p .


  lord_breetai said:


Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4?

"These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise"

Yet, in "The Phantom Menace"(I'm still getting used to the idea of a Star Wars film called The Phantom Menace) we see a Tusken Raider take out a Podracer with a sniper rifle. So the Stormtroopers must be really, REALLY accurate shooters, and just didn't want to show off in Ep.4-6.

They did manage to hit 3PO and the Millenium Falcon in ESB and R2, Leia and some Ewoks in ROTJ, so give them a cookie for that!

Posted (edited)

Maybe the reason the Stormtroopers missed alot was because it would of sucked for the movie to be over in the first half hour when all the main charters were killed.

Jeez, it's a MOVIE people. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ladic
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