Agent ONE Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Quote
bsu legato Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 I hope he tells Hasbro to go to hell. Those PSAs are too great to take down. Quote
Kin Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Lol what are they thinking... It's not worth their pennies to get this to the court... probably some dork who just got a job and thinks he did some good work for his boss... ignore it I say.. Quote
Agent ONE Posted September 20, 2004 Author Posted September 20, 2004 If anything it gives G.I. Joe free press. Quote
Max Jenius Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 If I owned GI Joe, I'd sue them for only making 2 good parodies.. Quote
j_wong00 Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 I don't know what Hasbro is doing outside of just trying to get some free press. If that person can prove it's a parody (and by what I've seen, that would be very easily done), then Hasbro has no case, as precedence has been set and reaffirmed time and again that prodies fall outside of copywrite laws. Quote
Opus Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. Quote
EXO Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. ah.... and now I know.... Quote
Max Jenius Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. Si Quote
do not disturb Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 what a bunch of morons, it almost lucas-esque. Quote
buddhafabio Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They should look at it like this. some smoe surfing the net comes across the psa parodies, remembers his love for the toys he had from the 80s. and wants to collect them. and joins a community of joe collectors increasing the demand most of those toys got broke beyond collecting status. so finding them is hard. Hasbro decides to break out the old molds and cranks out the toys agian. the smoe buys the reissues and while he is checking out another man behind him see the sky striker in his hands and decides to get his son billy bob one too because he also had a sky striker. and the sales explodes. Quote
EXO Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. ah.... and now I know.... ahem.... and now I know.... Quote
UN Spacy Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Hahahaha. These are comedy gold Hasbro should kiss their asses for bring those PSA's back to life. PORKCHOP SAMMICHES! Quote
Opus Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. ah.... and now I know.... ahem.... and now I know.... ...and knowing is half the battle. there are you happy. Of course my previos post was referring to a certain unnamed company's failure to stop the import of two anime sequels to an unnamed series they claim to own complete rights to. and BTW the other half of battle.....killing. Quote
Max Jenius Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Just a heads up... If I own something, and someone uses it without my permission... they're getting sued. Just for future reference... Someday... Quote
Agent ONE Posted September 20, 2004 Author Posted September 20, 2004 Just a heads up...If I own something, and someone uses it without my permission... they're getting sued. Just for future reference... Someday... Oh... Well then I don't know how to break this to you, but I wrote your name on my door knob. And I certainly DO use that. Quote
Max Jenius Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 Just a heads up...If I own something, and someone uses it without my permission... they're getting sued. Just for future reference... Someday... Oh... Well then I don't know how to break this to you, but I wrote your name on my door knob. And I certainly DO use that. I'll see you in court! (hehe... sorry.. the collections agency I work for just got a new legal person... so now I can sue people!) Quote
JELEINEN Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 They have to persue every case of copyright infringement no matter how small or it could come back to bite them in the ass in the future. Not true. Copyright is yours regardless. It's trade marks that have to be actively protected or lost. Quote
Godzilla Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 Just a heads up...If I own something, and someone uses it without my permission... they're getting sued. Just for future reference... Someday... Oh... Well then I don't know how to break this to you, but I wrote your name on my door knob. And I certainly DO use that. I'll see you in court! (hehe... sorry.. the collections agency I work for just got a new legal person... so now I can sue people!) So you are saying to prevent you from sueing Agent here, he just give you the door knob? Ugh. Quote
Skull Leader Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 lol, good thing I burned these on to one of my misc. video CDs... future internet geeks will surely be missing out! I've noted though that Ebaumsworld has yet to remove them from their site. Fenslerfilms (the guys that made the videos) haven't removed them either... it may be that they're calling Hasbro's bluff (they've had their letters for over a month now) Quote
Zentrandude Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 i don't see why they would sue them. except for a few that are good, most are not funny. think out of all of them number 6 is my frav. Quote
Skull Leader Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 Well, I suppose they could nail them for the use of the "GI Joe" logo at the end, but beyond that, I'm not sure what they could really do Quote
Max Jenius Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 Just a heads up...If I own something, and someone uses it without my permission... they're getting sued. Just for future reference... Someday... Oh... Well then I don't know how to break this to you, but I wrote your name on my door knob. And I certainly DO use that. I'll see you in court! (hehe... sorry.. the collections agency I work for just got a new legal person... so now I can sue people!) So you are saying to prevent you from sueing Agent here, he just give you the door knob? Ugh. No... he has to pay me and destroy it. Quote
Neova Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 What a bunch of morons. Its the same thinking back when Mattel sued Aqua for the Barbie doll song. I remember a conversation with a Mattel marketing guy about how Aqua infringed then. I said it was only a parody and probably the BEST FREE marketing deal they got all year long. And he got upset over that. Now look at Barbie. She split with Ken, has new boys around her, and freaks all day and night. Some people just can't think outside of the box. Quote
McKlown Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 I guess Hasbro still feels it's perfectly legal for them to continue to blatently rip off Macross designs in their latest Transformers stuff, but the minute anyone makes a parody of GI Joe the stuff hits the fan. Quote
Vespaeda Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 Excuse my ignorance, but what are "PSA"s? My PC @work where I tune in to MWorld daily, firewalls out all kinds of good stuff you all post. I am not able to open ebaumsWorld and see what the hub-bubs about. Guessing its some kinda G.I. Joe parody, like the Aqua song that was mentioned? I actually got into a discussion with an older guy(well, ~10yrs older than me, so fart'in 2x as much dust...cough...cough...phffft!!) at a Best Buy over modern animated movies(ToyStory, Monsters,Inc.). The TV/ video section had Toy Story2 playing and we got talking about toys from "back-in-the-day"; Rock'em, Sock'em Robots, Erector Sets, Big Wheels and original Tonka Toys,etc. Our sig'nfcnt others were shopping for video stuff w/the offspring, so we shot the breeze while enjoying the show. Turns out he was USMC, ret. and I told him I was AD USN, HM. A little contemporary politics crept in, as well as business/marketing policy and the huge pay-offs corp.s want for their products & trademarks appearing in films and we managed to talk up a spoof of Barbie & Ken, done part-CG & part-Team America'. Say for instance, Barbie & Ken are graduating HS & reconsidering their future together - Ken wants engagement, then marry during their Jr. yr but Barbie doesn't want commitment yet and wants to explore opportunities w/out being pegged to "Malibu". Shes a modern woman... - Ken thinks this means "She wants to see other 'dolls'(guys)" and decides maybe he should hook up w/'Skipper' or 'Lindsay' for the prom. Peels out in 'Vette in a huff. Their parents are played by the "Barbie:B-Boomers/Granparents" dolls for Barb and the cloying, insipid "Perfect Guy" & "Perfect Girl" dolls seen grinning from discount bins in stores, as Ken's parents. They try to patch up the pair with disasterous blind date situations which take the youths in diffrn't directions, while they look for "themselves". - Barbie gets fed up w/guys she meets @WASP'y family society circle while at a mega-BBQ held @the Bush #43 Ranch(cameos by the C.i.C., Laura, the nare- do-well daughters Barb & Jenna, D. Cheney & Ken DeLay, L. Armstrong & Sheryll Crow,etc.). Daughters actually introduce Barbie to their Texicano friends(played by "Bratz" dolls) and Barbie actually starts dating one of the sports action figures for the S. Antonio Spurs/Sharks(pick your favorite player/or Texas team). Trips to NY for Knicks games, etc. ensue and one way or the other Barbie gets swayed into working for the ACLU and the office of Sen. H. Rodham Clinton... - Ken, meanwhile, is affirmative ax'n-quota'd out of Ivy League college(prior to Supreme Court Educ'tn rulings) and in another, spoiled prep-boy mood hastily joins the Marine Corp with hopes of going to Annapolis. He, instead ends up going to Boot & then with the 1St MEF to Fallujah. His cushy, T. Hilfiger butt gets calloused into new life by hanging with good 'ol G.I. Joe & Elite 12" action figures, while serving with multi-national forces(invariably played by other, un- named brand, 12" action figures found in discount stores & OddLots). After mixed battles with the forces of "Plastro"(opportunistic strongman, best known from the annals of 'Sarge's Heros')who has filled Hussein's power vacuum, Ken gets to understand life for the avg. American svc. guy, who couldn't get sta- tioned at a MEPS w/ daddy's help. He gets shore lv. from the LHPD in Thailand & forever says good-bye to Skipper, Lindsay &...and...Barbie... We ended up figuring you could throw all kinds of pseudo Michael Moore/Hannity & Colms b.s. into the plot to juxstapose the real corporate profits/media buy-out motivations behind even toy companies and do your kids toy marketing at the same time, for all the nostalgic toy lines. Mattel, Hasbro, Whore-money Gold, etc. could only make a killing from nihilistic, satirical storytelling like this. Todays generation would get the humor and us old, Gen-X'rs would get classic toy fansvc. The 2 of us had a pretty good laugh in that Best Buy; considering we both were admitting our concerns for friends/assoc. on deployment after the initial ToyStory chuckles. Heck I'd pay to see Barbie hob-knobbin w/ GW's crew and visiting Slick Willy's NY estate a few scenes later . You think "puppet-sex" would garner an NC-17; how about Ken on 'liberty' in Bangkok? Can't wait for Team America to open! Quote
Skull Leader Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 PSA stands for "Public Service Announcement". It was the little saftety video that was shown at the end of each GI Joe episode (and it always ended with the famous tagline: (insert stupid kid here) "And now I know!!!" (insert random GI Joe here) "And knowing is half the battle!" You really need to look into some of these videos before trying to discuss them (after all, you wanna sound SMART, right? ). Basically a website called took all of these PSAs and edited them for humor. Some of the PSAs are so mangled (see the prom one and kid falling off the cliff one) as so to really look nothing like what it originally did. Using edited footage from each, they re-wrote them and added in humorous (and often vulgar) dialogue. Some of them turned out pretty damn funny... others were not so well contructed. Quote
Vespaeda Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 Ahh...soh Ariga-to gozaimus. Well, guess I was waaaay off topic. Thanks for the explanation. Vesp. Quote
Prowlus Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 wish hasbro were as uppitty on copyright when it comes to transformers too so we don't have to resort to names such as "buckethead" as opposed to scrapper for the new constructicons Quote
Uxi Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 Some of them are downright unintelligible (or just plain unfunny) while others are hilarious. Unfortunatley the former outnumber the latter. Quote
skunkobot Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 First of all a strong glare goes out to McKlown.... (At least TFs have more then one transformation scheme...) But more importantly, and I'm no expert, the parody law does have it's limits. And in this case it's the fact that they're actually using the clips without permissions. They didn't create a new work that parodies the Joe spots. They simply ganked the existing ones and raped them with an unfunny stick. So I think Hasbro may be in the right here. I'd care more if they were actually funny... Quote
Kin Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 *cough*I rest my case. Lol where the heck did that came from? Quote
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