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So I finally got the chance to continue on with my VF-4. I was'nt gonna post till I was finished, but I'm excited that I got so much progress done and I wanted to show it to you all for cheers or jeers. I got the base coats down and the first level of drybrushing. I know I have to sharpen up some of the lines before I lay down a wash. Ultimatly I'm happy so far. I'm building up my confidance before I handle the canopy, I've been concerned about that for a while. I'm not so experienced with vacuformed canopies. Anyway here you go.



Very nice. You raised the VF-4 bar. Yes I'm using the recast, its very sweet. I'm having alot of fun with it. Where did you get your decals? How was your canopy? I'm a little worried I'll take any tips or tricks for the canopy.

  • 2 months later...

I'm waiting for my base to get cut, aluminium bases are a fringe benifit of working at an LCAC facility. I'll give a final shot when the base is cut, until then heres the final product. Cheers or jeers are accepted



poor lighting+little photo skill= doughylooking bottom. Its wierd how lighting makes models look completely different than in life. it looks like cookie dough for a fuselage.



I had a gret time putting this piece together, reaserch was a pain so I figured cannon fodder is about as generic as it goes. The more I thought about it the more I liked it the paint scheme is beutifuly simplistic



I was soo paranoid about doing this cockpit. I dedicated half my modeling day to putting it together. My lack of experience with vacuformed cockpits reared its ugly head put was easily tamed with elmers glue and a toothpick. I am very proud of my first vacuformed cockpit. when I show it to my chums, like a proud school kid, I must point out that its my first.



Here's the last one until I get my base. I urge modellers to seek out this kit, it's a welcomed change from VF-1's and super sleek, but most importantly fun to put together. One last note I'm still struggeling with adding the cannon. what do you all think? it's a sweet looking cannon but I feel it may take away from the sleekness



Very nice build.

Is the canopy frame painted on or is it decals? I used decals, because the fit wasn't so good on mine (the second attempt was at least usable). The canopy itself was good, but I screwed up cutting it. I would recommend putting the cannon on, a Valkyrie just looks incomplete without a gun pod or weapons rack. I used 2 racks of 4 bombs, plus underwing and wingtip missiles.


I painted it by hand. Years of painting space marine minis pay off. I'm good at small details its the big area shading I'm still trying to master, if you could believe it.

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