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This was how it looked like:

Old cabinet

This is how it looks now:

New cabinet

2 things I changed.

1st is the glass doors. Used to be 2 panels per cabinet. But i feel that there's 3 big gaps (2 sides and middle) that allows easy access for dust. So I just buy a big piece of glass to cover the whole front. there's no hinges for easy opening and closing of the door. I just used 6 L-clips to secure it to the cabinet. Yes, it's very troublesome to remove glass door now, but I'm not going to open/close it often. Maybe only when I change the moisture absorber every 2~3 months. Then also take the chance to add in my new collections + maintance of my toys. Plus this way, I'll have no worries of kids in my house. Not mine, my nieces, and those of my friends. No worries of itchy hands.

2nd is the lighting. A real pity. Coz the blue lights is why i bought this cabinet in the first place. But the lights damaged VERY easily. I switched on all the 12 lights for just 1 whole afternoon and already 4 was spoiled. Next day switch on for another few hours, another 2 spoil. And it's very very toublesome to change it. Got to shift and open the cabinet from behind. Initially wanted to buy a more lasting lighting system, but later changed my mind to using LED. A few reasons. Firstly, LED, it's dirt cheap. 2nd, from what I know and experience, LED are very very lasting. 3rd, LED consume very very little power, so no worries on the electric bill.

Cabinet seen in the dark

With a little surround light.

And I also take this chance to connect all my model kits LED system together. So when I switch on the supply, some of my model kits will light up.

PG Wing Gundam

PG Gundam RX-178 MkII (The sword that lights up belongs to PG Zeta)

PG Zeta and RX-78-2

MG Patlabor Ingram 2

I know it's not bright enough. But I'm not keen to install halogen lighting as I fear it'll damage the toys. I just want to have a little background lights for my cabinet.

So what do u guys think?

Edited by jonwayne

Wow! Talking about creative! Where'd you get the LED lights and were they easy to connect? :)


What can we think??

Those cabinets are totally cool... what else can we think...

But yep, I agree with you about the blue lights, they where better, nevertheless, the leds also looks super nice. But it kinda remember christmas eve.

Very nice collection, and very very nice display cabinets you have there.

I bet girls go crrrrrazy when you light up your toys at night...


there's a place in my country that sells all sort of electronics stuff. Got all the connectors, cables and LED there. I initially wanted to get blue LED. But I can only find green and red LED in different sizes and shapes.

now I need to make a more stable 3V power supply.


Nice handywork nevertheless, nice lights (I guess blue leds are difficult to manufacture) and no dust!


Damn..those blue lights look nice....and u said it comes with the cabinet? Where you got the cabinet from? IKEA? It looks uber nice!

And connecting all your Gundam's LEDs to the main cabinet? Ingenius! ;)


very nice...

I have two comments...

1. can't believe you have the gundam stuff in the middle... tsk tsk

2. waddayamean you don't play with your toys often???


Damn..those blue lights look nice....and u said it comes with the cabinet? Where you got the cabinet from? IKEA? It looks uber nice!

Yep, it came with the cabinet. got it at a small local furniture store. not cheap though. kinda regret getting it coz

1) the lights damaged too easily, and they are too tedious to change.

2) the shelf height is not adjustable

3) the original glass door have big gaps, easy access for dust.

have two comments...

1. can't believe you have the gundam stuff in the middle... tsk tsk

2. waddayamean you don't play with your toys often???

haha. gundam still my main collections. and i prefer admiring my toys to playing with them.


I should really take the time and find the money to make something like this... :p

Very nice btw :)

perhaps you want to change the lights to what Wonder Showcase uses,

Thanks Noel. I did consider that setup before. But I can only use small size lighting as the space is limited. Anyway, I'm not looking for an option to light up my collection. I just want a little background light to make the display looks a little nicer.

Where do you live? Where did you get the cases?

I really like the old setup. What you should use are cold cathode tubes. They last years, and run on 12v. http://store.yahoo.com/svcompucycle/ccfltubes.html

I use these on my arcade machine, and have sound activation units for them, they work great.

I'm from Singapore.

Hey, those lights looks great. They might just be what I'd been looking for for the past months. Maybe I'll change to those when I got tired of the LED lights.


Just strip out the power supply and from an old computer, u wont find a better regulated/smother 5 volt supply, and its free!!

Just put a 1K in series with your LED's so that 0.7v is dropped across the LED only (they only need like 3mA). You do get super bright blue LED's.

20 LEDs on for a year will use less power than ur toaster does in 5 mins. And they dont burn out really (unless u abuse them).

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