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The AVP MegaThread

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OK- We're only 15 minutes into the AVP Preview special on Fox, and the director, Paul W. S. Anderson is claiming that 10 or so years ago HE came up with the AVP idea.

They're done with the "where it came from" part and there's no mention of the original comic book from '89-'90.

Not to mention that this Anderson guy sounds like a pretentious twit.

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I was gonna put my comments in the other AvP thread, but since WhiteDrew started this new one I'll play along....

Yeah, wtf was with this 10 years in the making b.s.? The general idea may have been around since Predator 2 (or even earlier with the old Dark Horse comics) but back in 1994 who was Paul anderson? He was nobody, that's who. He certainly was NOT pitching another installment into Fox's Alien franchise.

Other random thoughts...

Why does this movie have to be so...Earth-centric. Before, it was just the Predators comming here to kill poo. Now we're the cornerstone of their entire hunting hierarchy, not to mention thier "mentoring" our ancient civilisations. Blech.

Did the chamber with the skeletons remind anybody else of the hypersleep chamber in Alien?

The new bulked up extreme Predators look like crap. Nice to see P.A. lifted the body armor from the Dark Horse comics too.

The fully animatronic Alien did look cool. Too bad it's wasted in this tripe.

Facehuggers in bullet-time? Gawd, kill me now.

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Dammit and I wanted this movie to be cool. But I suppose I'll find out for myself.

I like the new pred designs....

But a buncha other stuff thats turning up sounds retarded. I was hoping to see this preview tonight, but I'll be on a plane to Texas. Keep me posted on what happens guys. :)

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Facehuggers in bullet-time? Gawd, kill me now.


I think it's funny how they kept saying they wanted to be as true to the original Giger alien and not add colors like in Alien: Resurrection, yet when you see the aliens for this movie they have browns and stuff, and the smooth head crest has been replaced by "treads".


My wife even thinks it would've been much cooler if they followed the original comic over this POS.

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Facehuggers in bullet-time? Gawd, kill me now.


I think it's funny how they kept saying they wanted to be as true to the original Giger alien and not add colors like in Alien: Resurrection, yet when you see the aliens for this movie they have browns and stuff, and the smooth head crest has been replaced by "treads".


My wife even thinks it would've been much cooler if they followed the original comic over this POS.

a) The aliens in the second film had the "treads" a la the Scorpion Alien toy from Kenner/Dark Horse... If its not an exact match, they still had non-smooth heads. Check when Hicks looks above the ceiling paneling... I think that shows it nicely.

b) From what I've heard... "treads" is unique... but I dunno... I thought he was supposed to be some recurring drone though I could be wrong.

On a side note.. when I picked up the AvP 2 pack from Kenner back in the day they had a nice, generic drone with a smooth, clear plastic forehead so you could vaguely make out the alien skull inside.

Both the alien and predator in that pack were as close to the originals as Kenner ever got IIRC... sure McFarlane toys LOOK better... but these are ACTION FIGURES... still intact after years of abuse.

I'd like to see a Verhoven or Raimi version of either franchise... hell even Shymalan could probably do something interesting with Alien or Pred.

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My understanding is that the "grid head" alien gets his markings from an encounter with a predator wire-net, like that poor rastafarian in Predator 2. He's indeed supposed to be a recurring drone.

Now that's kind of cool.

*crosses fingers*

I don't care if everyone else hates it. If it entertains ME... I'll be ok. :)

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Dammit, what's with all the rape?!? :huh:

It deals with an alien species that reproduces through a slightly stylized version of rape, that's why :p

Ew... unless the partner is a willing Ripley... *shudder*

Not that Ripley isn't beautiful in her way, but alien humpin Ripley is not only disgusting... but it kinda... I dunno.... went downhill from there. I mean... the "last boss" in that movie was so lame.

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Dammit, what's with all the rape?!? :huh:

It deals with an alien species that reproduces through a slightly stylized version of rape, that's why :p

Ew... unless the partner is a willing Ripley... *shudder*

Not that Ripley isn't beautiful in her way, but alien humpin Ripley is not only disgusting... but it kinda... I dunno.... went downhill from there. I mean... the "last boss" in that movie was so lame.

I was referring more about the facehugger than anything else, but I agree with you on that sudder bit.

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Not that Ripley isn't beautiful in her way, but alien humpin Ripley is not only disgusting... but it kinda... I dunno.... went downhill from there. I mean... the "last boss" in that movie was so lame.

What, you mean the Newborn? Oh come on, don't be so hard on the little tyke. He just wanted to be loved, dammit. Didn't you hear those insipid cooing sounds it made when it looked at Ripley? Then the poor lil' munchkin got sucked into space through a bullet hole. Such is the nature of the universe. Let that be a lesson for us all.


Edited by bsu legato
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Four letters have caused this movie to become a "maybee a rental" for me: P - G - 1 - 3.

Alien? R

Aliens? R

Alien 3? R

Alien Resurrection? R

Preditor? R

Preditor 2? R

Why on earth did they limit this movie? Oh yeah, that's right... they are marketing it to pre-teens and teens. Extreme to the max! Radical! IMHO the score as it stands is Bad director, seemingly bad plot and reduced gore level to get the PG13 equal not worth my time. I think I'll go see Anacondas: The hunt for the blood orchid instead... oh wait... that's PG13 too... what's next? Ninja playboy sex kittens chainsaw killer party 4? Oh it's PG13 too... <_<

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Yeah, I think the PG-13 is going to hurt it in the long run. I'm no gore freak, but I don't need it edited to shield my virgin eyes either. From what I saw in the preview, all the kills are either

1) off camera

2) rapid cutaway, sos youse don't see nuttin

3) filmed in Pred-o-vision

Maybe they're saving the "meat 'n' potatos" for a later DVD release. Unless this thing somehow does well past its opening weekend, I don't think we'll ever be seeing Alien 5.

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....I hate those who say "This movie is going to suck" when they haven't seen the entire movie. FFS. You know what? Macross Zero episode 5 is going to suck!!! I can already tell! And so is every other film that's ever going to hit the market!!!!!!

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Oh, Oihan... How I wish i could still see the world as your naive, youthful eyes do...


Sadly, this movie just isn't looking to be too good. I mean, this is the guy who gave us Event Horizon, the Mortal Kombat movie and the Resident Evil movie(s).

Face it, he blows.

He's one of those people who thinks "action movie" means rapid cuts, all too jittery camera work and all that crap.

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(reads first post of thread)



It's all opinion in the end. Every post on this board is basically an op/ed piece by opinionated people... take them for what they are, add to them or ignore them. I feel confident that in my opinion for my viewing choices this movie is going to suck. PG13 means no gore, no aliens tearing apart people, no predators ripping spines out and sure as hell no nudity or "rough language" that would upset the children in the audience.

I'll just pop my Scarface DVD in and enjoy the bloodspray and F bombs and imagine they are shooting aliens and predators.

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Oh, Oihan... How I wish i could still see the world as your naive, youthful eyes do...


Sadly, this movie just isn't looking to be too good. I mean, this is the guy who gave us Event Horizon, the Mortal Kombat movie and the Resident Evil movie(s).

Face it, he blows.

He's one of those people who thinks "action movie" means rapid cuts, all too jittery camera work and all that crap.

Did you notice he has a Macross II avatar?

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The only problem I have with AVP right now is that it's PG-13! Where are the gorey deaths that are trademarks of both Aliens and Predator?! I want blood, guts and gore! And not to derail this thread but, Hero is looking pretty lame when it's rated PG-13 and it's got intense swordplay! I was hoping for something like Kill Bill Vol. 1 with Hero. :rolleyes:

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hell even Shymalan could probably do something interesting with Alien or Pred.

Hell, I can see it now.

Ripley returns, waking up in a sleep chamber, being told that she was the sole survivor of the encounter at LV-426, and that she's lost her memory due to her shuttle's crash. Gets briefed by way of showing her her own logs... emphasis on how she hated Ash. Flashback Alien footage of Ash's severed and milk-bleeding head for effect. She's teamed up with more Marines and the obligatory android, and sent again to some other planet with known Xenomorph presence to hunt the buggers down. Ripley voices concern about android. Largely ignored, no surprise. Ripley despondant.

Team lands. Motion tracker goes nuts. Obligatory scene with Marines and Ripley battoning hatches and hiding in some basement, with eerie sounds of Aliens pawing around overhead. Poor focus on Alien sillouettes for "suspence". No one actually dies, much to the audience's dissapointment.

Some dialogue. Android acts creepy. More dialogue. More tension over android. Great but meandering acting. Audience gets impatient and starts eyeing watches. This goes on for about an hour.

Then aliens show up. Hilarity ensues. Marines die. Ripley survives.

Final encounter between Ripley and Queen causes her to be cut!-- spewing out... white blood. Surprise. Ripley was an android herself all along. Random, confusing ending. Aaand fade to black.

Why was a clone android of Ripley sent with the team? Who knows, who cares. It doesn't matter. The whole movie is just contrived and convoluted setup for a Shamalayan surprise ending. Haw haw.

The audience is left wondering WTF, as theater staff sweeps the floor and shoos them out, most of them perturbed and all short 10 bucks.


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My first beef with this move started when they decided to put predators in the artic. WTF??? It was more than stressed in both movies that Predators only hunt on earth on very warm years, because the temperature gets closer to their natural habitat.

I think it is stupid how they plot this movie on present time. I don’t love the setup on earth either. Screw the artic. At least set it in a hell-hot place like Mexico or something.

I would rather have the ‘match’ in a mars colony or something more inspiring than a Mayan pyramid in the artic…

Limbo’s concept for a better AVP movie:

- Mars colony, miners and other crappy low-live metal extraction workers

- Random murders occurring

- Miner ignites random event that ignites alien infestation. Dies with his crew.

- Alien infestation blamed for murders

- Predators are the ones killing humans. Happen to be hunting the same human an alien is about to eat… alien gets impaled.

- Humans keep getting killed by aliens AND predators. Lots of them.

- Aliens mutation multiply faster than they get killed. Epidemic infestation.

- Twisted alliance with predator when hero-chick saves predator from alien

- Random deaths from ALL sides.

- Mad human guy makes a desperate move.

- Chain reaction imminent. Hero-Chick runs for her life.

- Mars explodes. Eight planets left.

- Everybody dies, except hero-chick who escaped in a ship or pod.

- Credits.

- Stunning revelation of an alien egg on ship.

- Screen goes black. Chic screams. Sounds of agony and death.

- The end. Wait for milking sequel next summer.

Edited by Limbo
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there was nothing wrong with the original Dark Horse plot for the AVP comics. why mess with that plot. okay, sure theres no Colonial marines in it, but it would still have been great. Adding Colonial Marines would have made it an oscar contender..... :D

Well, there was that old AvP spec script that's been online for eons. It pretty much lifted the entire plot from the original AVP comic (Peter Briggs siad it was 'inspired by') but I think there were some legal issues with that. And, of course, Paul Anderson has ideas of his own. Dark, twisted ideas. Ideas that...well, suck.

I can even swallow setting the film on Earth to keep the budget down, but they then go and build all of these pyramid sets. That money couldn't make something otherworldly as a setting? How much does this film cost, anyway?

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Aliens and Predator, two different franchises, two different series, two different worlds... nothing in common.. who the fu.k had the idea of such a POS movie???? and the worst is that it's gonna be a teeny oriented summer crap... why did they had to put THE alien in such a stinky piece of sh.t??? honestly, I think this a complete bastard, I don't care if they put the Predator to fight with Dumbo or whoever they want, but leave alone the Aliens, Alien resurrection was enough humiliation to the franchise, I like to think that there are only 3 Alien movies... but now this crap, seriously I think that death penalty is needed for some people with empty brains and no creativity at all.

Sorry for the bad language guys, but it pisses me off to hear that such sh.t is around, I hope that the movie will be a complete failure.

Later folks!

Edited by macplus
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Aliens and Predator, two different franchises, two different series, two different worlds... nothing in common.. who the fu.k had the idea of such a POS movie???? and the worst is that it's gonna be a teeny oriented summer crap... why did they had to put THE alien in such a stinky piece of sh.t??? honestly, I think this a complete bastard, I don't care if they put the Predator to fight with Dumbo or whoever they want, but leave alone the Aliens, Alien resurrection was enough humiliation to the franchise, I like to think that there are only 3 Alien movies... but now this crap, seriously I think that death penalty is needed for some people with empty brains and no creativity at all.

Sorry for the bad language guys, but it pisses me off to hear that such sh.t is around, I hope that the movie will be a complete failure.

Later folks!

well, because there has been like ten years worth of comics linking the two together.... and fan boys have been wetting beds for a decade wishing and dreaming for this movie.

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hell even Shymalan could probably do something interesting with Alien or Pred.

Hell, I can see it now.

Ripley returns, waking up in a sleep chamber, being told that she was the sole survivor of the encounter at LV-426, and that she's lost her memory due to her shuttle's crash. Gets briefed by way of showing her her own logs... emphasis on how she hated Ash. Flashback Alien footage of Ash's severed and milk-bleeding head for effect. She's teamed up with more Marines and the obligatory android, and sent again to some other planet with known Xenomorph presence to hunt the buggers down. Ripley voices concern about android. Largely ignored, no surprise. Ripley despondant.

Team lands. Motion tracker goes nuts. Obligatory scene with Marines and Ripley battoning hatches and hiding in some basement, with eerie sounds of Aliens pawing around overhead. Poor focus on Alien sillouettes for "suspence". No one actually dies, much to the audience's dissapointment.

Some dialogue. Android acts creepy. More dialogue. More tension over android. Great but meandering acting. Audience gets impatient and starts eyeing watches. This goes on for about an hour.

Then aliens show up. Hilarity ensues. Marines die. Ripley survives.

Final encounter between Ripley and Queen causes her to be cut!-- spewing out... white blood. Surprise. Ripley was an android herself all along. Random, confusing ending. Aaand fade to black.

Why was a clone android of Ripley sent with the team? Who knows, who cares. It doesn't matter. The whole movie is just contrived and convoluted setup for a Shamalayan surprise ending. Haw haw.

The audience is left wondering WTF, as theater staff sweeps the floor and shoos them out, most of them perturbed and all short 10 bucks.


Hey! I actually like that movie concept!! Fox should have hired you instead of that hack Paul WS Anderson! :lol:

I'd pay money to see that any day rather than see the kiddified train wreck that AVP has turned out to be.

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Aliens and Predator, two different franchises, two different series, two different worlds... nothing in common.. who the fu.k had the idea of such a POS movie???? and the worst is that it's gonna be a teeny oriented summer crap... why did they had to put THE alien in such a stinky piece of sh.t??? honestly, I think this a complete bastard, I don't care if they put the Predator to fight with Dumbo or whoever they want, but leave alone the Aliens, Alien resurrection was enough humiliation to the franchise, I like to think that there are only 3 Alien movies... but now this crap, seriously I think that death penalty is needed for some people with empty brains and no creativity at all.

Sorry for the bad language guys, but it pisses me off to hear that such sh.t is around, I hope that the movie will be a complete failure.

Later folks!

well, because there has been like ten years worth of comics linking the two together.... and fan boys have been wetting beds for a decade wishing and dreaming for this movie.

I'm aware of the comics... a sad story too.. please.. no more bullsh.t! they sucked too!

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Aliens and Predator, two different franchises, two different series, two different worlds... nothing in common.. who the fu.k had the idea of such a POS movie???? and the worst is that it's gonna be a teeny oriented summer crap... why did they had to put THE alien in such a stinky piece of sh.t??? honestly, I think this a complete bastard, I don't care if they put the Predator to fight with Dumbo or whoever they want, but leave alone the Aliens, Alien resurrection was enough humiliation to the franchise, I like to think that there are only 3 Alien movies... but now this crap, seriously I think that death penalty is needed for some people with empty brains and no creativity at all.

Sorry for the bad language guys, but it pisses me off to hear that such sh.t is around, I hope that the movie will be a complete failure.

Later folks!

well, because there has been like ten years worth of comics linking the two together.... and fan boys have been wetting beds for a decade wishing and dreaming for this movie.

I'm aware of the comics... a sad story too.. please.. no more bullsh.t! they sucked too!

the first one was pretty good, where they make the main character an honorary pred and she goes hunting with them...

not really good, but pretty good... better than this...

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