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Free IPOD Conga line.


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I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, so if i'm not, feel free to take it down.

First off let me say, this is not a scam. Reason being is that I've personally dealt with the company that sponsers this (Gratis) and I've done something similar to this. Thats how I got a Sony DVD player, a coffee maker and a PS2 controller.

go to www.freeipodguide.com for proof and pictures.

There's no catch, its just kind of a pain in the ass.


1)credit/debit card

2)us resident

3)18 or older.

what you do is

1)You follow this link MY IPOD ACCOUNT (which is my refferal link) to the freee ipod site

2)you sign up for the deal, just your name addy and email. Make sure its not hotmail or MSN because people are having trouble trying to verify their accounts with thoughs. I strongly suggest not using your primary email because they'll spam you like nobodys business. Do yahoo, it works just fine.

3) verify your account by going to My account on the user CP (top right) and click on the the "send verification email" link. Then go to you email and verify your account.

4) Complete an offer. This is where is all comes down. They used to have ebay on there but its not there anymore because of misuse and fraud. I suggest Aol w/ musicnet or Real Rhapsody.

-Aol: all you do is sign up, wait for your credit to go through then call them to cancel. They'll probably hassel you to stay on but since most of you guys are grown adults, you'll know how to deal with it.

-Real Rhasody: I have no persoanl experiance with this. But from what I can see, they charge your credit card 99cents for a 14 day trial. Once those days are up, they'll charge you $9.95. So cancel within those days. I heard they credit you within 1-3days.

5)once you sign up and I see that you've signed up on my reffeals list, I'll add you to the Master List which I will create if anyone actually pays attention to this and does it. Just PM me your email addres that you used to sign up for, and once i verify it, i'll put you on the list.

6) Once Mine is done I'll take my name down and bump up the next person. I'll contine you contac the people on the list making sure i keep track of who's done and who's not.

Simple? :blink:

Okay so here's what NOT to do:

1) Do not try to cheat and use differnet addresses with different emails and different names. They check that crap. With the IPs and everything. Straight up CSI.

2)In the TOS, it says one per house hold. So you're wife, sister, bro, mom and pops cannot do it.

3)If you get refferals outside this site, make sure they do NOT do it on your computer. They'll check the IP and the refferals will become null.

If you break any of these rules, your account will be put on hold and there wont be any chance of you getting this offer done.

Thats about it, any questions, feel free to PM me.

If this isn't suppose to be here, feel free to take it down. I just wanted to try it out.

If you're gonna poke fun and say discouraging things, please keep it to your self. I understand there will be skeptics out there...and if you don't believe me then thats fine, just dont ruin it for others.

So okay. Thanks for looking.

Edited by rewooh
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