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  1. Well...maybe not improved....but it is new since the old one vanished like the SDF-1's fold system! List your inquiries on value here! Or...... An easy way to get an idea of current market prices for almost any Macross (or other Japanese) collectible.... 1) Start with the YJA closed auctions search: https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/closedsearch/closedsearch?p=yf-21&aq=-1&oq=&ei=UTF-8&slider=0&auccat=0 2) In the search field enter what you are looking for....you may need to find out the Japanese words for some things...but for most Macross valks just use something like "1/55 VF-1J"...or get fancier by adding "マクロス"...the more specific you get, the more filtered the results....add words such as Bandai バンダイ, Takatoku タカトク, or Yamato やまと for searching specific brands.... 3) Go through the results and select at least a month or two of past sales/closed auctions.....note the final auction sale amount, add them up and divide that number by the number you are using for your sample......that will give you the average final auction value 4) Add about 10% to the final auction value average for proxy fees and local shipping....then add an amount based on the item for international shipping fee to your door...this will get you the price anyone looking for your item can expect to pay "on average" for the item if they were to buy it themselves directly from Japan via YJA...... ****note that this price is usually lower than what you would pay at a shop like Mandarake....the reason is because Mandarake needs to make a profit so they low-ball what they pay customers bringing in their collectibles for sale....basically just like a pawn shop does....so Mandarake prices are not really reflective of true open market prices........with that said, if you paid MSRP or less for an item, then selling it at "Mandarake prices" will most of the time mean you will end up selling for much more than what you originally paid for the item*** Other things to consider are the actual condition of the item, box, status of accessories, original paperwork and decals, and anything else that originally may have been included with the item you are trying to determine value. In my experience, missing or damaged boxes take away up to 30% or more of the "average value". Missing accessories and anything else can remove about 10% for each item missing. Anything broken will remove 30-50% or more depending on how badly or how important the broken part is to the overall functionality of the collectible. There are so many other factors also involved that will ultimately determine the value of your item. It will ultimately go down to how much you are willing to "let it go" for and how much your buyer is willing to splurge on it. In short, if you can determine the "average" value of your item, you will be better equipped to make a deal that will be fair to both you and your buyer and sell quickly. Good Luck!
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