Ready Player One is an upcoming dystopian sci-fi film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the 2011 novel by Ernest Cline (Fanboys). The film stars Tye Sheridan (Scott/Cyclops in X-Men: Apocalypse), Olivia Cooke (Emma in Bates Motel), Ben Mendelsohn (John Daggett in The Dark Knight Rises, Orson Krennic in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), Mark Rylance (Rudolf Abel in Bridge of Spies), Simon Pegg (Scotty in Star Trek [2009], Unkar Plutt in Star Wars: The Force Awakens), and T. J. Miller (Lucas in Transformers: Age of Extinction, Tuffnut in How to Train Your Dragon).
The film is slated for release on March 30, 2018.
Ready Player One @ IMDb