Hello! I am new to the forum, and i figured i would get a project started in order to get myself back into macross model kit building mode, in preparation for the soon to arrive studio halfeye yf-19 I just bought.
So a few years back when the hi metal lines started, i got ridiculously excited about a yf-19 and yf-21 coming out (those for me were pretty much my dream toys) and I felt that the hi metal line was getting stronger with every new toy. To my dismay everyone else in the world disagreed and didn't like them that much, so they cancelled the line and my dreams with it.
So I bought one of the vf-19, even though I don't really like that design that much, just cause it relatively resembles the yf-19. So now that there is no hope in hell of getting my yf-19 I decided to just repaint this toy bacause I just wanted to look better than that crappy blue plactic color. I dont really want to paint it the blue of the orignal mech so I made some photoshop paint overs, over the a picture of the toy in order to decide which color scheme to go with.
At this point I'm just looking for feedback on the paint schemes, opinions, recommendations, reference, any comments or preferences anyone has would be apreciated (choose a number if you like one)